Pokegirls Melanie's Tale chapter 5

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#5 of Pokegirl Adventures

And the story continues. Continues with a new face to help carry it along. Not great in the way of events yet, but great events will be coming I hope. Events I've tried to set the scene for.

As well as the promise of more sweet Taming scenes. Now that I'm starting to get my swing back with writing sex scenes. It's still a little hard. A hangover of my doubts I suppose. And it feels like I'm pushing a rock up a hill sometimes. But I'm getting there. Hope you guys think so too.

Going to be opening up commission and Request slots in a while I hope. Or you can check out my Patreon for upcoming rewards.https://www.patreon.com/white66

The morning sun had already graced the world with its presence by the time Tamika did the same with a yawn she stifled with the back of her hand, that light playing over the soft purple tint of her skin. Stifled because Melanie was still sleeping next to her. Even her sleep fogged mind had recognised that, almost instinctively reacting so as not to disturb her.

Which was exactly the reason why she silently and carefully slipped out of bed with barely as much as a rustle of sheets, ignoring the slight pang in her heart that always came whenever she left Melanie's side; a bittersweet rush of emotion that could only truly be soothed by her return.

Tempting as that thought was, Tamika resisted the urge to crawl back into bed with her. If she did that, she knew she wouldn't be able to resist doing something guaranteed to wake Melanie. Or be able to rein in her libido that despite the passionate Taming session last night that had left them both more than satiated. She was still a Pokegirl after all; her libido as strong as the desire to bond with her Tamer. Still, that didn't mean they had to spend all day fucking and Taming. Not that that stopped Tamika thinking about it as she dropped the carefully collected bundle of clothes into the hamper by the door, carefully hiding the evidence of last nights activities.

As accepting as Melanie's mother was about her daughter's choice to become a Pokegirl Tamer and the particular responsibilities that came with it, Tamika was sure she wouldn't be that appreciative of evidence of how they had been going at it like rabbits until both of them dropped into a content and dreamless sleep.

Now, if only she could find her panties. Despite her first search, the cute pale blue knickers Melanie had brought for her had yet to turn up, no doubt having landed somewhere completely obscure and out of the way. Or they could just be under the bed. Either way, Tamika didn't exactly want to be standing around bare butt naked if Melanie's mother came knocking. Which prompted her to grab a fresh pair of white panties and a faded yellow shirt from Melanie's drawer, sure that she wouldn't mind her borrowing them.

Satisfied she looked at least somewhat decent, Tamika decided to restart her underwear hunt by bending down to check under the chest of drawers.

'Not that I mind the view..' Melanie stifled a laugh. Or it might have been a yawn. '..but what are you doing?'

'I'm looking for my panties.' Tamika answered without rising from her enticing crouch, teasing Melanie with a seductive wiggle of her hips.

'Funny, I could have sworn they were on that sweet tush of yours.' This time there was no mistaking the soft chuckle that followed those words.

'Not these.' Tamika flicked her a soft rebuking glance. 'The ones I was wearing last night. I can't remember where we threw them. Which I'm blaming on you by the way.'

'Excuse me?' Melanie snorted. 'I didn't hear you complaining last night when I went down on you. Begging me not to stop, yes. Complaining, no.'

'What can I say? Your distracting tongue can have that effect on me. It is my fault you've made a ruined woman of me?' Now where had that come from? Tamika allowed herself a pause to try to find an answer. Not that one was forthcoming. It was one thing most people forgot, how intelligent Pokegirls are. Sometimes she even surprised herself with the things she soaked up.

'Ruined woman?' Melanie managed to keep a straight face for just a second before she broke down into a fit of giggles, giggles that lasted for a full minute before she got her control back. 'Sorry, that just caught me by surprise. You know you are perfect to me right?'

'Oh, I know it.' Tamika grinned as she grabbed a shirt from Melanie's closet. 'So, what are we going to do today?'

'Tamers can get all of this?' Tamika tried not to be overwhelmed by what Melanie had described as a small shop, her eyes unable to take in the shelves full of more things than she could of imagined. Try as she might, she was overwhelmed anyway. This was just outside of her experience. After all, she had never had a Tamer before. Perhaps not something uncommon in a Pokegirl but honestly she had never imagined her life taking this direction, not that she could tell Melanie that. Melanie had never asked about her origins.

'Can, yes.' Melanie nodded. 'Need is another question. Somethings in here are just nice to have rather than a necessity. Anyway, not all of this is for Pokegirl Tamers. People do need to buy regular things as well. For now, we just need some more potions and some Pokeballs too. You never know what kinda Pokegirls we might come across.'

'Yes, but we've been coming across a lot before now.' Tamika asked. 'And you didn't seem to want to catch any of them. Has something changed?'

