Even More Mind Control Tales

Story by cyberklaw on SoFurry

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#11 of Mind Control Tales

Yes, it's yet another set of three short mind control stories from me.

Also the story 'Empire's End' is the concluding part of a trilogy that started with 'Exploration's End from here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1128826 and continued with 'Expedition's End' here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1178328

Hope you enjoy!

Even More Mind Control Tales

by Cyberklaw

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From Ex to Enslaved

Ryan struggled back into consciousness, his head feeling fuzzy as awareness crept back in.

He could see nothing but blackness and experienced a moment of panic that he might have gone blind, before realizing he'd just been blindfolded.

More than that, his muzzle was stuffed with some form of gag, restricting him to making only the most basic of sounds. As he took stock of his situation, he also discovered that he'd been stripped, now wearing only his underwear, feeling his bare fur exposed to the air. On top of that, he was tied up, thick ropes wrapped around his muscular frame and securing his wrists and ankles and tail together behind his back.

What the hell had happened? He tried to remember.

The cheetah could recall heading to Otto's apartment, intent on picking up the last of his stuff. He'd been looking forward to finally being able to getting some closure on their broken relationship and move on with his life.

But the door had been answered by a stranger, some tall skinny bare-chested weasel who just smiled a sinister smile at him.

The weasel had explained that he was Otto's new boyfriend, that he had his ex had met the night before and were already inseparable.

Ryan had found this a little strange. The weasel was far from Otto's type, his tiger ex preferring bigger muscular guys like himself. And there was the fact that he'd been so upset about their break up that it seemed highly unlikely that he would jump into a new relationship so soon.

He remembered not giving it too much thought though, as he'd been eager to get his possessions and get out of their and on with his life, just assuming it wasn't a real relationship, that this weasel was just some rebound guy that wouldn't last.

But then he'd walked into Otto's living room and had been stunned by what he'd seen. The tiger was kneeling in the middle of the room, completely naked, a dopey grin on his muzzle and a glassy dazed look in his eyes. He was gently stroking his rock hard cock.

Before he'd been able to fully react to the sight, he'd been roughly grabbed from behind and had a foul-smelling cloth placed over his nose. He'd started to struggle, but the stinging stench filling his nose had quickly sapped his strength and a few seconds later everything had gone black...

"I'm sorry about the rough treatment, but it is necessary."

Ryan's attention snapped back to the present at the voice. It was the weasel, somewhere nearby. He struggled against his bonds and growled a little through his gag.

"Yes, I imagine you're a little angry at me." Said the weasel. "But that will all be over soon."

He felt a paw caressing the his leg. He recoiled from the touch.

The weasel simply laughed. "Pretty soon, you will be begging me to touch you..." Ryan didn't like the sound of that.

He could hear the weasel moving about as he continued talking. "You know Otto told me all about you. So, here's the good news... You two are going to be getting back together! Well, sort of... And all the problems that led to your break up? You'll quite literally forget all about them very soon..."

Suddenly, Ryan's head was grabbed and shoved aside, and he felt a sting as something was plunged into his neck and then quickly moved. He struggled and snarled at this treatment.

"Relax, just a quick injection." The weasel explained. "A special mix of drugs designed to make your much more suggestible and susceptible to my hypnotic brainwashing techniques."

That took Ryan by surprise. What was this lunatic talking about?

The weasel giggled. "Oh, didn't I mention? I've brainwashed Otto, turned him into my obedient near-mindless pet. He was just looking for a night of sex when we met in the bar last night. And technically he got just that. But he also got turned into my loyal sex slave..."

Ryan was finding it harder and harder to focus, his head was spinning and his thoughts were becoming gradually more and more fuzzy.

"I hadn't planned on doing the same to you," The weasel said. "One slave was enough for me. But then you turned up unexpectedly and you are rather hot. And this way you and Otto get to stay together, albeit as my brainwashed slaves, dedicated to serving my every whim..."

The restrained cheetah was barely listening now, Ryan's mind now unable to form coherent thoughts of any kind as the drugs in his system took effect.

