Alpha Contact: Bar Scene

Story by CelticWolf on SoFurry

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Ted glanced up from the bar as a pair of new customers walked in, then had to look again. Unlike most people coming in, this was an odd pairing. It wasn't often that one saw both a human and a Cat coming in together, much less coming in and being friendly with each other.

The human was one of the military personnel on the station, the uniform making that obvious. Slightly taller than average, he paused briefly while looking around, probably for a table or another party. The Cat was somewhat shorter than he, though her ears made up some of the height difference. Her red, orange and yellow clothing made a sharp contrast to the somber black that the human was wearing.

As Ted watched, the human placed his hand in the middle of the Cat's back and gestured towards an open table. His tanned skin and sandy blonde hair making another contrast with her coloration of white, smoke grey, and black. Ted could barely restrain a chuckle at the thought that she looked like a snow leopard, a white tiger and a sabertooth cat had a menage-a-trois and she was the result. As the human leaned in to say something to the Cat, Ted was also suprised by the fact that he didn't seem concerned by the visible bit of fang that showed from under her lip, even when she wasn't saying anything.

As they made their way to the table, ignoring looks from others, Ted noticed how comfortable they were moving together. True, the only contact he had seen was when the human had placed his hand on her back which was innoccuous by itself. All of the signs his bartender's eyes were seeing, however, showed that they were a couple... even if they might not know it yet themselves. Supressing a shudder at such an unnatural thought, Ted turned back to cleaning his glasses.