a tail of magic and mystery chapter three

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#3 of a tail of magic and mystery

Chapter three

This day I follow my mistress out to the dojo. The streets are clear except for a lone kitsune. My mistress stops in the middle of the street and I almost run into her.

The other kitsune speaks, "Miss Kino, you have dishonored me and my family. It is time you pay."

"I have not dishonored you in any way. You must be mistaken."

The other kitsune throws a spell at us and my mistress barely has time to put up a protection spell around the both of us.

My mistress releases my leash and tells me to run to safety. I run to the closest alley and watch. I watch as spells pass back and forth between the two kitsunes. For over an hour both kitsunes shoot high level spells at each other. I notice the protection spell that protects my mistress is faltering. It collapses and my mistress takes a spell to the chest and she collapses. I run out of the alley to my mistresses side and the kitsune comes closer.

"Now die, miss Kino."

I cast two spell in quick succession, the protection spell and a low powered fireball to get his attention away from my mistress.

"Annoying flea, you shall die, too."

I stand my ground and cast everything in my arsenal and take the brunt of spells aimed at me. I keep casting spells for a half an hour. Finally his shielding goes down and I cast my final spell, lightning bolt. I turn my attention back to my mistress and cast a healing spell to revive her.

"What happened, the last thing I remember is being hit by a spell."

"Mistress, I protected you."

"How foolish of you, you took on a 8 tailed kitsune all by yourself."

"It was easy for me."

I help my mistress up and we go see the aftermath of my attack.

We tie up the other kitsune and cast healing spells over him. He wakes up and gives a little respect to me for defeating him. We pick him up and lead him to the Nine tail council.

In the council chambers we hear the argument of the kitsune that attacked us and the counter argument of my mistress. And I get my two cents in on the defense of my mistress. The attacker is banished to the mortal plain for a hundred years.

"We commend you, Alex, on your quick thinking. Miss Kino, test this human and see how powerful is he."

She touches my arm and replies, "He is the equivalent to a nine tailed kitsune in power."

I hear several gasps and they say, "We are shocked." Followed moments later by, "By special decree of the council of nine tails, we release you from your enslavement and make you a honorary nine tailed kitsune. Miss Kino, teach this human the spells that he does not know about and we shall decide in where to go from there."

I am lead out of the chamber and down to the dojo. I am shown the two hundred scrolls of spell knowledge and I start reading. I can skip the first twenty as I already know them and I get to reading the twenty-first scroll. I read one scroll a day and practice the spell that afternoon. And that evening I get asked to make love to my mistress as thanks for saving her life. I don't refuse.

The next day, I am brought to the temple with the Kitsune Council.

"Before we allow you to learn the worst of the spells, ones that could destroy all intelligent life on Earth, we must test you and see if you are worthy of them."

"What will this test consist of?"

"Basically a test of character, to see if you would use them. Basically, we push you to the breaking point and see what you would do."

They give me a command word which represents the most powerful spell available.

They begin the testing and I am put into many situations like...

I am being chased by a large group of people with weapons, as they get sight of me the weapons go off with bullets passing by my head. I cast a protection spell only to have it fizzle out due to outside forces. I start to run and I run as fast as I can. I find a place to hide and stay there until the hunters disperse. (I passed this test)

A second test begins with an adviser. This adviser keeps whispering things to me. And I begin to argue against doing these things. The worst thing that they try to pawn off on me is that I should take over the world. My arguments against that would be that there would be millions of deaths from soldiers and leaders that would be against me. (I pass this test)

I pass all the tests and the leader of the high council of Kitsunes speaks.

"Alex, the council has decided that you are worthy of learning all the spells including the secret scrolls, those haven't been read in a hundred years since I was a eight tail kitsune. May you never have to use them.

Time passes and I finally learn the last spell and hope I never have to use it. I return to Japan one year later. Not much has changed. I head for Tokyo and spend a week just eating and making preparations to return to civilian life. I catch civilian transport back to the US and is met by a military attache and driver and I am sent back to the secret location.

Mopsy meets me at the door and kisses me. That is a good greeting. I tell her all about my adventure in Japan and she tells me her adventures. She is surprised of my enslavement and Mopsy want to give me a gift. First she asks me to get a pet rabbit. I run to the pet store and get a cute little rabbit, it is all white with black patches around its blue eyes. I get the rabbit home and Mopsy casts a spell that lasts a half an hour. During this time, the rabbit transforms into something like her. The pet rabbit transforms into a five year old likeness of Mopsy.