"So you just relax and listen to this recording of mine." The weasel said. "And in just a few hours time, you'll have no more worries, no more pesky free will. You'll be able to join your dear Otto in being a happily brainwashed slave..."

The buds of headphones were gently pushed into Ryan's ears and his head was suddenly filled with the voice of the weasel, his words overlaid with various hypnotic tones and subliminal whispers.

"You are a slave. I am your Master. You live only to serve and obey me. You love to serve your Master. Obedience to Master makes you happy and content..."

The voice droned on and on, and Ryan's drugged brain couldn't help but absorb every word, his mind being twisted and reprogrammed with every passing second.

Standing over him, the weasel looked down at the cheetah with a wide smile on is face, anticipating the fun he'd have once his new slave's brainwashing was complete...

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Empire's End

Emperor Harlan cowered behind a luxurious leather sofa. He could hear the last door of his personal bunker being breached. Soon, the enemy forces would be inside and he would be captured, and his glorious galactic Empire would be finished.

He had no idea how it had come to this, how his vast and powerful Empire had crumbled and been conquered so quickly, in less than a year...

The lion's ears perked up as a loud crack split the air. It was the sound of the enemy finally managing to get into his bunker, where he'd been hiding for days. It wasn't long before he heard pawsteps in the corridor outside and then the room's doors being opened.

He peeked over the top of this sofa and saw several stepping through the large doorway. Several burly enemy troopers brandishing their inexplicably advanced energy weapons. And their leader, the rhino named Terrell, formerly the captain of one his deep space exploratory vessels.

Harlan had come to hate him. This upstart had destroyed his Empire, somehow turned his people, his soldiers, his ships against him. Everywhere he went, Harlan's colonies and outposts seemed to instantly fall under his control. His best scientists had only been able to offer up wild theories as to how he was doing it.

The rhino was wearing his usual bizarrely designed armour. It had a strange alien quality to it that Harlan had always found a little disturbing...

"It's an adapted design." Terrell said, looking directly at the lion. "Based on my original war armour. I was quite a differently shaped species back then."

The emperor recoiled at this. He hadn't said anything and yet the rhino had known what he was thinking...

"Yes, I can read your pathetic excuse for a mind." Terrell said, with a roll of his eyes. He glanced briefly at his troops and they turned and left without a word, leaving the two of them alone.

Harlan stepped out from his hiding place cautiously. "How?" He demanded. "Your personnel file showed no such ability, not even the potential..."

"I am not ' the exactly the Terrell of your files." The rhino said, stepping towards him. "I have simply commandeered his body. And his name, as my original one would be unpronounceable to the you pathetic creatures."

The emperor was struggling to comprehend this. He didn't understand...

"I don't see why, it's really rather simple." Terrell explained. "The crew of Terrell's ship discovered my prison on a remote planet and freed me. I am the powerful telepathic mind of a being that lived millennia ago. A being who's true destiny of ruling the galaxy was thwarted by small-minded enemies. But they couldn't destroy me and now I am back, while they and their civilization has long since crumbled to dust."

The rhino paused and sighed deeply. "Unfortunately, the myriad species I find in their place are pitiful and easy to conquer, providing little challenge. This civilization of yours is so primitive, your science and technology simplistic compared to what I am used to. Your minds are so easy to dominate and enslave. It's all been somewhat... boring."

Harlan stared at the rhino in shock. This was so far-fetched, surely it couldn't be true?

"Of course it's true, you simpleton!" Terrell growled. "You know, you're of even lower intelligence than I was expecting. How do you think my forces are so strong, so unstoppable? I have implanted my highly advanced knowledge of genetic augmentation and weapons technology in the minds of my enslaved doctors and engineers, allowing for the significant upgrading of their bodies and equipment. And of course, once I am close enough, my mind is able to reach out and enslave any mind, crush any free will and resistance. Hundreds of thousands at a time if necessary."

"That's... horrifying!" Harlan stammered.

"No, that is me finally achieving my destiny, my rightful place!" The rhino snarled back. "And giving you tiny-minded, barbaric primitives purpose as my subjects, my slaves!"

