Pokemons Gift Chapter 8: Back into The Forest

Story by Vitross on SoFurry

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Ark fulfilled his promise of waffles for lunch, with the assistance of Adair's kitchen. He had planned on taking all of them out to a restaurant, but every one had already stopped serving breakfast, to Terra's displeasure. Adair said he could make them at his house provided he cleaned up after himself and supplied the ingredients. That was what he was doing now. He still remembered the recipe for perfect waffles his uncle had given him a few years ago. It wasn't that difficult but it was time consuming because the batter for every waffle had to be mixed separately.

It didn't take long for the first stack to get served, devoured, and approved heartily by Terra. Ark bought enough ingredients to make several stacks if it was needed, which it most likely was, for Terra hardly left any of the first stack for anyone else. Soon enough everyone except Terra ate their fill. When Ark went back into the kitchen to begin making the next batch for Terra to munch on, Mist followed him.

"You really love her don't you?" Mist asked watching Ark as he mixed the batter.

"Yes I do, I don't understand how it all happened so quickly but all I know is that I love her with all my heart." Ark replied dreamily. Every time he said it his love for Terra grew. He thanked the high heavens that he'd found her.

"I know you do, it was obvious from the first time I saw you. I just needed to hear how you said that, which was passionately of course. I have a question for you however that you may find a bit unnerving; do you need sex in order to keep a relationship with Terra? I want you to think about that and you need to answer truthfully not just what you think I want to hear."

Ark mulled over it. He'd thought about what sex would be like with a pokémon before, many times in fact, ever since he went through puberty he'd thought about it. It was perverted and he knew it, just for some odd reason it was appealing to him. He'd never act on it though, not at the risk of hurting a pokémon, that was something he could never do.

Now it didn't seem as perverted in his mind. Terra and he announced love for each another and now they were essentially a couple. He now felt if Terra wanted to try it he'd go along with it, though he was still a virgin. However they could very well be incompatible with each other, he didn't know how well they could fit together. Terra was around a foot shorter than him and her vagina could be too small to accommodate him. It usually wasn't a problem among humans but he didn't know if it was the case among pokémon, Mating could hurt both of them if that wasn't. The last thing on Ark's mind was doing something that could hurt Terra.

"Even if we never had sex I would still be with her and love her. Heck I've never even done it before so I don't think it'll be a problem for us if we can't."

"It's good that you don't need it, Sex is a very important part of a pokémon-human relationship, but there is a chance it may be impossible for you two as I'm sure you calculated in your head. Do not hesitate to try mating, in fact I need you to figure it out within the week and tell me if you can or not. I hate telling people to mate but it must be done for your sake and Terra's."

Ark fumbled around in his mind trying to think of a response. "But so soon?"

Mist's eyes rolled. -Another one, when will they learn? - "Are you afraid of sex?" Ark shook his head. "Is sex wrong?" Another shake. "Is it wrong to have sex with someone you love?" another. "Then why must you wait for it?" Mist finally asked.

"I might hurt her..."

"You know generally what happens during a pokémon's heat right?" Ark nodded. "Terra's going to go into heat soon enough and you're her mate. Who's it going to fall upon to meet her needs?" Ark pointed to himself, feeling like a little kid being told off by a parent. "So what happens if you're incompatible during her heat?"

"I would hurt her if she mated with me." Ark responded still feeling like a child.

"Exactly, which means?"

"We should mate before our heat to find out." Ark mumbled, grudgingly accepting the task.

"Good boy." Mist jokingly patted at him with a paw. "And don't worry there will be love in it, there always will be love with you two no matter what you do." Mist grinned as she recalled the blessing for two lovers. "You two are lover's now, and no matter how many things happen two you, no matter the hardships you will face. Each day you will grow closer and each day will bring you new happiness in surprising ways. Love her Ark for the rest of your life, you need her as much as she needs you."

"Now go and tell her you don't need sex to stay with her." Mist commanded. -A virgin... but not for much longer I think. - She thought looking at Ark with newfound interest.

Ark cleaned up everything once the last waffle was done and set the minimal extra ingredients into Adair's cupboards. This made him wonder if Mist ever cooked and if so then what? He considered asking her but thought it could be rude so he remained quiet. When he finished cleaning Mist half guided him into the dining area where Terra was sitting.

The expression upon Terra's face and the worry being sent over their link told him that she had a similar conversation with Adair and was now concerned about how long this relationship could endure.

