The Wish Chapter II

Story by Vaulthurst on SoFurry

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Double the Bet:

To Whom This May Concern:

You do an incredible job helping our volunteers adjust to their new lifestyle and the difficulties they face day, after day. I am impressed with exception progress your management has added to our project, not to say the increase in profits as well.

Recently we had a major shakeup in the management of our foundation and subsequently even to your farm, and some other farms. Those that wished to cause disruption are now entering other employment, some still in farm operations and others we placed with zoos and the like.

Presently, our foundation has vanquished the last of these who could not contemplate themselves as team players. We hope that from this separation they discover their mistake and take the proper steps to adjust that attitude which got them into their present predicament.

It is of this special predicament I wish to mention a couple of distinct items about you and your business with the foundation.

I endorsed a complete audit of your entire accounting structure. This audit we accomplished while you and the staff were answering questions posed by our security department. The final tally shows that in my opinion our foundation has not received its fair share of the magnificent profits.

You failed to attest to the higher stud fees charge for Prince Daniel and his counterparts, along with the frozen semen you have for sale on the internet.

In addition it was discovered the sale of two volunteer mares to a private stud farm in Saudi Arabia. The price for each mare of 20,000 Pounds Sterling you never reported to the foundation, nor our percentage added to the monthly reimbursements.

According to your contract, those sent to you as what we classify as volunteer mares, though they are highly valued as breeding animals, are in fact should be returned at the end of their proposed contracts.

These two items are enough for us to void your contracts and take control of the Devonshire farm and property.

However, I assured the board of you as a valued asset, insisting we could over look these improprieties. As an assurance that you would continue along those lines, I have made your Gerald as my insurance of your good faith.

Gerald's blood disorder was nothing more than an allergic reaction to the daily ingesting of small amounts of the Reformation formula. I directed this myself, personally administering the injections, adding one cc more each week until he finally received the full dosage last month.

His progress has been to say, outstanding, as the blood assumed its new genus properties, rearranging his species, and beginning the slow transition that he finalized today.

I have attached a photograph I took today, although it is but a black and white but shows the excellent muscular enhancements. Gerald remains quite aware of his new self and the surroundings. He is not alone in the fenced confinement area, as with him we have introduced two females of the same genus.

Gerald Pennyford is the finest example of the Reformation serum to date. It is upon your response whether he finds himself interned for five years, or if you fail my expectations, then he shall find himself sentense for the remained of his natural life.

I thought your Russian heritage you mentioned, a grandmother I remembered might aid Gerald with his acceptance and the adjustment process. Gerald makes a fine addition to the Russian breed of Ibex; he loves to show with pride his well-pronounced sheath. Although he is blessed, by two, exceptionally enlarged testicles, I can attest they are working in excellent fashion. His memory and a high ability for grasping intelligent concepts, those similar to when he was a human, affords him the comfort of understanding speech, although he cannot speak it, he understans it perfectly. Moreover, he knows what he has become and what I expect of him, his proper place is as an animal sire, meant to live in a zoo.

This is a special Ibex specimen, and I think you would agree its continued livelihood could become as a very real inducement for your continued honesty. As this breed is quite rare, especially when taking into consideration his exceptional growth of those horns, he would make some hunter a fine addition to a collection.

My imposing this hardship upon someone as young and impressionable as Gerald might seem inhumane. However, Gerald first felt the same as what you might! Since his meeting the two females has increased a personal desire for more indoctrination to the lifestyle of a male Ibex. As with the sensation of rut, an abrupt change in his expressed interest embellished a new feeling of excitement. In my questioning Gerald, his greatest wish is to remain as a long-term viable part of our experiment. Indeed, as his recent work helping along the repopulation of, and maintaining the Russian Ibex breed of animal, is nothing less than mounting success.

I have the pictures to prove his attention to duty. How he knows when to act and how to help others feeling the need for someone to ease them in and out of their impossible predicament. Gerald does exceptional work, standing before all and taking control over those beneath him in the ranks. He presses on and down into that which needs his attention, entering the depths, stirring excitement in others and from his endeavors, he can work that which will help all in the project, as we attain excellent results.

You need not respond and thank me for my continued mentoring of Gerald. I truly believe that over the next few years, or maybe a decade or two, he will be paramount in the repopulation of the Russian Ibex.

Signed, The Management ..............................................................................................................

April Fools, Fool:

Why Professor Haun,

When I received the last memo telling of your delight in my ability to handle our mutual and sensitive contract with such professionalism, I leaned back in my chair with pride.

Then you turned the text to a tale of intrigue and diabolical horror when you announced my Gerald became a Russian Ibex.

Now really, that joke was in very bad taste, just after this whole security matter! Needless to say, I was flabbergasted, terrified for my Gerald, he wishing to work alongside a man he so admired; only to become the fodder of some diabolical plan to make me toe the line, as if that were needed!

When my mind cleared, I knew it was an April Fools' joke, and a good one, if not at the wrong time in my recent past.

I have made some calls and written letters, only to get nothing from your people but lame excuses, and not one letter from Gerald in the past six months. I believe it was for this that I thought it possible, your joke, and was so enthralled in hatred and disgust, it made it so very funny when I realized it was nothing but an April Fools hoax.

