African Nightmare: Pt 1

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Tourists are sold to a doctor willing to do nearly anything to protect her wildlife refuge. Through their guide's lies, they find themselves in a situation beyond their imagination.

Chapters 2 and 3 are available already at

Salk watched the tourists at their chatter and talk, the guide leaned back against the truck and kept his eyes on them with an easy measure of disdain. He was tired of people coming here to gape at the land as if they were trying to have a spiritual awakening. This was his land, his people, his home, and he was damned tired of playing the wise old guide. It was a role that he had been given as a child, being made to play up his heritage to make people like this feel special. It galled him, but his father had always pointed out that it paid a great deal of money in a time when they were hard pressed to make ends meet. He was expected to make money for his family, that was the way of things. He would spend his life in this role, only getting small breaks in the season as he was expected to talk about old stories and myths to people who would go back to their suburban homes and brag about being out in the wild. Having a real safari.

At least, that's what his role should have been, but he had found a new role in one of the few women that had moved out here that he respected. The doctor had set herself up on a preserve, dedicating herself to making sure that endangered species' were being given a chance at real life. She had bought up enough land to have a preserve that could be protected and was ruthless in making sure that it wasn't harmed. There would be no trophy hunters on her land willing to pay money to kill an aging lion or bull. Instead, she had carefully created an environment that constantly allowed for an open breeding program, with new genetics frequently being offered to strengthen the bloodline. It was there that one could make true money, as long as a person was daring enough.

Salk had learned that early in his youth, when he'd been just old enough to be a guide to a pair of hunters who hadn't cared to follow the rules that were a part of every day life. They had shot a young bull elephant in the prime of his life, taking the beast down without a care in the world. He had been horrified at the time, but his father had been a quick thinker and taken the men to meet Doctor Anne. The meeting hadn't been one to try and hide what the white men had done, but instead had punished them thoroughly for their sins. His father had walked away with a fat wallet and the promise of more to come if he would only find more such men that endangered the preserve and delicate balance of life.

There is wealth to be made there. _ He thought and idly sharpened his knife, yawning a little bit as he heard the family chattering about seeing a herd of zebra. _Wealth to me made here as well.

_ _

The good doctor was vicious in punishing those that went against her, paying a hefty bounty for those that were willing to bring in those that set about trying to cause harm to the local wild life. It was a good way to make money. Trick some stupid hunter and he was paid in a four figure mark that far exceeded what he brought in acting as a guide. The family that had picked him up this time was little more than a loud and raucus group that was causing him no end of annoyances. The two twin boys were recently graduated from high school from what he could say, eager and ready to learn all about the beauty of Africa and the animals he could show them. They were just like the rest, throwing money at the poor 'savages' for a chance to see the Savannah.

It had been months since poachers had made their way into the territory to be caught. They were starting to catch on, but that was making things lean on his side of things. He was pretty sure that rumor warned people away from the area, kept them from encroaching on territory where people were willing to sell them to the good doctor. The animal populations were exploding, but people like him, were suffering. He was no longer able to take on the extra money he depended on and had returned to his time as guide. It was frustrating, making him grow more and more desperate to make ends meet. He wasn't going to spend his life this way, he refused to allow it to take over his life. He wouldn't. Instead, he had his own plans in place ones that would see to it he was wealthy again. The doctor would pay five grand for each poacher given. He had four people on his tour.

Twenty thousand dollars, that would be more than enough to start a better life. _ He thought and sipped his drink as he watched the family chatting to one another. _They are a part of the problem, are they not? A small sacrifice after everything I've had to put up with. Doctor McNickels will never know, all poachers lie. It is a part of who they are and it will be easy to get help taking them.

_ _

~ ~ * ~ ~

The sound of the animal life in the night was loud and strange, bursts of noise that filled the air as the birds and night predators stirred outside the ring of firelight that made up the heart of their camp. It was set up in the middle of no where, as far away from civilization as they could get and Mike was enjoying every last minute of it as he leaned back against the tire of the van and watched the fire. His twin hadn't really wanted to come to Africa for their high school graduation trip, he'd wanted to try somewhere closer to home, but it hadn't been that hard to convince him, especially not when his had been just as enthused with the idea of doing something brilliant for their last hurrah before college. And they were really doing it, they were out in the middle of the plains of Africa, they had seen animals that he'd only ever watched languish behind bars at the zoo, this was everything he could possibly imagine and more.

The fire that crackled cast the scent of cooking meat from it, something sweet that made him lick his lips as he imagined just how good it would taste. He had never eaten antelope before, but they had had the chance out here. He had been hesitant at first, eating another animal that way, but it was considered traditional and was quite good. Everything about the trip had been amazing, including being able to see a pride of lions up close, nearly so close that they had been able to touch them. He was amazed at just how wonderful it was, everything that he was seeing was something he would cherish for the rest of his life. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to live out here. He had hopes of working on his degree in zoology, perhaps even medicine involving exotics, once he was in college. It could open all sorts of doors for him in the future, he just had to take that chance.

"You boys should head to bed." His mother said, her voice a bit thick with her own tiredness. "We have a great deal of things to see tomorrow. Salk has said he wants to take us out to where the cheetahs run."

"You're more likely to need it than I would." Andrew teased, grinning as he broke a bit of a stick he was holding. "We're doing just fine so far. You know, younger, stronger, fas-"

"Bigger heads." Their father chimed in and Mike snickered, stretching backwards a little bit to crack his back. Sleep would be good.

"Maybe we can see if we're allowed to visit one of the villages. I know Mom wanted to see them." Mike suggested. "I heard that there are a few of them that are really welcoming of travelers in this part of the preserve."

His mother smiled at him, her older features warmed and gentle looking as the smile lingered there, making him answer it with his own. He wanted to say more, perhaps suggest that she and their father take a day to themselves, but he never go the chance. There was the sound of something like a firecracker going off, the echoing report making him jump in place even as his twin lunged up onto two legs, his eyes wide and showing a ring of white over the edges. Mike scrambled to follow him as another crack echoed through the air and suddenly there was a flare of lights coming from the darkness. Headlights, blindingly bright so that they were scrabbling backwards to get away before another set of headlights blinded them and the roar of engines filled the darkness. He stumbled back, feeling his father's arm sweep out to throw him back and away as men began yelling and calling out to one another over the din of the car engines blazing.

"GET DOWN ON THE GROUND!" Someone roared the words at them as a third set of lights flared on, they were surrounded by men shouting, lights making them stumble.

