The Furry Rebellion: Freedom

Story by Mat and Mari Productions on SoFurry

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7/2/2351/0000 Hours

XIII's Journal:

Can't sleep. How do I know if she is still alive? she's a survivor., but if she fell behind on work then... No I can't think like that. She's fine she'll never fall behind especially know she knows she is close to freedom. That hellhole is never going to operate again. I'll make sure of that. I feel horrible that she must endure five more days of pain, suffering, and seeing others die. No more, I won't let it happen anymore I know of the locations of all the other 14 work/death factories.

I feel horrible I was the one who recommended the building of these hellholes. I still can't believe Mary fell in love like a monster like me, she is kind, beautiful, and forgiving. she has to be to forgive my sins, my thousands of infractions of the war conventions. if there were a trial for all id did I would be sentenced to death. I hope that these furs forgive me...

"I hate this war if only there were a way to stop this horrible war. blood has been shed on both sides, it isn't even a war now its chaos. we head out to a town to day to show that we are in control. it sickens me only just yesterday did we win and piled the bodies in the center of town and light them ablaze, against my protest. Who listens to a scientist anymore. Funter Hallow is a terrible leader. he ordered the burning of the bodies, as well as my family. they died 8 years ago under his command.

_ We are marching down the main street. Families of furs are watching in terror. suddenly a soldier points a gun at a mother who had lost her husband yesterday in the fighting. I tried to get him to lower the gun. too late he pulled the trigger... the arctic fox fell down to the ground. she was majorly injured. I pulled out my first aid kit. thank god I had this on me today. I tried to pact the wound as best as I could... she won't live through the night._

_ Later back at base I found the soldier. I told my guards he must be taught a lesson, and to wait outside the room. I entered his room, it was a total pig sty my god was he any less of a slob? I pulled my side arm out put the gun to his chest, right over his heart. I fired once, twice, then emptied the entire clip into him. covered in blood I walked out of the room handed the .45 caliber to the left guard Hallows son."_

That bastard. oh well he's in a better place to not harm anybody else. Though that almost cost me my life. wow I fell asleep. I can't believe it damn memories I can't help but remember at least on time I caused something. I tried to save that poor fur I don't know if she made it or not. but at least her murderer is no longer alive I fear that if he was he would have killed more than he did that night.

0700 hours time to go to briefing. I was escorted by the soldiers who replaced the first watch. We went down to the hangar. The amount of furs there were close to at least 5000. There would only be about 1000 robots on guard at all times. There were no more than 2000 robots stationed there. It an un fair fight. for them.

All right soldiers were going to hit them fast and hit them hard

Objective One: take out the guard towers

Objective Two Eliminate any fighting forces

Objective Three: Rescue all prisoners

Objective Four: destroy facility

Move out! Moulder orded.

I was ushered to a drop ship handed an assault rifle. I checked it's functionality. Perfect. Grabbed a pack full of C-4 and ammo. Grabbed 4 fragmentation grenades, and 3 high explosive grenades. Hopefully I wouldn't need it but... you never know.

we headed down to the planet's surface. I was prepared to jump out when we arrived. I rolled out of the drop ship and started running towards the forest. I readied some C-4 to plant it at the base of the Guard tower where it was its weakest. ran back into the forest then waited till I heard 3 explosions. any minute now... Boom! Boom! Boom! Then I pressed the detonator Ka-pow!

I ran up into the hole in the wall. Then proceeded to shot at the pathetic guard robots. I started mowing them down. I was making my way towards the factory. inside I didn't see her they probably moved to the barracks, though the robots remained I emptied the clip ran outside to reload. then made my way to the barracks. went up the stairs. no robots in here. Opened cell VIII there... she was. She walked towards me. Looked me in the eyes then smacked me.

That was for making me wait, this is for coming back... She said happily

Leaned forward and kissed me. It was as if the entire world was gone all that existed were me and her. it was an exciting experience that I had never felt before in my life. I didn't want it to end. Then she broke the kiss.

We have to get out of here. She stated

I agree. I concured

I gave her my side arm. we got down stairs then went outside. then I saw somebody who I never expected to see again in my life. it was almost as if my prayers were answered. the arctic fox who I attempted to save though I thought she would die. she was making her way to the forest. Then I heard someone who I had seen years ago. Hallows son.

Go Mary run I'll be there shortly. I told her.

So the little bad wolf is turning sides know. Funta Hollow Jr.

So what if I am? I demanded.

That's treason. He reasoned.

Good! I don't care anymore. I hate humans , they are cruel vile and tactless. I siad with a passion.

He reached for his side arm I shot him three times figuring. he was dead I turned and started to run away just then I felt something thump me in the back, then another. I fell. couldn't move I tried to crawl away then I was suddenly picked up by big strong arms. I feel cold so cold... darkness.

" will this killing never end. I have no wish to keep killing any more it is too cruel. the life I see nothing but death there must be a way to stop this chaos. There is a way to stop this... maybe. I need to conduct experiments that would show me the path of the end. if they work I can end the war... hopefully anyway.

_ First experiments with genetic modification were disasters. test subjects all died. first batch of genetic modification. damn these are useless I need something less abrasive. something slower it's a folly to try to make it happen in 24 hours. for this I need to design a some sort of a stasis tank._

_ I feel like a monster I didn't want to bomb the town. if I didn't they would have killed me. maybe I should have let them kill me. then they would all still be alive. Fuck this whole thing I don't want to remember. when I complete the stasis tank I'll be the test subject."_

Mary. I said weakly.

Save you energy. You're going to be just fine. She told me

Why do you love me? I asked weakly.

I just do. She simply replied.


The End?