'I guess you could say that.' Melanie smiled that reassuring smile that Tamika knew was as much for Melanie as her. 'Sounds silly maybe, but I wanted this time between us to be special. I know I'm going to have to catch other Pokegirls at some point. But I didn't want you to think I was passing you over for another.'

'I never thought that.' Tamika replied earnestly. 'I trust you.'

'Well, I hope I can live up to that.' Melanie said slowly, maybe wondering if this was the way she should talk to her Alpha. Or if she should show her weaknesses. It wasn't like there was a playbook. They were both feeling new to this. 'Anyway, here we are. Pokeballs. And Potions. Ten of each should do.'

'Can we afford that?' Tamika asked, having no real knowledge of the economics of it.

'Sure.' Melanie soothed. 'I've got plenty of cash from my first Tamer's allowance. And I'm going to be getting more in a few weeks. So we will be fine. Come on, let's go and get this and get back to Meles Forest.'

'You don't want to try somewhere else?' Tamika asked as she followed Melanie up to the counter. 'Could be good to push ourselves a bit.'

'It could.' Melanie admitted. 'But i still think it's good to play it safe. Besides, we could run into Peter again. It's a long shot, I know. But I'd like to find out if he learned anything about those guys causing trouble.'

'Only one way to find out.' Tamika grinned as Melanie slipped her purchases into her bag.

'Well, I did say it was a long shot.' Melanie dropped her bag onto the grassy rise to join it a second later.

'Can't say it was entirely a waste of time.' Tamika lowered herself down beside her gingerly. 'Got a lot out of it.'

'Well, you levelled up a bit.' Melanie reflected. 'Didn't exactly catch anything either.'

'Oh? So you wanted a Kitten and a Rack on your team?' Tamika grinned.

'Didn't say that.' Melanie replied. 'Never got the chance to find out did we? We either knocked them out before we could catch them. Or they fled before we could.'

'That's true.' Tamika agreed. 'That last Rack certainly was pretty spry with the way she swooped around behind me. Going to have to work on that if we have to fight more flying types.'

'Agreed.' Melanie nodded. 'We certainly can't out fly them or out dodge them. So maybe we need to make it more simple. Just stay low. They will have trouble flying low. And if they do, should make it easy to jump over them.'

'Could work.' Tamika said carefully. 'Don't forget my techniques though. I'm sure to learn some new ones that could give me an advantage.'

'That's true.' Melanie said. 'I guess we should put some thought into that. Not that I want you to think I'm forcing you to learn something for me. I mean...mmm.'

Tamika stilled her words with a soft kiss. 'Why don't we worry about that later and just see what happens? We've done alright with Water Gun so far. Right now, I think we deserve a break.'

The look in Tamika's eyes and the sultry huskiness in her voice left Melanie in no doubt what that meant. And even as her libido lurched at the thought, one little doubt trickled into her mind, one tiny spark of caution. 'You mean..here?'

'Why not?' Tamika snuggled closer, her hand tracing over her stomach. 'No one is here.'

'Someone could come along.' Melanie countered, her voice and objection both sounding weaker by the second.

'Sooo...let them.' Tamika grinned lustily. 'They aren't here now. And we are.'

'Well..' Melanie's next objection died on her lips as Tamika dipped her head to kiss her neck. 'We..well...I suppose we could take a brief break.'

'That's the spirit.' Tamika smirked, nippling softly on her ear. 'Just so you know, I'm not going to do all the work here.'

'If we stay like this you are.' Melanie whispered, her eyes suddenly half closed. 'Besides, I've been treating you a lot recently. Don't you think it's time you returned the favour?'

'Only if I get it back with interest.' Tamika barely paused a beat, her fingers popping open the button if her trousers to dive into her panties.

'Oh, I don't think there is going to be..' Melanie trailed off suddenly. 'Do you hear that?'

'Hear what?' Tamika certainly sounded focused, not that that seemed to stop her doing what she was doing.

'I thought I heard something in the bushes.' Melanie said urgently. 'What if someone sees us?'

'Maybe's just a couple of kids.' Tamika teased. 'Maybe they would like to watch.'

Melanie had been about to chastise her that that wasn't funny when she heard the sound again, this time accompanied by an unmistakably deep voice, one that if she didn't know better sounded angry. 'That's not kids.'

'No. It's not.' Tamika was back on her feet in a second, her arousal and need obviously forgotten; her Alpha moving to protect her Tamer as she hastily buttoned up her trousers.

'Oh, yeah, sure. Give me all the bad jobs. I mean, if this experiment in this backwater forest was so important, why didn't they send one of the Wanderers or Astras to keep an eye on it in the first place. Just because I'm a Adcept they think we just do the work they don't want to do. Will, just watch, soon I'll be a Raptor. Then I'll get to order those jerks about. I..who are you?'