His father pushed them behind him, his arms outstretched as if he could protect them all as the man repeated the snarled command and a shape stepped in front of the headlights. There was a gun, a flash of it that made Andrew yell out a warning to his family before it let loose. There wasn't a sound of gun fire, but a hissing noise as the gun fired a rapid series of pumps. The men were still yelling, but that's not what Mike looking at, what he was looking at was the bright red tipped dart was standing out against his father's shoulder. It was a tranq dart, the same sort that they'd seen being used on one of the trips they'd taken out to see a rhino being tagged. He tried to take the dart out, but he wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, not when his mother was screaming.

Something came out from the side of his vision, the butt of a gun was suddenly there and he felt it cracking down against him hard enough that he let out a ragged sound of pain. He saw stars before he realized that Salk was beside him with the butt of the gun. He stumbled, feeling stupid and dazed as the tour guide loomed above him and kicked out to bring him to his knees as Andrew lunged forward. His brother was trying to drive the man off while the stars swallowed him up, dragging him down into darkness as the yelling voices grew louder and he heard the pop of the tranq gun being fired off. He didn't know what was happening, why was his guide attacking them? Who were the people in the trucks? What was happening?

"GET ON THE GROUND NOW!" Salk yelled, the gun brought up towards his mother and brother, that was the last thing he saw, the only thing.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Salk always felt uneasy walking into the doctor's compound, especially when he saw the large cages that were filled with animals of every species. There was no doubt that nearly all of them had once been people that suffered for their crimes. There was no such thing as parole here, no early out for good behavior, nothing that was going to put them back into their human form. Once they came here, they never came back again, which worked well. She was effective. He was sure that the local governments knew what she did and simply ignored it rather than engage in any sort of attempt to oust her. She had a positive impact, one that was virtually untraceable and they would keep their mouths shut as long as she didn't cause too many problems for them. Salk flinched internally and tried to keep the guilt from his face as he saw her waiting for him, he could not be caught doing this, he would not be caught. He had too much to lose from this.

"I hear you brought me a family." Anne's voice was cold and neutral, making him stiffen a little bit as he did his best to make his face one of anger, anger she would understand.

Anne was an older woman, but she looked quite lovely still, her expression fierce beneath the ash blonde hair she cut short for the heat of Africa. She had an even expression on her face, as if she didn't care what she was told or what he had brought her. She was always even keeled with how she dealt with the locals. It helped make her more approachable as she spoke to others and tried to get them on board with her plan. It also made it hard to read her, especially when she spoke about him bringing in a family. It was unusual and unusual was different, but he had brought her others before. She should have faith in him and he would do his best to make sure that only brought her the guilty. The people he had brought deserved this in their own way, after all, they were a part of the problem. They had always been a part of the problem.

"That is what they wish you to believe." He said with a short growl. "I caught them at the edge of the preserve, luring leopards past the boundary to shoot them. They are no family, that is how they fool others."

"Is that a fact?" She asked, her voice lilting a touch to make it a question and he nodded his head, already rolling out the story he had thought up.

It had been easy to get the family off guard and take them down, though the tranq guns had been a wild card. Once they'd been brought down he had taken pains to dress them in something that he thought would sell his story. The rough clothing was just good enough that it would be something someone with wealth would wear, but made to blend in with the backdrop. They were decorated with old trophies of teeth and horns that were less than legal, 'weapons' had been confiscated and he had even gone so far as sacrificing one of the local leopards. It was a damn shame, but it was an old male that was a problem and the loss would only work to make her think that there was real truth to his tale.

"Yes, it is a cunning ploy." He lowered his voice slightly, trying to put an edge to it. "They are two young men, an older man and an older woman. The older woman heads it up, she is the leader. They act as tourists, not even the patrols are suspicious of them. They pretend to be lost and then they strike."

"I haven't heard of many new kills." Anne said slowly as he gestured towards the truck he had brought up to the back of the compound.

"They lure the animals outside of your borders. They are very good, they play the innocent americans. The woman killed one of my men when we tried to save the leopard. The old scarred male." He shook his head, silently applauding his own ability to play up the story. "I have never seen such evil in such a mild disguise. They kill without mercy, they lie without guilt and guile, so many believe them. I believed them at first... I was foolish, Doctor."

"The old male?" Anger, he saw the anger in her eyes as she spoke, the edge of rage making his heart lift. "He has held that territory for years."

"They lured him out of safety to kill him, all for his hide..." He gave his head a shake. "I got together many men to take them down, they are dangerous and cunning, not even our local rangers would stop them. They only see a wholesome family."

"We shall see about that." Anne's eyes were still flashing and he let his own lips quirk up in a partial smile. The money was his, he had laid the patchwork for their story, and he knew the doctor, they wouldn't retain human mouths long enough to convince her of her innocence. They never did.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Mike, mike.. you okay?" Andrew's voice was a little nervous, high pitched as Mike felt his twin's hands shaking him on the shoulder, pushing him a few times. "Please wake up... Come on, please you have to wake up."

Mike stirred slowly, he felt as if he were stuck in tar, he couldn't make his mind work clearly, he couldn't move right. He felt slow and strange as his head was pounding thanks to a bruise throbbing where the butt of the gun had hit him. His eye was swollen shut, while he was able to open the other one slowly. His brother's hand kept rocking him in an attempt to get him all the way awake. It was annoying, and at the same time, he knew that something was wrong. He had vague and frightening memories that were stirring, making him shift and roll a little bit, his breathing catching in the back of his throat while the moment he moved his body a sharp pain lanced across his head and made him whimper. He heard other movement, voices that were softer, more muffled, but his twin's hand remained on his shoulder.

"Are you okay? You've been out forever." Andrew asked, his voice tight and pained. "I thought you were dying."

"No, m'okay.." He slurred and rubbed his head, feeling a bit of dried blood right above his brow. "What happened? Where are we?"

"I don't know. Salk and a bunch of men came into our camp." His twin spoke in a low rapid voice. "They got Dad and mom with a tranq, I was awake part of the way. They took us a compound of some sort of doctor, they took away everything we had, our passports, clothes, everything."

Andrew kept talking while Mike got up and looked around, feeling a surge of terror at where they were. They were in cells, they weren't even in the same cell. Andrew was reaching through the bars to touch him, but they were in two separate cages that were partially rusted iron. The rest of the room was clean and bright, scrubbed as though it were supposed to be sterile. The cages were an affront to it and his parents were in two similar cages across the room, his mother in one corner his father in the other. There were computers and steel tables, cabinets that were locked tightly shut and security cameras that were trained on the room. It smelled of antiseptic so strongly that he wanted to sneeze the moment he took in a deep breath.

