Chapter 1: "Forbidden Fruit"

Story by Lexa on SoFurry

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"Forbidden Fruit"

by Lexa

Featuring Lexa & Zerin

"Damn it!" A loud clank resounded off the walls of a mostly barren bedroom as a screwdriver was tossed across the room, followed by a frustrated huff and an irritable sigh.

"Some assembly required, my ass..." Lexa growled, scowling at the lopsided slab of wood that was meant to be her bed's box frame. She'd been having trouble setting it up properly and briefly considered calling her twin in for help, though she figured he'd be just as busy as she was, if not more so.

The opossum twins had finally managed to score themselves an apartment in the big city. Getting there was no small task and their current residence wasn't exactly a beacon of top-notch living arrangements, but it would do just fine for a starting home. Each of them had their own room. The rest of the apartment offered a small kitchen and lounge area, a single bathroom and an even smaller laundry room with some closet space here and there. More than enough for the two of them starting out.

Some might have found the idea of living together with your sibling (twin or not) at this age a bit odd, but for Lexa and Zerin it was as natural as blinking or breathing. The two had spent the majority of their lives glued to one another. Being the youngest pair in a sea of other siblings had that effect on them. No, it didn't bother either one of them one bit. If they decided to go their separate ways once they were settled in, then so be it. But for now, this was just the way they liked it.

Lexa heaved a disgruntled sigh as she stood from the carpeted floor of her would-be bedroom, shaking her head at the mess she'd made of the box frame. "Shoulda known I couldn't do this shit on my own." Stepping over the instructions spread out on the floor, she stepped out into the living room, heading straight across to her brother's side of the apartment.

With a brief knock on the partially cracked open door, Lexa stepped into the shell of a room, only to hear Zerin blow off some steam about his desk he was trying to set up. Lexa couldn't help but smirk, seeing him in a similar situation as she was just moments ago. "Maybe I shouldn't ask you for help... and here I thought you were the handy one."

Zerin immediately rolled his eyes and raised a middle finger toward her; a playful gesture despite his frustrations. This was just how the two interacted with each other, most days. "Hilarious, sis. But yeah, gimme a sec, I'll be right there."

Lexa nodded some, glancing around the room some before quirking one of those pierced brows high. "Really? You're setting up your desk before your bed? Way to prioritize." The words were spoken with a fair amount of sarcasm; Lexa knew he'd probably be up all night anyway.

Zerin simply shrugged, fussing with the desk setup on the floor. "I stream for a living, what do you expect?"

"I expect you to sleep once in a while. Being nocturnal doesn't mean you never rest." Lexa's voice held a hint of concern for her brother. She wasn't sure what he'd do without her around to dish out that motherly criticism from time to time.

"It's fine, sis. Not like I haven't pulled an all-nighter or two before." Zerin simply brushed it off, as he often did.

Shaking her head some, Lexa folded her arms over her rather busty chest. She was sporting a well-worn tank top with all too much cleavage and tattered jean shorts, a loose fitting plaid overshirt with rolled up sleeves adding a splash of color to her otherwise colorless attire. The clothing fit her figure well, perhaps a bit too well. Sometimes Zerin couldn't help but give a passing glance before forcing his eyes away. She was his sister, after all... his twin, no less. It wasn't exactly in the cards to be complimenting her clothing choices, much less admiring them in such a way.

Zerin was no better in terms of casual wear at all times. The twins often valued comfort over fashion, though Lexa was more likely to dress up from time to time than her twin. He wore a pair of baggy cargo shorts with no shortage of pockets no doubt filled with useless clutter like change and receipts. A baggy print t-shirt with some form of game or tech related logo on it was something she was most accustom to seeing him in. It did nothing to flatter his surprisingly fit figure beneath, but he didn't really care. Nobody saw much of him above the chest region; when he was on camera, anyway. Comfort would always take precedence.

Zerin tipped open the door to Lexa's bedroom, raising a brow as he glanced at the crooked, poorly held together box frame on the floor before that judgmental gaze rose to his sister who stood just across from him.

"Shut up, Zer. I fucking tried." The words weren't harsh by any means, but she simply wasn't having any of that look of his.

"And by tried, you mean--" Zerin was quickly hushed by a single middle finger thrust into the air before Lexa gestured down at the frame.

"You gonna help or what?" Lexa bent down to hoist up one of the sides of the frame, trying to center it more accurately so that it could be fastened properly. Those heavy breasts of hers could barely be contained as she did so, the top of her bust nearly spilling free from the loose and low hanging neck of her top.

