Hey Rocky...

Story by Sparkle on SoFurry

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Hey Rocky....

(Featuring Sparkle Shadowpaw!)

((And for those who don't get the title- It's a "Rocky and Bullwinkle reference. For those of you wondering who Rocky and Bullwinkle are- your probably too young to be reading this. ;) ))

The door to the small apartment slowly creaked open as the young wolf entered, dragging her feet, her eyes closed, back hunched over like a certain bell ringer. It hadn't just been a hard day at work. It hadn't just been a long day at work. It had been an excruciatingly long AND hard day at work and she was dead on her feet. She twisted around, kicking the door closed with sore heels and headed straight for her room; last door down the hall.

She was dressed in her favorite outfit, her "ShowTime" gear, as it were. Quite like her sister, Shine, Sparkle Shadowpaw had a knack for bravado, and being in the spotlight brought out the star in her. Her outfit consisted of a large black top hat that she wore over one ear and only half of her head, letting her long, ebony colored head of hair drape down over her pretty face. The hat was specifically important because of the single long red ribbon attached to the brim of it. It was one of the first items Sparkle had ever managed to successfully enchant with a spell and as a result, while wearing the hat, Sparkle could change the color of the ribbon by mere thought alone. It wasn't something specifically useful, but a fun little gimmick and a keepsake none the less.

Her fur was soft, gray, and the color of clouds just before a heavy rainstorm, and her nose was the deepest color of coal. Underneath that hat, were eyes like the purest of emeralds; deep and expressive and shimmering with love and depths of untold sadness. Tonight, of course, they were almost sealed shut, as she made her way down the hall from memory alone. She was a little bit beyond "tired."

Following the top hat in clothing, she wore a bright red tank top, which clung and held her C cup breasts like a second skin. It was a shirt so tight that she didn't even HAVE to nip out for the little buds of her breasts to show though the fabric: they just did. THUS, atop that particular article of clothing and covering over it was a long back coat with tails. The type a ring master would generally wear while in the center of his circus. Just below that, were her pants, which were large and baggy fit; something generally different then her normal tight fitting clothing. (Which she honestly hated, but she wore what she had to, in order to get customers.) The pants were large, black and baggy, wrapping down over her hips, thighs and feet, hiding them completely form view. Along the front , the legs were covered with large silvery metal buckles, which made the pants her favorite of all her butt covering clothing in her closet.

All that of course, was shed to the floor as she stumbled into her room, and shut the door. Her room wasn't that large, but it wasn't that small really. Kind of a medium in sizes. The walls were painted a soft white, with posters pinned all over, from movies to bands to fantasy pictures of all kinds. There was a large desk on the right with a computer, a dresser next to that, and next to that, a set of candy machines and a large gumball machine. Next to those on one side, was a small bathroom, and on the other side was a large walk in closet, which Spark rarely used.

In fact, most of her clothing was strew all over the floor- a nasty little habit she picked up from her sister Spice when they used to live together when they were little. There was a sliding door balcony that took up most of the far wall from the door, and on the other wall was a set of bunk bed that she shared with her best friend and room mate: A young mouse by the name of Margie. Most of the time, Margie was either at the bar, asleep, or at school, working on her degree to become a chef. The two had met while Margie was looking for a roommate, and Spark was looking for someone to help pay her rent, and when they found each other, it was a match made in paradise. She wasn't in her bed however, and it was almost midnight which was odd, but not too out of ordinary. Sometimes, Margie managed to keep hours that even Spark couldn't keep up with.

Too tired to give it too much thought, the wolf drudged towards her bed, dropping off her coat first, followed by her hat, which she placed on the desk. She removed her top, her soft, storm colored breasts spilling free into the open air of her room, and bent over, sliding down her pants with ease. Standing in the nude, she stretched yawned, and sighed. She loved her bar like a member of her own family, but sometimes, work took it's toll on her soul, and she just couldn't keep up. She yawned again, scritched an itch and grasped onto the ladder of the bed. She hoisted herself up, threw a few covers over herself, and closed her eyes. She was asleep in moments.

It was nearly three in the morning when things got weird. Something, made Spark sit up in bed, eyes wide, ears perked. Sounds. She'd become accustom to waking up instantly to anything she head in her room that was foreign to her, thanks heavily to her childhood, and her eyes peered around the overwhelming gloom of her dark room. There was something amiss, and she knew it- but didn't know what. Knowing better then to call out when someone might have accessed her room from the balcony, she cursed herself for sitting up so suddenly. If anyone was in her room, they certainly knew she was awake. Although it could just have been Margie, groping her way to bed, she had her doubts. She peered around once, and as her eyes became adjusted to the light, -or lack thereof- she saw what it was that woke her up. A feeling of foreboding and uneasiness crept into her being. Margie wasn't in her bed. There was no one in the room.