Please have Gerald send me a letter, or call his mother.


Miss Jane Pennyford *****************************************************************

Blatant Truths:

Miss Jane,

I believe my last communication to be somewhat misleading, as one might if they had a simple frame of mind, thinking I had the time to be humorous. To be quite blatant in fact and truth, I have enclosed in this communication some evidence to support my statement, this beginning with the response letter from the Milwaukee Zoo.

Sunrise Research Foundation Appleton, Wisconsin

Attn: I.E. Haun, PhD.

RE: Russian Ibex Exhibit

Dear Sir,

We of M-zoo wish to express our grateful gratitude to you and your foundation in the donation of the three Russian Ibex Sheep. These rare animals will add insurmountable interest to our Mountaineer Exhibit.

Our five-year plan for building a small herd of such Ibex is now within our grasp. The names of Bess, Sarah, and Gerald will mark a new turning point, offering our patrons something different, rare, and remarkable. These make a fine beginning as the three Ibex are young and of excellent health, a prize for any zoo in these difficult times.

Your donation with its added special limitations concerning the sire is to say different, as the board members mentioned and agreed to your request. In a unanimous vote, your five-year limits and the return of Gerald to the foundation found acceptance.

It is from that meeting our board is so directing me to ask of you, if the foundation has the availability, would more of such excellent animals be purchasable soon, or it some time to come.

Our need is for not only rare specimens as the Russian Ibex, but also of excellent breeder stock for other areas within the zoo.

In closing, I take this place to again thank you and the Foundation, along with that one special person you made mention, the poignant originator offering the Ibex Gerald as our herd sire in our time of need; we heartily thank Miss Jane L. Pennyford.

Sincerely, _________________________________________________________ I would hope this were enough to grant you an inkling of possibility, suggesting there is some relevant fact to my recent communication about your Gerald.

If not, then please note this inter-office memo written by the project manager, as his first report, it might be of some interest.

Toxicology Laboratory Sir,

Volunteer #711-RI awoke at 4:10 pm from the chemically induced comatose state. His first reaction was the common exclamation, and then began to feel and touch his transitioning skin.

As per my orders, this particular volunteer would retain much of his original mental state. Although the horn buds have presented a problem, they exert a definite level of pressure upon the cortex of the brain. The added pressure to his auditory lobes of the brain has a marked effect, as with horn growth his verbal communication should cease early into the experiment. As an additional insertion point at the heels, I have begun an IV drip of the Reformation drug. Although this requires additional monitoring by attendants, the resulting transition should begin more in the posterior regions.

After only four days of the IV, this volunteer conveyed to an attendant a warning from his mother. As if from some preconceived Motherly instinct, warning him about entering any experiment as of some mistrust might occur. He made a few interesting statements before the jaw realigned, making his thoughts and ideas known to my staff.

The normal documents pertaining to previous name, D.O.B., and other personal data I keep under secure lock. However, the young male volunteer blurted out the renowned name of his mother. He asked for the chance to communicate, either by phone or in a letter, but soon, knowing he would lose all such abilities.

When approached by the staff members, I saw no real problem in the matter, besides, according to previous and similar experiences, all authorized communications go via your office; as such, I have attached the volunteer's communication.

Dear Mom,

I awoke this morning to the realization of your warning had some basis in fact. My idol, Professor Haun has little use for me, except that he has injected me with his Reformation formula.

When I first awoke, my skin felt extremely itchy. My scratching only inflamed it more, and from it came millions of hair follicles, sprouting everywhere.

My remembering how Prince Daniel arrived, he often straining to see his radical differences. I began checking my body for what was effected by the serum, as I discovered first, my long floppy ears, those looking like our goats, but different.

Seeing my reflection in a drinking bucket, as the forehead aches terribly, there are two large bumps, and I suspect these will become horns soon. As from the growing horns, my vision is slighted; changed to quite nearsighted, I will in time; depend on the sense of smell for a defense.

I can read and write, although the flexibility of fingers has decreased some, suggesting I should have hoofs quite soon.

As you might remember, I begged to come here and work along this great man. My attitude about him being great has taken a dip, he told me of two young women that thought a lot of me. His subterfuge was impeccable, the two he mentioned were also becoming as I. Their interest in me was from a purely sexual interest, they are to be my mates, and me the sire of their herd.

First, when he told me the complete truth I had some reservations about being a herd sire. The onslaught of this Reformation serum has tantalized my passions, making me feel pangs for to breed, as does our Prince Daniel.

Days beget more transitioning and change, my arms and shoulders show signs of being as forelegs. I overheard some conversations of my species is of the Ibex, making me a quadruped, and walking on all fours. They voiced concerns about me, but like Daniel, he made the transition, so I expect I will too!

The second week had me awaken one morning to a furry coat covering me from head to now cloven hooves. My toes and hands changed, replaced with cloven hooves and caused some horror, while also giving me some weird sort of thrill.

Changes are coming fast now, my mouth is almost a muzzle, speaking is going as did my writing, and I shall soon be mute and unable to communicate with you.