'Who am I?' Melanie asked hotly. 'Does that silly outfit give you the right to just ask questions of anyone.'

The figure that had suddenly emerged from the bushes cast an eye down over the long flowing tunic that hung loosely over his heavy black trousers. 'Hey. I worked long and hard to get this outfit. Team Jade doesn't hand them out to just anyone. Only those that they see as having potential. On the other hand, this waste of time might not be so bad after all. So, just hand over that Swimslut and I'll be on my way.'

'You must be crazy.' Melanie snapped. 'There is no way I'm giving you Tamika.'

'That's okay. I'll just take her then.'

'Don't even think about it.' Melanie pushed down on her fears, instead clasping her trust in Tamika like a torch. 'You won't take her.'

'We will see about that. Amachop, Pri-mate, go.'

'Hey, that's not fair.' Melanie snapped, quickly eyeing the pair of approaching Pokegirls; one grey skinned, hairless and well muscled while the other was lithe yet strong yet sporting a thick coat of hair right down to her prehensile tail.

'Who said anything about fair? Stupid little bitch. This isn't a League Battle. This is the real world. And it's a world ruled by those who play to win. And I win by my own rules.'

'We will see about that.' Tamika said with a coolness Melanie envied. 'Let's see how your soft Pokegirls do against me. Have they ever seen a real battle? Or have they just been picking on those weaker than themselves? How about you? The lanky one? You think that you can take me?'

Melanie was on the verge of cautioning Tamika on the wisdom of taunting her foes when she was outnumbered, when at that moment the Pri-mate charged right at her. Something Tamika had clearly expected, given the way she met that charge with a straight punch right to her chest. One that struck true and stopped her dead in her tracks and left her gasping for breath.

She might have been frozen by it, but Tamika was not so hindered in her drive for action. One, two quick strides was all it took to carry her close enough to vault over her still staggered foe, using her as a springboard to drive a fierce flying kick at the Amachop who was clearly shaken by Tamika's forceful attack.

It was only the way she stumbled backwards hastily that saved her from the full force of the kick. On the other hand, since she was already stumbling backwards, it wasn't that hard to drive her to the floor with that kick, all that muscle not really doing her any good.

'How do those rules seem to be working out now?' Tamika crossed her arms firmly. 'Give up. Save yourself any more humiliation. Recall your Pokegirls and leave.'

'You think you are so smart.' He snarled as he plunged his hand into his jacket. 'Let's see you outsmart this.'

'Tamika, run.' Melanie's warning came too late, as late as her hurried rush towards her Alpha. A rush that carried her right into the acrid yellow cloud that surrounded Tamika. Too late she realised the trick she had fallen for. What she had mistaken for a Pokeball had actually been a small sphere about the same size. Only jet black.

Any other thoughts were suddenly driven from her head as her arms and legs became heavy, heavy enough to drop her to the ground as if some pressure was pressing down on her. A sensation made even worse as her head started to spin. 'Whhaat hhve you done too mheee.'

'Did you really think I was out of tricks? Team Jade has some neat toys to play with. I'd like to explain how this works, but I never bothered to find out. Enough to say that neither of you will be able to move for a good while. Works as well on humans as Pokegirls I'm told. So, let's see you stop me taking your precious Alpha now. Pick her up.'

'I...won't...let...you.' Melanie put all the venom she could into those words. But all the fire and vitriol and terrified desperation in the world couldn't help her move as much as finger, all her frantic struggles doing nothing to stop the two Pokegirls picking Tamika up bodily. 'You get..your hands...off her.'

'You don't get to choose that. She is mine now and nothing will...'

Whatever nothing would have done, none of them ever found out. Without warning or any sound apart from the harsh smack that resounded around the forest, both of the Pokegirls were sent flying by the pair of vines that whipped out from behind them.

Their grip released, Tamika dropped to the ground. Something that proved to be a good thing as another vine whipped over her head to strike the young man full in the chest. Even as he reeled from that, it withdrew to catch him across the back then flicked to take his legs out from under him.

'It's you.' Melanie could feel her body loosening up again, enough for her to raise her head to see something that made her eyes widen in shock. Of all the things she had expected to see, it wasn't the Boobiesaur she had saved yesterday. And it was her, she was sure of that. 'But why did you help me.'

She wasn't sure she expected an answer. But she got one of a sort from Tamika. 'Doesn't matter. I'll help her now.'

With the sudden and timely reinforcements, the battle turned even more against the two fighting types. In one on one against Tamika, the Amachop found herself even more out matched; her strikes powerful but clumsy. Easily clumsy enough for Tamika to duck and weave around her blows and strike back with skilfully placed ones of her own.