This wasn't some poachers camp, which is what he had expected to find, this was a place that spoke of modern comforts and science. As he sat up, he realized that what his twin had said was true, he wasn't wearing the outfit he had been wearing at camp. The shirt he wore was camouflaged and torn around the edges, his pants similarly patterned with a splatter of blood that must have come from the blow to his head. He was also wearing two bracelets that he'd never seen before. Thick worn leather that was decorated with dangling sharp teeth hanging from it, and small carvings. His other hand had only one solid ivory bracelet that looked vaguely Asian. When he glanced over at his twin, he saw that he was wearing a similarly different outfit than they had been wearing. Someone had dressed them all over again.

"Mom? Dad?" He swung his eyes across the vast seeming room, fear rising up in his throat as he saw them look at him.

"Don't worry, we're alright." His mother said, her voice echoing across the distance. "We're going to get out of here, don't worry, it's going to be alright."

"Where are we?" He let fear spark his voice, he couldn't stop it while he let out a breath. "Why did they do this?"

"I don't know, but please, it's alright. We're going to get out of here, just be calm, both of you." His mother answered, her voice as soothing as always. It would have been more soothing if he knew what was going on.

All of them had had their clothes changed, his father looked more than dazed, slightly uneasy while Mike leaned back against the bars and glanced at his twin. There was a hat in his cage as well, one that was ringed with sharp hooked teeth that seemed to have come from some sort of large cat. He'd never owned anything like that, but there it was, looking as if it was a part of his costume. And it was a costume, he was terrified and confused, his head throbbing worse and worse by the moment. Nothing about this made sense, nothing at all. He felt as if he were going to be sick thanks to his head, and still not an answer to be found as he let out a breath.

He started to ask Andrew how long everyone had been awake when there was a sudden sound of a door opening near the far end of the room. He jumped slightly, the movement making him push himself back towards the corner of the cage as people came in through the door. One he recognized easily, their guide had a look that was confident and smug as the eyes swept over him and the rest of his family without any sign of guilt. He was accompanied by a woman in a lab coat, a white woman in her late forties at least, her eyes narrowed and barely grazed over him before she looked towards his mother. There was something angry in the way she was looking, the rage plainly seen on her face as Andrew let out a soft noise.

"Get the woman, she killed your man, she deserves to be first." The woman said coldly and their father made a noise.

"What are you doing?! Who are you? Why are we here?" He stood up in his own rough looking cage, angry looking as the woman cast her eyes towards him. "I demand to speak to our embassy."

"Do you think I am a foolish ranger?" The woman spoke coldly. "You are still wet with blood of an animal that deserved a natural death, but you lured away to sell off and add to your trophies. How long have you been working the edges of my preserve? There are many that have gone missing..."

"I don't know what you're talking about." His mother answered, her voice sparking an edge of fear. "I really do not!"

"Please, it's for our graduation! It was a surprise trip!" Mike called out, trying to get the woman's attention towards him. "We were out on safari with him and then he attacked us for now reason!"

"Is that your story? Plausible, I suppose it has been worked out time and again. You almost look like a real family." The woman narrowed her eyes. "I am no fool, Salk has protected this land longer than I have. You killed one of his men, what sort of family tour kills a man?"

"I we didn't!" His mother responded, but the gave was being opened as the woman stepped forward. "You will make amends for his loss, for the loss of those you took from our wildlife. His men agree with him on what has happened, why should they lie?"

"I don't know! We hired him as our guide! We haven't been in this country longer than a week." His mother's voice was almost frantic. "My husband and I took the twins as a treat, that was all."

Mike could see the woman's back from across the room, the aggressive stance, the way that she was staring at his mother as if she were an insect trying to argue. What had Salk done? They hadn't done anything what they were saying, they had only been enjoying the tours on the open plains. They hadn't done a damn thing! He felt his heart in his throat as Salk advanced on his mother and gripped her upper arm, dragging her from the cage. She had been dressed in a similar outfit from his own, slightly richer, along with something that looked like a lizard skin creating a belt around her clothes. She jerked backwards as their father let out a noise, lunging towards the front of the bars as his wife was handled.

"You may choose her form, a small payment for the loss of your man. And bring up the monitors so that these others may know what it is they will be experiencing as their punishment." The woman turned her head to glance at them. "We will start with her and then the man, the boys can be last."

"Of course, Doctor Anne, I will be happy to choose her punishment." Salk said, there was anticipation in his voice that made Mike's stomach turn. "I am sure they will benefit from seeing their future fates."

"PLEASE NO!" His father yelled after them, rattling the bars. "WE DID NOTHING! SALK! TELL THE TRUTH!"

"They are accomplished liars." The man murmured, mocking with an edge to his voice.

~ ~ * ~ ~

"Why are you doing this, Salk? Please!" Bonnie sobbed as she was pushed to the ground outside in the heat of the compound. "We paid you well.."

"You paid me to help you kill, I do not kill animals." Salk snapped, his eyes looking angrily as the woman was pushed onto her knees.

The hot sun was nearly roasting her as she was placed in a small area that was barely large enough for the three of them, only a ten foot by ten foot space, if that, closed in with tight mesh and the dry arid scents filled her nose. She was frightened, confused, she had been prepared for so many things on their trip to Africa, but this was not one of them. She didn't understand why their guide had turned against them in this way, why he was telling this woman that they were poachers. Nothing was further from the truth! It was outrageous and there was nothing he could to argue against it as the woman let the man shove her down to her knees firmly, holding her there.

Was she going to be shot? The terror was rising at the idea of being executed for something that she had never committed. Her children, her husband, she was shaking as she noticed that there were multiple cameras set up around her, fixating on her form shrank down tight to the ground as she tried to make a small target of herself as the doctor drew something from her pocket that was very like a gun. It was silver and flashed in the light, but it wasn't a standard hand gun. It was something that looked dangerous and deadly, but not in the same way as the bullet. She swallowed, her throat feeling dry, she was nearly choking on the taste of the dry heat.

"This will be your new home, for now, you will join a rarity. Be grateful that I am merciful to give you a chance to make amends for your crimes." The doctor said in a low voice. "You will serve here, creating both life and funds to help those you see as prey for your wickedness."

"I've never hunted! Please! Do I look like a hunter? I am a cook, I work in a kitchen, I don't-" She was nearly sobbing as the woman ran the metal of the gun along the back of her neck, lightly rubbing. "I don't know why he's saying these things. You can check our passports, with the authorities!"