An odd but familiar feeling rose within him, he recognized it as the feeling he felt when he made that "True Oath" a few days ago. Ark smiled, now it seemed he was going to be making another one, but this it was for love rather than vengeance which made it seem all the more meaningful. "Terra no matter what I will always love you, something simple like never mating won't break us apart. I can't imagine a life without you. I love you Terra with every fiber of my being and I swear that I will always love you and will always be there for you, for better or worse." The odd feeling didn't dissipate this time, Ark felt like it was waiting for something.

"Ark, my love for you is as high as the heavens above and as deep as the bottom of the sea. I swear with all that I am that I will stay with you until the end of my days no matter how long that may be." The oath feeling condensed within Ark and then exploded inside him. The feeling spread from him blowing over Terra, and with less force Adair, and Mist.

"That was beyond anything I've ever felt in my lifetime." Adair shook his head amazed. Mist nodded with equal amazement. "Hell I'm surprised we felt it since we weren't even related to any of it. It never ceases to amaze me on how close people can be with pokémon. I'm sure now you have no doubts of the truth of your love for one another."

Ark merely smiled as Terra gripped him in another one of her hugs, secretly wishing he could shrink down a foot so he could be level with her. But rather than worry about that he just let himself be swept away once again by Terra's never ending supply of heart melting love. Once more he found his love for her grow. Even after they made the 'true oath' their love didn't stop growing, he got a pleasant feeling fro the thought. No matter how long they were together, their love would never stop growing.

Adair smiled at the two. "Now I know this may sound rude but I need you two to leave this house at least for the rest of the day and probably tomorrow too. I'm not sure how long she's willing to keep her paws off me after that little display. She get's kind of forward when she see's other people close like that." He gestured towards Mist who seemed ready to pounce on him but was holding herself back while they had guests. Ark and Terra both laughed slightly embarrassed, wondering if they could share the same thing with each other one day.

"Remember what you should talk to him about Terra." Mist said, somewhat unkindly pushing them out the door. Ark shut it behind them and saw, just before it closed, Mist jumping into Adair knocking him down raw passion for the moment filling her eyes.

Ark and Terra held hands and walked together through the city, several onlookers wore pleasant faces at the sight, but most held disgust. Ark didn't care about them he simply wanted to enjoy a walk with his Lopunny while holding hands in an innocent display of love. If someone found it wrong, pity on them.

They stopped walking when they reached the picnic area they were at yesterday.

"I promised you I wouldn't stop the lessons if you gave me the "gift" as long as you were willing to learn. Do you still want to learn it?" Terra nodded. "Okay let's begin..."

Time passed as quickly as it did yesterday when he began their lessons, though this time Ark kept a closer eye on the time. He needed to give themselves at least an hour or two to walk to the forest and set up camp.

After a while they stopped and head out to the forest to find a suitable camping spot, one that was mostly flat, isolated, and with minimal nuisance pokémon. It wasn't too hard to find one to their relief.

Ark set up a small tarp in a makeshift covering for them, it was something he should have brought with before he left the farm but forgot. He cursed himself for being forgetful yet again as he tended to the nightly fire. Terra kept a watchful eye on the surroundings ready for anything that would challenge their presence. Ark wondered if he could ever return the favor, she was the only reason he felt safe enough to sleep at night though he doubted it. She had power beyond what he could ever hope to achieve. A few Zubat flew around attracted by the insects that buzzed around Ark but that was all. He secretly hoped that Terra would have another chance to fight something, she floated around when she did, almost dancing to the melody of battle that was occurring around her.

Ark's wish came true, a trainer appeared and challenged them. He looked at Terra to see if she was willing, he laughed she was already ready to begin despite her injuries from earlier when she fought Mist. The other trainer grinned widely as Ark grunted his acceptance of the challenge, only to have it wiped off not one minute after releasing his first pokemon. Terra cast the trainer a 'is that all you got' look and waited for his next one. The trainer merely fled not wanting to risk his other pokemon.

Terra laughed and went back to her protective watch until Ark called her over to sit by him. He checked her wounds from earlier over and noted that they were healing quite well before replacing the bandages. Much to Terra's displeasure, but she accepted it as it was. She'd be healed sooner than without Ark's care.

"Ark, I have to something to talk to you about." Terra said, Ark nodded and brought his attention to her. She took a deep breath and started. "My heat is coming up next week, I'm not sure how much you know about it but it's going to be a strange experience for us. I have little control over myself during heat. I'm most likely going to be very umm... forceful in my urges. I'm sorry." Terra looked pleadingly at her trainer begging for forgiveness.

