Smells Like Love

Story by rednerr on SoFurry

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This lovely little story was a commission I got from the fantastic Nightwox on FA:

I had an idea and she made this cute little story for it, go say nice things to her!


by Zatie Vulpe

Dean was mid-glance at his smart phone when he heard a soft clearing of a throat in front of him. He saw the dark reflection before glancing up into the dim restaurant lights. He'd expected another polkadot dress clad cat or dog in roller skates to stop and take his order but this one was definitely lacking the bust. At the moment his eyes met the bright pink nose of the skunk in front of him he could feel his heart crawling into his throat somewhere.

"Hi there, you wouldn't happen to be NewHeart55 would you?" The sleek furred man's voice was smooth, soft, deep, had a way of making Dean's skin crawl.

"Uh, yeah, John actually, you must be-"

"OldTyme25, looks like there's no mistake about it then."

The skunk slid into place across the table from him and somehow Dean was even more nervous. He knew he shouldn't have used AnonDate. He was pretty sure he'd put in parameters for females only but somehow-

"Hey, uh, I know this probably isn't what you were expecting, but, I mean, I can't blame you on the choice of venue."

Just as he spoke, the skunk's muzzle turned slightly as he slipped a menu into his hands, er, paws. Something Dean hadn't noticed at first was was the skunks soft, amethyst eyes. They seemed to almost sparkle in time with the Elvis impersonator's dulcet tones.

"Yeah, I mean, I really like this place, I haven't been here more than a few times but... but... That doesn't matter, I mean I'm not... Uh... Listen I'm sorry, maybe I'll pay for your dinner and we can just try again when we get home?"

The skunk's eyes slipped from the second page in on the menu and for a moment Dean felt something warm in his stomach, something between anxiety and... He wasn't sure what. What if this guy was mad, or thought he was coming on to him or worse maybe he hoped he was coming on to him-

"Right, you know what, I think that'd be okay, I mean we're just two guys, hanging out at a diner, talking about the dames they'd be with if this date had gone right." Dean felt a smile crack a cross his lips and he chuckled a little loudly at that. "Yeah, I mean, sure, just like lunch with the boys."

The skunk slicked the hair on his head back a little and for the first time Dean noticed it was impeccably combed, almost like he'd expect for a greaser, but his jacket was sleek, a little more modern than would fit the stereotype. He held up two, blunt clawed fingers and crooked a waitress over with them, his big, fluff of a tail wiggling in time with the gesture. Dean felt... something kind of awed at that. If nothing else he could admit the guy oozed style.

"Hey fellas! What can I get ya!"

"I'll be taking the Gudyears Special, and my friend here is gonna have a good old fashioned orange cream," The skunk gave a little wink, "Right?"

Dean felt something weird, warm. He didn't know how this guy didn't have a girl already, he found himself nodding a little, at a loss for words.

"Ooohhh!" The waitress giggled like a bobbysoxer, "Comin' right up!"

As she sped away Dean couldn't help taking in more of the skunk's form. His jacket opened and he slipped it right back, wearing a plain white t-shirt with a little black grease stain almost artfully on the left chest, about where his heart would be. The little mark bounced like a ball over subtitles when the skunk laughed.

"Hey buddy, eyes up here you know. Gonna ask my name or are you just here to look? I mean I don't mind either way-"

"Uh, wait what?"

As his eyes locked with the scintillating purple sparkles Dean felt his heart warm up in his chest a little. The skunk's smile was a pearl crescent on his face, both arms naturally behind his neck and his chair tipped back a little. Somehow the skunk's eyes seemed to be stuck right on his own.

"Oh, uh, yeah, what's your name?"

The skunk gave a little chuckle at that. "James."

Dean felt a smile crossing his cheeks again. "Like James Dean."

"That's what I thought too, just like James Dean, makes us quite a pair huh?"

"Yeah... Wait, how?"

"Well you're John, like John Dillinger right?"

Dean never thought of it that way but he found himself giggling a little at that just as the drinks clattered down in front of them. "Alright, now what can I get you love birds?"

Dean was about to speak but James gave him a look, a little eyebrow twitch along with a smirk. It seemed to say 'lemme work my magic.'