"I have met your kind before, backstories to cover up your greed." The woman sounded dismissive, angry. "We have had a lone white throated monitor for so long, he will be grateful for companionship, and we will be grateful for the eggs that you'll carry for him."

_ _

"Eggs?!" She stammered, her eyes widening before something hissed and there was a sudden hiss of air coming from the gun.

The pain on Bonnie's neck was sharp and immediate, spreading along the line of her spine and causing her back to arch in reaction. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before, hot and cold as it spread outwards while a dozen sharp needles sank in to inject whatever it was the doctor was carrying. She tried to protest again, her mouth opening, wanting to prove her innocence, but the only thing that came out was a groan as fire was rushing through her body. She hunched forward, the sandy texture of the ground hot on her fingers as the tremors rocked through her and caught in the back of her throat. Her muscles were cramping up and contracting strangely as the man stepped back, his lips twisted in a smile that was predatory and frightening as she felt her stomach twisting as if it were going to wrap against her backbone.

Whatever she had been injected with was pouring over her, refusing to let her go, running down the line of her back until she was choking out ragged noises. They were guttural and animalistic as she twisted herself in place and gave a short jerk upwards. The movements made her step backwards, nearly falling onto her ass as the first rippling shudder traveled down her arms. Her fingers spread open as she saw her skin starting to look rougher and thicker by the moment. The twinges of pain turned into swollen heat as she saw her soft pink skin starting to grow more texture, layers of pebbling that ran against her finger tips and ran towards the tips. The pale coloration changing rapidly and darkening as her other hand followed suit. Her body was actually changing before her eyes, she could feel it, it wasn't simply a hallucination.

"You deserve to be a lizard, woman. Crawling upon the ground." Salk spoke, and there was a sick anticipation in his voice that made her jerk her eyes up on him. "I have always wanted this chance."

He was speaking the truth, which only made it more terrible when the doctor came forward and unbuttoned the shirt Bonnie had woken up in. She struggled to keep it as she felt herself changing, her arms starting to grow thinner as the thick scaling started to push upwards towards her elbows and spread towards her shoulders. Her chest was beginning to grow slender, her breasts were pulling backwards and her chest flattening as she felt the fingers reaching down to grab against the line of her waist before the fabric was pulled away. She was being revealed as her fingers lose motion and claws began to sprout right along the tips, pushing outwards as she felt her nipples being brought out into the light and could almost feel Salk watching her as she contorted herself.

She couldn't get up, she felt her legs were changing as her arms became less like arms, and less mobile. The hands were grabbing her waist, pulling at her pants, pushing them downwards so that she felt the slide and pull that showed the curve of her ass. She tried to flinch away, the throbbing heat burning in her ears, beating wildly so that she could barely bear the others as she was stripped nude in the sand and dirt. It was scraping against her drying skin as the texture of scales covered her, pebbled and darkening before her teeth began to grow sharper. She felt them as she moved her tongue and nearly bit the tip of it, letting out a snarling cry and gave her head a wild shake. She attempted to get away, pulling her way backwards a few inches until she felt a hand run down her back.

Salk was stroking her, the man's expression almost lustful as she let out an inhuman hiss and her lips began to then down. A muzzle was pushing outwards from her maw, pushing further and further out from her face as she twisted her head back and forth, choking a noise. It was a ragged and frightened sounding, but she couldn't stop herself as the man tried to touch her. Her hair was withdrawing, pulling away as she felt her body growing both longer and smaller as the fingers rubbed against her scaling skin. He crouched down beside her, making no attempt to hide his pleasure as she grew more and more lizard like.

Her teeth became small and short, her muzzle pushed out as the entire shape of her head changed and she became aware of the fact that her fingers were useless as fingers. Her hands were more paw like, sharp claws and long while her hips gave a sudden popping sound and she jerked as her legs adjusted themselves into something new. They splayed open to either side as she felt the hand sliding downwards to where a tail began to push outwards. She tried to make a noise, but it was garbled, her tongue was growing longer and more mobile by the moment as her bare stomach and chest pressed against the ground. She couldn't stand up, she couldn't get herself upwards at all, she was twisting and writhing, her legs churning, all four of her legs as the man rubbed down to where the tail was pushing out above her ass.

"A good choice, Salk. We've been thinking about the big cats too much lately, it's easy to forget there are more species' that are in need of attention." The doctor spoke with approval, making no move to stop the man from handling her.

She was less than half the size she had been before, but her body was thicker and sturdier, shifting about as the hands rubbed against the base of a thickening tail that was pushing outwards. She lashed her tail back and forth, trying to strike out with a choked sound from deep in her throat before the grip yanked her tail up higher in the air and lifted her hind legs. She was a lizard, the realization terrified her as she threw herself around, rolling on her back as her scaled covered body was partially lifted and the guide's hand moved down to slide against the line her chest and stomach. No breasts, none at all, her muzzled head moved back and forth, flashing wildly as there was a dip downwards that splayed her hind legs.

"Thank you, Doctor Anne, I think it is very fitting. Do you not agree? This is a fitting punishment for killing one of my men." He spoke as if he believed himself while the fingers pushed down and she felt the slide rubbed right along the scaled vent.

She gave another lash and twist, kicking back with a kick of both hind legs. Her entire underside was white looking, the scaling finer there, softer looking as she started to shudder under the constant assault on her body. She wanted to be let go, she wanted to wake up from this terrible dream, she just wanted the man to stop touching her as the fingers dipped forward and curled right along thick lips of her vent and curled forward. His digits were thick and dark, grinding forward and spreading to show dark red inner flesh as he let out a short hiss of pleasure. The laughter filled her ears as she bucked and attempted to get free. Her chest tightened a little before the fingers released with a little bit of a run along her tail, letting her flip herself awkwardly onto her stomach and scramble forward.

Bonnie scrabbled as far as she could get, nearly hitting the line of the meshed fence as the man stood up with a slow lazy smile. Her heart was rapidly thudding, feeling the warmth flushing along her body, warming her. The sun, that had been unbearable, was strangely comfortable now that she was covered in scales. She was breathing so fast she had to open her large muzzle, panting with her tongue jerking in and out of her maw as she trembled. The moment her tongue flicked out she tasted a world of scents, sharp and nearly painful, making her throw her head up in shock. It was scent and taste together, twisted through her mind so that she was shaking her head roughly back and forth, trying to sort it all out. While she struggled, the woman stepped back and pulled a remote out of her pocket.