Rump and the tail are the strangest of sensations. My testicles hang furry and heavy in my stifle. The growth of heels to hocks tells me much of the grazing animal the Professor has planned for me to become.

I know that very soon I shall join with those undaunting volunteers, they who like Prince Daniel decided to give their all to the direct application of animal husbandry.

Yours in Heart,

Gerald :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::

*Dear Miss Jane,

Gerald confessed to me much that he could not pronounce clearly, and from his drastically transitioned form, I have made these conclusions.

Gerald is rapidly making the structural transitions, his skeletal adjustments moved along normally. He had some minor pain with the adjusting of his thighs and lower legs becoming quadruped in design.

In outward appearance, Gerald has completely transitioned, becoming a male Ibex of the Russian breed. We have noticed a few minor human internal traits, such as his sperm count remains potent, the same as any healthy human. This one carry over from being human into being a male Ibex for sire, should increase his ability to breed with his two female partners.

Unlike Gerald and his five-year limitation, the two chosen females are under contract for permanently remaining in the lifestyle and body as a female Ibex. This, according to my records was their preferred choice to live out their lives. Each consigned a legal writ, making the Professor their P.O.A. (Power of Attorney), authorizing him to make decisions, mattering on their lives once they were incommunicado.

Gerald's large horns have degraded his eyesight, increasing the pressure around the brain making him lapse into an hour or longer of raw bestial fits. He might fight or challenge one of his females, only to mate with her extensively with elongated sessions, thrusting and moving, as if some deep part of him still longs to find delight in a purely instinctive breeding function.

He listens to commands and responds quickly, showing a high mental state of understanding concepts as do humans. This ability may decline over the coming sixty-month experimentation period. If the decline turns to a total lapse into beast instinct, then the prognosis for his return to being again human would appear dim.

In general we here have a sense of admiration for a mother to allow her only son to enter the volunteer work as part of this great experiment. Your self-sacrifice is something that gives me chills; and if the Professor asked or offered, I would be delighted to join Bess and Sarah.

Diligence and a respect for the greater ideal, this is what makes our employees a real asset to Sunrise Research Foundation.

In short, Miss Jane, I expect you to conduct yourself under the strictest of regulatory administration while utilizing those this Foundation refers for testing and or short or long-term experimentation.

My security department is presently looking for Daniel's mother, and upon her capture, we will refer for breeding a duplicate to Prince Daniel, except as a mare. This new mare should become his primary breeding partner, her only mate will be Prince Daniel and the resulting foals shall return to our home office for new levels of experimentation.

Abide by my wishes and in time Gerald along with his faithful mother shall reunite as a family.

Yours in Friendship,

Professor Haun ................................................................................................................

Miss Jane Pennyford cried many a tear having read the Professor's letter. She knew in her heart, it was wrong for Gerald to work alongside that unscrupulous man. Worse yet, the Professor stating proudly, although buried in his word play, he told of what he had done to her son. His dire need for the "so called," volunteers for his experiment, and the continuation of his attaining knowledge was worth the lives of these less enlightened people.

When the Professor approached her at a horse and pony show, offering her to join him in increasing and renewing the Dartmoor pony breed, she knew he had some deep ulterior motives.

The coming of Daniel as a Dartmoor stallion seemed every so righteous at the time. According to the printed records, this young college student signed a five-year wavier, offering his body to aid the advancement of science.

In as much, she thought this young man to be more than brave, he giving up his human form for five long years. She marveled at how when Daniel arrived he acted as if his becoming a pony stallion was more his idea, than as the Professor said, being a clinical mistake.

A few short weeks of testing, sperm gathering, and Daniel appeared healthy and strangely eager, delighting in the somewhat perverted plan for him to mate with actually brute born mares.

Daniel, Marge, Lilly, and so many others came to her farm, each signing that legal wavier, granting unto the Professor their very lives and bodies for his use and or whim!

Pondering in her memory the Professor's assistant, and the report of his accidental injection, after he had openly argued about how Daniel actually transitioned according to plan. His verbal outcry was silenced shortly after, and then sent to her brother's Exmoor farm, Justin resided there as a gelded Andalusian Donkey.

Justin discovered his tough life would comprise testing mares in heat as to their true desire for mating. In essence, poor Justin worked as a teaser, this being a male horse or donkey, allowed to get close enough to sniff and taunt a mare. Justin would as any male animal, became erect and aroused, but having lost his testicles to the company Vet, left him his duty to perform and then leaving him to deal with his lust for animal passion.

One after another, the Professor had enlisted certain people into his ongoing experiment. He began with willing students, for them he offered money to continue their expensive education. Others, as those who would wish him to move more slowly, taking time to refine the Reformation serums and its process. Whether CEO, student, assistant, or anyone who stood in his way, all, and then their family members targeted, financially taunted, and once signed on the dotted line, they all reunited with their loved ones. As if to humor the Professor, mothers mated with thier own, and fathers mounted without any discrimination, driven on by animal lusts, their reuniting came only in the sexual ways.

What the ultimate plan was for the Reformation serum was up to the Professor himself. He had made lurid suggestions of offering it openly to the public at large, using the internet as a marketing scheme.