"If at any time you don't feel comfortable with it you can always put me back into my pokéball, it won't be a nice experience for me but I'd rather have that than to make you feel uncomfortable in any way." She finished, she had used her paws to say most of it speaking only the words that she didn't know in sign language. It created a kind of shaky half-talk half-sign, but Ark understood it well enough.

"I don't think this will be too much of a problem, it's a natural part of your life. I don't know what it's like for you though; did you want to explain it?" Ark asked curious, now understanding why Mist told him to mate with Terra within the week.

"No, I don't want to even think about it right now..."

"Okay then." Was all Ark had to say, he could imagine what it might feel like based on how the miltank at the farm acted during it, but it probably wasn't even close to the real thing. "Do you know how long your heat lasts?"

"About two days, sometimes longer and it happens every season." Terra said.

"Well it not summer and I haven't had any pecha berries, and I'm pretty sure you haven't done your half. So we don't have to worry about having children we're not ready for. All that remains is to hope we're compatible with each other."

Terra wondered what he meant by summer and pecha berries but came up with the conclusion that it dealt with the mating ritual. "Yes there is that, it could hurt if I tried to mate and we didn't fit." Terra signed hoping he would be willing to mate before their heat so that they could figure it out, but it hardly mattered. She was in love with him and was willing to take a heat without mating for him if he decided that it would be too uncomfortable.

"So... Did you ever have offspring?"

"No... Every heat I've went through produced nothing. I think it's because I'm incompatible with everything except other Lopunny, but I've never been with one that I can remember." Terra said glumly.

Ark remained silent unable to find anything to say. He wondered how many mates she'd been with and was reminded of his own inexperience. Would she be accepting of him in it, or would that be a barrier for them? He put the thought on hold and changed the subject.

"I'm a bit hungry should I make some dinner up?"

"Please do." Terra signed watching Ark dig through his bag pulling out several cans of food, a can opener, and a pot. He opened a two of the cans and set one directly on the fire which Terra wondered at. The rest or the cans went into the pot forming a thin vegetable stew and Ark set it on the fire.

Terra remained silent. Ark grabbed some bowls and served the hot stew. A small pop rang out when they were halfway done with dinner. Ark grabbed a pair of tongs and fished out the can he set in the fire. It seemed to be near the point of exploding from the pressure inside it.

"This is dessert." Ark gestured towards the can. "Once it cools off of course."

Terra wasn't about to question him but was unsure if anything that was thrown into a fire could ever be considered food, much less dessert. They finished dinner up by the time the can cooled off. Ark shakily picked up the can and began to open it cautiously. Steam erupted from it but that was all, Ark finished opening the can and set it between them a scent of slightly burned milk followed it. A thick light brown paste filled part of the can that had faced away from the fire, and a darker brown solid mass filled the other half.

"This is better than I hoped for." Ark said. "This is danger pudding, called such for the way you prepare it which can cause the can to burst violently if you leave it on too long. Its rather simple, but the taste is beyond what I can describe." He grabbed two spoons and fished out some of the warm, thick pudding and popped it into his mouth enjoying the texture of the mass. Terra grabbed the other spoon and cautiously tasted some it was sweet to almost the point of being sickeningly sweet, but the texture was silky smooth and seemed to coat her mouth with sweetness.

Apparently Terra had a funny look upon her face as she tasted it because Ark laughed heartily at her, so much that he spilled some pudding onto his shirt. He quickly took his shirt off before it would stick to him, revealing his upper body to Terra. She stared at him amazed at his build, there was muscle there that male Lopunny never had. It created an exotic desire that made her want to see the rest of him but quickly abolished it. Ark wasn't ready for her she could tell.

Terra announced she was tired and lay down under the tarp and covered herself with her ears, she wasn't cold, just whenever she wrapped herself up she felt safe like when her mother had done the same to her when she was just a child. She didn't know how much time had passed when Ark laid down next to her to rest but she snuggled up next to him and draped an ear around him. She couldn't tell what his reaction was but assumed it was one of comfort. Sure enough comfort ran across their link.


A deafening report sounded shocking the two briskly awake, they looked around dazed, and then another flash followed by another report sounded off. Thankfully the cover held firm preventing most of the rain from hitting them and the pack. They both blinked the sleep from their eyes.

Ark flicked the light on his watch so that he could see slightly, and found that it was slightly past five a.m. Early but not nearly enough to try and fall back asleep, besides he doubted he could with this storm battering at them.