Not that things were going much better for the Pri-mate either. Especially since she wasn't getting close enough to even be able to hit the Boobiesaur, not with the viciously effective strikes her vines were whipping out. Strikes that were impossible to defend against, the flexible stems able to whip around far faster than her hands could defend herself.

'Keep at it.' Tamika encouraged. Not that Melanie was sure the feral Pokegirl could even register the sentiment behind those words. But she was sure Tamika felt better for saying them. 'I'll be right there, then we can take her together.'

Tamika put good to that, one last blow to her chin sending the Amachop tumbling to the floor like a sack of grain before she rose to join the fight against the last opponent. Or would have if Melanie hadn't rested a hand on her shoulder.

'I think she has got it.'

No one could have disputed that. Not with the way the Boobiesaur lashed out again with her vines. Not to strike but to bind, both appendages wrapping tight around her foe to drag her close against her bulb which pulsed before releasing a glittering cloud that surrounded her.

'Sleep Powder.' Melanie guessed as the Pri-mate slumped against her back, her body twitching before falling still. Of her own volition anyway. With an effort that was made to look effortless, she tossed her foe to land next to the unconscious Amachop.

'Got any more tricks you want to try?' Melanie snarled. 'No? Then get out of here. And don't let me see you around here again. Scram.'

Deep down, privately, it was kinda nice how he did just that. Even as Melanie accepted that she couldn't have done it without Tamika and her unexpected saviour. Unexpected, but not unthanked. Not if she had anything to do about it.

'Thank you. I know you didn't have to...' Help was what Melanie had been going to say. Yet those words trailed off as it became apparent that it was the other Pokegirl that needed help as in almost a terrible slow motion she collapsed to the ground clutching a deep slash in her side that was already welling with blood. Somehow Melanie didn't remember moving, just that the next thing she knew she was kneeling at her side, her head cradled in her lap. 'Hang on. You hang on. You hear me.'

Melanie sat outside the operating room at the Pokegirl Centre, not really feeling Tamika's hand on hers. Or the awkward plastic seat beneath her. Not really feeling anything really, just numb..numb all over. She knew she should be feeling something. She had seen the look on the staff's faces as they had rushed the mercifully unconscious Boobiesaur into surgery, the worry. So why didn't she feel worried? Why did it feel like all her emotions had curled into a tight ball and crept to the very depths of her mind.

'She'll be fine.' Tamika squeezed her hand tighter like she had been following her thoughts. 'You did all you could. You shouldn't blame herself.'

'I'm not.' Melanie sighed. 'I just wish it was that easy.'

'Then forget easy.' Tamika soothed. 'You got her here. That's the important thing. Because of you, she is going to be okay.'

That wasn't really helping though. Tamika meant well of course. But Melanie couldn't shake the feeling there was something she should be feeling but couldn't seem to work out what it was. And it frustrated her. Luckily she was saved from the by the arrival of Nurse Joy.

'Is she going to be okay?' Melanie asked.

'She will need to rest but yes.' Nurse Joy nodded. 'You can see her in a bit.'

'We can?' Melanie said, her voice full of surprise.

'Of course. She is your Pokegirl after all.' Nurse Joy replied.

Tamika instantly flashed back to barely 30 minutes ago that felt like a life time ago. She could still feel her head resting on her lap, could still remember the terror that made her hands shake as she reached for the Poke-ball to do all she could. Only this time, one sliver of emotion slipped through her numbness. Guilt. Why she felt it, she had no idea. But there it was. Like a ball of ice in her chest.

'Please, follow me.'

She looked okay. That was the first thing Melanie noticed. Far more okay than someone who had taken such a serious wound barely an hour ago. If anything, she just looked like she was sleeping soundly after little more than a busy day. At least she had some clothes on, if the loose white robe she had been given after the surgery was done counted as clothes. Still, it let her have some dignity at least.

'Are you sure she is okay?' Melanie asked. 'I mean..after all she has been through.'

'Oh yes. Her wound was relatively minor and she didn't lose much blood.' Nurse Joy replied. 'She will need to take it easy for a few days and a prolonged rest in her Pokeball will help speed up her recovery but there is no reason why she has to stay here much longer.'

'Once she wakes up that is.' Melanie said.

'True. But that shouldn't be much longer.' Nurse Joy said. 'I'll understand if you want to stay with her. So if you give me your Pokedex, I can complete her registration for you.'

'Oh, yes. Thank you.' Melanie reached for her Pokedex without really thinking, her gaze not leaving the sleeping Pokegirl. Somehow her words had hit home and it all felt more real than it did a second ago.

'What's wrong?' Tamika had clearly waited until Nurse Joy left to ask that question. And the look on her face said she wasn't exactly going to take nothing for an answer. Not that Melanie had considered saying that.

'It's just...I'm not sure if I did the right thing by catching her.' Melanie admitted.

