The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 4

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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All characters are fictional and an image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional, with the exception of Steel (Wolfie Steel), who appears as himself. Copywrite 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.

Chapter 4:

Companionship Renewed


I stood and stretched my legs. The sun was rising in the valley in which we resided. The sun's rays shimmered off the morning dew, casting a rainbow of colors. It was a beautiful day, clear blue skies with only a few scattered clouds drifting lazily about.


I know that scent. I remembered it from my early years, although I could not place where I remembered it from. Then it hit me! It was Steel, my long lost friend. Steel and I go way back. I owe my life to him, for he rescued me from certain death when I was a pup. Steel became my parental figure, he took me under his wing when I was in trouble. He raised me in my puppy hood, taught me to hunt, how to live, and how to be happy once again

"Steel!" I shouted in excitement upon seeing him.

"Okami!" he replied, "It's been a while. How are you?"

"Seen better days, Steel, seen better days." I shrugged, "How have you been? Its been a while, eh?"

"It has been two years if I'm correct. I've been good though. I'm lucky to have run into you here, see, I wish to be your acquaintance. I am eleven years old now, and I am tired of wandering on my own."

"Steel, the answer was 'yes' before you even asked. You saved me when I was a pup, so I owe my life to you. Secondly, I would be a fool not to accept your request. You bring wisdom wherever you go, and wisdom is what I need right now." I said. Pausing I added, "Steel... It is a honor to have you here. Welcome to the Mayonian Pack!"

I called the pack together with a long-drawn-out howl and announced the arrival of our newest member. He received a warm welcome and was shown his den.

"Many thanks to you, Okami." Steel said, "As for the deed that you wanted to repay me for," he paused, "Your time will come. Sooner than you expect."

With that he turned and trotted off, to mingle with the pack. His words hung in the air though.

"What'd he mean by that?" I wondered.

I told my mate about what he had said. She was just as confused as I was. Did he know something that I didn't? His words felt like a premonition. Revealing an image of what was yet to come. It was very unnerving; knowing that he might know something of my fate that I didn't.

The pack seemed to be taking well to Steel. Steel was a legend in the pack; I told the story of how he rescued me many times to the pack. He was like a king among his subjects. I was happy to see that out of my poor decision to come to this land, something good came from it too. My mate and I decided to retire to our den. There we rested.

I was about to nod off to sleep, when I became aware of a nomming on my ear. I raised my head and one of my pups, Ornlu, tumbled off. Luckily for me, they haven't started teething... yet. I lay my head down again. He jumped back on me, and resumed his chewing on my ear. Ignoring his puppyish antics, I fell asleep.