He didn't know what the remote was for, but the buttons were depressed as there was a humming noise and multiple cameras suddenly turned towards her and the lenses caught the light. They fixated on her as she kept herself pushed hard against the fence line. It didn't matter that she couldn't get through it and escape, all that mattered was that she was as far away from Salk and the doctor as she could get. She didn't even know if this was real or not, had they shot her up with a drug? Was this some sort of vivid hallucination or reality? None of it made sense, she would have never come up with something like this on her own, but it was all too real as she felt the scents rolling along her tongue, her vision entirely different than what it had been before. It was all too real. Everything was too real. She trembled as the remote was pressed again and there was a new buzzing noise.

There was a small door beside the one they had walked out into. One that was obviously not meant for human use gauging the size, though she didn't know what to expect. The door opened and there was nothing but brightly lit space of some sort of enclosure beyond it, not that she knew what it was, she simply regarded it nervously. Her sides belled in and out for a moment, going back to look at Salk who was regarding her with a predators anticipation as something stirred beyond the open door. She didn't know what it was, only that it was moving slowly and with little sound. Bonnie pushed back further, nearly wedging herself against a large half dead tree that had been moved to make a sort of natural landscape. She nearly choked, her eyes widening slightly when she realized what it was.

It was a lizard, a lizard that had the same color she did, but with a larger heavier head and seemed thicker all over. She didn't have a good gauge of her own size when compared to the creature walking forward, but it seemed a good deal larger than herself. The thick heavy body was hunkered down with the head swaying back and forth, nostrils flaring a little bit as a long black tongue extended out to touch the air. It was an extremely lizard like motion as it turned the blocky head back and forth, considering the bright sun where it had clearly come out from some sort of enclosure that had its own naturalistic theme. The tongue flicked towards her and the head went up before it stepped forward with one heavy drag of a foot.

It was all grey and black along the upper portion of the body, with a flash of white along the throat, the eyes coppery red looking as they flashed towards her. The nostrils flared slightly, opening up a bit wider and the tongue flicked out with a little more animation. The powerful movements twisted the tip upwards with a brief curl and then dropped down again as it stepped steadily towards her. Each movement was perfectly balanced and deliberate as it cast a glance up towards the humans, but didn't seem alarmed in the least bit. Instead it snuffled a few times towards them and then swung back towards her. She tensed herself up, her muscles bunching along her shoulders as the doctor made no move to stop the beast as it started to walk towards her, step after careful step.

It looked like a monitor lizard, not quite what she was used to seeing in pet shops, the markings were different and there was something odd about the way that he was built, but he still looked someone like them. His tail was thick and heavy looking, dragging behind it as the long clawed paws scraped furrows through the dirt. The little rakes and drags left trails running over the roughened sand and she felt something bunch up inside of her. It was a visceral response to the animal walking towards her, one of terror and attraction both, that she didn't understand in the least little bit. She didn't understand any of this, and it wasn't getting any better the longer she was being stalked by the animal pacing after her.

"Do you not wish to greet your new husband?" Salk put in silkily, the suggestion beyond abhorrent to her. "He has been waiting a long time for a female."

Husband! The thought made her swing her head up, the rasping hiss that burst out of her was filled with menace, but not a lick of meaning for the people watching her. She couldn't make words with the lizard like muzzle, the thick sounds were barely noises, more just an escape of air that rasped from her. It was useless as a show of force against them, making her shudder in place, her entire body stiffening as he stopped paying attention to the humans and turned towards her. The male lizard was in no particular hurry, the head was swaying back and forth slight, the tongue moved faster. There was more animation to the tongue than the entire body which seemed to have an almost languid air about the movements.

She hissed at it, putting all the force she could as it came close enough that her own flicking tongue could taste the scent of it. There was a sharp almost metallic scent to the creature, wrong smelling and it made her lash her tail wildly back and forth behind her before she bolted forward and towards the humans. If nothing else, the humans would provide some level of protection between her and the creature. Her movements were a good deal quicker than the male, perhaps she really was smaller, at least she felt smaller. She put on a burst of speed that ended with the male monitor lizard giving his own eruption of power and speed to match her own when he saw her trying to escape.

Bonnie's jaws gaped wide when teeth caught the back of her neck, right along the loose skin just beyond the head and yanked backwards, making her twist to one side. She writhed frantically, hissing and spitting as she kicked up sand around them both in her attempt to break free, but he held her neck firmly. The heavy jaws refused to let her up, they only clamped harder when she gave another frantic twist and his weight tried to push over her in a motion that she knew she wanted nothing to do with. The hind paw was grabbing at her tail roughly, trying to yank it upwards, but she couldn't wriggle her way past it, instead she felt the sudden yank and tried to roll over the ground as she'd seen crocodiles do on TV.

She had limited success trying to roll far enough to throw him off, he twined with her, putting more weight on her back than she had ever thought possible. She could barely get in a breath, her muzzle was parted open wide trying to make enough noise the frighten the creature away as he clung to her. The head shook roughly back and forth, but not like a dog, they were short jerky rocks back and forth. They were mechanical, each one frightening her as the pulls to one side and then the other as the weight pushed over her again, fighting to get her free. She tried to twist away, her tail slapping before hands suddenly grabbed her, rough male hands as Salk grabbed her tail base and yanked her around.

"You do not want to face away from Dr. Anne's cameras. You are here to make her enough money to help the poor animals you so heartlessly slaughtered." Was the response, the angry response.

She tried to get away, her forepaws scraped roughly against the ground and the head only yanked back. She could taste the strange musk of the reptile on the air, the biting scent of it making her choke as the hind paw yanked roughly against her tail, pulling at it with wild slaps as his own draped over her in a frighteningly intimate way. This was an animal! This wasn't right! She was disgusted and horrified, and utterly unable to break her way free as the rough pull against her tail was rewarded by Salk releasing her, letting the male yank her tail up in the air so it's thicker appendage could curl around her, twisting and gripping roughly as she hissed frantically.

There was no answer except the sudden slap of the undertail against her own and the heavy forebody pushed her down against the ground. She was pinned, unable to do more than twist and snarl as the rub pushed up against the underside of her own tail, her vent. The rub was rough and twisting, grinding back and forth with a forceful shove that suddenly caught the underside of the vent against her. The drag made her jerk in place, her entire body seized up suddenly in response as she felt something slimy pushing against her with a slide, running right against her vent before she lunged forward again. The teeth gripped down harder, refusing to let her go as panic set in, there was no escape when the tail clamped down tightly and the male's vent shoved against her own.

