Seeking Justice: An Ashley and Rachel Poetic Short story

Story by Dars on SoFurry

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#5 of Untouchable

Seeking Justice: An Rachel and Ashley Poetic story

Combing through the satin tresses of her hairs

Which in public could illicit hateful stares

I kiss the shapely curve of her cheek

The sleeper shifts the bed with a squeak

Morning honey did you sleep well

No I worried with no peace I fell

We'll be ok trust me we'll make it through

If they take our kids what would we do

I can't tell you your parents won't try

But we'll fight them I tell you no lie

I wish they would leave us all alone

They were the ones to cast the first stone

We were happy and did not want this fight

They're only doing what they think is right

Does that justify the battle we face

No hatred is evil they have no case

How can our kids call them grandma or grandpa after this

How could we not teach our kids what a hateless worldview is

This will define them you do not understand

This may define us its not what we planned

How do we forgive my mother and father

Maybe in a dream if we can see farther

This isn't smoke signals I'm not going to mellow

I'm not asking you too honey you can bellow

I'm sorry for being this way

Forgiven I love you each day

Lets make breakfast now honey then get the kids to their aunt

We'll be calm for them and protect them from things that they can't

We will be okay

God willing I pray

_ _

The worrier shifts the bed with a squeak

My kiss for the shapely curve of her cheek

Which in private always entices joyful stares

I comb through the satin tresses of her hairs