"Not the most pleasant wake up I've had." Ark mumbled as he sat up. "I wonder when this rain will let up."

Terra yawned, and sat up against Ark, feeling exactly the same way.

"I guess we'll just have to wait it out together, as much as I despise your presence." Ark said in a mock despair, shifting closer to the lopunny as if she needed more proof that he wasn't serious..

"Oh no the torture of you being close to me how can I survive?" Terra countered, feeling a bit more awake as Ark shifted closer to her, she responded by flicking an ear at his back, an act that lopunny's used if they loved their partner.

"Oh dear, how will we ever escape this horrible fate, we're doomed." Then they both laughed, unable to keep up the act any longer.

Ark smiled at Terra, even a thunderstorm which usually depressed him was now pleasant in her company. He knew that she couldn't see the smile but still he liked to make the effort.

"This makes me wonder though." Ark mumbled.

"About what?"

"What do you think my uncles response to all this is going to be? He said once that all love is natural, but would he consider this okay? I'm just worried that he won't."

"I think he would be." Terra paused for a second unsure if she should reveal that he'd been given the gift. "He's been given the gift too."

"Huh... It doesn't make sense, he never was close to a single pokémon when I was around, he always seemed like he didn't care about them until he talked with me about being a trainer."

"Speaking of your uncle, can you tell me something?" Terra asked after a moment.


"Can you tell me about your mother and father and why you live with your uncle instead of them like...?" Terra stopped as she felt an immediate hurt from Ark which made her regret asking. It was probably a subject she shouldn't have brought up but her curiosity had overwhelmed her.

Ark's face went grim as he was reminded once more of the painful occurrence with his so called 'family'. "Yeah I will... I haven't really thought about my parents for a long time. They didn't really have a whole lot of money and were living a lifestyle we couldn't afford. Soon enough everything turned on us and we were forced to leave our home and had to sell most of our stuff. Draven helped us out when it happened, he sent some money to my parents to help pay for a cheap rental house but they decided to use the money to head towards the Kanto region (which is across the sea) instead where the cost of living was cheaper. They gave me the option of moving with them or staying in Sinnoh, it took me a while to choose but I ended up deciding to stay here with my uncle. My parents dropped me off here and I've been with my uncle ever since."

"I kept in contact with them, sending letters to them every day. They responded to most of them for a while, but as time went on they stopped answering them as much until they quit altogether. After a month of sending letters without a response, I asked Draven if we could visit them so I could ask them why they weren't answering my letters anymore. He said yes and took me over to their home in Kanto."

"When I got there, they barely talked to me. I tried several times to start a conversation but they only said a few words to me before shifting their attention back to my uncle. I felt as if they didn't really care about me anymore, I had expected them to at least talk with their son who they haven't seen for a while. I finally asked them why they didn't write back to me anymore, they said they didn't get any letters from me. I felt horrible and said that I would start getting the letters insured so they would always get them.

"I did exactly that when I came back to the farm, but they still didn't respond to me. Finally I just stopped, since there wasn't any point anymore. I was depressed for a week afterwards before I finally accepted that my parent's didn't really care about me. Thankfully the Miltank at the farm would listen to me and comfort me in their own way, I don't think I would have gotten through it without them."

"I'm sorry, I wish you never went through that..." Terra said ashamed that she had brought up this bad memory inside Ark, it was made worse by the fact she didn't understand all of it, but the main meaning of his words came through for her.

"It's okay it helps lessen the pain to talk about it."

"I still feel as if I did something wrong with asking you about it."

"You did nothing wrong." Ark felt a question burn through him ."Is there anything you want to tell me about yourself?"

"No, not really." Apprehension radiated from the Lopunny.

"Okay I'm here if you ever want to talk." Ark said soothingly. Trying to coax what ever she felt apprehensive about out.

"I mean, yes there is something I should talk about. Please promise me you won't think I'm pathetic because of it."

"I promise I won't, I don't think I ever could."

Terra told him all about her previous trainer and how she treated her when she evolved, and how she felt when she waited for her to come back around that area. What Ark said was true it did help talking about it, especially now that she knew he could understand what it felt like since their cases were somewhat similar. They had both experienced emotional pain from people that were close to them. When she finished she waited for Ark's response.

"I thought you'd been released after Draven said it, but I didn't imagine that it happened that way. If I ever find that trainer..."Ark didn't finish, but the sheer rage flowing to Terra told her all she needed to know. "At least we can share this with each other and understand it." He shifted closer to Terra as he calmed down, and she draped an ear around him. Each of them felt better now that they had revealed some of their hurt to each other and understood the others pain.