This bold statement wavered from his scientific ideals of advancing differing breeds of animals under highly controlled genetic interbreeding. His actions suggested of someone planning to make millions, offering to those with wild fantasy desires to find their dream, and become the animal of their choice.

All of this, she held in her head and heart, knowing in blatant truth that her adopted son Gerald was then, and most likely, permanently to live as a Russian Ibex for the rest of his days.

Daniel too, his girlfriends, and all of those sent into working as if they were born animals, as duped into signing away their lives and bodies. The plan to return them to being again human never materialized. Once they had entered into the lifestyle of becoming animals, breeding openly, standing naked, and living totally without the social morals of human society, all had to degrade to be little more than intelligent animals for farm use.

Even from the Professor's letter, he openly stated his desire to place Sybil as a breeding mare for Prince Daniel her son. His words were damning, as a nonconsensual Reformation serum "so called" volunteer, she would transition against her will, placed as a breeder for her son to mate, and knowing live a degraded lifestyle as a mare and animal.

The suggestion of Miss Jane and Gerald becoming reunited; just a verbal ploy to tell her she would be as an Ibex ewe in time!



ATTN: Miss Jane Pennyford

Dear Miss Jane,

I am of great hope that you will keep this communication within the strictest of confidence. As Daniel's mother, and due to my accidental injection with some of the Professor's serum, I am hiding at the home of a friend.

When the accidental injection occurred, my attacked had in her possession a few vials of an antidote for the Reformation serum. She told me the antidote was a simple blending of Vinegar and Apple juice, but in what concentration I do not know.

In her short conversation before the drug removed her ability to speak, she made mention this antidote could return anyone, from being either partially or totally transitioned. Injecting the antidote does not take immediate effect, but with bi-daily injections into the male genitals, or for females, in the breasts, it takes nine months to re-transition one so infected by the Reformation serums.

I shall contact you again soon; I have more but feel it is not good to put everything in one letter.

Sincerely, Sybil


The short and personal letter from Sybil was an answer to a prayer. An antidote to the Reformation serums did exist, and made from things easy to attain on the open market. She knew the problem, this being to learn the correct blending of Vinegar and Apple juice, but this might come from the horse's mouth, if she were careful.

A quick memo to the Pennyford Stable's head groom, denoting of Miss Jane wanting Prince Daniel to stop his daily mating schedule. Her order read, insisting for placing Prince Daniel in a solitary box stall, kept in solitude form any other pony for not less than a month.

She then placed an order for white vinegar and apple concentrate. Her first order went through the Sunrise Research Foundation; expecting that the Professor would see it, and begin a communication about the possible usage.

Meanwhile, Prince Daniel would be in his private stall. His continuous mating schedule has a degrading influence on the human lobes of his pony brain. When mating, Daniel's mind thought as if a stallion stud in the realm of rut. Given a time alone, in the past it took but a few days or a week, but he had for more than a year mated on a daily basis; this would demand he be kept in solitude and horny for at least a month, if just to regain some human mental activity.

"Horny is a word, and a half word," as Daniel had moved past the point of likely return to being again a human. He had spent more than two full years in almost constant and daily, sometimes mating two or three mares per day. Due to this rigorous schedule, his mental patterns remained exceedingly typical of what a Dartmoor stallion had to consider. His daily regimen was quite simple, waking, eating, an exercise period, and then off to meet some lusty mare. His mating might be once or four times with her, expecting from this she would test prominently as pregnant.

The first two days for Prince Daniel away from his daily desires was traumatic, as expected. He whinnied, screaming his larynx until him as a pony became a little hoarse.

Whinnies turned to almost human cries, as if pleading because his testicles ached for breeding, and he was where he as a stallion could not find relief. His only out to this wretched predicament was to begin multiple renditions of masturbation, straining to relieve the built up volume of semen.

This act had its limits, helping to some degree but it was the anxiety that Miss Jane counted upon. The nervous anxiety to mate and not getting any would drag from the rear lobes the young man's mind, his mentally returning, if only to plead and communicate his very basic need.

Prancing, kicking, and the sorted sexual antics Prince Daniel had tried when he first arrived at Pennyford Farm, as all was part of his acting as a lusty young stud. He strained hard to stand and express his need. Long hours of standing stiffly, body stretched out, tail held high and unmoving, ears alert and forward, and of course, he was mightily erect.

The noise got on everybody's nerves, anxiety was building, most of the stable staff kept their distance, leaving Daniel, Prince Daniel to his solitude.

After three weeks Miss Jane came for her first visit, she standing outside the stall and from there spoke to Daniel. Twice a day she went to visit her prize stallion Dartmoor pony. Each visit had a round of probing questions, while all required answers, with either pawing a hoof, or one or two whinnies as yes and or no.

Slowly she saw the pony mentality giving way to the human Ingram's still part of the smaller brain.

It was her plan to have Daniel in an understanding and comprehensive mode before reading him his mother's letter, the one informing her of an antidote, and a possibility of his returning to be again somewhat, more human.

Twenty-nine days and the stallion named Prince Daniel stood in his large box stall, screaming whinnies, stomping angrily in circles, tail held high as it whipped from right to left. The sexual anxiety had done the deed, for this Dartmoor pony stallion had his human thinking process back in control.