'That was what you went there for, wasn't it?' Tamika asked. 'To catch a new member of your Harem?'

'I know.' Melanie admitted. 'And if I'd caught her when I had been battling her myself, then it might feel different. I didn't though, did I? I know I did it to save her, that maybe I couldn't have done anything else. It's just..what if she didn't want that? I didn't exactly ask what she wanted. I just did it to make myself feel better.'

'And to save her life.' Tamika reminded. 'Never forget that. Besides, things might be better for her now. Look at it from her point of view. Before you caught her, she was Feral. Nothing more than animal instinct and choices. Having caught her will have changed all that. She will be seeing life in a whole different way, looking at things in ways she never imagined she could. And she will have someone who loves her. So things have to be looking up.'

'Well, put it like that.' Melanie admitted. 'I never thought of it like that. Then again, you would know more about it than I would.'

'I would.' Tamika said firmly. 'So stop feeling guilty. What you did was a good thing. Besides, I think we have other things to deal with.'

'What do you..oh.' Melanie had followed Tamika's sudden turn of her head towards the now awake Pokegirl who was struggling to sit upright in her bed.

'Here. Let me. You shouldn't strain yourself.' Melanie helped her up to a sitting position. 'I don't know if you remember me but..'

'Of course I remember you.' She replied. 'You were there in the forest. I saved you. Then you saved me. I remember that much. So..does that make you my Mistress?'

'I'd prefer Melanie.' Melanie smiled. 'And this is Tamika. And you..do you have a name?'

'I..don't know.' The Boobiesaur hesitated. 'I never thought of myself as an I before.'

'Well, I think you should have one.' Melanie said. 'How does Emma sound?'

'Emma. I like that.' The newly christened Pokegirl said, sounding like she was running that around her head. 'Do we have to stay here much longer?'

'Nope.' Melanie. 'If you feel up to it, we can get out of here right now. Then we can get you some and get you some proper clothes.'

Tamika looked up from where she lay sprawled on the bed as Melanie entered, feeling an odd pang of relief that she was alone. One that instantly tugged at her heart. Seemed that Melanie wasn't the only one feeling irrationally guilty about things.

'Where's Emma?' Tamika hoped that she pushed down on that feeling.

'Still getting changed.' Melanie replied. 'I gave her a few things to try. I didn't want to hover though. Or make her think I was fussing. I want her to feel at home here.'

'You and me both.' Tamika said. 'I don't want her to think she isn't.'

'That almost makes it sound like you don't feel quite right with this.' Melanie said.

'It's not that.' Tamika said. 'It's just new, like things have changed. Which they have. But for the better. I never thought I'd be part of a Harem. It's new to me, is all.'

'Well, we can figure that out together.' Melanie promised. 'Besides, I thought you wanted to be part of a Harem, to help out with Taming all those young sexy Pokegirls.'

'I suppose I did at that.' Tamika allowed herself a little laugh. 'Funny how different things look from the inside. But you are right. We can figure it out. Together.'

'I think I've figured this out.' Emma appeared in the doorway smoothing down her loose tshirt sporting a fresh cut in the back to leave room for her bulb. 'And some clothes I think I like. As far as I know. I'll try them out tomorrow. I hope they work. Oh..and thank you. You've both been so kind to me.'

'Don't mention it.' Melanie smiled. 'Come on. It's okay. You can join us.'

The way Emma hesitated made it clear Tamika wasn't the only one feeling uncertain about this. Really the perfect time for her to hold out an olive branch. One that came in the form of Tamika shuffling to the other side of the bed to allow Melanie to move to the middle with plenty of room beside her.

'Are you sure?' Emma asked.

'Lots of room in here.' Tamika replied. 'Certainly enough for three to be very cosy.'

While that didn't seem to completely remove Emma's hesitation, she did seem to have run out of excuses. Either way, nothing stopped her from climbing into bed to gingerly rest against Melanie's side.

'You don't have to be scared of me.' Melanie soothed.

'I'm not.' Emma replied. 'It just feels a bit like I'm intruding.'

'You aren't.' Melanie reassured. 'I promise. And I really don't bite. Unless you want me too.'

'Maybe I don't know what I want.' Emma replied.

'Well, then.' Melanie smiled. 'I guess I'm going to have to show you what I can do. Call this your proper welcome to the team.'

Tamika had worked out where this was going, her body already tingling as she pulled off her shirt to sit naked before Melanie. 'Panties get in the way around here. Trust me. And you can trust Melanie too. She is a very gentle lover.'

'I'd like to think so.' Melanie purred, gently guiding Tamika down to the bed to lay soft, feathery kisses along her Alpha's toned stomach. 'Tamika certainly never complains.'

