Groot: Chapter 7

Story by Aeturnus on SoFurry

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Troid returns to his hut and informs his friend, Netel, about the conversation he had with Triest. They agree what the young man said does put an interesting spin on Lider's plan.

After walking around his camp and seeing everybody's hard at work, Lider informs Sombra they're traveling to Groot and what he has plans when it comes to his pack.

Sombra is loosely based off of character, Shade.


Troid watches Triest from the shadows. It surprises him just how nice the young man is, but doesn't see why so many people call him a simithe. The kahu had no problem understanding the mutum, plus he seems bright enough, and today is the first time they met. The pagka thinks about what he said and shakes his head. He finds it hard to believe there are nice sergals, not after everything they've done to non-sergals.

He lost everything in his hometown because of sergals, and had no choice but to live in the woods. During that time he met a loup named Lider, and it was through him he made his way to Groot. Although he isn't part of Lider's pack, he does have to assist the pagka whenever he's in town. It's the agreement he made when the loup gave him a home.

Troid frowns as he approaches his hut. The place serves as a constant reminder on how much he lost. He went from living in a house full of luxury to one that's made out of stick and mud. The place only has two rooms. The kahu studies what Triest lives in, and realizes he lives in a mansion compared to everybody else. That does explain why most pagkas and mutums don't care for Triest. The kahu shakes his head. He won't follow in their footsteps. Troid enters his home to find Netel pulling a loaf of apple and cinnamon bread out of the oven.

He met Netel the day he arrived at Groot, and just like with him, she isn't part of the loup's pack, but does have to offer assistance whenever Lider asks for it. At least the lupine is respectful enough not to use her for sex. Unlike him, however, her dislike for sergals isn't as strong. Netel has no love for them, but she'd rather not do anything that may make things worse for other pagkas and mutums.

The kahu smirks. He lost count on how often Netel put the moves on whenever she's in the mood, and each time he turned her down. Troid does find her attractive, but he never had any desire to have sex with his own kind. He always had a thing for mutums, male and female, but he has yet to find one in Groot he can use. Troid chews on his tongue and looks over his shoulder. Perhaps he can trick Triest into giving him what he wants.

"Hey, I've a question," Troid closes and locks the door behind him. "How'd you and Triest meet?"

"What!?" Netel fixes her blue eyes on the kahu. "How'd you learn that?"

"Guess where I just came from. Now answer the question."

"Oh. We crossed paths one day and he invited me for lunch, and we talked. Now, what made you go see him?"

"Just wanted to meet him myself. He's an interesting person, but he's also no simithe."

"I'd've told you that, but you also seem confused. What else he say?"

"Before I say, did he mention his sergal friends?"

"He hinted at it. Why?"

"What he said regarding this Milis, or more like her mum," the kahu said. "Triest said things our leader never said."

"Okay, now I have to hear," Netel said.

"Apparently Milis' mum was killed through betrayal, and by her own kind. General Baas-"

"Wait, hold on. General Baas killed his own during the war?"

"Triest never said, but he did say that bastard was behind it," Troid mentions his conversation with the young man.

"That defiantly put an interesting spin on Lider's cause. I've little love for sergals, but I ain't going to harm potential allies. Question is, will you go through with this deal?"

"I do. It's only right since he'll allow me to use his tub and eat his food. He also wants to see you too."

"No surprise there," Netel grins. "You ain't going to use him, right? I know you're soft towards mutums."

"I'm debating it," the kahu returns the grin. "Any word regarding you know who?"

"I received one, yes. We're to expect Lider, Sombra and a few others soon. They're ain't sure when they'll arrive."

"Terrific. I may tell him about my conversation with Triest, but I don't want him to ask the mutum to join his pack."

"Ain't our call. Never know. Triest may have some impact on Lider as he had on you."

"Doubt it. Loups are rather stubborn."

"So true," Netel drags Troid to the table and points to a chair. "Enough on that. As you see, I've made homemade bread. Hope you've room."

"I've always got room for yer goods," the kahu said.