When Miss Jane came for that morning visit, Daniel met her as an agitated young man standing on all fours and knowing his who, what, and where about his present self. Wild eyes of a pony showing the whites told of a mind filled with desire, but not the kind that tends toward mating. Daniel felt the desire to converse, asking questions as best he might, and wanting answers. His recent past, the space of two years he had spent continually in the mindset of mating. He had complete memory of what he did, how he liked to play and taunt a mare before mounting her and then giving of self. Daniel had an excellent ability to remember when human, and this carried over to his present day life and lifestyle.

Miss Jane entered his stall, upsetting his feed bucket she took a precarious position, sitting on the overturned bucket, as she began to read Sybil's letter.

Mouthing her words in a slow manner, allowing a human and equine brain to listen, contemplate, and understand the meaning of words he had until then paid not a moments attention in two years.

Anxiety turned to a sort of equine glee, hearing Miss Jane read something from his mother, delighted she was alive, and so thrilled at the possibility of an antidote for what he had endured, his response was purely equine and stallion, he became aroused and stiffly erect.

Stepping close to face Miss Jane the pony ogled the woman's face, a quick tongue slurped at her face, almost hitting the mark.

Again, the lifestyle of the past two years entered his swirling mind. Daniel felt joy and delight hearing of things he had long since either forgot or let slip from his conscience thoughts. Answering Miss Jane's news, Daniel the Dartmoor stallion stood aroused and erect, as he leaped upward, and stood with forelegs mounted onto the stall's half wall.

In that instant of his quick move, Miss Jane found herself seated on a bucket and physically beneath her prize stallion with his major erection staring her in the face.

Daniel danced from one hind hoof to the other, tickled at the possibilities, thrilled to here from his mother, and feeling some sort of passion to the one who delivered the great news.

Just as suddenly, Daniel stopped his dancing moves. He became still, standing motionless although erect in more than stance. A pony head turned and with one eye peered down at the friend seated below and bearing her eyes at his monstrous male pony member.

A soft bubbling whinny issued from his thick black lips.

Miss Jane seemed to understand and spoke, posing the question:

"Does Daniel want to return to being what he was before, become a college student, now that the loving family is scattered and almost gone?"

Daniel jumped down and away from Miss Jane. He stood with his erection softening like an ice cream cone in hot weather. A soft snort suggested of his giving the question some valued time for thought. The memories of his previous two years were for the most, happy days indeed!

He had found acceptance by the pony mares Marge, Lilly, and many others. The stable-hands too, showed him many considerations, considering that none of them knew he was anything other than a handsome pony and stallion.

The memories of being a college student and the frantic life he led offered little reason to return to the rat race he had when still human.

Here he needed no money, had not a concern about where his next meal would come from, as he learned to graze, as do herbivore animals. The thought of his times when mother insisted he eat greens and salads for better diet and his health, it made him snicker. In the near three years, he had existed as a pony the limited sensorial made it an easy change to learn grazing, and with the passing of time, he found it pleasurable.

He was exceptionally healthy, strong and agile, felt satisfied in how he lived and where they had him stabled. The sexual sensations where in the extreme range of pleasures, as the mounting of mares made it a challenge, and each one he saw as a personal conquest.

Miss Jane rather expected what happened next, Daniel stood looking her in the eyes, as he shook his head right to left, signifying his answer of "No!"

She recanted his answer, adding to it the words she thought he would use to explain his reasons. All were proper reactions to a life of ease, living as a prime stallion pony, primarily with one duty and that as a stud.

To this response, she announced he was forthright in his desire to remain as her prize animal. Yet, she then mentioned the Professor's plan to transition Daniel's mother into a Dartmoor mare and permanently intern her on the farm as a brood mare for his sexual delight.

Hearing this bit of news, Daniel exploded in a fit of rage and anger. Stomping his fore hoofs and kicking up the hind hoofs, he whirled about his box stall, tossing straw, splintering the stall's boards, and screaming his disgust.

To his response, Miss Jane spoke her thoughts, wondering if Daniel found the Professor's plan to be repulsive. She asked if it was his desire for Sybil to remain his human mother, and come to visit, or maybe was it his stallion side that wished to bring her under his dominance.

Flying hind hoofs drove Miss Jane from the box stall.

Again, the wild whites of a stallion's eye told of his thoughts, those of hatred toward any that would imprison his dear mother as a brood mare.

So then, Miss Jane told Daniel of her plan, one to learn the blending ratio of the professor's antidote. She asked him for help, his part to remain on in his celibate state, keeping his distance from the mares for a time. The lack of pleasure would keep his human mentality growing stronger, while soon, within the space of a month he could expect his ability to form words with equine lips would return. In time, the Professor might visit and try to provoke Daniel into forfeiting his chance to return to being a young man.

Miss Jane wanted Daniel prepared, ready to falsify and accept the idea of being again himself, but only to foil the Professor's big plans.

She bid him a good day and returned to her office, there to begin her next part of a widening plan. Having requested the two parts making the antidote, Miss Jane placed a call to Sunrise Farm and asked for the manager, a Mark Nedlinger.

