Movie Night

Story by ColtonBunny on SoFurry

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A sweet story of a cat and mouse in love, plus cockvore! If you want to skip to the action search for "dove", but I like to think the story is worth it. Let me know if you agree :)

Max heard heavy footsteps approaching the door and scrambled up the leg of the dining room chair. The white mouse's paws moved quickly with the confidence of a thousand repetitions, using the small hand-and-footholds carved into the wooden pole. He made it to the seat of the chair as he heard the key turning in the lock and sped up his ascent, switching to the back of the chair. The door opened just before Max leaped the gap to the table, prompting the feline entering the apartment to sigh.

"One of these days you'll break your neck like that. Why did I waste money on that ladder for you if you never use it?" Liam closed the door behind him, and went to the counter to set down the grocery bags he had hanging from each arm.

"I dunno." Max squeaked in reply, running across the table to get closer to the tawny cat. "I didn't ask for it it's too slow pushing it all over the place whenever I want to go up." The mouse spoke quickly, like he couldn't wait to finish the last word before trying to get the next word out.

"You could just wait for me when I'm that close." Liam started unpacking the food, smiling and trying not to let his excitable boyfriend see.

"But then I hurt my neck trying to see anything but your paws!"

"And just what is wrong with my paws?"

"Nothing they just aren't as cute as your face! Or your butt which is all I'm seeing right now!"

Liam glanced back and saw the mouse practically jumping on the tabletop. He finished putting away the perishables, then left the rest of the food on the counter and leaned down over the mouse, kissing the top of his head as Max reached up and rubbed his whiskers. "Missed you today mousie. Did your sister call?" He pulled a chair over to where Max was standing on the table and sat down.

"Yeah! Everything went great, she has three more healthy little pinkies two girls and a boy!"

Liam snorted gently. "How many does that make now?"

"Hell if I know I stopped counting after 10 and that was like two years ago, she said to tell you hi, and thanks for the gift basket, and mom sent her little message a'course."

"Of course. Why does she want you to give her more grand-kids? You'd think all your other sibling's kids would keep her busy?"

"Like the last 50 times you've asked-" The mouse took a deep breath, "-I DON'T KNOW!" Max sat down in a huff, his tail lashing out across the table as his feet dangled over the edge. "I mean she knows I'm gay and I'm with you and she actually does like you no matter what you think but she still expects me to get some mouse girl knocked up somehow!" Liam chuckled, lightly rubbing his thumb down Max's back.

"I'd blame your brother. I think she's expecting you to decide you're bi too."

"Urg, at least he has a normal amount of children. I swear Lisa needs a fucking hobby!" Max grabbed Liam's finger and nuzzled it.

"I think that's her problem, actually. She needs a non-fucking hobby."

The mouse let go of Liam and looked up at the feline's face smirking down at him. "Oh that was bad even for you that was just bad." Liam only grinned wider, his cheeks curling up as he exaggerated his grin more and more. Max started giggling. "Alright Cheshire so it was funny it's still bad." The grin widened more, Liam's teeth parting. Max looked straight up, staring into the feline's widening maw. "Don't you tease me with that thing, not unless you mean it anyway."

Liam licked his lips slowly, then leaned down and kissed Max again, slower and wrapping his mouth around the top of the mouse's head. Max closed his eyes, groaning as he felt Liam's tongue brush the top of his head. Suddenly he felt his feline's jaw relax and lift away from him. "You're right. Teasing is mean. I'll stop."

"Bastard." Max muttered.

"Oh please. You're still dressed, I wouldn't want to ruin your clothes."

"I can fix that pretty easy you know."

"Yeah, but then who would I watch that new Martin movie with? I mean, we_could_wait until tomorrow, but..."

"You got it! I didn't think they'd have that at a macro movie place!"

Liam smiled. Ah perspective. To people Liam's size, Max and his friends were micros and Liam was normal sized, if a bit scrawny. To Max, Liam was a macro and Max was actually a bit taller than average. "They wouldn't normally, but someone asked them to order a 'macro' copy a few weeks ago. Apparently he wanted to surprise some cute little mouse he lived with. Luckily for us, he never picked it up, so they sold it to me."

Max rolled his eyes, and his whole head slightly to make sure Liam could tell. Try as he might though, he couldn't hold back his enthusiasm for long. "I'll start the popcorn!" Max hopped off the table into Liam's lap, then onto the edge of the chair and scrambled his way down the leg before sprinting across the kitchen floor to the counter. Liam waited for Max to head into the small (to the cat) staircase between the counter and the wall before standing up himself. He grabbed the movie from the pile of groceries and headed to the living room. Part of him still wanted to do everything, but Max insisted on doing at least some of the household work.