"A pair of steak medallions with onions, baked potato for me and Caesar salad for him."

Dean couldn't help but gasp at that and the waitress gave a little giggle as she wrote it down and skated back to the kitchen.

"You're a mind reader! How do you do that?"

James licked his lips a little. "I have my ways. I mean you just seemed like the type."

"The type who likes salad?"

"Well, yeah, I mean you look like you take care of yourself. Your hair's got this shine to it."

"Now you're starting to sound romantic."

James gave a bit of a helpless shrug but didn't seem to deny it. James really seemed to be present in a way Dean hadn't seen in a long time, like the kind of guy who would treat a girl really well. He felt kind of jealous, someone would be very lucky. He didn't know what that was called nowadays but back in the day they'd call him a ladykiller. He felt a little warm just thinking about it, his hair standing on end.

"Listen, maybe this isn't so-"

The dark liquid in his Gudyears Special tumbled forward in an instant, running down the table and splashing over his dress shirt like a portable hole.

"Oh damn, hey, let me help you with that."

"No that's alright, it's not a big deal."

Before Dean could stop him James was rubbing over the spot with a clean rag he seemed to have from nowhere. Dean felt his stomach tighten and his heart flutter at being so close, his whole body felt warm and a little weird.

"Uh, I, uh, I don't... Umm..."

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"

Dean found himself chuckling a little at that stupid joke. Every syllable coming out of James' mouth was vibrating in his core somewhere, making him shift a little closer before that warm paw and rag pulled back.

"Uh, h-here, maybe I can get you another-"

"Nah, I think I've learned my lesson, maybe I'll just have a little water or... Well... I dunno that orange creme does look really good."

"Uh, yeah, no problem, I mean, if you want."

"You sure? I promise I won't be mad if you say no."

Dean felt a little twitch as his hands slid just a bit closer across the table. His skin seemed to tingle as he placed the glass a little closer.

"I dunno, there's only one straw."

"It's fine."

"You sure? I mean that would be kinda like... Well..."


The word came out of nowhere but it was true. Just as it popped into his head he felt the skunk's soft pads on his fingers, lingering there before he took the glass of his own volition and gave it a little sip. For just a moment Dean thought about what it would be like if he could touch those lips. His insides felt like they were molten, a little gooey in the way warm chocolate is.

"Hey so, uh... I mean... Are you... You know... Uh..."

"Yeah Johnnie?"

"I mean, you seem to, uh, be open to stuff."

"You mean... Maybe this wasn't such a mistake after all?"

The words died off in his throat. James seemed to pull it straight out of his head. He'd never felt this way about another guy before. He felt his skin prickle along his elbows and his rear wiggled just a little in his seat. He didn't feel even a little odd as James put the drink back and slid it over to him. He didn't even wipe off the straw, only just missing James' gaze as he drank and felt himself imagining what it would be like to have a guy like that.

"Tell me about you Johnnie."

"Uh, well, I mean, I work at a bank and-"

"No no no, I mean, tell me about you, what do you want out of life, what's important to you. I mean this is a blind date right? We've gotta figure out if we're compatible."

Dean searched James' face for any kind of mocking air. He seemed quite serious, not even so much as a twitch of a smile. In fact, he seemed to be almost, infatuated?

"Well, I mean, I really just want to, you know, find the right one, you know? Like somebody who I can live with."

"Someone you can settle down with? Maybe have a family?"

"Yeah, I mean, I've never really been too close with anybody. They all seem to drift in and out of my life and I just want somebody to stay you know?"

James nodded, again not a trace of a smile.

"I know it's silly-"

"Aww, don't say that, that's a wonderful thing, not a lot of people can really say what they want out of life."

The smile was back. Dean easily met James' eyes and found something there, meaning, understanding.

Before he even said it, Dean knew what James was going to say; "I mean, I want that too, you know? The right one, someone who cares, someone who's not going to be in my life one day and gone without a word the next."

Dean could feel his heart cracking. He knew James must have felt that kind of loss. Friends, family, nobody seemed to last long enough, nobody seemed to be close.

