Teacher is the Pet.

Story by Rasvimirthirisk on SoFurry

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A teacher attempts to take advantage of an awkward donkey girl student of his. Unfortunately for him, she manages to turn the tables on him.

The first day of school was always the worst, especially for Kyla. She adjusted her glasses nervously; they were over-sized and faintly ridiculous looking, but necessary to actually see past her nose. She had taken a seat at the back of class, as usual for her. She liked to stay unnoticed most of the time, especially in a new school. The classroom was pretty cramped, stuffed to the brink with every student that it could fit. The neat rows of desks were quickly pushed around by students trying to get closer to their friends. The big wooden table up front looked pretty plain itself, with nothing personal to adorn it or the whiteboard that covered the back wall; which made sense since she'd heard the new teacher was pretty new, so he hadn't had time to set up yet. The whiteboard itself just bore the words "WELCOME BACK FROM SUMMER VACATION", written in big block letters.

The new uniform was awkward to put on, and she tugged at it to adjust herself at least a few times while waiting for class to start. At least it meant that her fashion sense wouldn't be judged by the other girls. She always seemed to get a new outfit just when it was going out of fashion, to the jeers of the popular girls. Still, it was a new school now, and no one knew her yet, so she didn't have that albatross around her neck at least. The knee length skirt and sensible looking blouse was worn by every girl in the school, helping her fit in a little there.

As far as her classmates, they seemed to be pretty loud. Generally canine, since that was the area she'd found herself transferring to. But there were a few other species, even a few other equines! Not donkeys like her, of course. That was too much to hope for, instead it was only imposing stallions and pretty mares. Far taller, better looking, and more popular than she could ever hope to be! After all, what was there to like about her? She was an awkward eighteen year old girl; too short, her ears too long, muzzle too short, the silly white splotch of fur around it only helping draw attention to it. Her breasts...they were actually average, which was good enough for her. And then there was her shaft. That was another story altogether.

Kyla was trans, but she'd been on hormones for most of her life. She really preferred being a girl though, even if she was a shy and awkward girl. A nerdy and plain looking donkey girl, to be exact. The transition had gone great for her, except for one little side effect. The main problem was that when she'd hid puberty, the hormones that she took had had some sort of unforeseen side effect with her equine genitals. They'd grown far more than they should have, and had only grown more sensitive even as the rest of her body continued to develop in more feminine patterns. It was embarrassing, but she was as well hung as any stallion, which made hiding her sex difficult to say the least. Usually she got by heavily strapping her sheath down to ensure it didn't poke out or make any suspicious bulges, but when there was a handsome boy around things got a little awkward for her. The knee length blouse that was part of her school uniform at least made it easy to adjust herself whenever she needed to. Though she had to be pretty discreet about it usually.

Discreet in the way that a teenager would think of it, mostly. It just always needed attention, and she usually found herself sneaking off to the restroom a couple of times a day if only to keep it down. Her hands by now very experienced at stroking off a quick load from her impressively heavy black rod. Though it didn't matter how many times she did it, she was always hungry for more. The hormones she'd been getting seemed to get stronger as she got older, as well. She was a little scared at the thought of what she'd be acting like in a couple of years!

Her introspection was broken by a male voice speaking loudly across the classroom. "And we have a new student here this year. Class, meet Kyla. She's a Donkey, as you can tell. Our very first one in the school! Kyla, come on up and tell us a little about yourself." The voice was cool and with a faint hint of amusement in it.

She took a peek up from her desk to see Mr. Blackmoon standing there expectantly. Apparently he'd come in while she was daydreaming, and she just hadn't noticed until he'd gotten her attention. She flushed slightly, not having expecting to have him as her teacher. The name pretty much gave his species away. Wolves tended to be pretty single minded with their names, and he was no exception there. Mr. Blackmoon was...well, he looked like any high school girl's dream. Tall and handsome with jet black fur that barely concealed his toned form. He was apparently as new as she was, and was already the subject of a number of crushes among the girls, from what she'd overheard whispered among the other girls.

Hearing the handsome wolf call her out in front of the class just made her cheeks flush even harder in embarrassment, and of course her body immediately betrayed her with a heavy throbbing from between her legs. She mentally tried to calm down, but having a handsome older male pay attention to her was definitely something any girl could appreciate!

"Oh. That's okay. " She mumbled, waving her hand and trying to get out of the public embarrassment of introducing herself to a group of bored 18 year olds.

He didn't appear to be convinced. "Nonsense! Come right up here and tell us all about yourself! You want to make a good first impression, don't you?" He was really extremely attractive though, which only made it worse the way that he was trying to force her out in front of the classroom. And she reluctantly rose to her feet and made her way to the front of the class. Pausing awkwardly by the wolf, she thought for a moment before speaking.