The mouse jogged up to the top of the counter, then pulled a bag of popcorn out of the box left open against the wall. He bit through the plastic coating and peeled it off the paper bag, then dragged the popcorn to the microwave. He dropped it and rammed his shoulder into the button at the bottom, and the microwave door popped open. He lifted the edge of the bag onto the glass disk inside, then ran to the opposite end and pushed the bag up into the microwave. After the halfway point, he climbed up onto the disk and pulled the popcorn the rest of the way. Then he stepped out of the microwave and pushed the door closed, pushing as hard as he could to make sure it clicked into place. Then he climbed up the side of the oven and reached across the corner, stretching until he could knock the side of his fist into the 'Popcorn' button. The microwave hummed to life and Max climbed back down, panting. The whole process took about 7 minutes, in the meantime Liam had put the movie in, come back to the kitchen, put the rest of the groceries away, and was sitting at the table and waiting for Max to finish.

"Want a lift?"

Max was tempted to hold onto his pride, but he was tired and Liam's paws looked so soft and inviting. "Sure." He knew Liam didn't think he was lazy, that he did his part for the household with his marketing job.

The cat's sand colored paws were soft, and Max caught his breath during the short ride to their shared armchair in front of the television. Liam set max down on the headrest along with the remote, then headed back into the kitchen. By the time he came back with a bowl of popcorn, a bottle of Coke, and a shot-glass with the words 'Mega Gulp' written on it, Max was full of energy again. Liam sat down and Max hopped onto his shoulder, kissed the cat's cheek, and snuggled down into a comfortable position to watch the movie. It was a good fantasy/action flick, and Max pointed out every difference between it and the book it was based off of. Apparently they got the design of Martin the mouse's sword just, so wrong, but it still looked cool and Max could see how this would work better in film and...

Max's constant chatter was just part of the movie watching experience. Liam knew when he bought it that he'd have to watch it again later if he wanted any chance of understanding it, but most of the time it was more fun to see how excited Max could get anyway. He didn't know where the mouse got his energy from, though the half empty 'Mega Gulp' glass of soda was a likely culprit.

"...and the castle is way bigger than in the books but they really like that bigger scale for those in movies and why aren't you eating your popcorn?" Liam didn't realize the question was meant to be answered until the mouse stopped talking for a few consecutive seconds.

"The popcorn?" Liam turned his head so the mouse was right in front of his nose. "I didn't want to ruin my appetite." He stuck his tongue out and snuck it beneath Max's loose shirt.

"Oh cause you're so sure I'm gonna slide down your throat tonight?"

"You did seem pretty eager earlier."

"It's hard not to be with cat breath all over the place! You thought I made all that popcorn for myself?"

"You like popcorn."

"Yeah well I actually had something else in mind tonight so eat up. The POPCORN!" The mouse shouted through laughter as the cat nodded and opened his mouth wide.

"Yes my master." The cat grabbed a handful of popcorn, wondering what the mouse had planned."

"Oh don't give me that master stuff now shush I wanna watch the movie."

Liam mentally counted down. Three. Two O-

"Oh wow they got the casting just right on the snake leader I worry its racist to have a snake cast as the bad guy but I mean they did fight with the mice a lot back then but still..."

_ne._Liam tried not to choke on his popcorn.

"That movie was so good- god I can't believe how evil that snake was he ate so many mice and"

"Whoa whoa hold on- eating mice is evil now?" Liam looked at Max and pouted. "I don't wanna be evil."

"Oh come on that's different he *digested* them and you ask don't be silly."

"So when I digest you it's evil? I'll make sure to feel guilty later then."

The mouse readjusted his pants. "And they didn't come back come on you know what I mean ya big lug."

"Alright alright. So what were your plans anyway?"

"Plans? Oh right!" The mouse dove down the cat's shirt, sliding down his chest and belly. Liam tried not to squirm and laugh as Max tickled him on the way down, making a small bulge in his shirt.

"Some people answer questions with words you know. Just a new idea."

"Those people sound boring!" Max shouted as he tried to wriggle his way under the cat's beltline into his pants. Liam laughed and loosened his belt to let the mouse in, then carefully peeled off his belt and pulled his pants down to his legs as Max made a beeline to the feline's cock, slipping under the elastic into his boxers. The mouse wrapped his arms around Liam's soft penis and nuzzled into it, inhaling deeply. He started rubbing it, caressing the underside and feeling it harden with each pulse of Liam's heart. Max was still fully dressed, too eager to reach his lover's cock to bother undressing, but now that he had arrived he used one hand to unbutton his pants and start sliding them off, pulling his own underwear down with them to let his small cock rub against Liam's now fully erect member.

