*POEM* And Suddenly

Story by Glycanthrope on SoFurry

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#14 of Poetry

a poem about writing

And suddenly, here you sit

all hollow and fading

and you wish you knew of more words.

Curious how hours can pass between each sentence

I can't quite reach it and

I can't see

if I put a full stop


no...here instead.

wait! I have to finish this line before I put a full stop


  • and then I wait for another five minutes before I carry on.

I paced the library yesterday while waiting

but I still can't see it

to experience it, I have to remember the circumstances

otherwise I'll read it in one flowing, coherent text

( if I should ever care to read my own poems)

I live my life in between sentences

it sounds cool and edgy, I know

but it's the truth nonetheless

Between two sentences you can experience important events

that last for five minutes -or a month

or you can die in between two full stops

but what I experience between the lines

may lead to something interesting

Or not, It depends.

Here I am, scribbling away because I started to think about it

but shortly, I'll lean back into my chair


think about what I have written

(one hour and fifteen later)

In a way, it doesn't matter what I have written

The only important thing is to write


he who writes may be without sin, but not without life

If the poet is hit by a car, he'll stop writing

If the person next to him sneezes, he might push the hand leading

the pen and cause it to write an erraric line

or that hand will write

"he sneezed"

and while it writes this, something else will happen.

The written is always late

and it always tells about events that have alredy taken place

but very often

it won't say anything at all

I for one won't write everything down,

It would only take up more space

and time

right now I'm only writing

and listening