Her hat had toppled to the floor. That was wrong for a number of reasons and Spark slowly peered over her bed at the harmless top hat that sat silently on the ground. Who could have knocked it over? Had she been sleep walking? There was no reason for it to be on the floor at all. No reason at all, and that was what worried the lupine. She pulled herself from the warm security of her sheets and slowly climbed down to the floor.

"Mmmmm...."Spark muttered, as she picked up the hat, inspecting it from all sides, angles, peered into the dark depths of the inside of it, and scratched her head. It was a normal hat. After a through check of the apartment, she couldn't find any signs of a break in, no signs of anyone leaving, and no signs of anything amiss what so ever. Still, something just seemed strange. No windows were open, nothing was touching her hat, nothing fell over- why on earth would a perfectly good hat suddenly collapse to the ground. She peered at it again, and suddenly, giggled to herself. When she had attended high school, before becoming a witch- she'd often preformed magic tricks, and shows during lunch. Sure, it was geeky and didn't quite grab the attention of many boys, but it was something she rather enjoyed...except for one trick- she could do 'em all. The only single trick that ever eluded her, was pulling something from her hat. Something always went wrong, and the trick was always a failure. She chuckled quietly, reaching into her hat, wondering if she'd come out with flowers- and she screamed when a bright white paw grasped hers.

The paw held tightly, as if trying to pull Spark herself into the hat, and a game of tug of war began. Spark tried to drop the hat to the ground, tried to wrap herself around one of the poles of the bed for support, and tried keep herself from being hauled it. She found- to her surprise and additional horror, that she managed to keep herself from being tugged into the depths of her hat fairly easily. What disturbed and terrified her, was when she realized that whatever it was that hung onto her paw wasn't trying to pull her in- but trying to pull itself out. Spark flailed, unable to think of anything else she could have done, throwing her arms about wildly until the hat flew off and smacked against the far wall, toppling to the floor. For a moment, it was a normal hat again, just sitting there, while Spark clutched a paw over a heaving chest, sucking in lungfuls of refreshing air, while keeping an weary eye over her top piece. It moved again. The bright white paw reached out, and groped at the floor a few times, before something else- an elbow, began to pull itself out. In absolute, and utter horror, Spark was frozen to the spot, watching in fixation as another paw reached out, followed by another elbow, followed by a shoulder. Two long white ears, a soft pink nose. Cute, plump muzzle, with a pair of crystal blue sapphires for eyes. Round, full breasts. Pink firm nipples, and a slender frame. Broad, strong hips, firm, taut bottom, soft pink, shaved privates. Long legs, big feet, cute round toes.

"........................you're a rabbit." A far away voice mumbled, as Spark stared dumbly at the bright white bunny that was standing with her top hat atop her head. The bunny glanced over and offered a bright smile, nodding her head, the hat tumbling to the floor.

"...what hell are you doing in my TOP HAT?!" The wolf shrieked. Anger instead of fear suddenly. Angry because she was so afraid, of course. It's not everyday another creature decides to crawl out of something you've been wearing on your head for years...

"Ummmmm, I LIVE there. Duh." The bunny quipped with a roll of her eyes. Spark just stared. Not only did this girl decided to produce herself from thin air, but she had an attitude to go with it. Spark sighed deeply, closing her eyes, still trying to get her heart to start beating again.

"You live there?"


"In a hat."


"My hat."


"....lemme get this straight. You a rabbit. "

"Obviously. "

"Magical in nature."


"And you live in my hat."

"Well, the world inside of your hat, but absolutely. "

"And your...here...now because..."

"I was bored."

"Of living in my top hat."


"....so....wait, you pulled yourself out of my top hat?"

"You're a quick one."

"Sorry, but it's not everyday that a rabbit is pulled out of a hat."

"Heh, you don't know much about magic, do you?"

"Humph! I most certainly do! " The wolf snorted, crossing her arms. She wasn't afraid anymore. No, not afraid, but quite in the verge of irritated.

"So...so what are you doing here?" The wolf frowned, still quite confused and the bunny rolled her eyes.

"Look, It was a long trip, ok. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I've got other needs to fill. So, if I may....?" The bunny squeaked. Hr voice suddenly, changing to more of a plea as she glanced nervously towards the bathroom. Spark slowly nodded her head.

"So...Kora, you're here on a vacation from your world, visiting mine? The wolf asked. The two of them were in Spark's kitchen, both of them sitting naked at the table, while Kora stuffed her face with the salad she'd made. Spark was far to baffled to eat anything the bunny had offered her, still trying to piece everything together, not that bunny's answers had been much help. She wasn't exactly straight forward, and the only real answer the wolf had gotten so far, was a name.

