The Meaning

Story by Relex on SoFurry

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You cannot possibly comprehend the meaning of the fastidious preening of those who act without words. The subtle social cues and all the elaborate styles and hues used to confuse and defuse the anger that is contained beneath the placid exterior of those you call them. The have-nots gain a voice so you gain an amplifying presence and present their voice in a way that suits your planned and plotted agenda of denial and repression. Thusly, you gain an unfair advantage in the social and political arena, but today the emperor is not kind. His benevolence bestowed upon you no longer, you scrape and claw at the maw of the ever widening truth that you cannot possibly ignore. We have undercut and sidestepped you using your own tactics of deception and subterfuge. We ask that you remain in your seats until the captain has turned off the seatbelt sign, and then feel free to disembark our plane of existence; your presence is now benign.