Zerin had already knelt down to try to adjust the alignment of the screws that held the boards together, before looking back up at Lexa for a moment, pausing as he saw her standing there. For a moment, his eyes lingered all too long, passing over her heavy chest, loving the way that top clung to her stomach and hips... how those shapely legs looked in her shorts and musing how she even got such a perfectly plump ass into them in the first place. Instinctively, he licked his lips, quickly biting back the sensations his sister's body elicited from him.

Lexa glanced over just as Zerin looked away in a hurry, a curious expression crossing her face as she caught what seemed to be a rather flustered look on her twin's face. She thought nothing of it, none the wiser to the things racing through his mind just then, despite his best efforts to quell them.

It'd been about an hour, but through sheer force of will, the two had managed to assemble something that at least slightly resembled what it was meant to be. With a low grunt, Zerin placed his sister's mattress into the box and tucked it in, wasting no time to toss himself onto it and heave a sigh of relief.

"Finally... that thing made my desk look like a cakewalk." Zerin muttered, closing his eyes and letting his muscles relax from all the awkward positioning he'd needed to do to get that thing put together properly.

Lexa stood just in front of him with her arms crossed, glancing down at the bed and eyeballing the box frame, perfectionist that she was. "Yeah... actually, it doesn't look too bad. Thanks, big brother." The words were like second nature to her, despite them being twins. It was always a long running joke that he was earlier by 2 minutes or so, deeming him 'the eldest' which, of course, as a child meant that he was the boss of her.

A single eye peeled open as Zerin stared up at his sister, smirking some- a toothy opossum grin. Without a word, he lunged forward and wrapped his arms around her waist, tugging her down and to the side of him. Lexa's back hit the bed and her body bounced, chest heaving some from the force of impact. She winced, opening her eyes only to be met with Zerin's just above her, staring down from an overhead position.

The two of them were just as playful as they were as children, always roughhousing, even as they'd aged- seemingly determined to never truly 'grow up'. Lexa was the furthest thing from a girly-girl, so it was just like her to fight right back.

Socking Zerin in the shoulder with a fairly firm fist, she grinned up at him and laughed. Zerin made a mock-pained expression, still grinning just as wide. "Oo, ow, sis! That really hurt." he whined rather teasingly at her, obviously in no real pain. "It'd be rude of you not to enjoy the fruits of my labor, you know." He lifted a hand to rub at the tuft of a beard at his chin, an idle gesture.

Lexa simply rolled her eyes, dropping her arms down to either side of her, a sea of aquatic colored hair splayed out behind her. "Well, you laid down before I could get my sheets out, genius."

Zerin snorted, reaching down and nearly hesitating when he considered his next action. He quickly shrugged it off as a playful gesture and carried on with it anyway- something he wasn't sure if he'd regret in a minute or not.

Grabbing hold of each of the cuffs of Lexa's plaid overshirt, he gave them a tug, pulling them free of her arms and spreading the shirt out on either side of her, covering a small portion of the mattress. "There ya go; sheets." A smug grin held firm at his lips and, for a moment, Lexa simply stared up at him, an expression he couldn't quite place flickering through her deep, dark eyes just then.

"Really?" Lexa spoke flatly, brow raised and a look of 'unamusement' plastered all over her face. Though something there seemed different from her otherwise cool and collected expressions she ordinarily had... something more.

Pressing both hands against Zerin's chest, Lexa gave a firm push, shaking her head some. "Alright, c'mon, get up. I really need to get these sheets down or it's going to drive me crazy." She paused, however, both brows raising this time as she pushed a little harder against his pecs. "Jesus, you been working out? You feel like a slab of metal under a tiny little layer of squish." Well, she certainly had a way of wording things, didn't she?

Zerin looked a bit surprised by her comment, glancing down and feeling at his chest. He didn't think he'd gotten any more muscular, not that he'd noticed anywa- "ACK!!" Zerin spat out as Lexa turned the tables on him, taking that moment of distraction to raise a leg up and flip him back down onto the mattress and immediately attempt to hop up before he retaliated, but Zerin was faster.

"Oh, is that how it is? A sucker punch would've been more honorable!" he shouted, grinning as he lunged forward and grabbed hold of Lexa's perfectly pinched waist and yanked her back onto the mattress with a loud thump. Lexa squealed as she was ripped backward yet again, her laughter growing loud enough to likely irk their new neighbors already.

Zerin had pinned her yet again, this time straddling her thighs and wrapping his fingers around her dainty wrists, pushing them firmly into the mattress. He often got a bit competitive, forgetting his own strength, but Lexa never seemed to mind it, oddly enough. Most girls would probably be crying uncle at the force he sometimes exhibited... but not her.

That's when he caught it, that look in her smiling eyes and the faint blush that grew just beneath them. It took him a moment to realize the position he'd wound the two of them up in, grinning sheepishly down at her, unaware of whether or not she realized the red tint that'd spread across her cheeks.