Now Mark was a rather cantankerous sort, but when on his own, he had a gullible side. If she asked him to get her the ratio for the antidote, on the idea she would blend it on her own for use on the farm, he might give it to her without checking with the management or the Professor. The possibility of him angering the Professor by giving the information might lead to his volunteer work for the foundation; the thought of this happening to him only made Miss Jane smile.


Plans Solidify:



Dear Miss Jane,

After several failed attempted tries, the last trail blend seems to be doing the job.

In the few weeks since my injection with the Reformation serum, my skin color transitioned, pony hair sprouted, and I could stand naked and feel myself conforming to becoming a mare. Ears and soft tissue began to look and feel like that of a pony. My lips and nostrils merged forming the beginning of a muzzle; as tongue also thickened making eating difficult.

When I injected the antidote formula, its reaction was quick and violent.

As I awoke after forty hours of comatose sleep, the bodily changes had begun to reverse. The only remnant of my short time of being pony like is the skin color and body hair.

The sensual sensation of being human in dexterity and still having the skin and hairy coat of a pony makes me break into cold sweats. I find myself dreaming now of becoming a pony and mare. The friend I reside here with tells me of seeing me feeling myself when asleep. I have become some sort of a Narcissus freak as the feeling of my hairy body is but part of the continuing problems someone would discover when re-transitioning.

As with my beginning transitions the vaginal area became involved, turning extremely more sensitive, alluring me to toy with myself. This all began when my friend came into my room awakening me while I was busy sleepwalking and impaling of my vagina on a bedpost, while moaning with a seductive groan.

I can understand why and how Daniel felt, he so quickly accepting the Professor's plan for him to become a Dartmoor stallion pony.

Although, I have stopped the forward movement of the transition which would make me a mare, the Reformation serum hangs on, tending to urge subconscious pangs to return and inject the remaining serum.

Our real news is of discovering a web page directed toward those of the enlightened populous of the Netherlands. My friend and I found this while scanning for any information on Sunrise Research farm.

This web page is for those of the furry fantasies. They are the people who dress up in animal costume, doing role-plays and the like. Written in the Royal Dutch language, my friend read it to me, while we were astonished at the content.

The Sunrise Research Farm offers in place of costume suits, a syringe filled with the diluted Reformation formula. According to the marketing boasts, once injected the formula works on soft tissue, transitioning the host genetic pattern, and beginning with the first injection and up to seven in total, it explains of how they will never need to rent a fur suit again.

It has pictures, some of my Daniel when he first began to transition. He stood in a very indignant pose before the camera, showing his sheath and maleness, enlarged testicles, darkened skin and a coating of pony hair that included a working tail.

Other photographs of those partially transitioned, some soon to become bulls, goats, lions, and nine different breeds of animals.

It had pictures of two young women, one having the name of Lilly, as she was entering the final phase before her complete transition to a Dartmoor mare.

As for a graduating higher price, the purchaser could buy more of the Reformation formula in syringes set in a plastic bubble, and offered on a card showing the perspective picture of the fantasy animal form.

He has started his marketing of the formula, beginning with a country known for its acceptance morals differing from those in America. I noted the visitor counter totaling the number of web page viewers at 1,201,113 in the first month of the offering.

Things are soon to change, and with this offering, many of those unsuspecting people will be entering the realm of our volunteers. Many as even my self will feel the alluring pangs for living a sensual life in the raw form of some animal body.

I wonder if we were too late.

Sincerely, Sybil



The news from Sybil of her discovering the correct blend to make antidote for the Reformation serum, made Miss Jane's contact to Mark near useless. Then, and after having a long and drawn out conversation with Prince Daniel, she made plans to cancel the next full month mating schedule. In her thoughts, all those "so called" as volunteers should have the offering of the antidote.

Miss Jane wrote a memo, insisting the special breeder mares and two other stallions stabled indefinitely. The memo made a wave of concern flood through her staff, as all supposed the Pennyford Farm might soon close the doors.

In essence, Miss Jane had other ideas, and planned an extensive shakeup at her farm and to the hallowed halls of Sunrise Research.

Two days after sending out her demands to the staff, she received an e-mail asking her to call Mark, he being the manager at Sunrise Research Farm set just outside the city limits of Appleton, Wisconsin.

A woman in big business, Miss Jane recorded all her phone calls, placing them in print, stored in a safe place, and available if she needed something as proof. Her conversation with Mark was no exception.

"Mark, do you have the correct blending for the Reformation antidote?" Miss Jane began the conversation as usual, bringing her biggest gun to bear on an opponent, especially when it was a man.

A nervous Mark began to stutter and stammered, pausing often as if looking over his shoulder for what might come his way. "Yes, the correct blending is as follows, 1 part apple juice to 5 parts white, distilled vinegar, boiled for five minutes to effect both liquids to mix. The boiling is necessary, less if not boiled the mixture works only partially, leaving soft tissue retaining the serums, and after a short time, the transition begins again, but at an exceedingly higher pace.