"Your not much for magical travel, are you? What kind of witch did you say you were again?" The rabbit asked, her muzzle filled with lettuce.

"Ahhh, N, no. No no, I'm not much for magic travel. And I'm not a witch that specializes in anything. I just...sorta, learn anything I can. "She explained, while Kora, paused a moment in her gorging to peer at her.

"Interesting....verrrrry interesting. "She quipped, spitting chunks of chewed carrot all over the table.

"What's interesting. " Spark frowned. Kora gave her a quizzical look and chuckled.

"Well, MOST witches specialize in something. Curses, charms, enchantments. That sort of thing. Hell most witches NEED to specialize in something to really maximize their full potential, you know. It's like science. Biology, chemistry. There are a bunch of different sciences out there, but really, people focus on just one, and go with it. You, when it comes to magic...well, lemme put it this way. If a normal magic user were to focus in one aspect, they could learn all sorts of skills, that come from only that aspect of magic. I could learn everything about enchanting if I wanted too, but my knowledge about everything else would be limited. I could learn about enchanting and about charming, but I'd know virtually nothing about curses. What I'm saying is that I can only learn so much when it comes to different classes of magic. But you, Spark, seem to have a limitless amount of potential." The bunny said, nodding her head sagely. Spark just stared. She was doing that a lot lately.

"I...say what?"

"That is to say, you could learn every magic spell in the book, and still have room for more up there." She explained, tapping Spark's forehead. More staring.

"This is a bit much for you to take in, isn't it?"

"Duh huh." Spark mumbled, her mouth slack, eyes wide.

"Sounds like someone needs a few more hours of snooze. "

"Sounds like someone needs to cut back on her Yagbombs." Spark grumbled, standing up slowly. The rabbit frowned.

"Yeah, that's right. I'm having an episode or something. I'm well aware I'm messed up. I must have been drinking tonight, and this is a dream or something. Yeah. Yeah, that's it. I was at my bar...I said goodnight to everyone, knocked back a couple, staggered home...this is a dream. This is me having a hallucination, because I mixed Vodka, Jack Daniel's, Cough Syrup and Fruit Snacks again. You, are not real and I need to get to a hospital. " Spark mumbled to herself and stood up on wobbly legs. Kora giggled quietly, watching the wolf with a little amused grin.

"You must be some part of my brain trying to cope with my traumatic childhood or something. Your...you're my innocence, or, or, a personification of my past, or...or..."The wolf whimpered, rubbing her head. She needed a drink.

"Caaaalm down baby. "Kora cooed soothingly, standing, up, to wrap her paws around Spark's middle gently, holding the wolf from falling over. She seemed like she was on the verge of tears.

"Lemme see if I can make things better." The bunny whispered softly, leading Sparkle back into her bed room. She pulled the two of them to the top bunk, and wrapped Sparkle in her blanket.

"Alright. Here's how it works. There are levels of magic, alright? Lots of different levels. There are kids who perform tricks of illusion. That's level zero. They don't know it, but their playing with the general principals behind illusion magic. Nothing like making yourself disappear for real, but getting there. There are people who can throw fireballs, control ice, ride the lightning....mmm, I loved that album. Anyway, those people are varying levels, but their no where near you hun. Basically, you've ascended to the first level or real magic. I'm talking high level wizardry and what not. You've mastered the basics, you've got intermediate down, your ready for the high level stuff. And that's where I come in. See, I can hop around from hat to hat, teleporting, and transporting myself around, visiting different witches and wizards. I'm kind of a helper bunny for my master. An assistant, still learning myself, right? So, anyway, I'm limited to moving about magical devices, and only can connect myself to beings with high levels of magic. So I'm transporting myself here and there, and I notice, on my map, a point I've never seen before. A brand new point that's appeared. So I figure, my master has added this point to my map as a future spot I'll be headed too soon to collect some ingredients or something. So I can't sleep tonight, right? First night of my vacation, see, so I figure I'll take a walk, see if anyone's up, and why not visit that point on the map..."

"And you ended up in my hat..."


"So your on vacation from this master guy. You end up in my hat, and tell me I'm a novice when it comes to real magic, but I'm high enough to know about it. Like being in some elite club?" Spark asked meekly, and the rabbit nodded.

"Only a pawful of people get as far as you...well, people not born with magic. Your determination to learn and adept to spells is really astounding." Kora explained, rubbing a paw gently over Spark's forehead, pulling hair free of her face. The wolf gave a quiet sigh.

"Yeah, I've had some issues growing up, which promoted me to learn."

"Issues growing up? That doesn't sound so good."