Bonnie couldn't cry out, she couldn't make any noise, the only thing she could do was freeze as she felt the bulbous strangely shaped cock tip shove right up against her vulnerable opening. It was a shock of pressure and pain both that ran through her like a bolt of lightning as the tail curled up and around her. She was nearly choking on the need to scream out as he opened her up wide and forced his way into her channel inch by steady inch. The wet slimy mixture churned through her as she twisted and contorted, only to have her haunches lifted up by the man she had paid to keep her safe. He exposed her as the pumping cock worked through her, piercing deeper as it swelled open and something else was sliding and smearing against her underside.

A secondary shaft was pushed out, strand of viscous mixture smeared its way against her stomach, making sure that she was coated in the stuff. She was panting slightly, her jaws gaped open wide, wheezing out a breath before he jerked back again, his tail working around her. The former woman had never felt so violated in her life, he seemed to swell to nearly tear her apart as he speared deeper into her belly and there was a lunge and pump. The messy fluids coated her outer vent lips, stretching her open to the widest point, gaping for the cameras that were watching her as she clawed against the ground. She couldn't get loose, she could barely thrash enough to inch her way forward more than a few steps before she was dragged back again.

He used his tail to grapple with her, keeping a steady hold as the cock plunged back into her again, slurping inwards as she felt the other shaft pushing against her stomach. It was leaving smears over her, she could taste the mixture of scents on the air, harsh and abrasive, marking the males breeding readiness. The teeth twisted the loose skin on the nape of her neck, twisting brutally hard as he pumped further into her passage, working his way inwards as the tip grew fatter and heavier feeling and soon she was being ground right up against his own vent. He hilted inside of her with a rough movement, squirting out a stream of precum that was far stickier than anything she had ever experienced before.

"That's a good view Salk, keep her there, not as good as a live recording, but it will make a good teaser for the rest of them." The doctor spoke up as the hands adjusted her again and she felt a hot strand drool down from her forcibly opened body and hit the ground in a messy puddle.

It clung to her as he worked in short little strokes, twisting and kicking up sand in the vigorous assault on her body. She was choking on her own breath, wheezing out wildly, she couldn't think, couldn't move, could do nothing except feel the surging pressure as the cock churned and worked through her body. It jabbed painfully deep, continually swelling open wider. It was all being watched, her humiliation, her pain, and she could do nothing except squeeze her eyes shut as the male gave a flurry of movements, the tail tip whipped up against her side as the cock grew larger and larger, swelling and prying her aching body open to the widest point. It was like a punch to the gut as she felt him throbbing, growing hotter inside of her.

Her own muscles betrayed her, they clamped down in reaction and tightened, holding brutally tight and refused to release him as he gave a short bucking movement, not even able to withdraw as his cock became too large to fit back outside of her vent. His hind claw bit down against her haunch roughly, digging down without mercy as the first, pinching firmly before there was a sudden throb that jerked the cock up and down inside of her. The powerful pulses ran up through her body, working towards the tip before the hot stream of heavy cream poured out of the tip and into her passage.

It was foul and sticky feeling, oozing out in hot rivulets to pour into her unprotected form. She had no defense against it, she couldn't fight it, couldn't scream out, all she could do was jerk and twitch in time with the movements. The cum was pooling inside of her, bubbling up, but it was so thick that it clung in the creases and divots found inside of her. It was building up on itself as she felt the creatures tail twitching in time with its release. The little movements timed perfectly to make sure that there would be no doubt for the film that she was being pumped full of rich fertile semen. Her belly primed with his writhing sperm and it was still pushing inwards from the knotted and locked cock.

"Excellent... Perhaps a clutch of eggs might make you a little more amenable to the camera" The doctor said thoughtfully and then let out a soft laugh. "Not that you'll need to be rebred, you can hold sperm inside of you for months, fertilizing clutch...after clutch...after clutch..."

~ ~ * ~ ~

Mike watched in horror as his mother was changed and violated, he hardly dared believe his eyes, but it had all been there on the screen that they'd been forced to watch. It had been an evening of horror as they had not only watched the change, but the animal take her. Afterwards, the cock had popped out leaving a bulging reddened vent behind. It was a part of his mother that he had never wanted to see, but he hadn't been able to look away from the screen as it had happened. He had felt frozen, though he was not alone, he knew his brother had watched, they hadn't been able to do anything except hope that it was all some sort of digital manipulation and not the use of illegal genetic drugs. It was a hope that none of them felt that strongly about, not when it had been all too real.

It wasn't like it was unheard of to have genetic manipulation, but it was all held by the government and kept under wraps. It wasn't something normal people were supposed to have a handle on. There were international laws set down about what they could and could not do with the technology, but who is to say it remained in their hands? What if someone went rogue and if they did, what if his mother had actually been changed and raped by an animal? It made him want to vomit at the very idea, but it was still in the back of his mind as they had watched the horror show.

He would never forget the violet-red cock that was suddenly pulled out of his mother's body, wet and slimy, large and engorged as her lips had been spread and coated in a mixture of messy creamy cum. It had been horrifying to imagine it being pushed into her. His father had barely been able to speak, he'd only stared with tears in his eyes, not understanding what was happening on the screen. None of them could understand why Salk would turn on them in this way. They had paid him well, they had trusted him, and he was coming up with wild stories about them that simply weren't true. It meant that they spent a long frightened night, one without their mother, wondering if it really were true.

When morning came, the woman came as well. Doctor Anne McNickles, a lean and strange woman that walked into the room as if she were entirely comfortable by what she was looking at and cast her eyes towards the cages. He wanted to hide, he would have done anything to keep hidden away from the probing eyes that seemed to weigh him before she approached him. He hadn't slept nearly all night, though Andrew had drifted in and out at times, he had been too busy imagining just what the future had in store for all of them to sleep well. Seeing her watching him made him tense up as she advanced on his cage and crouched down in front of him.

"Ahh you almost look innocent." She said with a small lilted voice, tipping her head to one side. "It is a shame that you were brought into such a family."

"I am innocent." He answered, trying to make sure his earnestness came forward. "I just wanted to come here after high school, to photograph animals, to see Africa. It was a chance to see a whole continent I've always loved, I didn't do anything."

"Then who killed the leopard? Who killed the man?" She asked, pulling something from her pocket.

"None of us!" His father snarled from the other side of the room. "It was that guide! He was a liar, nothing but a liar!"

"He has lived here his entire life, he has fought with me to drive off your kind. I would sooner believe he was mistaken, but your lies betray you." She said, it was almost sad as she brought out a gun like the one she had used on his mother. "You, you I think we shall do something more traditional."

"NO!" Andrew called out as Mike shoved himself back as far as he could get away from the device, his eyes flashed wildly.

"You can't, please.... Just let us go." Mike pleaded, and the woman reached up to open up the cage door, swinging it open with a clanking noise.