"...Hi, I'm Kyla. Just transferred to this school. I'm uh, happy to meet you all!" Her cheeks were already flushed by the time she finished that short little speech, and she rushed back to her seat while a few of her classmates applauded politely. Most seemed pretty uninterested, luckily. At least her semi-erect cock had quickly softened back into hiding when she was standing up in front of the class, so no one had probably noticed.

Luckily for Kyla, after her introduction the rest of the class was filled up by Mr. Blackmoon forcing the rest of the class to do the same thing that she'd done. Each member of the class heading up next to him to introduce themselves as well. It was the first day of class, after all. She hadn't been expecting much out of it, and entertained herself during the introductions by doodling in her notebook. For some reason, wolves occupied her thoughts. She tried not to look at the teacher, though had a hard time not sneaking a glance at him throughout the class. Though from the looks of it, neither did most of the other girls in class...and some of the boys too!

Class finally ended, and pretty much every student ran for the door. There were a couple exceptions of course; though it looked like it was mostly just other girls trying to sneak a few private words with the handsome canine. She waited for the class to empty out a little, and then started to head out while he was hopefully distracted with his admirers. Though as she finally stood up to leave she was interrupted once again by the wolf.

"Now now, hold on. I need to speak to you, Miss Kyla." Mr. Blackmoon said with an almost predatory grin on his face. It made Kyla immediately freeze up, not knowing what to do. The last few other kids quickly slipped out the door so that he could slam it shut, giving them some privacy. This was a disaster! She was alone with him? She just hoped he'd make it quick so she could go home..she was already pretty pent up after sitting through just one class. She needed release quickly.

"Is...something the matter, Mister Blackmoon?" She answered quickly, trying to keep herself from blushing, though she could feel the telltale heat on her muzzle and she knew her body was betraying her. Worse, she could feel the growing firmness under her skirt that signaled that her body was reacting in a much worse way to being alone with such a handsome older wolf.

"Nothing really, I just noticed you're a bit of a shy one. I have a bit of a weakness for the shy girls, so I wanted you to know that you're perfectly safe in my class. You don't need to worry about any of the other girls bullying you, I won't put up with any of that nonsense in my class." He leaned in against her, letting her smell the faint scent of his cologne. She shivered, nostrils flaring to detect the potent scent of his older male musk underneath that cologne.

"Thanks. Um, So far everyone's been okay. I haven't really talked to many of the other girls yet, but I'll let you know if they're trying to tease me."

He smiled at that and reached around her shoulders, pulling her smaller form in for a quick hug, though the hug seemed innocent, she could quickly feel his fingers brushing up against her breasts. Adding a tingle of arousal to her body that she found impossible to resist. "Oh, don't worry about it, sweety. I have a pretty good feeling that I'm going to make this school year extremely interesting for a cute girl like you."

Her body felt hot. There was a tingling in her head. Was he..trying to seduce her? She'd read a hundred romance novels about this very thing. The handsome teacher seducing the beautiful girl. Teaching her how to become a woman. The thought of it made her shaft stiffen even further, straining against the binding cloth that she'd used to try to keep it forced down.

The wolf didn't seem to notice her growing arousal immediately, just pressing in against her side initially. Before too long though, he moved in for the next step of his seduction. The wolf's muzzle pressed in against her own to offer a gentle kiss to her. But Blackmoon didn't seem satisfied with just that for long, and pushed in. His thick canine tongue attempting to force it's way right inside her own. Not that she really tried to resist it much, of course! She quickly relaxed her own lips, allowing him to push himself into her lips. The donkey girl kissed back, trying to savor the experience of her first kiss from a boy.

Her own tongue was a little smaller, and she weakly licked out awkwardly against his own tongue. Eventually giving up in embarrassment and letting him control the kiss. He took his time to savor her taste, bending down over her to control the embrace while she breathed out heavy and hot breaths through her nostrils. Finally, he pulled back. Her face was dark red underneath her fur by the time he did, and she let out with an embarrassed sounding bray before covering her mouth up in complete humiliation.

Luckily for her, he just seemed amused by her reactions. "It's all right, you've never kissed anyone before. We'll just need to get a lot of practice after class every day." He said in a reassuring tone of voice. Though even as he said that he was moving towards the next step. Rushing a little, but she wasn't about to complain. Though his paw moved in quickly to slide under her skirt and begin caressing her thighs. She cried out in surprise and fear at this, worried about what this handsome male's reaction could be if he found out what she was. Though it certainly didn't make her arousal go down at all!

The exploring paw was a little hampered by the way she was squirming and squealing, but eventually it just ran right into her bulging package. He froze immediately, a confused look on his face. Kyla was absolutely terrified, freezing as well and just waiting for him to say something. Eventually he just smiled at her though, that usual big toothy predatory grin that sent shivers down her spine.