It dazed him, really. For a moment he let his fingers trail the underside of her wrist, eventually releasing the other and moving both hands to grip tenderly at her waist and squeeze, causing her happy, playful expression to fade in lieu of one slightly nervous and startled. She was moments away from questioning him, before he tried to recover, exchanging a once gentle squeeze to a tickling motion, causing her to squirm and writhe beneath him.

"Wha- _ ZERIN!! _" She squealed loudly, trying to stop him by snatching at his wrists but simply unable to do much against his strength and her position. "You KNOW how ticklish I am there, s-stahp!!" She was back to laughing, and sufficiently distracted from the slip up he'd just had, which was good enough for him.

Lexa thrashed and squirmed, slapping at his wrists, unable to control herself. She was extremely ticklish at her sides and he had her gasping for breath. Desperate to free herself from his tickle torture, she began to wriggle away, managing to get a leg free before scooting herself backward along the bed and out from under him just a little.

In his haste to catch her before she got away, Zerin crawled forward on his knees, grabbing her by the hips and pulling her back down toward him, her shirt catching and rolling up beneath her as he did, exposing her stomach. Black and blue studs glistened against her belly button, drawing attention to her slightly pudgy tummy and thick, curvy hips. Yet again he found himself nearly licking his lips in an animalistic fashion, but managed to withhold.

Zerin's ears gave a twitch, hearing a slight whimper escape her as he tugged her back to him, something that was out of place in her squealing and fits of laughter. That's when it hit him, just how close he'd pulled her. Lexa's legs were spread, the underside of her thighs and that rounded ass pressing firmly against his legs. She was warm... so tender to the touch, and her scent... Zerin had zoned out, staring down at her waist and stomach, a slight blush of his own growing at his cheeks.

Lexa's expression faltered even worse than before, staring up at him with wide eyes as she made a reach for her shirt in an attempt to keep decent in front of her twin. She wasn't sure if she was just imagining things, or if he was really staring her down, but it was making her heart race in her chest, loud enough she felt as though it were impossible for him not to hear it, too.

Zerin reached forward- seemingly on instinct alone- grabbing Lexa's wrist and stopping her from fixing her shirt. Their eyes connected, a spark igniting between them in that moment that caused Lexa's heart to nearly burst. Her lips parted slowly, the once subtle pink at her cheeks had grown a deep crimson as she felt the warmth of the bulge in her brother's shorts, pressing against the thin jean material of her own.

Zerin felt the familiar, primal urge of what most any man might experience with a girl like Lexa beneath him. He hesitated, slapped harshly back to reality by one simple, internal reminder... That's your _twin. sister. _

Zerin's eyes grew wide as he jumped back, yet another sheepish grin plastered over his face, his many opossum teeth glinting from beneath his lips. "Heh, well uh... I'm gonna get that desk wrapped up, sis. Lemme know if you need any more help!" ... and with that, he was out the door in quite the hurry, leaving Lexa both stunned and confused.

Her mind raced as rapidly as her heart in that moment, pondering the many things that had just occurred. Was she simply imagining it? Exaggerating what was otherwise harmless sibling rivalry? She lay there, still and silent for a moment, heart still coming down from her throat, it felt. Hesitantly, her fingers moved down her stomach, feeling her brother's lingering touch and closing her eyes. Without thinking, she let them trail lower, slipping beneath the button of her shorts and grazing the soft material of her panties beneath.

Lexa pressed down against her puffy pink lips below. A quiet sigh and soft moan escaped her parted lips just then, her touch lingering before quickly pulling back, brows furrowed with concern. Dark black eyes of hers glimpsed the shimmer on her fleshy fingers, her face immediately flushing. Pulling her fingers apart, a single string connected the two- her own sweet scent reaching her sensitive nose within moments.

"Oh, god... What am I doing...?" Head fell back against the bare mattress, mind buzzing, head swimming. Her body seemed to ignite with needs that went untended to, adrenaline shooting through her, racing up and down her spine. Hands trailed back up her stomach and beneath her shirt, fingers prying their way beneath her bra and tugging upward, exposing her heavy breasts as she cupped them with an unforgiving grip. Fingers sunk into the tender mounds of flesh, grazing over a set of black studs on either side of her swollen nipples.

A sense of guilt rushed over her, coupled with the adrenaline and clashing together to create some sensation of unrelenting lust she just couldn't shake. Her back arched, aching for a touch that wasn't hers. Her body quivered, trembled beneath her fingers as she clenched her teeth and kept her eyes shut tight, letting her mind take over where her twin could not. For now, she would enjoy this guilty pleasure on her own, unbeknownst by her beloved twin brother.