Blossom Joe (updated)

Story by cameron19 on SoFurry

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Hi, let me first introduce my self. My name is Jasmin, but you can call me Blossom Joe. Everyone thought i was a young colt, by my attitude. When i was born, i had no eyes. It was all bone where my eyes were to be. My blindness would scare my father if he knew, so i wore sunglasses since i was born. i was the biggest tomboy you would know, I always looked like a boy as well. When my dad was home i dressed in dresses for special parties, so he didn't know.

By the time I was twelve my dad had thought an arranged marriage was best. I begged him to let me choose my own husband to be, but he thought was incapable of such decision. We fought about it for over a year. the young colt he chosen had moved in when i was thirteen. i guess it started when i was fourteen that the abuse started. i never told anyone,because i was afraid. my friend wondered where i was, because they hardly seen me around. When they did see me, I had made sure I wore clothing to hide any cuts and bruising. All of the abuse and controlling went on for two years when i decided to run away.

I had my friends help, Since we raised doves, it allowed me to stay in contact with them. I sent a message to a friend, to help get me out of the castle.All of my friends had family that lived out of town, so they weren't able to be identified easily. They made it look like a kidnapping, so they didn't think i ran away. for a year I lived with an uncle of Tammy. Tammy was the only girl that I was friends with. I got pregnant while there, after giving birth I ran off. A family of baboons found me past out on the road, so they took time to get me back on my hooves.

In exchange, i trained to fight with them. I met a young baboon name Flash. He and I was the only one that worked together, and he knew my gender and why I ran off. Five years later a fight broke out between the baboons and my home.Fortunate enough no one recognized me, not even my so called husband to be. Flash always fought from a chariot i pulled.