"What do we have here? I didn't know we had any girls like you in class. But don't worry about it. I'm open minded, and it doesn't change a single thing."

Hearing these words for the first time were a shock to her. She'd imagined all sorts of reactions to a boy finding out about her cock for the first time. Most were far worse, and she could hardly believe she'd been so lucky as to find this amazing man. It also had a pretty big effect on her arousal as well. The thick donkey cock between her legs stiffening rapidly, pushing out from the binding before too long to make a large lump in her skirt. The thick, dark member bobbed between her legs. She was a little bit longer than a foot long when she was fully hard, about thirteen and a half inches so far, the medial ring roughly halfway down the length of it. She could tell that Blackmoon was a little intimidated by the sheer size of it, if not a little awkward. She could tell he'd never been with a girl like her before, and was trying his best to seem cool and calm.

"Er, wow. You're a pretty big girl, aren't you? Don't worry about it, it doesn't matter at all." He seemed to be very careful to keep his hands away from her cock once he'd discovered it. Instead, his hands roamed over her school uniform, caressing across her chest and rubbing the fabric to tease her confined breasts. His skillful touch was a lot more confident now that he was in more familiar territory, brushing over her stiffening nipples through her uniform while she shuddered from the skillful seduction. It was only serving to make her more aroused and desperate for his touch on her erect cock, of course. All those confused and mixed hormones rushing to her head, making her cock throb with need.

He moved over towards his desk to begin taking his tie off. First undoing the tie, and then delicately hanging his jacket up on the back of his chair. He stripped himself quickly, and then started to fumble with his pants, tugging them down with a smile on his face. "Why don't we start with some oral fun, first? I want to see how well you can use your mouth..." Just as he began the suggestion, her self control snapped, and her hormones and pent up lust made the donkey girl take things into her own hands.

She grabbed at Mr. Blackmoon and yanked on him hard. Ordinarily, she probably couldn't have overpowered him, but he was a little off balance at the time she did. Caught in the process of pulling his pants off, he easily was tripped up, and quickly fell face first down onto his desk. Sprawling out across it with his pants tangled up in his legs. This was the perfect position for her, and she couldn't stop herself anymore. She knew that the wolf wanted something else, but her hormones were kicking in. The lust told her only one thing, and that was how badly she needed release.

With a quick movement, she flipped him over, face-up onto his desk. Her exposed and heavy balls pressed right down onto his face, filling her teacher's senses with the potent musk of her feminine arousal. The scent was pretty powerful, as she knew from experience. Probably worse for a wolf, with their sensitive noses, so she made sure to roll her hips downwards against his muzzle and snout, grinding in the potent scent of her body, Filling the older male with every bit of her odd smelling musk. She was a little pent up already, so her thick, black sac seemed heavier than normal as well. The fat balls probably the size of apples, and each one pressed into either side of his snout.

He seemed to protest and quickly struggled, though couldn't quite seem to break free of her crotch. It was a little odd, but she knew that he could definitely break free if he wanted to, her still half matured body wasn't a match for his toned form. Maybe her scent was having a side effect on him? She couldn't really tell for sure, and at this moment wasn't thinking too clearly either. "M.mister Blackmoon, I'm sorry!" She apologized quickly, words coming out in short little gasps. "I can't stop!"

A low groan came from somewhere between her legs, the wolf's struggles lessening slightly. Just enough for her to move on to what she so desperately needed. Her hips sank down a little and tugged the twin orbs away from his now donkey scented facial fur. Replacing the heavy sac with the thick length of her as-yet unflared cockhead. She didn't waste any time either, moving quickly just in case he changed his mind and tried to make her stop. Pushing right in against his maw, the head of her shaft disappearing right into the handsome teacher's lips.

Just the sight of the handsome stud of a wolf with her cock in his mouth was almost enough to make her explode right there. As it was her cock just throbbed in the warm grip of his lips, splattering his tongue with a taste of sweet-tasting preseed. Her pre was thick and sticky, clinging to the male's tongue. She was quite familiar with her own taste, though hoped it wasn't too weird tasting for her teacher, but wasn't about to let anything stop her now. The no-longer virgin donkey just thrust greedily forward, her hips pushing forward to bury a few more inches of her plump shaft into the teacher's maw. The warm feeling of his mouth wrapped around her cock was almost overwhelming, and she cried out a few weak brays of lust.

"Y..yes, you feel so good." She mumbled out, glasses fogging up and sliding down along her snout. Luckily not falling off in her newly energetic hip movements to bury the rest of her cock inside her teacher's face. He was starting to make a few protests now, the muffled cries of whatever he was trying to tell her quickly ignored. She was probably a little thick, and hoped his jaw wasn't aching too badly...but not enough to actually slow or stop either.

