Bit O' Fluff

Story by Fido_Barkin on SoFurry

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#6 of Fido's Story (canon)

As the title suggests, this short scene was just written as a fluffy little something before I went to bed one night. After the lives my characters have had, I thought I owed it to them to give them a peaceful night together. (Word Count 206)

It's a cold wintery night outside. A snow storm is raging on the mountain, but in this dreary white out there is one sign of warmth. This would be the smoke coming from the chimney of a large wooden cabin. Inside of the cabin all of the lights have been extinguished saved for the glow which radiated from the huge hearth in the living room. On the floor, on a circular area rug, lay a large Saint Bernard dog. On top of him, resting peacefully, was a small, sleeping, solid white fennec fox. Laying on the floor as well, both resting their heads on the large dog's bulk, were a mouse boy and girl. They had decided not to transform for the night. The boy was wearing a spaghetti strap shirt, a pleated skirt, and thigh high socks that fit snugly around his legs, while the girl was wearing a loose tank top which had bunched itself under her armpits, and a pair of khaki cargo shorts. As the storm raged outside the quartet slept soundly, their only movements coming from the quiet heaving of their chests as they slept. They all rested easy, knowing that they had each other to keep them warm and safe.