Garden Party

Story by Theo Winters on SoFurry

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Here's a new little TF short. I this isn't for anyone (though I'm still offering commissions) it was just a fun idea. I was in the mood to write a rabbit transformation, and Rabbit suggested the basic idea how it happened.

Hope you enjoy the story.

Garden Party

By Theo Winters

Suggested by Rabbit

Adam sighed as he stepped out into his garden. What should have been a tidy row of lettuce had been decimated. Half chewed leaves covered the ground and dirt was kicked everywhere. Three heads had been completely destroyed, and two others showed signs of nibbling around the leaves. Small paw prints littered the dirt, seemingly covering every part of the soft soil next to the plants.

"Damn rabbits," the fox said, flicking his tail as he walked through the narrow garden. The little pests had been attacking his plants since the start of summer. It seemed more like luck that anything had even managed to grown in the first place. He had tried everything he could, fences, pheromones, even a fake dog, but nothing seemed to work.

Apparently that held true for the rabbit snares he had picked up. They were the best he could find, guaranteed to only catch rabbits and special made so as not to kill anything... or at least that was the plan. He didn't want to hurt the little things; he just wanted to get them out of his garden.

He walked to the end of the row and looked down at the snare, the plastic circle hung from the fence, swinging around in the slight breeze. There were marks in the dirt around it, but like the rabbit had found a way past it.

Adam shook his head. "Doesn't catch a dang thing," he said as he stood up, kicking it with his bare foot.

As he turned back around he saw something move out of the corner of his eyes. He froze as best he could, only the slight flicking of his tail giving him away. He looked around the garden, scanning for any signs of movement, his brown eyes searching intently under each plant.

The short stalks of corn shook for a moment. His head snapped around as he looked at the plants, two rows over. Huddling at the base of the stacks was a rabbit. It was brown, almost the same color as the dirt it was sitting on. It was looking at the fox, whiskers twitching as he lifted his nose to sniff the air.

Taking in a deep breath Adam started to move, going very slowly, and never taking his eyes off the rabbit. It seemed to be watching him, but didn't move, it just sat there twitching its nose as the fox slowly rounded a line of plants. The fox's tail twitched slowly as he neared the little animal, his ears pulling back against his head.

When there was just three feet between them the rabbit finally reacted. It turned, running between the stalks of corn, large feat kicking up the dirt. Adam launched himself after, dancing around the plants and following the rabbit down between the rows and towards the house.

The rabbit rushed towards the building, then skidded to stop before doubling back.

Adam braced himself, ready to pounce on the rabbit, his lips pulled back into a snarl. Even though he was ready for it, the small animal was too fast. It bounced around his hands and ran between the fox's legs, brushing under his tail.

He spun around, watching the rabbit run down the path towards the rabbit snare. He smiled and chased after, hoping to scare it into the snare and finally catch the annoying thing.

The rabbit stopped at the fence, looking at the snare as Adam reached for him, then he simply pushed the snare to the side and started to wiggle through the hole in the fence.

Adam let out a yell and lunged forward, reaching out for the rabbit. The animal slipped away at the last moment, leaping away from the fence as the fox's arm lashed out and slipped through the empty rabbit snare.

"Damn it!" he yelled, pulling his arm back only to feel the snare pull tight around his skin, digging into the fur. He tugged again, watching the padded wire dig around his red fur. "Damn it," he repeated. When the snare didn't give he reached for it with his free hand.

He was surprised when his ears dropping down over his eyes.

Adam sputtered a bit, flicking his head to get them out of the way as he reached out to unhook the snare. Leaning back he sighed, pulling at the snare as his ears fell into his eyes again.

With a sigh he pushed them away again, only to stop as he touched them. Gently he picked up his ears, holding them out, looking intently at them. They were wrong, but he wasn't sure how. They were the same long loped ears that he always had.

He twitched his nose a bit, trying to understand. Things seemed wrong, but they also seemed right. He didn't know what was going on. Instead he flicked them back and started to pull at the snare again. It felt like it was growing tighter, but it wasn't, it stayed just as tight as ever.

With a grunt he tried to wiggle his fingers under the snare, his tail flicking in anger. His clothing was starting to feel wrong as well, hanging off of him like they were too big. His shirt was dropping over his arms, starting to cover the snare.

Shaking his head he pulled his shirt off, throwing it to the side. Everything seemed bigger as his ears fell over his face again. He shook his head, trying to get them clear. "Dumb ears," he said, even his voice sounded odd.

"What is wrong with me," he said, reaching up to touch his head. His pants were hanging off his hips, only his large bushy tailing holding it in place. The weight on his tail was growing touch as his pants seemed to become bigger by the moment.

Adam couldn't understand why he had worn pants that were so large on him, and with such long legs. He was only four feet... no three and a half feet tall, unless you counted his long ears, but he never did, they were always falling down and getting in the way.

Forgetting the snare he turned back around and looked at his tail, the long appendage swaying behind him. It slowly pulled back into a proper cotton tail, still with the color of a fox.

He blinked and looked at the tail. "A rabbit's tail, but I'm a fox," he said, his ears falling down over his face.

The now three foot half-fox let out a yelp and jumped back, his long ears flying for a moment. Rabbit ears, and a rabbit nose, on a rabbits face. "No, no I'm a fox!" he said, touching his face with his hands, only to see his fingers starting to pull back as the pads of his palms bloomed into fur.

"I'm not a rabbit," he said, putting his head in his paws. A moment later he felt a twinge running though his feet. He stumbled forward, falling towards the fence and landing hard on the dirt ground. He struggled out of his pants, turning to look at his feet.

His feet were starting to stretch out, the shape of them shifting as they grew. He could see new muscles starting to form, swelling out around his hind legs. Powerful muscles, perfect to kick and to run.

Adam kicked his feet, twisting in the dirt as he felt his back pulled, his head twisting back with a pop. He turned and kicked his feet, twisting around until he was on all fours. He blinked, looking back at himself, his back curving as he sniffed at the air. He could still see the snare around his foreleg.

'The rabbit snare, it must have caused this!' The former fox thought, his mind fighting as is fell into new and unfamiliar tracks. He had to get the snare off, but his paws were too small. All he could do was to try and crew it off with his teeth.

As soon as he lifted his foreleg the loose snare shifted and fell to the ground. He looked at it for a moment, feeling a bit saddened by that, but he didn't know why.

The fox colored rabbit sniffed the air and looked at the remains of the lettuce. It didn't feel right to eat them, but he was hungry and the plants smelled so good.

Suddenly something shifted by the large building behind him and the rabbit snapped his head around. He couldn't see anything, or hear anything, even when he lifted one ear, but he knew it was there. When he was sure nothing was around he turned and rushed out of the hole in the fence, running as fast as his little bunny legs would take him.


This story was written and copyright 2009 by Theo Winters, reposting and archiving are allowed as long as this copyright notice and the author's name are not removed. This story cannot be published without permission of the author. Violators will be transformed.