The storm died down after a while and they got out and brushed themselves off ready for what this day had in store for them. Ark started the day with some quick breakfast and wondered what they should do, he knew he should train with Terra to work on their battling skills but also knew that he probably wouldn't go very far in the gym challenge without a decent sized team of pokémon. He talked this over with Terra and she agreed they did need more teammates with them, she was strong but if a trainer happened to challenge them after they just had a hard fight, she wouldn't be at her best and be more likely lose. She was strong but she had her limits.

"Now the question is what pokémon to try and capture. Do you have any ideas?" Ark asked.

"I'm fine with anyone as long as it isn't a male." Terra responded. She didn't want any males in the team other than Ark because of her upcoming heat.

"At least it will be easier to catch them now that I can talk with them."

Terra just smiled. -He's in for a surprise.-

And a surprise it was, Ark found that even when he could talk with pokémon they still were very territorial or afraid of humans, and nothing he could say could calm them down once they decided to attack him. Terra had to dispatch them when it happened. Ark didn't like capturing a pokémon that had no interest in it. He explained this and looked pleadingly at Terra for advice while they sat down and snacked on some Pomeg berries.

"Ark, I think there are few pokémon that really want to be captured. Even I didn't want to be captured before my first trainer caught me. There's only a real desire to be with a trainer after you begin to feel that bond. I think you might have to catch one that doesn't want to be caught."

"I figured as much." Ark mumbled.

Still Ark wasn't dissuaded; he was convinced that there was another pokémon that would accept being caught by him. He didn't care if it was another released one, they were just as fine as regular wild pokémon if not better. He continued to try and talk with some pokémon but the reactions were more of the same. Around three p.m., Ark finally found a Roselia that took mild interest in him and his uncommon ability, but had no interest in being captured. Terra felt bad and also tried to help, pokémon seemed to listen to her better than Ark but still didn't want to be with them and travel away from the forest they had spent their lives in.

"I give up for today on this." Ark said disheartened.

"I'm sorry." Terra signed. "I wish I could have been more of a help."

"It's okay Terra we did all we could." Ark started stroking her ear felling the silken fur through his hands, he noticed a warmth radiate from it and embarrassment from her. "Is something wrong?" He asked.

"N-no nothing's w-wrong with it." Terra said quickly trying to suppress the embarrassment she was feeling but failed. Stroking an ear was something that male Lopunny did with the females they wanted to mate with, though Ark didn't know about it. Somehow Ark's innocence made it all the more embarrassing for her. Almost unwillingly she reached his hand and held it. Thankfully he caught the meaning and stopped stroking her ear.

"Excuse me do you know the way to Eterna City?" A young trainer showed himself to them.

Ark jumped but relaxed when he found it was only another trainer rather than a pokémon after them. "Yeah it's a short ways west from here." Ark said. He didn't bother trying to stop Terra from holding his hand.

"Huh?" The trainer looked blank.

"I said its west from here." Ark repeated.

"Do you speak English?" The young trainer said slowly putting emphasis on each word.

Ark felt stupid, he was still speaking in pokémon's tongue to this trainer. "Its west from here, sorry I forgot I was speaking in my native tongue." Ark said in English this time

"No problem, Thank you." The Trainer turned to leave and glanced curiously at the two of them before heading west.

"Heh I have to watch that." Ark was relieved that the other trainer hadn't asked what language he was speaking before. "It felt so natural to be speaking in your language I guess I got too used to it." "Do you mean that?" Terra asked. "Yeah I do. Everything you do is natural, and now I get to share some of it with you."

"I'm glad I didn't wait to give it to you." Terra then hugged Ark.

Ark couldn't help himself as he returned the warm hug. Every frustration, disappointment, hurt, and fear disappeared whenever he was in her arms, all of it replaced by Terra and her love she gave him. Nothing could break this moment they had together.

"I love you Terra." The words danced off his lips

"I love you Ark." Her words couldn't come fast enough.

Terra felt inspired by some unknown force. She lowered Ark's head until his was level and gave him the kiss he'd given her when they'd announced their love for each other.

Ark's world fell away from the impact, nothing except the Lopunny he had announced his love for remained. He wanted so much to be closer to her to express his love for her in a more intimate way. He felt his body stir in response to the Lopunny. Then just as suddenly everything snapped back for Terra had broken the kiss. Ark was about to question why when Terra pointed.

"Ark, is that you?" A voice behind him asked.