Troid's mouth waters as he watches the black and white heiser cut the loaf into slices. It's no secret Netel loves to bake, and it sounds like she had her own bakery. Sergals may have taken her store, but it's obvious they can't destroy her love of baking breads and cakes. The kahu spreads butter on a slice and bites into it. The bread's nice and warm, and it tastes wonderful. This was the only thing missing from Triest's breakfast.


A group of nomads live five miles away from Groot. They all have one thing in common, and it involves how miserable their lives have become since the war came to an end. Most of the pagkas and mutums range between the ages of eight and forty, and are ready to spill sergal blood once their alpha gives them the order. The rest are either too young and/or too old to fight, but they do what they can to assist the others. A small number do live in Groot and neighboring towns, and they're to provide shelter whenever the alpha, the second command and those who join them whenever they drop in for a visit.

They're always on the move. Their alpha and his second command scouts ahead in order to find a good hiding spot, and then it's their job to break down and set up camp. How long they stay in the area depends on food and water. They've been at their current location for seven days, and know it's only a matter of time until they have to pack up and move. The nomads have yet to be discovered, and with any luck it'll stay that way.

A dark grey loup walks around his encampment to see what his pack is up to, and from the looks of things they're busy cleaning and going over weapons, mending clothes and teaching the youngsters the basics. Good. He likes seeing everybody hard at work. The alpha sees two ten year olds practice sword fighting, and watches them for a little bit before giving the teenagers a couple of pointers. They use what he taught them and thank him by name, Lider.

The thirty-one year old loup stares at a mountain range that's off in the distance. In his eyes, Spitze could've won if it hadn't been for betrayal. Lider remembers all too well the day he learned of such acts. He was a general when a close friend informed him of what's bound to happen, warned all of the mutums and pagkas of the possible threat and left. He hates himself for abandoning his post, but staying wouldn't have been any better. Not when all of the mutums and pagkas were executed after each battle they lost and when the war came to an end. Since then the woods have been his home and he does his best to help those who need it.

Lider strolls into the center of camp where he finds a pitch black loup tending a fire. His second in command. He knows the thirty-three year old pagka as Sombra, and they fought together on multiple occasions during the war. Lider sits beside his longtime friend and stares into the fire with yellow lupine eyes.

"Any word on when we gonna move?" Sombra said with a rough sounding voice.

"I'll mention today they're to pack and move tomorrow. It'll be done without our leadership," Lider looks at the black loup. "You're to join me into Groot. See fer ourselves. I'll point to those who'll join us. Already sent word to Troid and Netel to expect company."

"We not gonna fit in the tiny house."

"Those who come'll scatter throughout Groot, but we'll call Troid's home, home. Don' know fer how long."

"Trip gonna persuade you to give permission?"

"Not yet. Just gotta learn more, especially from generals. One in particular."

"I'm gonna enjoy doing away wit' 'em sergs," Sombra spits into the fire.

"We all do, just gotta wait," the alpha said. "Gotta void putting other lives at risk."

"What about 'em serg lovers?"

"Providing they stay outta our way, leave them. Why? Is there one that has?"

"Nothin' yet but may."

"I think I've an idea whom you're speaking of. We'll watch but no more," Lider places his plantigrade feet in front of the fire and stretches his four toes. "I'd rather avoid becoming them."

"Not gonna argue."

"Damn well better not."

Sombra snorts. "When you gonna have me round 'em up?"

"High noon. They'll have all day to pack, and tomorrow they're to break camp. May have them split in two groups."

"Make it hard for 'em serg bastards to find?"

"Yah and nay. Having to find two camp could prove tough, but it's more to size. We gotta keep size down. It's too soon to say what'll I'll do," Lider glances at Sombra. "You interested in leading the second group if it comes to it?"

"Tempting, but not gonna accept."

"Very well. You've any suggestions on who we bring?"

The black loup mentions a couple of names. "They're young, but they have family in Groot."

"They're fine. Not a lot we gotta do. They just gotta be careful on who they speak too."

"Don't we all?"

"True," Lider grunts as he stands. "I'll speak to those and have them meet here. We'll discuss what's expected and how long we'll stay. After lunch we'll round all of them up and explain what's going down."