"Eventually, when you are going to do the most good in the wild." Anne said and then moved into the cage with him.

He struck out, his immediate urge was to hurt her, to do something to drive her away from him so he could make a bolt for the door so he could get help. She had done this before, that much was obvious, she moved forward and caught him up with an arm wrapped around his waist and shoved him against the shared bars with his brother. The sudden push let the gun hiss out as it hit the side of his neck and he felt he needles jabbing forward with a sudden shock of pain and fire that made him scream out. She kept the gun against him, pushing her weight against his back as Andrew tried to help him, pushing at her best that he could through the bars, but the drug was already pumping through him, flushing through his body and sending a shuddering rushing over him.

"Remember this, it is easier to behave, to accept your punishment, than it is for you to struggle and be punished. I can be very creative." She whispered in his ear while the throbbing rush flushed over his body.

She dragged him from the cage, pulling him by the scruff of his clothes so that he stumbled and nearly fell down on his knees as he was shaking. He felt sweat starting to erupt along the line of his forehead, his breathing caught in his chest. His fingers balled up slightly as he swayed, trying not to fall down onto his knees. He splayed his legs open wide, swaying a little bit, nearly falling on his ass while his breathing caught in his throat. It was painful as the fever rushed through him and his cheeks flushed a deep dark red as her fingers slid up along the line of his back, rubbing as she drew his jacket upwards and pulled up higher in the air while the drugs coursed through him.

He was nearly falling to his feet as the next spasm struck his stomach and the material was drawn from his body. There was a tug that pulled from his body, the cloth slid up along his head as he cried out and felt a cramp ripple down along the line of his stomach. It made his body tense up with shame as he was exposed, but there was nothing he could do to stop her, he felt as if he were going hot and cold in turns. The base parts of his genetic makeup changing as he felt his teeth starting to curl downwards, starting to sharpen as they went, his arms aching, the bulge of his muscles twitching and cramping around the bones as he hunched forward and let out a guttural call.

He had seen his mother change, but he hadn't been able to imagine that it felt like being twisted inside out. His fingers were pulling backwards, they were growing shorter, stiffening and claws were curling from the tips as he saw them being exposed. The fur was starting to slide over his body, rich pale golden as it flowed down his arms as the woman walked around him and gripped the line of his pants. Mike couldn't concentrate on what she was doing, he could only concentrate on the changes ripping through his body. His lips curled back in a snarl as his teeth grew too large for his mouth, bulging outwards as he felt the twinges running along his tongue.

His breath came out in a ragged noise, panting in short heavy bursts, trying to contain himself as best that he could. His stomach twisted in on itself, his back arched as he felt her fingers sliding along the line of his pants, pushing downwards with a playful curl that made him jump in place. He snarled back at her while his mouth bulged out further, his nose flattening as his fingers grew shorter and thicker, more like paws by the moment. His humanity was melting away as his pants tightened painfully in strange places as the tug pulled and wriggled, working the material downwards over the curve of his ass.

He tried to snarl at her again, the sound fell flat, he couldn't make it stick as he was assaulted with the sensation of the fingers working down along the crease of his ass and dipped under as his pants dropped down to the ground. He couldn't even swat at her as his arms stiffened and became less human, his chest grew deeper as he felt his hair spreading down along the line his cheeks and neck. It was growing heavier, thickening as it went, falling down along his shoulders as he tottered on unbalanced legs. His ears grew longer, rounder, moving up along the sides of his head so he could move them, flatten them while the material was pulled all the way down to his changing feet. His shoes were falling down, tripping him up and he stumbled to one side, almost falling as the woman caught him with a curl that ran up and under his arms.

He was nude, entirely nude, he felt a rush of absolute humiliation through his humiliation as his hands hit the ground. Not hands, paws, paws hit the ground as his muzzle pushed all the way out, his lips thinning down as whiskers bristled and blossomed from either side of his cheeks. He choked out a sound while his cock hung down beneath him, flashing the entire room as the woman moved around him and stroked her hands down the length of his back. The slow smooth stroke pulled down all the way towards the curve of his ass while his legs began to shift. His ankles lifted higher in the air, forcing his weight towards the tip so his toes took the brunt of it. Paws, they were turning into paws, his entire body was being covered in rich pale golden fur that chased down the line of his back and his haunches.

"There, much better.." She purred and suddenly there was a line of leather being drawn up over his body.

He had been so lost in what was happening that he hadn't known he was being moved until it was too late. He was hauled over a spot that boasted thick heavy restraints bolted into the ground. The main strap ran along his back as he felt something pushing out along the line of his ass. A tail, he was growing a tail, it was pushing outwards as his heavy mane fell down along his underside, his entire face robbed of humanity as he let out a coughing roar, his lips peeled back to show his teeth as he was strapped into place, his forelegs dropped down closer to the ground. His snapped his tail back and forth as it grew, his head forced down before Anne reached down to pick up a leather mixture of straps that created a muzzle designed for him.

He tried to get away, his hind legs splayed as she pulled it up, and he felt his cock bobbing lower on his body. It was hanging strangely as his balls rolled between his legs. He knew that his brother was watching him, his father, there was no escaping it as she tied his head down, forcing him to lower it towards his forepaws so that his ass was up in the air. He dropped his tail down, doing his best to hide himself as the woman stroked possessively down the line of his back. She lightly tickled and caressed, running all the way down towards the base, curving along the crease of his ass. It was a forceful grip, one that shocked him into twisting his head, yanking against the muzzle. A lion, god, she'd turned him into a lion.

Briefly, he thought that it was a better change than his mother had been put too, but then he realized that she had massive screens set up along the wall. They were flashing in on his haunches, fixated on him so that he could see the last trail of pale skin visible still all the way up to his balls as her fingers gripped the length of his forming tail and moved I tto one side. The fingers gently dipped down and made a show of rolling the fat heavy orbs back and forth as they began to coat in the fur, growing tighter to his body as he felt her light hands teasing and curling upwards as his cock grew redder as it was pulled back up between his legs.

"Lions are so well endowed here, less so elsewhere, but still..impressive." Anne spoke with a soft purr before the fingers gave a flex and his cock gave a twitch, unable to stop himself from flexing upwards.

The view on the screens were changing, much like they had while they had watched their mother, but at least they hadn't been in the same room. He rolled his eyes to see his twin staring at him, the humiliation and horror on his face not helping at all as he did nothing to stop what was happening. The fingers on his balls squeezed lightly as he saw his cock stiffening in response, unable to control himself as she made it a point to smooth her fingers against him. She silked over the edges, smoothing downwards as the fat mushroomed tip of his cock began to grow darker red and tapered, he felt the ache and change forming as he shuddered and faught not to twitch his hips into the attention of the woman.

