dragon ranch pt7

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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#7 of dragon ranch

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After dinner and goodbyes we went to bed. I was a bit unhappy. I laid awake over an hour after the last light in the place went out. Eventually I could not stand it anymore and went outside even thou we are not suppose to. Earl was out there as well nearby asleep. I was tempted to move over to him as Jasmine came out as well. We spoke a little more of things involving the dragons and more. To protect myself I am not putting any more detail of that night. We were both seventeen and if I was put in court I would plead the fifth. Think what you want. It may be true it or may not, but that is us to know and none others business. Plus it makes the story a little more interesting. Now in the morning I had a short talk with Mr. Branson before breakfast and at seven twelve the bus arrives near half an hour late.

As we got on I noticed Earl, Lisa, and Jake sitting together watching us get on the bus. We took the back seats and watched as we drove off. They flew following us as well as many others. By the time we got to the border fences only those three were left. Then only Earl followed us. We were lucky that the bus needed to fuel up and a stop at the gas station allowed many to get new batteries and a last chance at a rest room for a few hours. I had no idea what to do as I saw him racing to catch up until Tom pointed out a for sale pickup truck. I go to it and see a sign saying 'for details ask inside' so that is what I did.

The gas station was one of those dinky old man gas stations with an autobody attached to it. I asked about the truck and a guy led me to it again. Jack from central high noticed my interest with it and helped me look it over. After about ten minutes of checking the 02' ford over we started talking price. By the time the bus left I had title and the keys for it in hand. And was $1,250 poorer but I got a full tank of gas, four new tires, a oil change, and a pine car freshener. After a very short argument with Ms. Garreson because of the drivers schedule and other things, it was decided Jack would ride along with me to make sure nothing goes wrong.

And we had cell phones so no trouble keeping in contact. So there we were for ten hours going down the road with a dragon on the back of my new blue used beat up ford pickup truck. There were definitively questions from the police almost every time we crossed a state boarder. Then the media got involved. By the time the bus made the second stop to change drivers and fuel up again I had a police escort and an entourage. It took me a bit to get into the store to buy dog food, gallons of water, raw hamburger, buckets to put it all in and bungee rope to hold them in place. And pay for a full tank of gas as well. We got snack and other things as well but nothing of real note. Earl really liked the attention he was getting from the press and was posing for the cameras. It was not like dragons were extinct or anything.

It did not take him that long either to have the craving to get some digestive relief. So he flew off to take care of business. After that I drove and Tom joined me instead. Sense we already called our parents or well they called us when we were spotted on CNN. As I drove Tom talked to them. They wanted us to meet them half way but there was no need for that. All we really needed to do was follow the bus and hope and pray that none tries to take a too close picture while we were on the road. Who was enjoying the fast movement without flying. It could tell by the images we got from Tom's phone from the news copter live streaming us online.

When we got back into our own state we broke off from the bus as planned as it was going to Central High School and we live a few counties north of there. When we got closer home I took a dirt road I knew the news vans, small tires and low center of gravity, could not pass threw without getting stuck. Even in the truck it got tricky a few times. Eventually we lost sight of them all and made our way home. We got into my backyard with the truck before any spotted us.

The first thing Earl did was started marking territory. In a way so did me and Tom. So we laid low in the back waiting for what is to come next. Avoiding detection from the legions of news vans. Then the first of our parents came home. Tom's dad. He was actually cool with Earl coming back with us. He had been to the ranch when he was younger and knew the rules of being around a dragon. Then Tom's mom. Overreacting class 304 lesson 17. Never bring a dragon home to an overprotective mother. That whole scene could be summed up as incomprehensible yelling and Earl laying his head down as if he was in trouble for something I led him away from her as soon as I could. He understands that it was a mother protecting her young but he does not like it. She apologized later with fresh cooked cookies after cooking dinner for us. I was not enough to get them on good terms but at least it was enough to be in the same area and they not care the other is there.

When we saw my mom that night she was a wall of mystery. She was not scared, worried, thrilled, stunned, or anything I expect any human being would be for meting a dragon for the first time. So I introduced one to the other and then she went inside. That was about the end of the excitement for the day.