"You know, Johnnie, I never thought I'd say this when I saw you," his hand came down and wrapped around Dean's, folding them neatly into his larger grasp, "but I think we might be a match."

"You, r-really think so? I mean, I've never-"

"I know, I haven't either, but, babe, I really think you're that one for me, or at least I want to give it a chance."

Dean found himself searching the skunk's eyes and his ears practically twitched from the earnestness there, his heart fluttering in his chest even as he felt it tighten with a very soft creak.

"I mean, if you don't I understand-"

"No! I mean, umm... I, I need to think about it, just, one second."

James didn't smile, but his eyes still looked hopeful. "Sure, uh, yeah, I know it's a lot to think about."

The purple orbs seemed to follow him as he trotted off, the floor clacking under him a little louder than it did when he first came in. His cheeks burned as he pushed his way into the ladies room and found himself face first into the nearest sink. He sighed and shuddered and grabbed the porcelain that screeched slightly under his claws- He glanced at his hand. Sure enough, little blunt claws.

He blinked and glanced up at the mirror.

What stared back at him was nearly unrecognizable. Dark fluff touched the parts of his cheeks that weren't bright red. He had a pronounced, pinkish dot at the end of his nose that snuffled gently with his whirling emotions. His ears were rounded, nearing the top of his head through washed out hair, turning white in long stripes. The Gudyears Special had bled into his shirt and was making it darker, fitting around his thinner frame far more easily. His sleeves were pulled back on his arms and creeping... higher? It squeaked and shimmered slightly in the light, almost like it was made of liquid or shiny rubber, flaring out around his hips and-

"What the fuck?!"

His hands flew to his pocket. He tried to pat down for his phone and couldn't find it anywhere against the sharp tights that squeaked at his touch, bunching up around his thighs before smoothing out toward his knees and ankles. He took a step back from the mirror and got a glance of his claws out of the front of his heels, shiny, rubber, deep black, though lacking the white circles on his shirt that looked like polka dots. As he watched the heels grew longer, his whole body squeaked slightly as his posture changed. His dress had turned bright, smooth, almost like he was covered in oil.

Speaking of dots, Dean was starting to put them together: black fur, girlish figure, pink nose, the only thing that was missing was-

He felt his little dress swish and poke up very gently in the back. He pulled back the hem in time to see a fluffy paddle of a tail starting to blossom out of his much more generous hind end. The hem kept curling in his hands as it stretched out into a proper dress, it reminded him of the waitresses outside: Sort of hourglass shaped and showing off the top of his... his bust and squeezing on them in a way that made him gasp if he moved too quickly. Every tug and movement squeaked, he didn't even know there was such a thing as latex tights and yet here he was, feeling it tight to his... his...

His hands slapped around his front, trying to feel for that particular part of the anatomy that made him a male. If it was there it was hidden. Maybe it was just the tightness of the tights which seemed to make little impossible latex squeaks and squirks as they traveled further down his legs, tightening over his knees to ankles. He felt them pull tighter, leaving nothing to his or anybody else's imagination and he found himself groaning with a much lighter voice as they nearly covered his feet like stirrups and gave a little cute 'eek eek' with every step of those smooth, shiny black legs.

Skunk. He was going to be a skunk. From the guess at how his chest bounced from his breathing he was going to be a lady skunk. His fingers finally found the little crease where his johnson should be. A dame.

James couldn't be behind this though. He seemed so sweet and earnest. Maybe he was caught up in whatever spell was doing this too. He felt bad though, just the memory of those amethyst beauties in the suave skunk's head made him feel a little weak in the knees.

Or her she supposed.

She was in the ladies room. She'd done it without thinking at all.

She huffed. She needed to get out of here. She frowned a little at every squeak even though she would describe her clothes as deliciously tight. Maybe she could sneak out the back and wouldn't have to explain anything, it would just wear off and she'd go back to being Dean.

She pushed the door open. The purple stars of her love were waiting.

"Hey, I, uh, I got a little worried. You're not too, you know, freaked out about this right? I mean you, me, talking about this kind of stuff, we can take it slo-"

She found her hands wrapping around to his back, her small paws fingering over the seams on his jacket. "Yeah, slow, maybe, uh, we'll see where this goes."