By now roughly half of her shaft was buried inside his semi-willing mouth. The medial ring rammed right into his lips and grinded in against his face momentarily. He seemed to be having a little trouble taking more in, but she just couldn't stop now! Grabbing either side of her teacher's face, she pinned him down between her legs, holding him in the perfect position and just applying more and more pressure. Eventually the ring popped inside of him, and she forcefully took advantage of that by ramming her cock right down the wolf's throat.

If his mouth felt great, his throat was absolutely perfect. The tight passage of it clenched and squeezed around the head of her cock as he threatened to gag; stimulating it further, already starting to swell outwards in the signs of her flare. Her thickening cockhead just hammered away in quick, eager little movements, attempting to push deeper, not satisfied until she was fully impaling the older wolf with every inch of her length. The wet gasping and whimpers only made her more turned on, the desire to empty her balls inside this handsome stud almost overwhelming.

Finally, she was all the way in. The heavy smack of her balls ramming right into his face pinned him further against the desk. She moaned, rubbing her hips forward greedily to really grind her feminine scented sac further into his snout and face. Driving home the point that he was being throat fucked by a horny female. From the looks of the bulge in his pants, he was actually enjoying himself. That just made her cock throb, pulsing in the tight warmth of his stretched muscles...and then she began to move.

Her thrusts came slowly at first, just enough to tug the half engorged flare out of his throat a few inches before slamming herself back inside. She could almost see the bulge move down his throat as she started to have her way with him. "T..that's good! Just hold on, I'm almost there." She promised, digging her fingers into either one of his ears to try to hold him down while she humped. Pulling back further and further with each of her movements and then using every bit of force she could muster to impale his sore throat once again. The loud smack of her sac ramming into his canine nose came again and again, the sound working to make her groan lustily.

By now she was already leaking a constant amount of pre. Slick wet sounds coming as her teacher was forced to swallow every drop of it, since she never pulled far enough out of his maw to actually let him taste any of it. Just hammering it home, dripping steadily down his throat and into his stomach. She couldn't stop herself, bringing her hips home faster and harder, forgetting all about her teacher and just treating his maw as a hole to be fucked for her satisfaction. The rising climax that was coming was her only focus, and she was almost there.

Finally, she couldn't stop herself any longer. "Ah! Mr. Blackmoon, I'm going to.." Her hips quickly shifted to quick little rapid fire thrusts into the deepest part of his throat, just enough to get her past the point of no return. And moments after that shouted warned she finally erupted. Her first load inside of another partner was absolutely massive, her fully engorged flare stuffed deep inside his throat started to pulse. Each pulse shot a thick wad of her sticky, almost paste-like cum into him. Shot after shot that seemingly never ended. She could feel his throat weakly start to swallow around her, attempting to keep from choking on her thick seed, and it only served to draw her orgasm on longer. Emptying every drop she could give into his now slightly swollen stomach.

By the time her climax had finally slowed, she was panting hard. Her glasses had fallen off sometime during the fucking, and her cheeks were flushed and hot. Her length already was starting to soften even as she leaned in against the wolf's form with a low moan of approval. "W..wow, thanks a lot." She whispered softly into his ear. The softening semi-hard length soon popped right free of his shaft with a surprising lack of mess, aside from the seed that still coated her head, which just got smeared right onto the handsome male's fur to mark him with that distinctive feminine musk of hers.

He coughed and gasped for breath for a long time afterwards, trying to regain his composure. Eventually he sagged a little and looked up at her, faintly flushing under his dark fur himself. "Uh..Well, I wasn't expecting that to happen. But it's all right, I suppose." He looked very awkward and somewhat embarrassed about what had happened, but the swollen bulge of the fabric in his pants was telling a different story. "Can you, uh..help take care of me now?" He asked hopefully, indicating his tent with a hopeful look.

His reaction was just...so...cute! She couldn't help but throb once more, that fat donkey length beginning to fill with blood again, thickening once more. "Oh..sure! Don't worry about it, I'll take good care of you, Mister Blackmoon. Just hold on a second, I need your help again!" Just as she was saying that, she already was lining up her cock with his mouth once again, to obvious shock from the wolf.

"Whoa, wait a minute! You can't just do that agai.."

His words were almost immediately cut off when she stuffed her half-hard cock into his muzzle again, this time being a little more gentle with him. Her cock pressed down onto his tongue to pin it down and force him to taste the last reminents of her seed directly.

"It's all right, Mister Blackmoon. I'll help take care of you soon, just let me hump you a couple more times."

It was only at the end of the day, with the wolf's face absolutely drenched in a thick load of the donkey girl's seed; matted down and with his stomach pumped full of what seemed like gallons of her semen, she realized that she'd completely forgotten to help get her poor teacher off! Oh well, she'd just have to do that tomorrow...or the next day. No big rush.