"I..." The lion emperor wasn't sure what else to say. What could he say? His empire had already fallen, his people already enslaved... but hang on, if that were true, then why hadn't he...?

"Why haven't I enslaved you yet?" Terrell laughed. "I was wondering how long it would take your ridiculously tiny mind to ask that... The fact is, as far as I can tell, dear Emperor Harlan, you are the the very last free-willed creature in the galaxy, and I have been holding back on making you mine. This is my moment of final victory, and I wanted to savour it, to perform this last enslavement face to face."

"Please!" Harlan cowered in fear. "Please let me..." He was suddenly silenced as a powerful wave of force rippled through his brain, blocking his ability to speak.

"I am in no mood to hear begging." Terrell said, disdainfully. "This is going to happen, there is nothing you can do to stop it. I have waited thousands of years for my victory and some wretched dullard of a lion is not going to deny me!"

The lion cried out in agony as the full force of Terrell's telepathic power crashed into his brain, wave after unstoppable wave grinding down on his mind. He collapsed to the floor, clutching his head and screaming.


The force of the alien mind was so immense, it easily crushed any resistance the lion might have had, his mind crumbling almost instantly under the onslaught.

"I submit!" He yelled, as loud as he could imagine. "I am your slave! I live only to serve and obey you!"

A moment later, the pain was replaced by pleasure, blinding and pure, causing him to moan and squirm in ecstasy. His cock was hard and cumming in seconds.

Terrell watched the wriggling lion with disinterest, flooding his new slave's mind with pleasure as he casually twisted and reshaped the former emperor's mind into that of a loyal and near mindless sex slave.

The rhino started to strip off his armour. During his time in this body, he'd developed quite a taste for sexual activity with other males, and wanted to celebrate his final victory by fucking the hell out of this new slave.

As soon as Harlan's enslavement was complete a few minutes later, he sent the lion a telepathic command to strip and present his ass. The lion happily obeyed, any thoughts and memories of ever having been anything other than a slave had been utterly eradicated from his head.

The rhino quickly started fucking the enslaved emperor, hard and rough. But although it was as pleasurable as it always was when he fucked one of his slaves, deep down he felt a little... disappointed.

This was his moment of victory. With Harlan's enslavement he had achieved his goals at long last. He was the ruler of the galaxy, every last inhabitant completely enslaved to his will. He should be ecstatic.

And yet, it had all been too easy. His conquest had been simple and without challenge, making it feel somewhat empty. It would seem his enemies of long ago had still managed to punish him by casting him into a time when his long sought domination of the galaxy would be so easy as to be wholly unsatisfying.

If only he could have defeated those enemies, made them see their imprisonment of him was ultimately for naught. But they were long dead, it was impossible...

Or was it?

A thought had suddenly occurred as he continuously pounded away at the lion's rear. Random fragments he'd seen in a few minds of the scientists he'd enslaved during his conquest. Various theories about time travel...

He reached out with his mind, sending the command to his slaves, the order for his most intelligent scientists to immediately start researching the possibility of making such theories a reality.

It was possible it might come to nothing, such a thing might prove impossible. But right then, there was a chance. And that was enough to raise his spirits and set him planning.

He'd build his slaves into an unstoppable army, through continued genetic engineering and weapons development. Then he'd travel into the past, defeat his old enemies, enslave them and bring them back here to live the rest of their lives in his service. That would be a true victory, one worthy of celebration!

After all, he realized with a laugh, he'd been unable to discover any indication of exactly how the civilization of his enemies had fallen in the distant past. Perhaps it had been him, arriving in the past and enacting his revenge? That notion gave him confidence that this plan could succeed.

With a pleasured growl, he slammed into the lion's ass one last time, filling the new slave's insides with his hot seed, letting the glow of orgasm wash over him.

Panting and sweating, with a confident grin on his face, Terrell pulled his cock from the lion and staggered to his feet, filled with determination and purpose, new goals ahead of him. He now ruled the whole galaxy, was Master of all. And although the obstacles were great, he knew he would achieve his new goal of finally conquering his old enemies in the distant past ...