James nodded and quirked an eyebrow. "I mean, you know, as fast as you want, I don't want to push you anywhere babe, you're just right for-"

She leaned up and her mouth made contact with his. She pushed him against the wall with her body and she could feel his paws squeaking on her dress and the whole ensemble creaking around her as he wrapped her in his arms. His gentlemanly speech devolved into soft, nothing sounds moaned into her lips. For a long time it was just their touch and the soft singing starting to pick up in the background.

He broke away for just a second, pulling his lips just out of reach of hers. "Hey, how about, we take this somewhere a little more private huh? I've got a sports car that could use a classy lady."

"Oh? Where would that be going?"

"Maybe lookout point."

"Nah, I like make out point a lot better."

His lips curled up into another pearly smile. "Whatever you say dame."

Jane woke up with a bit of a huff. She'd fallen asleep in her favorite dress again, and this time on the chair.

She stretched and yawned a little, her belly wobbled in protest. She groaned and rubbed at the little dot of her now-outie as Lil James or Jane was in a rare, quiet mood. The future skunk seemed to enjoy the latex as much as she did.

She sniffed and could tell there were eggs and bacon in the making. She took a few minutes to stand and waddled her way in to the kitchen from the living room and blearily poked her head in.

Almost from the moment she did those soft purple eyes were on her.

"Hey babe, I know this has been kind of hitting you hard, so I thought I'd try doing the cooking in the morning for once."

She took a sniff and smiled a little at that. "Well don't do the cleaning, I'm going to at least vacuum a little."

He chuckled and shook his head. "You're a born housewife."

"You're a born gentleman, too bad you're a greaser."

"Too bad you're the sexiest housewife I've ever seen."

"Even with your kid?"

"Especially with my kid."

As he kept shuffling the eggs and bacon around, staring at her, she felt like she was magnetically drawn to him. He blinked wide eyed for a second and looked away as she was still moving toward him, giant tail flagging.

"Aww shit babe this is hot. Babe I need a second, babe!"

Her hands slid over his pants and in an instant eggs and bacon were on a plate, left on the counter as he turned around and couldn't help grinding up against her and running his fingers along the skintight dress. "Jesus Jane you're gonna kill me at this rate."

He lifts her up and puts her on the kitchen table, she grabs the salt and pepper shakers and puts them to one side as his mouth meets hers. She groans a little as his fingers grab her breasts, rubbing the nipples straight through the latex and making her spread her legs rather automatically. She felt his warm rod right between her legs and she wanted nothing more than to tear off her tights and get it right there.

"Mmnnh hun we gotta be careful."

"I know babe, real slow." He winked and she felt herself melting again, her thick tail wiggled as she shuffled her tights down to about mid-calf.

"Ohmigod stuff me like turkey dinner!"

James had laughed the first time he heard it, now it just made him throb all the more as he slid his pants down, his hands gentle on Jane's swollen belly.

"Mmmnn you really like this huh?"

"I like you, this just means there's more of you."

"Well we'll have to make a lot more of me."

She watched as he bit his lip. Jane knew some aspect of breeding fired his cylinders and it was then she felt his warm, familiar sex sliding into hers. She felt bloated and bounced a little more with each thrust but wow it was worth it. She wanted to ride his dipstick until she leaked and she didn't regret a moment of it. She panted and huffed like the intake of a Firebird and squeaked and squeaked harder than the Mickey Mouse club. Every second his hands were on her, rubbing and teasing at her belly with their unborn child and over her heavy tits, only getting heavier with milk and-

Before she could even think they were both resting on her tummy, panting from the heat and shuddering a little. He'd been careful but somehow it was always hot enough to get them going together. Maybe they were just magic?


"What's that babe?"

"My gasket exploded."

His pearly smile crossed his lips again and he stared deep into her eyes. She did the same. In a second they were shuffling off more of their clothes and moving into the living room, eggs and bacon totally forgotten.

She didn't get to vacuuming that day. In fact, the house was a lot messier for days and days and days to come.