The Mayonian Pack- Chapter 3

Story by LoneWolf277 on SoFurry

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WARNING: Read by some before being posted, it is noted that this chapter is deemed depressing. If you do not wish to view such content, please hit the "X" button on the top of your screen.

All characters are fictional and a image of the author's mind and in no way related to or based off any character real or fictional. Copywrite 2010 © Lone Wolf Productions. No part written or digital may be reproduced in any form without expressed written consent from the author.

Chapter 3:



A look of horror spread across the fur man's face. He looked at me with eyes that betrayed his feelings of sheer terror. There was a long pause as we both stared at each other with unblinking eyes. It was he who broke the silence first, reaching down into the pouch, that hung over his shoulder, taking hold of a bullet to put in his rifle.

Seeing his actions, which I knew as a threat, I lunged again at him. His original look of terror returned to his face as jumped at him. His lips parted as if to utter a plea of forgiveness. Those words never left his mouth, I landed on him and brought him to the ground. I slashed, trying to disable him just enough as to allow me to escape. My jaws caught oh his arm and I tore. He reeled back, this gave me enough of a lull in the battle to escape.

With his arm bleeding he man clumsily tried to load another bullet. I was already a good hundred yards out; past the effective range of his gun


The shot landed about ten yard behind my fleeing hindquarters. Danger, though, was not far ahead.


I pause to listen to this new sound. Then, I felt a stinging pain zip across my face. A bullet grazed where my left eye is, leaving the scar I still carry with me today. My fear was of the unknown. The bullet came from nowhere. Knowing that death's finger was dangerously close to me, I ran. I soon found a windfall, which I could rest in. I fell asleep...

I probably slept better than any wolf ever has. My slumber, though, was filled with horrific memories. As I dreamed, I saw my mother fall again. Same for my brothers. My dream seemed to taunt me, asking those questions I so desperately wanted to avoid, "Why did you not come to our aid? Why did you leave us here to die? Why did you betray us?" These questions spiraled in my mind throughout the night. The next dream: Same questions, no answers.

I saw her, I saw her look at me. She looked at me with eyes that begged for help. What I saw next is almost to horrible to put into words. I was looking at those eyes, when suddenly I saw a foot step in front of her face, it was the fur man I battled with earlier today. He stood over her with a grin on his face. He drew from his hip a shorter death stick, pointed and fired. Still grinning, he drew his rifle from his back, aimed, and fired twice.



The same actions were repeated. He stood over my two fallen brothers, drew the smaller death stick, again, and fired twice. My brothers lay dead in the snow, murdered in cold blood. Here, I vowed to hunt down and kill this man.


Suddenly, for reasons unknown to me at the time, I awake. It took a couple of seconds for my eyes to adjust to the bright sunlight. My eyes finally did adjust, the sight before me sent me recoiling in terror...