The Professor made one of his input girls an offer; telling her, she would get a great deal of money for a weekend stand with a sales person. His offer was one of devious and dire plans to test the antidote on someone. Audrey, she was a cute girl, but he insisted she needed to take some injections on the possibility she might contact some disease. His concerned words made her trust him, as that was her first mistake!

He sedated her quickly and had me place her in one of our heat incubator units. These units were once a pressure chamber used by the air force, now made to do the Professor's biddings. Injected and then sedated, I was the one deemed to place a naked Audrey into the pressure tube. I could see the first signs of transition beginning, I have seen this a hundred times, never once is it the same.

Six hours under the pressure of three atmospheres and Audrey was near half the way to becoming a Lioness. Her head, skin, hands and feet had transitioned completely, but the rest of her body accepted some of the transition, leaving a pretty girl as something out a nightmare.

When she awoke in her iron bar cage, Audrey was well aware of what had occurred. Snarling like some angered cat, she paced her cage keeping a keen eye on me.

After some big to do, the antidote administered by the Professor, began for Audrey her transition back to human form, this taking three weeks of painful transitions.

On a clipboard, the Professor placed a check for $30,000 dollars, hanging it on the cage and in clear sight of Audrey.

As if a carrot for his donkey, the allurement of all that money kept Audrey pacified and a willing helper in the experiment. When the Professor thought she was almost back to her old self, he opened the cage and gave her the check.

Audrey looked thrilled and quite relieved that she was not to be in some zoo. She smiled at the Professor, shaking his hand, and then turned to look at me, scowling as she slapped my face.

The week that followed had Audrey taking a short vacation. Authorized by the Professor, he had her sent to his mountain lodge, there to have a week of therapy and massage. Yet Audrey was there only two days when the massage therapist called. She was frantic, wildly babbling about Audrey changing into some Lion woman, killing the chef, and loose on the lodge grounds.

Ultimately, the security people captured Audrey; and became again a Lioness in physical form, while she shall knowingly spend her remaining years of life in the San Diego zoo.

I am taking an enormous risk in talking to you about this and the antidote. The Professor is showing signs of paranoia, his Reformation serums have passed the drug testing in ninety countries, authorizing its use in prisons, and in limited use if directed by a Psychiatrist.

Our staff has dwindled to near half strength as the Professor audited the personnel profiles, reappraising some as security risks and deeming his security people to incarcerate them, and place each for injection of some serum.

My good friend Chuck was one of the first, they took him and his wife, making them sign a legal wavier and then striped them naked and set before the Professor. I was there, made to witness the execution of two people the Professor said were corporate spies.

Chuck and Cindy protested, and silenced with a jolt from a security man's cattle prod.

The security man laughed, chiding the two, telling them to obey or get used to the feel of that prod. At that, the Professor broke into his devious laugh, injecting both Chuck and his wife, leaving them to the transition of body and feeling for the other.

My friend and his wife are but assets and property of a neighboring farm. Chuck is now a Beefalo bull, and his wife, although neither knows the other, as anything than one of its breed, she is an Angus cow.

I suggest caution, less even you find yourself as one of the security risks!"

Miss Jane listened and recorded his words. She knew the Professor was showing signs of thinking himself as something of grandeur and close to being God.


Customer Complaint:

Those working as staff at the Pennyford farm knew little of the background where the stock originated. Miss Jane knew of course, but other than her stable manager, the rest were quite ignorant of the Professor and his dangerous serums.

The notice posted to stable certain mares and stallions seemed odd to most there, but to one young man it became a personal terror.

Jon Allen, a young man who worked at the farm tending the pastures and that acreage which was farmed the normal sense of the word. His job meant he needed to keep himself in excellent shape, when he was not doing work the young man would do exercise and lift weights. Therefore, he was in a fine form when one day he came knocking at Miss Jane's office door.

Head bowed, he entered her office and standing before her desk, a letter of sorts in his hand.

His dark tanned face showing both worry and a look of anxiety, his hand holding the letter quivered, making the paper rattle as he stammered to begin talking to Miss Jane.

Jon had a complaint like many of his friends he too had seen the Internet web page offering fantasy thrills, to those willing to pay the price. Although he was not one of those furry freaks, his delight was in appearing stronger, and more endowed.

He gave the letter he received after lodging a complaint with Sunrise Research. The response was one of no guarantee of customer satisfaction, while informing him of additional products available to enhance the abnormalities he thought and complained as were undesired.

Miss Jane being a kindhearted person asked him what he had ordered and expected; knowing the ramifications of what Sunrise Research might offer.

Jon took a deep breath, as he began to explain how he took the four pills each day as prescribed by the information sent to him. He continued his daily regimen and workouts, only to see his nostrils expand and skin tone darken. The result in his eyes was a face resembling that of a Gorilla, something far from what he wanted.

His shoulders and neck muscles enlarged, something he originally wanted, but with his distorted face, leaving him with a forbearing and sinister appearance. He found his coworkers feeling some apprehension being even near him. The usual scuttlebutt embroiled him which lurid suggestions and unkind words. He said how he liked working a Pennyford Farm, but if he could not stop these changes, he would need to find work elsewhere.

Miss Jane knew his likely problem, and if he continued the pills, the good chance he would never leave the farm until the day he died.