"Why are you giving me this gift?"

"I'm not going to be with you forever. I want to explore this world and everything in it. This way you will remember me."

"You shouldn't have, really, you shouldn't have."


"What am I going to do with a rabbit child?"

"She can be your apprentice. I gave her enough power to be equivalent to my power and she knows every spell I know."

"What am I going to name her?"

"I have a thought. What about Alice?"

"Well, she kinda looks like an Alice. Do you like you new name, Alice."

"Yes, sir."

"My name is Alex, or if you wish, you may call me daddy."

"Okay,... Daddy."

"First thing you need is clothes." I cast a spell and create a dress and panties and I help Alice into them.

"Their uncomfortable."

"I know but we need to wear them outside."


"Because we need to hide the naughty bits from everyone."

"Oh, Okay daddy."

"You look cute in that dress."

"Thank you, daddy"

I go to the phone and make a call to General White. I tell him I need to see him. He tells me that he can have a car here in a minute. I tell him he should come to me. He asks why and I tell him I found an apprentice and I want him to see her first. He agrees and comes over that night.

That night the General comes to my house and I have Alice hide in the bedroom. The General asks me what is the reason for bringing him out and I tell him that I have an apprentice and would you like to meet her. The General says yes and I bring out Alice.


"This is Alice. She is my apprentice. My first teacher created her for me."

"How was she created? What was she created from?"

"Magic and a three month old rabbit."

"Can you recreate this?"

"Yes, but I won't."

"We could try to force you."

"I will tell you now, you don't want to make me angry. I have spell knowledge that would kill everything in a hundred mile radius."

"We should test your capabilities. We hardly know what you are capable of."

"I will comply with the tests."

"And what about her, we can not show her to the public."

"Yes we can, I am not going to hide her from view."

"Okay, what about education?"

"She already knows everything that she need to know. For example, Alice."

"Yes, Daddy."

"What the formula to convert mass into energy?"

"The amount of Energy is equal to the mass of the object multiplied by the speed of light squared."

"I'm impressed, but you could have told her that before I came. Can she tell me when World War 2 ended."

"World War 2 ended in Europe on the seventh of May, 1945 when Germany surrendered to the allies and Japan surrendered on the second of September, 1945 after atomic weapons were deployed and used the month previous."

"That is impressive and you say how old she is?"

"Three months."

"She looks like a five year old."

"That she is."


"Yes, Alice."

"I'm hungry."

"We'll eat after we are finished, okay."

"Okay, Daddy"

"We will begin operational testing in the morning. Good night."

"Good night, sir"

That evening I make a big salad for the both of us and with a little patients, I get Alice to use a fork to eat and instruct her on use of the bathroom. That night Alice is arguing with me, she wants to sleep with me and I can't keep her on the couch. Finally I allow her to climb into bed with me and she snuggles close and I fall asleep.

The next morning I wake to the feeling of fur next to me. I usually sleep in my underwear and Alice is in her underwear too and there is nothing sexual about this situation. I have morning wood and I do nothing about it except try to get out of bed to pee. But in doing so I wake Alice. She looks like she doesn't notice the bulge in my underwear. I close the door to the bathroom and pee and she follows me and watches. I stop her when she reaches for my penis.

"Why can't I touch it, daddy?"

"You are too young to even think about touching it. When you are older, then you can play with it."

"When will that be, Daddy?"

"You will know when, little one. Trust me."

"Okay, daddy."

After she uses the bathroom I magically create clothing for Alice. A light blue t-shirt with Daddy's princess on it and a pair of shorts. Then we are called to the vehicle where General White is waiting for us. He takes us to a firing range and asks me to kill the target.

I ask, "How does you want it killed."

"One shot, your choice, please."

I cast Magic Missile and fire it at the center of the target. Alice wants a turn and she fires at the next target and hits the target dead center. I tell her she is a good girl. Then I am taken to a different area and we are tested for range. Two human target is placed a mile away and we hit them with fireball. Then it is the sniper course. I ask that two balloons be placed and a dozen lookouts be placed to see if they can find us. I teach Alice the transformation spell and we start at the start point and transform into wild animals. Me a fox and Alice into a wild rabbit. I cast telepathy to talk to Alice as we walk into the range. The tall grass hides us from everyone. We slowly walk up to the targets and when we get about two hundred yards from the target we fire a magic missile at the balloons. They pop and everyone is looking for us but we are retreating back to the starting point where we return to our forms. I hold hands with Alice and tell her she is a good girl. Then there is the protection spell. I get Alice to cast a separate protection spell and we are shot at with small arms fire then machine guns and sniper fire using .50 caliber rounds. Alice has her hands on her ears the whole time and all the bullets bounce off. Then we are asked to fight each other and I cast a low level spell at Alice and she returns fire. We spend two hours casting spells until we stop for a break. I notice Alice casts spells as fast as I do and she learns fast. I was casting spells that Mopsy didn't teach me and within moments she was casting them back to me.