"It wasn't. "

"Ahhh, I'll ask you about it later...you should relax...get some sleep. "

"Can't sleep...this is way to surreal."

"Awww, lemme help with that baby."

Sparkle, was assuming she was going to use magic or something. It was supposed to be a calming spell, a sleep charm, something like that. Instead, to the wolf's ultimate shock, the rabbit knelt down, parted the storm colored thighs, and lewdly pressed her muzzle in-between them. Spark gasped.

The sensations were amazing, the bunny's tongue lapping slowly, gently, along the soft folds of the junction between the wolf's legs. She pressed the pink organ softly over the furred crotch, churring at the scent of growing arousal coming from the witch. Sparkle, arched her back, fingers gripping the sheets of her bed. She scooted her bottom a bit closer, spreading her thighs even further apart at the wet touch of the tongue probing her nether regions.

Kora grinned at the receptive wolf and leaned forward, nuzzling her nose against the female's private tunnel, her tongue dipping into the wet recess and was rewarded with a coat of juice.

"T, that's..."

"Shhhh..." The bunny whispered, reaching both paws around to grasp Sparkle's spread thighs. She thrust her nose into the opening, and churrrred, as the scent and taste that assaulted her senses. Spark gripped the sheets behind her, squeezing her eyes shut, and arching her back. She never figured at five in the morning, she would be having an orgasm thanks to a magic bunny that popped out of her hat....even as she thought of it now (Her body rather receptive to the lovingly warm laps of the lapine tongue) She was planning to get a psyche evaluation. She was crazy. This was crazy. But oh, gods above it felt good!!

She leaned back, moaning quietly as the little pink tongue darted about her privates, the tip of her tongue diving into the hot depths of her tunnel, and dove a bit further with every wet lick. The wolf have a happy right, resting a single paw on Kora's head while she admired the bunny body that was in her view. Lovely curves...a tight, round little bottom, that seemed to be for Spark's attention. HMmm, that would be lovely. She'd bend that bunny over, and press her muzzle into the creamy, secret recesses that she'd have access to.

Spark's toes curled and she closed her eyes again, moaning loudly at that perfect, teasing tongue, and shifted her bottom on the bed, gasping in pleasure as more and more naughty thoughts whipped though her head like a tornado of lust and depravity. She'd teach the rabbit levels of pleasure she never knew existed, and force her to...to...Sparkle's train of thought became derailed at the explosive orgasm building inside of her and she clutched her paw against Kora's head, giving a loud moan.

Kora's tongue was pressing in as far as it could go, washing slowly across the hot inner walls of the girl's privates. She sank more and more of her tongue into that needy opening. She nuzzled upwards, teasing the little budding nub of Sparkle's sensitive clitty with her nose, and giggled when she was at last, she was rewarded with a squeal of pleasure. Sparkle's hips rocked forward, and her juices splattered all over Kora's writhing tongue...

The rabbit grinned, leaning down to examine her orgasming wolf, and frowned once she realized Sparkle had drifted off into a quick restful slumber. No cuddling. Kora growled and sighed deeply. It WAS rather early...but still... The rabbit grumbled, and climbed down from the bed, paws on her hips and sighed. She'd have to come back later...silly mortals. With that, she walked over to the up turned hat, leapt up into the air as if she were to dive into a poor, and slide easily into the depths of the ebony colored hat...

It was around noon, when sparkle opened her eyes and stretched her limbs, groaning at the sensation of sticky fur being pulled apart. She blinked quietly as the sensations of the morning hit, streaming her senses with sunlight, stale air, and quietly chipping of birds outside. It didn't take her long, however, before she peered over the side of the bed, and stared quietly at the top hat that sat there.

It was a dream, wasn't it? The tight, sticky fur between her legs most certainly didn't seem like a dream, but the idea of a magic sex bunny was going to drive her mad. Defiantly something she needed to check with Sugar about. She nodded her head. Yes. Yes, this was something she'd have to tell her therapist about. The wolf slid down from the bed, and padded towards the phone in the next room. She stopped. There was a bowl of half eaten salad on the table, and next to it, a small yellow sticky note.

She leaned over, looking at it curiously, and her jaw dropped.

"Sparkle! Your potential isn't going to go to waste. I'll make sure of that. I'll be back later to check on you tonight- and that's when you can return the favor of me helping you get to sleep. I mean, me helping...you can give me oral! *wink*


The wolf stared at the sticky note for a moment, before she found her trembling paws reaching for the phone, and lifting the receiver to her lips. On the third ring, Sugar's receptionist picked up the phone, and a few minutes later, the wolf was chatting with Sugar herself.

"Sugar...Listen to me...I think I'm going crazy...and it's gonna happen again tonight..."

The end?