"Head to the bedroom and grab the bottle on the nightstand!" Max yelled out, then held on as Liam stood up and slowly followed instructions. As he waited, the mouse started licking around the top of Liam's cock, slipping his small tongue under the cat's foreskin. After an especially large bump the inside of the cat's boxers became still, then the cloth was pulled swiftly away. The rush of cold air made Max gasp and hug tighter to Liam's cock.

"This bottle?" The cat held a pill bottle above his waist as the mouse glanced up. "Yeah, you take one of the larger tablets and give me one of the smaller ones. They're chewable."

"I doubt I'd have trouble swallowing a pill sweetie" the cat laughed as he opened the medicine.

"Yeah but the chewable acts faster"

"What do these do anyway?" The label on the pills had been ripped off.

"It's a surprise. Trust me, you'll love it. Well hopefully at least."

"Sweetie, you promised you'd stop using me as a Guinea Pig, remember."


The cat quickly popped a tablet into his mouth and passed the mouse one of the very small tablets. "Now just lie back and watch me work." The mouse took his own tablet and rubbed against the feline's penis. He was resting on his boyfriend's balls, long tail reaching down, curling along the bottom of Liam's sack and tickling his taint. Max opened his mouth as wide as he could and began to swallow Liam's cock, stuffing the head of his boyfriend's penis into his mouth. His small tongue darted around, slick saliva soon coating the cat's glans. The mouse started humping into his lover's shaft, moaning around his full mouth.

Liam smiled as he propped himself against the headrest, watching his small boyfriend worship his cathood. The mouse lifted his head up, stopping suddenly. "Oh yeah, make sure to jack off in the morning ok?" He said. Before Liam could ask what he meant, the mouse started licking at his thick meat again, tongue darting inside his cock-hole. It felt amazing, and Liam closed his eyes and moaned. The feeling only grew, and when Liam opened his eyes he didn't believe them. He saw his boyfriend's neck and body sticking out of his cock, with the mouse's head wedged inside.

His cock pulsed, and the mouse was sucked in another centimeter as a new wave of pleasure racked through the cat's body, causing another pulse and another wave. Through the haze, Liam worried about Max for a moment, but it felt so good, he didn't want it to stop, and besides, Max didn't seem to be complaining. The mouse's tail was whipping around, and his wriggling inside the cat's dick was only pulling him in deeper. The cat stopped thinking, knowing only that he had to keep feeling like this.

He took a thumb and gently but firmly pushed Max's protruding legs deeper inside him, moaning and rolling his head back. Pre spurted out of him, coating the mouse's legs and tail as he slid smoothly inside Liam. In a moment only the mouse's long tail was protruding from Liam's cock, and with each pulse more of it was consumed. Liam felt amazing, it felt like he was cumming constantly but without release. It felt so good it was almost painful, a wonderfully pleasurable kind of pain. He watched as his cock bulge slowly but steadily descended deeper and deeper inside him. The cat reached down and gave his balls a squeeze, knowing somehow that that's where Max was heading. And he was right, as he felt the mouse's head slip into his sack. He felt the mouse's tongue flick at his balls, then gentle rubbing as Max's arms joined his head.

Unlike the overwhelming pleasure from before, this felt softer, more loving, and still amazing. As more of Max crawled into his sack, the cat realized that the bed beneath him was covered in cum. He hadn't even noticed his orgasm, orgasms at the look of the volume. He felt drained, body and soul, and he reached down to caress Max in his balls. He felt a light pressure pushing back, but it quickly faded away leaving only a light sense of churning within his balls. A pang of fear hit him, but he was too tired to really worry. He just needed to sleep.

In the morning, Liam woke up with a dick that could cut diamonds. He moaned and glanced at Max's bed on the nightstand, annoyed at it's emptiness. His balls felt heavy and restless, like he hadn't come in a month. Figuring Max wouldn't mind, the cat grabbed his dick and started stroking. He knew he should grab a tissue first, but he could just shower off after. He rubbed the head of his cock with his thumb as he masturbated, swirling his slick pre around his glans. Before long thick strands of cum shot out of him, coating his chest and belly. Liam moaned as more and more seeped out of him, and when it finally stopped he lay back in bed for a minute, enjoying the comfortable sheets on his now extremely sensitive skin. He took a breath and sat up, only to see Max falling down off his chest. The cat caught him, and the nude mouse yawned and looked up at him. "Morning stud. Was that as good for you as it was for me?"

Liam smiled, remembering the events of the previous night. "How many of those pills did you get?"

"I'll take that as a yes." The mouse kissed his thumb.