The Firm

Story by Mechaknucles on SoFurry

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#2 of An Assassin of my Heart

The Firm

The tram from The Firm rocked slowly, so little so that it was almost unnoticeable. We sat next to each other in an utterly uncomfortable silence. I found it enjoyable, as I was used to being alone, but I could tell Sonic was upset since he could not find anything to talk about. Before long, I sprawled out on the empty seat. Not many rode at this time since they were all doing the paper work at The Firm.

Finally, Sonic thought of something to say, "Hey, who spends time making contracts so that the letters tell the missions?"

"It is in the contractor's job to do that. But if it is a formal letter, it will be done by the boss. It just depends on the form of which we receive the instructions," I said uninterested. I then realized I gave away a lot of extra information. I decided to blame it on my old age.

"I see," replied the Hedgehog. He opened his mouth again and asked, "Who is this Mojha Taro anyway?"

"Oh right," I said, slightly annoyed to be interrupted in mid thought. "He is a judge who has been accused of accepting bribes. He went to court for it, but the firm must still think he is guilty."

"I see, so what does the firm want to do to him when we bring him back?" Sonic asked innocently.

"Wait, did they not tell you your job?" I asked concerned. Tthey did this last time. I had a flashback to my partner's death. My old apartment balcony, I came out from the bathroom, still brushing my teeth. I checked because I heard a noise, and he was there, sitting on the railing. His eyes stared into mine, his crimson eyes that I saw burn with passion. He waved his hand and flipped off...

"No, they said you would tell me."

"I see, well. We are not bringing him back.," I replied, guilty of this.

After what seemed like an eternity for me, I felt the waves of air begin to enter his mouth. I heard the words I feared, "Then what will we do with him?"

"We, we kill him . . . " I said sorrowfully. His mouth held agape. The firm does not hire people through applications. They watch your grades, your day to day life. They learn everything about you. Then, if you are good enough, you receive a summons. If you ignore it, you are killed. So, he never had a chance to avoid it. "I'm sorry," I said before he could respond. "But it gets easier every time."

"It can't," he replied calmly. "At least, not really. I bet . . . that it kills you every time you have to do it . . . and if you don't The Firm kills you."

So he did know...I could not tell him I actually enjoyed my job; he just looked so helpless, and I wanted to help him, to tell him it would be okay. I wanted to hold him. "Terrific. So I am stuck with Dr. Happy forever huh?" I said to lighten the mood.

He looked up at me. "You know Shadow, I don't think is will be that bad, at least, not as long as you are here for me." My mind rushed with unfamiliar feelings . . . I could not understand what was happening. In the hundreds of years I lived, I never felt this way, I never...

Suddenly, the bus stopped. I was ready with my quick reflexes but Sonic flew from his seat, backpack flying ahead of him. I dodged the bag, but placed myself to catch Sonic. He slammed into me, harder than expected causing me to fall on my back. He was on top of me, and looked embarrassed. I asked what is wrong, but he just said, "I-I'm sorry, Shadow, I didn't mean to...It just happened when I landed on you..."

I did not know what he was referring to. I remember catching him and my heart quickening. I figured it was from the sudden need for energy to move quickly, but now that I think about the incident, my heart's pace increased, just as he landed on me and our lips touched, just ever so slightly. I felt my mind wanting more.

It was at that moment, that I said, "Do you mind getting off, you 'hog rider." I meant that to be sarcastic, but Sonic blushed even redder, and to think that possible. I thought he might blow, so I grabbed his hand and pulled him with his book bag in my left hand.

After an hour break, I decided he had calmed down. I wondered why he acted so strange. He appeared to have something on mind, but I did not wanna' throw gas on a fire. We were walking along the sidewalk when we came to an apartment complex. He walked in and came out in five minutes. "What did you do in there?" I asked, knowingly.

"I sold my apartment. I got two thousand from my down payment. I kept up with my rent, so I get it back."

"Good, did you keep anything?" I inquired.

"Just what I could fit in my bag," Sonic replied. I could tell he hated leaving his old life. But, I wondered, how much would he give to get it back. "Wait, I have to go say by to Mrs. Caron. I will be right back." He zoomed up the stairs and was back down in 3 minutes.

We left the apartment and headed for mine. He walked behind me with his head down. I tried to enjoy the bliss of silence, but I could not help but think of Sonic. I turned onto the main road, and I pointed at my apartment from the corner. "It is a beautiful penthouse Sonic, really it is." He smiled widely and most likely started dreaming of life living there. "Race yah?" I said, daring the hedgehog to accept my challenge.

"Ready?" he asked.

I then suddenly replied, "GO!" We took off like lightening from a cloud. We ran fast, weaving through the traffic and people in the sidewalk and roads. Run, turn, twirl, dodge, speed up, slow down, and watch out were the only words my mind could think. I moved so fast that no one could tell I was next to them. My feet slid back and forth, as if I were roller blading. I looked to my side to see my new partner running like normal, back down straight, legs moving in a circle formation, and his hands stretched in placed behind him. My hands followed my feet, one going out from me while the other came closer.

We both reached the Lobby in record time and rushed up the closed corridor of the stairs. This was tougher for me because I now had to run like Sonic to fit and so that I would not fall from my normal running style. Sonic was only slightly behind me, when I realized he had a handicap over me, the book bag. I sped up to max speed, and as if reading my thoughts, Sonic did the same. As we closed in on the final floor, we both breathed heavy. Sweat poured under our fur. With every step, our sweat flew off our brows and into the other's face.

"I knew I'd win!" I heard myself say as I stopped and tagged the door just 2 seconds before Sonic.

"Cheater, I had this damn bag."

"Yeah," I said, pulling him in closer romantically, teasingly, "And that is what will make you so damn special."

A/N Well, Shadow's personality, and part of his past, are both revealed in this chapter. I find his personality is much like a coin. It has two sides. One is completely emotional, and the other is just good ol' business. In this chapter, I feel like you all find Shadow's softer side, but do not worry Shadow lovers! (I know there is a lot, after all, he has PLENTY to go around.) Um, I am thinking the good lemon is in three chapters. Death in one and um, more detail, plot work in 2. So, yeah, I think that is it for now. Also, expect a plot hole here or there. If you tell it to me quickly, I will try to fix it.

Love yah for reading!