It wasn't something he could control as the blood was rushing through him, surging through his loins as his cock grew fatter and heavier, drooping as he grew more aroused as thick furred skin rolled up around the base of his cock. He gave a shudder and cry, trying to protest as he lunged up against the restraints, throwing his weight up higher in the air as his cock was lightly stroked with the tip of one of the woman's fingers. She trailed around him, playing with barbs that were forming, rising up around the tip, overly sensitive so that his entire form tensed up and gave a wild twist and buck forward again. He couldn't stop it, the movement pumped as his cock tip let out a trail of precum that fell down towards the ground, the camera catching it all on the screen.

He folded his ears and squeezed his eyes shut with a groan, trying to ignore the fingers that wrapped around his achingly swelling cock. He couldn't stop himself, his cock tip gave a twitch upwards as the barbs were caught again and startled him with a twinge of pure pleasure. There was no stopping it, his balls tried to heave upwards as the fingers gave a stroke just behind his furry balls, stroking and stimulating them as her finger tips worked right up against the line of his cock tip and he coated it with precum. It drooled down with a messy splatter that he tried to stop, jerking his fingers with a series of short rolling lunges forward. His cock tried to twitch up as the woman actually laughed at him, the sound delighted and humiliating.

"Let's see if we can help you a little bit more, but how reactive! Most males end up useless until they scent a female." She spoke, just adding another edge of embarrassment to him.

His mother had fought, his mother had refused to let herself be simply taken, but he couldn't make his cock listen to him as she let it cock and it was twitching up higher in the edge. The fingers moved behind his balls, coated in precum as they tipped upwards with a little slide that trailed right up along the line of the thick anal pucker. His eyes snapped open and he snarled out, throwing his weight around as her wet finger tip just barely dipped forward and her other fingers moved forward to give a squeeze to the tip of his cock and pumped delicately. The gentle touch pumped back and forth, gathering up the messy spills of precum to smear over the line of his twitching red cock. He worked over the line of his barbs, teasing and squeezing to make his hips roll forward.

He felt his cock hardening further, it made his body ache with need as the finger tip dipped forward to just spread him open. His anal passage spread wider and wider, achingly opening his walls up as his cock gave another twitch up and the screen caught the stream of precum that hit against his stomach. His balls were tightening strangely, his body twisted slightly, struggling to get forward with a groaning noise before thrusting forward. The camera was brutal, showing every last detail of the way his body was roused to the fever point as his heavy furred balls swayed back and forth. She didn't pump his cock strongly, she used a light touch, making sure that he didn't get what he needed as her finger pushed into his pucker, forcing his tail up higher in the air.

He snarled, the twisted sound of his voice rising in the air as he leaned his head back and gave a short thrust forward. The movement was wild and short, his cock was throbbing and twitching, filling out as the barbs lifted up before her finger pushed inwards with just enough force to slide right along the ridge of his prostate. It was a shock of sensation, the sudden grind and slide made his entire body jerk forward. His thrusts moving forward with a series of wild thrusts against his own stomach, bobbing and smearing in against the line of his stomach. He was coating himself with a heavy sticky slathering of precum while his balls started to pull upwards. He tightened and splayed his hind legs while the fingers pulled backwards with a drag that tugged along the anal ring, pumping and pushing right against his prostate again.

He felt on fire, the need was consuming him, refusing to let him fight it, he was humiliating himself, showing off to his father and brother, to the cameras that were showing him. He was displaying himself while he gave a short series of movements and twists and the finger plunge dforward again. The fingers forced forward with a grind against her prostate, stimulating him so that his barbs began to rouse up. He saw them on the screen, the aching swell of his body was causing him to breathe faster and fold his ears tight to his head. This was worse, somehow, than what his mother had gone through. It looked as if he wanted this, as if he were enjoying it. It was his own body betraying him, refusing to let him go as the finger twisted right inside of him again.

The sudden turn caused him to yowl out his balls tightened up, he felt the pressure building as he choked out loudly and then the finger drew back again. It barely grazed the line of his prostate, just a light stimulating touch, making sure that he was left shaking in place. His nostrils flared wide, gulping down breath after breath, unable to stop the pleasure that was building in his aching balls as he gave another thrust forward. The powerful rolls of his hips wobbled his balls back and forth as his breathing started to come out in short heavy bursts. They were letting out a series of noises, animalistic noises as the screen flared closer, showing his barbed cock and the way his balls were pulling upwards in the air. They were tightening as he felt the need build.

His claws curled out from his paws as he let out a ragged roar, a burst of noise before the finger suddenly pulled back and pinched firmly right behind his balls. The shock of sensation made him freeze, the pressure bursting to a nearly painful point, body jerking in place, twitching on the cusp of orgasm, trying to cum as his hips gave a series of wild pumps forward. Her hands slipped away, the taunting touches that moments before he had wanted to shove away from him left entirely, his body shaking in place. He felt the burn of need that was growing worse and worse by the moment. His lips parted and he squirmed, lunging against the leather as the fingers moved forward to slide right along the curve of the ass cheeks.

She stroked him, not where he wanted, but delicately ran against the line of his back, leaving his cock hanging down painfully hard, his balls nearly aching with the need to cum. They were trying to twitch up, but there wasn't enough sensation for him to go as he felt he pressure spreading along the line of his belly. His wheezing breath came out in short bursts as he opened his eyes and saw his aching cock twitching on the screen. The precum was webbed between his cock tip and his belly as he whimpered out. The sound was low and pleading as the fingers tickled right along the base of his tail, tickling lightly back and forth as he shoved his ass up in the air higher. The camera watched closely, vividly staring at his body, showing off his arousal, showing just how badly he had reacted. As if he had wanted this, enjoyed it, the mortified part of him wasn't even enough to make him calm down.

"We don't want to waste that so soon." Anne murmured at him, standing up with a slight smile teasing the corners of her lips. "After all, I am sure one of your 'family' members will be all too happy to help you with that, hmm?"

Her eyes were looking towards the cages, the interest in them made him feel a pang of guilt and he looked to one side. He could see his twin staring at him, the horror and pity making him feel even worse. His cock remained out, eager and ready, unfulfilled as the woman stroked his ass again and made him lift his tail, trying to keep it down tight to his ass, but he couldn't. Not even when the woman stepped around him and brought out the silver injection gun again. Readying it for her next victim. The question was...who?