Tamika certainly wasn't complaining right now, not with her stomach fluttering under each tender kiss, craving the moment when her Tamer moved to claim her sex with that sweet mouth. Melanie proved to be unpredictable though. Despite how much Tamika wanted her to move down, she did exactly the opposite.

Not that Tamika cared when her lips came to close around her nipple and sucked gently. Tamika squeaked softly, a high sound that dropped to a low moan of equal parts pleasure and encouragement. Something that made Melanie grin, just for a second.

Something that didn't stop Melanie from putting her fingers to good use, to be pressed lightly against Tamika's pussy, feeling her heat and wetness on her skin. Tamika was sure she could feel that. It wasn't like she could avoid it. Just like Tamika couldn't avoid spreading her legs a little wider to give her access.

She could feel Emma watching her. How, she wasn't sure. It wasn't like she could see her with her head resting back on the mattress. But she could. And somehow that made all the difference. Knowing she was watching didn't exactly heighten her arousal. But it did make it more pronounced somehow, making the whole thing more real.

Melanie certainly didn't seem distracted by Emma's presence, her lips and fingers never faltering as they guided her pleasure in a perfect duet, working completely in sync. Where one withdrew to swap to teasingly kiss against the underside of her breast, the other would press in deeper, treating her to a slow penetration that had her head spinning.

'See...this is what I can do.' Melanie purred, her lips pulled away firmly. Something that didn't stop Tamika squirming to regain that touch. And needing her even more. 'Soft little kisses that promise so much more.'

'And..do you deliver?' Tamika felt the bed creak, a sure sign that Emma had moved closer since she hadn't felt Melanie move.

'When I'm in a good mood.' Melanie laughed. 'Which is always. I love my girls to know they are loved by me. I might be new at this, but that is important to me. If they know it when they are squirming under my tongue so much the better.'

'Maybe I'd like to see that.' Emma whispered.

'I'd certainly like to feel it.' Tamika had been struggling to control her rising arousal and had been failing miserably. Not that she was exactly feeling miserable about that. Just that she wanted more than Melanie's fingers in her. That was the effect she had on her.

'That's my little swimslut.' Melanie highlighted the end of that word very purposely. And it made Tamika's body burn. This was where she secretly wanted to be. Pleasing Melanie was fun, but being loved by her was so much better. She hoped Emma found that out.

'Ohhhh.' Tamika's sudden exhalation came as Melanie flicked her tongue over her clit, finally granting her what she had been craving. Luckily for her she didn't stop there either. With the same careful tenderness she had been displaying, Melanie put her tongue to good use. First grazing then parting her lips, seeking the sweet wetness that lay within.

This was the way Tamika loved it, being her with Melanie and having her making sweet love to her.

She could have quite happily stayed in this moment forever, to hold onto this moment of sweet pleasure. Yet Melanie was already moving her onto better things.

Her tongue wove a dance of pleasure over her lips, quick and slow steps equally impossible to follow. Much like the surging pleasure crashing through her. Not that she wanted to try, just content to ride that wave and see where it went.

Along her glistening slit Melanie tongued, teasing her with those slow licks until she thought she would explode from just that touch. Only then would she move to kiss and suck her clit, her hand resting oh so softly on her stomach. A touch that Melanie bucked against and moaned.

'So soft. So warm.' Melanie grinned. 'I do love hearing you moan my dear. Knowing you are moaning just for me.'

'So..you aren't willing to share me?' Tamika asked teasingly. 'Shame. I was hoping that Emma might get to enjoy me next.'

'Well..if you put it like that..I could stop right now.' Melanie made good her light threat by letting her mouth hover over her sex.

'You wouldn't.' Tamika growled.

'No..not really.' Melanie chuckled. 'I just love teasing you.'

'Well, if you don't get back to it, I might just have to take care of things myself.' That was an idle threat too. Tamika's hands could have easily moved to her sex if she wanted. One stroke of her pussy would have likely been too much and she didn't want to ruin what Melanie had started.

'I guess I'll have to finish what I started then.' Melanie grinned.

Tamika wanted that more then she knew, more than words could describe really. But that was the effect Melanie had on her. She could keep her close with her voice alone, never mind the touch of her mouth. Or her fingers. And there was never a selfish thought in her head, her own pleasures pushed aside in favour of loving those around her. Just one of the many reasons she was finding to love her. That and she was a truly wicked lover when the mood took her.

She had nothing opposite to compare it too, having never been with a Tamer before Melanie. Either male or female. So she really had nothing to compare it too. And with being with a man, she really had no desire to try.

She was true to her word. There was no more teasing her, the firm touch on her sex pushing her towards the tingling pleasure that had been dancing around her brain. And was now consuming her like a wildfire. One that wasn't going to be stopped. Even if it needed a little help to do that.