"Alice, you have been a good girl."

"Thanks, Daddy."

"Do you want to keep going?"

"In a moment, Daddy."

General White asks, "How long can you two keep this up?"

"I don't know, I have never been defeated in battle."

"How many battles were you in?"


"With whom?"

"A spirit called a kitsune whose power is derived by the number of tails he or she has."

"How many tails did this attacker have?"


"And how many does the ultimate kitsune have?"


"And how long did it take you to defeat this kitsune?"

"A half an hour using low level spells like the ones we were casting."


"Yes, Alice."

"I'm hungry."

"I am too. What are the options on how we may eat today?"

General White recommends the Officers mess hall. When we get there, there is several officers that look up at us and wonder about the kid in the costume and they stare.

I catch their stares and ask, "What is so interesting?"

"Nice costume."

"That is no costume, she is real."

"How is it possible?"

"Sorry, it is classified."

"Alice, do you want a salad or a vegetable plate?"

"I'll try the vegetable plate."

I get the chopped beef steak and two vegetables. And Alice gets three vegetables. We get to eating and Alice wants to try the steak. She keeps at it until I give her a little piece and after that I keep a close eye on her for any reaction. For the next two hours I watch her and my worrying is for nothing. During that time we casts spell at each other with increasing levels. I finally tell Alice to stop as my shield is about to collapse and by the look of it hers is too.

"You are a good girl, Alice. How about a treat?"

"What kind of treat, Daddy?"

I ask General White where I can get some ice cream. Lucky for me there is a place just off base that serves ice cream. He offers to bring us some but I want to expose the world to Alice and override him. We travel to the ice cream shop and walk up to the outdoor counter and order two cups of vanilla after getting questioned by the clerk on what Alice is. We sit down and eat our ice cream and listen to the whispers of the other customers. We get up to leave and get back into the car.

"Did you enjoy the ice cream, Alice?"

"It was good, Daddy."

I ask the driver to stop at a children's clothing store and I pick up enough clothes to last two weeks. We get stares when we enter and leave the store. I leave with four bags of clothing. We return home. I turn on the television and watch the local news at six o'clock. Alice climbs into my lap and watches with me. I continue watching television and wait for Alice to fall asleep in my lap. I pick her up and take her to bed. I continue to watch television till the news at 10 o'clock comes around and when it does, the top story is the sighting of Alice. I watch the news and several people that saw Alice called the station and reported her. The station want anyone who has knowledge of her to call the station. I call the station and ask if they want to meet Alice in person. They jump at the chance and we set it up a week later.

The week passes and the camera crew is setting up. Alice meets the crew and they tell her that they only want to ask us questions. I do this interview without a military censor. The interview begins.

"So, Alex. Who is this here?"

"Her name is Alice. And she is a project that I had a hand working with."

"Can you tell me how she was created?"

"Sorry, but no. It's classified top secret."

"How old is she?"

"She was born three months ago. But she has the appearance of a five year old."

"Is she intelligent?"

"Very. My commander asked her several questions relating to history, math and science and she answered questions any college student majoring in these fields would answer."

"What was the point of creating her?"

"I don't know because I didn't create her. She was a gift from my first teacher and I am not going to tell you her name."

"So you didn't create her?"

"No, but I can recreate the event perfectly."

"So you can make more of her?"

"Yes I can but I won't"

"Why is that?"

"I just don't want to, just leave it at that."

Then the interviewer turn his attention to Alice.

"Hello, Alice."

"Hello, sir."

"Are you doing all right?"

"Yes, sir. I love it with my daddy."

"What do you do all day?"

"Daddy teaches me stuff."

"And what does he teach you?"

"I'm sorry but she can't answer that. That information is classified."

I allow the interview to continue, censoring as they go along and the interview ends.

The camera guy says, "The animal rights people might be upset about her creation and might do something about it."

"Let them try, I have a trick or two up my sleeve."

The next morning I get chewed out by General White. All this for an interview. I get yelled at for violating protocol on these matters but I am not sanctioned. I continue training Alice.

A week later, I get a summons from Congress.