“Ro’Jo The Mage” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

Story by JA Red Wolf on SoFurry

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"Ro'Jo The Mage"

Coming across many a story told about different adventures that visited the province of Cyrdiil, the one that stayed with me for years to come was a story told to me by a traveling merchant who joined me for a drink at The Inn of Ill Omens. The story of Ro'Jo the Mage. As my drinking companion explained it, he started off by telling me about a lone dark elf who was wondering the road leading form Cheydinhal to the town of Leyawiin. It is within the town of Leyawiin that dark elf had hoped to find the one who had betrayed and murdered his father. Carrying his fathers sword he hoped to challenge the betrayer and with this sword, run it through his black and disloyal heart and thus avenging the death of father and allowing his spirit to rest easy. He had been traveling the road for many days now and still there was many days left to walk. Bandits and wild animal attacks did not stop him for, it was the memory of his fathers last words that kept pushing him forward and he will not stop until justice is his!

_ "Avenge my death son! Find and kill my betrayer!" _

The clouds gathered in the sky and let loose a hevey rain down upon the land. Cold, wet and yearning for a hard drink, the dark elf kept walking forth until he came across an inn. The name on the Inn read; "Likes-soft-skins Inn." Opening the door to the inn he ventured onward and walked straight up to the barkeep. The barkeeper and owner of the inn was a middle aged male Aragonian. The Aragonian was cleaning one of the many clay mugs when he looked to the dark elf.

"Welcome to Likes-Soft-Skins Inn! I'm Likes-Soft-Skins and I like all soft skin races!"

The Aragonian said with a grin.

"I care not for your fetishes lizard! I have come for food and shelter!"

The dark elf replied.

The Aragonian put down the clay mug, narrowed his eyes at the dark elf and said.

"We have rooms yes!...Food no!...Spirts yes!...You want room? That will be fifteen gold Septiems!...You want sprits? That will be 5 Gold Septiems! Take it or leave it Dunmer!"

He was annyoed that Aragonian dared to speak to him like this, but he was in no position to argue, he reached into his coin purse and reluctantly paid the Aragonian for both room and a bottle of sprits.

"A bottle of Cyrdiil brandy!" Ordered the dark elf.

The Aragonian reached under the bar counter and pulled out both a bottle of Cyrdiil brandy and clay beer mug and placed them before the dark elf and continued with his work.

The warmth of the inn and the hard drink in his hand finnaly started to warm him, but for quite sometime he kept feeling the piercing gaze of someones eyes on his back. Looking behind him he saw a male Khajiit, dressed in a brown travelers cloke and was sitting at a table directly behind him. The cat had his gaze fixed on him and all the while was grinning a unsettling toothy grin. Ignoring the Khajiit he went back to dinking his brandy. The Khajiit then rose up from his table and walked up to the front of the bar and stood next to the dark elf.

"Greetings Dark Elf! I'm am Ro'jo! A fellow adventurer and powerful mage!"

The Khajiit both greeted and boasted.

The dark elf after hearing this let out a loud "HA!" and continued to ignor him.

"You do not belive Ro'Jo? Ro'Jo can prove it yes!"

The Khajiit continued.

"You exspect me to belive that a common house cat can invoke words of arcane power?! Do not insult my intelligence fur-licker! Leave me be or by my fathers sword I will run you through!"

Warned the dark elf.

Ro'jo was not intimidated nor was afraid.

"Please indulge Ro'jo with this one request to prove his awesome power and Ro'jo will leave you be."

Said Ro'jo.

The dark elf let out a heavy sigh and turned to the Khajiit and with a wave of his hand signaled Ro'jo to begin. Ro'jo then closed his eyes and raised his hand and muttered something in his native language.

Then he lowered his hand, opened his eyes and said;

"You traveled far yes?...From Marrowind yes?...You seek something yes?...no...someone yes?"

The Ro'jo was successful in getting the dark elfs attention.

"Impressive! Please continue!" said the dark elf.

Ro'jo raised his hand and closed his eyes again, then lowered his hand and opened his eyes.

"You have carry 230 gold septiems yes? The gold ring on you finger was a gift from a loved one yes? You where a silver dragon necklace around your neck yes?"

The dark elf then laughed and replied,

"Your tricks are impressive enough...to entertain a young child!"

The dark elf rudely pointed out and continued;

"I know you are no mage and if I had the right skills I could also read someone as you do! Now begone!"

Ro'jo continued to smile and chuckled;

"You are too smart for Ro'jo! You are right...Ro'jo is no mage...he is something else yes...but not a mage."

And after Ro'jo said that he walked past and sort of bump into the dark elf and continued on to the front door to the inn. Ro'jo opened the door and looked back at the dark elf and smiled a wicked grin and left.

With the annoying cat out of his hair, he went back to enjoying his drink. The Aragonian barkeep returned and asked if the dark elf would like another.

"Two bottles of Nord mead!" The dark elf ordered.

"That will be 10 gold septiems! Pay now!"

Annoyed still by the lizard he was about to reach into his coin pure, but then noticed that the gold ring that bared his family crest was missing from his finger! A feeling of horror raced through him and he felt around his neck. The silver dragon necklace his mother gave him was also missing! Fearing the worse he quickly reached into his coin pure and his fears were indeed correct! All his hard earned gold was missing! But he did find one thing in his purse...A folded single parchment note. He quickly pulled the note from his pocket, opened it and to his horror it read:

_ "Is magic no?" -Ro'jo_