Zethorak the Demon Queen

Story by Winterhoof on SoFurry

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Zethorak the Demon Queen

Tonight, Patches caught me up on everything. We discussed, at length, a great deal about a demonpony queen named Zethorak and how--for the past 15 years--she'd been expanding her empire inside the everfree forest and that this was her second attempt to take over the land of Equestria. She also told me of my father's involvement and how he was solely responsible for vanquishing Zethorak the first time. Patches opened up a few scrolls and read them to me. Historical records she called them. Here are a few of them...

***A Brief History of Winter Storm***

"Winter Storm, Child of the Night, recruited by Luna herself at a very young age. He trained and fought alongside many others, including Commander Typhoon, father to Patches, during Zethorak's first rebellion. He was a great aerial combatant, known for his focus and agility. After Zethorak was defeated, Winter Storm was no longer needed, and he moved back to Cloudsdale where he took a wife. A few years later, soon after Winterhoof's birth, Zethorak had come back, but her evil intentions were not the same. Her demon eyes were fixed on his father. Her hatred for Winter Storm was unfettered and absolute.

"One cold winter's night in Cloudsdale, Zethorak snuck about, subduing anypony who got in her way, turning them into stone. As she made her way through the city of clouds, she found Winter Storm's house and his family inside. Winterhoof had just been born, and everypony inside was in celebration. Zethorak stopped by the window and peered inside. As she watched, her angry grew. Frustrated by their happiness, she could not control herself any longer and Zethorak bursted through the door, shattering it to splinters. She then took the light from the house and consumed it with her deteriorated horn. All anypony could see was the dark red glow of the demonpony's aura. Winter knew what would come next, he tried to warn them, but it was too late. He managed to grab his two children, Winterhoof and Icy, before the demonpony's magic reached them. But his wife Cloud Caller and the other ponies inside were all turned to stone."

"Winter Storm couldn't come to Luna about this, for fear of her sister Celestia finding out. There was only one way to reach the Children of the Night, and that was through a contact in Ponyville. So with his two children in his hooves, he flew as fast as he could until he reached the small town near the edge of the forest. There, he met with a mare named Surge--mother to Patches and wife to Commander Typhoon--and explained what was going on. Winter stayed in Ponyville with his Children as Surge and the other Children of the Night went after the demon queen Zethorak. But as they looked for her, she was nowhere to be found."

"Fifteen years had passed and Zethorak still remains dormant. Somewhere in the inscrutable enigma they call a forest, the evil queen lay unnoticed, hatching plans of demonic intent. The Children of the Night are ever watchful."

***Ponies of the Stone***

"During the First Rebellion of Zethorak, many ponies were turned to stone, and many attempts were made to relieve them of their stony imprisonment, but all ended in failure. More and more ponies were being victimized by the demon queen everyday. So our task as the Children of the night were to gather every pony that had been turned to stone and bring them to a vault for safekeeping. Several vaults were constructed inside the Everfree Forest, each with a total capacity of 25 ponies."

Vault 1 - Full

Vault 2 - Full

Vault 3 - Full

Vault 4 - 9 entries

Latest entries - Commander Typhoon, Winter Storm

"At this rate, we will have to construct another vault. Only, our lead construction pony was turned to stone...

Luna help us all..."

***Zethorak's Return***

"With the return of Queen Zethorak, we are unable to hold the forest center. We've retreated to form a last line of defense between the forest and ponyville. Night has finally come and Princess Luna has come to our aid. Unfortunately, one of our best was lost today, Winter Storm; he now resides in Vault 4. But, in his place, his son Winterhoof was rescued and is now in our company. All is not lost after all."

---End of Documents---

Tonight, Princess Luna and the others drove back Zethorak and her forces from the forest edge, so introductions will have to wait. It's nearly sunrise and Luna has to get back to the castle before her sister realizes she's gone. After Patches and I reviewed the documents, she went into her room and told me to get some sleep before the sun rises. Today, I would begin my training.