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Focused at the Gym

He had to work out. He needed to get as big and muscular as he possibly could. He was unable to focus on any other thought as he continuing lifting weights.

Nathan was vaguely aware he hadn't always felt like this. There had been a time when the otter just came to the gym a few times a week to stay in shape. He'd not had the interest he did now, the desire to build up thick bulging muscles.

But things had changed. Now he was here almost every day, doing everything he could to get as muscle-bound as possible. There was a part of him concerned about this change, but that part was growing weaker and weaker with every passing day and he was looking forward to the time when it was gone for good.

He didn't talk to or interact with anyone else in the gym unless he absolutely had to. But his fellow gym-goers didn't care. They were all just as focused on their workouts as he was on his, dressed only in skimpy skintight shorts just like him.

The change in workout clothing had just seemed so right, he'd hardly even thought about it at the time or since.

Should Nathan had the ability to think about it, he might have realized that these changes started around the time the gym had been bought. When it had happened, he'd been a little concerned at the changes the new owner had made, making the gym male only, refusing new applicants, introducing rules against members bringing in their own drinks. And of course, there was the music they had piped in throughout the place.

He'd thought at first that the music might be distracting, but the more he listened to it, the more relaxing he'd found it, the more it seemed to help him focus on his work outs. He sometimes thought he could hear a low voice underneath the soothingly hypnotic music, but he could never make out what it was saying.

It was similar to the water the gym provided. It had tasted a little odd at first, but now he'd got used to it and it seemed perfectly fine.

As he finished his set, he was aware of someone standing to his side, watching him. "Hello Nathan, work out going well?"

He recognized the short rat as Mr. Simmons, the gyms owner, wearing his usual sharp suit, and plugs in his ears to filter out the gym's music while still allowing him to hear. How he knew that, Nathan wasn't exactly sure.

Instinct kicked in and Nathan leapt to his feet, standing to attention, muscles flexed, somehow just knowing that was the appropriate thing to do as he answered. "Yes, Sir!"

It felt good to call him Sir. It felt good to just be near him. So good that his cock was hardening, tenting the front of his shorts.

"Your body is certainly looking fantastic." Mr. Simmons said, running his lecherous gaze up and down the otter's physique, the compliment causing Nathan to grin and beam with pride. "But how about your mind? How's your brainwashing coming along?"

"Almost complete, Sir!" Nathan replied without thinking. "Free will and independent thought almost eradicated!" Then he frowned. What had he said that? What brainwashing?

Mr. Simmons noticed his confusion and smiled. "Don't let in concern you. You're just not able to consciously remember anything about the brainwashing drugs in the water and hypnotic subliminals in the music unless I ask you about how it's affecting you. Once this conversation is over, you'll forget all about it. That doesn't bother you, does it?"

"No, Sir!" Nathan said, without thinking. "You know best, Sir!" There was a niggling feeling at the back of his mind that he should be very bothered by it, but he was sure that feeling would be eradicated soon.

"Of course I do." Said the rat, giving him an affectionate pat on the chest. "And once that brainwashing is complete, we can start looking for a Master to sell you to. You'd love that wouldn't you, Nathan? A Master for you to devote the rest of your life to serving?"

Nathan found himself unable to disagree at all. Mr. Simmons always knew what was best for him and was always right. "Yes, Sir! I'd love that, Sir!"

"Excellent!" Said Mr. Simmons. He gave the otter's tented crotch a playful squeeze and laughed. "Whoever ends up buying you is getting themselves one hell of a great specimen!"

"Thank you, Sir!" Said Nathan, happy at receiving more compliments.

"But for now, back to your work out." Mr. Simmons commanded. "Get that body nice and fit and muscular so you'll fetch a great price for me!"

"Yes, Sir!" Nathan said as the rat strolled away, stopping to check on other gym members as he went.

The otter returned to his work out. Within seconds, he was completely focused on it, only remembering that the wonderful Mr. Simmons had briefly talked to him, but not any details of their conversation. It was unimportant after all. All that really mattered was getting big and strong for Mr. Simmons...