Help that Melanie's tongue was more than willing to provide, her soft hands now resting on her thighs to let her nuzzle close against her sex, diving into the key of her pleasure. It was against that nuzzle that Tamika was gyrating with a slow building urgency, rubbing as much as she could against the laps of that wicked tongue.

Tamika was in sapphic heaven, a heaven she secretly hoped she never had to leave. Not the heaven of cumming from a knowing lesbian tongue lashing but the sweeter heaven of Melanie's love. And that of her Harem, of the love that was sure to come from her Harem sisters as they all got to know and explored each other with perfect intimacy.

It was a sweet thought that was too much for Tamika, her overstimulated body lurching into her orgasm that left her screaming wordlessly, her whole body locked by a wondrous tension she just couldn't shake.

And yet, even as her orgasm faded to the warm glow of soft bliss, she knew it wouldn't be enough. Getting off once wasn't going to be enough for her. Luckily Emma seemed to be thinking the same thing.

'I'd like to try that.' She purred.

'I might still be a little tender.' Tamika winked.

'Good. I'll just have to go very slow.' Emma promised, laying one featherlight kiss on her clit. It might have been as light as air but Tamika stiffened up anyway. It was almost involuntary, caught as she was by a slow tingle of pleasure. One that Emma seemed in no hurry to help grow that quickly.

Around her clit her mouth danced, teasing and licking just where Tamika needed it the most. And at just the speed she needed too. Try as she might, this was still new to her. To both of them really. The last thing she wanted to was to rush into it and maybe spoil things with Emma. A silly thought maybe but one she couldn't help thinking. Besides, this was a good way to let her get to know her.

Despite her earlier protestations, Tamika was quickly getting over her post orgasmic tenderness; her pussy already craving a tongue deep inside her. Or a finger buried up to the knuckle and fucking her hard. It would have been all too easy to take control and show Emma what she liked. One movement of her hand would have done it. Yet she couldn't.

Emma had to find her own way. Alpha or not, Tamika didn't have the right to enforce her will upon her like that. She wasn't going to be that kind of Alpha. While she was still finding her way through this, she was determined to make this more of a partnership. Even if one where Emma found herself on the bottom as Tamika teasingly fucked her with her fingers. Nothing wrong with showing her who was boss a little playfully.

While Tamika was distracted by that pleasing thought, Emma had been continuing her oral ministrations; her tongue never having strayed far from Tamika's clit. Inexperienced though she may be, she could easily feel how she was affecting Tamika. Then again, very few lovers could have ignored the way Tamika was raising her hips up eagerly to meet her touch.

'Seems someone doesn't want slow any more.' Emma whispered. 'Are you always this needy, or is it something about me getting you so hot and bothered?'

'Oh, like you wouldn't be doing the same if things were reversed.' Tamika managed to quip.

'I'll take that as a yes.'

Tamika really had no idea which one of her three statements Emma was referring too. And at that moment, she really didn't care. Not when Emma brushed a finger along her lips, swirling her fingertip through her pussy juice soaked folds. For a second, Tamika was about to say something to encourage her. Then what she had taken for shy hesitation was revealed as more purposeful. Tamika could feel as much see her lips being parted, Emma softly easing one finger deep inside her. Then another, the warm comfortable mass nestled perfectly inside her.

There was no hesitation in what followed though. Her free hand resting lightly on her thigh, Emma began to fuck Tamika with her fingers, drawing back softly to reward her with a equally slow thrust. She might be new at this, but by Bastit did she know what she was doing.

If her hips had been rising eagerly before, it was nothing compared to how Tamika was now gyrating under her lover. Her thighs were literally dripping in pussy juice, her legs unconsciously opening wider to let Emma in closer, almost urging her to fuck her deeper. Barely two minutes after her first orgasm, Tamika could feel another welling up inside her, building to a fire she couldn't hope to contain.

Her pussy clamped down on Emma's fingers but Tamika couldn't feel that, her mind deep in a whiteout storm of pleasure that blocked out anything else. That didn't stop her rubbing and rocking against those fingers as hard as she could. Funny thing was, with all her gyrating and humping, it was Emma who made her cum. It was the way her fingers pushed in deeper that proved too much, that little inch breaking down all the barriers of her resistance.

Tamika might have screamed her name or she might not. For all she knew she yelled out mustard as her body was gripped by the sudden strength of her orgasm, all the pent up tension that had built like a spring being tightened sprung forth at once. Her mind swam and the world with it, suddenly not sure which way was up and not caring.

'Wow. Did I do that?'

'You certainly did.' Tamika eased herself up, pulling Emma into a slow kiss. 'And I'm certainly going to have to pay you back for that. With interest.'

'I like the sound of that.' Emma laughed before claiming Tamika in a kiss of her own. 'I guess I'm all yours.'

'Yes, you are.' Tamika grinned, her tone taking a switch towards the possessive. Not cruelly, just in the way of having a new play thing to well, play with. Something she had never had the chance to indulge in before. So maybe there were some more advantages to this than she had considered.

Emma was certainly considering some of the advantages of that herself. How could she not with the way Tamika flipped her over with a playful ease, her lithe frame following that movement with the same ease and grace until she was leaning over her. Okay so she was being careful not to touch her bulb, but that didn't mean she couldn't lean down to touch her in other places. Certainly not with the way Emma opened her legs invitingly. An invitation she wasn't going to pass up.

'Well, that didn't take much convincing.' Tamika purred, running a finger lightly along her already slick lips. 'Seems you didn't need much to get your motor running either.'

'Can you blame me?' Emma managed to purr in return. 'Given how you were teasing me the way you did.'

'Was I doing anything?' Tamika replied sweetly.

'Only by being there.' Emma replied. 'And by letting me..you know...tame you. It was so different than I imagined. But good different.'

'Flatterer.' Tamika grinned. 'I'm going to have to make this extra special for that.'

Tamika still wasn't sure what Emma wanted. She could remember her first time with Melanie, the nerves she had kept buried. True, this wasn't the first time Emma had been with a woman. But one time with Melanie wouldn't make her trust her. Just like her arousal wasn't guaranteed to sweep that away either. So, she couldn't rush it.

Which was nowhere on her radar. Not when she could enjoy going slowly and savouring the moment. A moment that was going to start with her repeating the same move Melanie had started with. Okay, so she had to dip her head a little reach her clit. But that wasn't a bad thing, not with the way her sweet scent tickled her nose. And she couldn't reach her clit with her mouth. But she wasn't complaining about how she was using her tongue.

It could hardly be called complaining the way she practically thrust her hips right back against her lips, her legs spreading wider in a gesture that could have been called instinctive. The deep, excited moans filling Tamika's ears couldn't be called instinctive by any means though. Moans that picked up the very second Tamika deepened her licks, probing just a little deeper.

She still hesitated about it. Of course she did. But it seemed a risk worth taking. Certainly since Emma seemed to relaxing. Okay, Tamika could feel a tension in her body, running right against her lips. A good tension though. A almost anticipatory tension, replacing the nervous tension that had gripped her.

'Mmmm..you are so good at that.' Emma gasped, a squeak of pleasure that made Tamika hum with pleasure of her own. 'You are really going to have teach me a few pointers sometime.'

'I really don't think you need any.' Tamika grinned. 'You did just fine. Sure, a little practice wouldn't hurt. Practice I'm more than willing to let you get. But right now, I want to focus on you. To make you feel so good.'

'I don't think that I going to take too long.' Emma groaned. 'So you'd better not stop.'

'Wasn't planning on it.' Tamika grinned, deciding now was the time to pick up the pace a little. She could tell that Emma wanted it almost as much as she did. It was only for a second that she paused to deeply inhale her sweet scent before the need to taste her took over again and she resumed her tender licks.

If it came as a surprise to Emma, she certainly wasn't complaining. She was sure that if her voice was working, she would have been egging her on and urging her not to stop. Yet the same tension that had gripped her body seemed to have seized her voice too, leaving her locked up and pressed against her tongue.

Even if she had been able to move, it largely wouldn't have done anything to stop the inevitable. Had she been a little less caught up in the heat of the moment, Tamika might have been able to predict the moment when Emma came. So caught up was she that she really couldn't, having no clue of the closeness of her climax until it was right upon her. There was no mistaking or ignoring the wash of pussy juice that flooded her face that her tongue drew from her, Tamika redoubling her efforts to lap up as much as she could. Even if those efforts only added more to the delicious treat that Tamika was more than happy to devour.

'Emma told you it wouldn't take long.' Emma slurred in content post bliss warmth, a warmth filled her words. 'And Emma is glad you didn't stop.'

'Not as glad as I am.' Tamika moved to snuggle along side her new Harem sister and lover. 'I'm glad I could make you feel good.'

'Emma did.' Emma purred. 'But should Emma and Tamika help Melanie feel good too?'

'I'd like that.' Melanie said. 'But I'd hate to exhaust you. Today was a tough day for you. So, it will keep until tomorrow. And we could all do with some sleep.'

'I can't argue with that.' Tamika replied. Yes, she would like to have Melanie now. But also did she like the thought of waking up refreshed and ready for a nice long Taming session. 'Let's all get some sleep.'

'Works for me.' Melanie smiled, snuggling into the bed and letting her two Pokegirls cuddle up with her. No more words needed to be spoken. That warm, accepting touch was enough and within seconds all three girls were fast and contentedly asleep.