Getting up from her swivel chair, Miss Jane stepped around her desk and took Jon's hand in hers. She offered a consoling and thoughtful attitude, telling him to stay on at the farm, as she would contact Sunrise Research for something to reverse his abnormalities.

In fact, she had the Reformation antidote in mind for Jon, but needed time to prepare the injections, as well a place for him to stay while the process reversed.

Jon felt she was working for his best interest and said how he appreciated her trying to help. He took another deep breath, and then began rapidly to expound upon his other problem.

Miss Jane took a step or two backing away from Jon, his mannerism suddenly changing, as his voice deepened and the scent of him became quite poignant.

At first, he spoke correctly his words in proper order and making real sense. As he tried to explain his other abnormality, his nostrils flared, and eyes reddened. Shortly, his words became slurred, he tried anxiously to correct them but the more he tried, the worse it became. He began to huff in and out his breathing, as chest expanded so drastically his shirt buttons popped off like bullets.

Jon's breathing was doing more than making him appear excited, his nervous twitching went into his legs and he began to do a dance. The way he did his dance had Miss Jane thinking he needed to use the bathroom, so she pointed to her private bath, as if suggesting he should go in there and do his thing.

Jon saw her gesture for him to enter the bathroom, but instead of doing as suggested he began to snort and actually snarl at Miss Jane.

Miss Jane had received quite a few of the Professor's "so called" volunteers. Yet when they arrived, their transitions had finalized leaving them as docile and contented animals.

She had never gone to Sunrise Research Farm to be a witness to the physical transitions the volunteers had to bare. Her thinking she had the realization knowing the process had to have some pain and other drawbacks. It was certain to her the changing of species and bodily form was not all stardust and silver bells.

It was also quite apparent that Jon was in the first stages of some transition and the way he was huffing and snorting his bestial side was becoming predominant.

Stepping back from Jon, trying to give a safe distance between her and this young man in the clenches of his transition of species, she remembered something the Professor recanted.

In his jovial tone, the Professor had mentioned how some who enter the transition phase where the body begins to conform to the serums, he lets them experience the secondary sexual phases, as trying to mate helped the transitioning, and this in turn excited the volunteer to lust and desire to mate.

Jon's breathing pattern had him looking beyond the word excited. His shirt buttons had by then, all popped off the shirt. His expanding chest pulled the shirt out of his trousers, dangling loose allowing Miss Jane a better view of Jon and his other unwanted problem.

Excited and becoming aroused in a purely bestial way, Jon had the first beginning of an erection showing. His maleness has made its complete transition, the sight of this announced clearly to Miss Jane as to Jon and his new species. He was becoming a definite bovine, this was easy to see after the shirt stood open and a very bovine and bullish sheath hung free to wiggle, flop, and move. ****************************************************************

Dear Sybil and to those of her family that might read this, my letter.

Ever since that fated day when Daniel became, as if accidentally infected of the Reformation serum, his physical adjustment proved to be the beginning of our bringing new breeds into being. His personal sacrifice has inspired now over a hundred young volunteers to join the throngs of those in our equine program.

The past many months of update letter, we received from Miss Jane Pennyford and her Dartmoor society in Devon, U.K. added to our enthusiasm to continue the program, advancing to new horizons.

Yet on a sad note, it is my duty to inform you of Prince Daniel and his change in mental prowess. As duly notated to me by the stable manager, Prince Daniel has ceased to respond favorably to verbal questioning.

His continued silence and the manner to how he has degraded his own personal hygiene, leaves me to believe he has succumbed to the daily onslaught of equine instincts.

He, Daniel being the first and therefore the one residing longer as one of our totally enhanced volunteers, has, from breeding sessions and various other non-human factors of daily existence, made certain variations to his personality. As he has spent the greatest amount of time being of body a Dartmoor pony, stallion, and working as a breeder, the sensualness of such a lifestyle can take a toll.

Along with his degraded attitude toward self, it was noted how he has become more brutal during breeding sessions. His acts of biting of mares, rutting them roughly, kicking, and fighting with those who were as then yet unwilling to give their all to the experiment.

Therefore, from the observations and documents I have received, comes a final prognosis. This maintains that Daniel is, and will permanently remain transitioned, living on as a Dartmoor pony stallion for the rest of his natural life.

The medial testing thus far suggests his lifespan to be equal unto what a healthy human might expect. As a normal pony lives for 30 to 40 years at the most, Daniel should live to the age of seventy or more years; likely to have the same physical degrading as would any equine attesting such age.

As he entered service as a Dartmoor just a little more than a year ago, I suggest he will continue and enjoy his coming fifty plus years.

Feeling for your personal problems since this accidental and unfortunate turn of events concerning Daniel joining in the experiment, I continue to be concerned for your entire family. Personally and professionally, I plan to make all possible strides to give those of the immediate family my utmost attention to their wellbeing. As information comes to me of others that have become in some part concerned over Daniel, his father, and the safety of your family from public opinion and discord; I am making each a special offer of gaining their antimony, privacy, and enjoyment from living their lives in service to the greater good of all.

Most Sincerely,

Professor Haun .................................................................................................................

Dear Sybil,

During the recent months many things have occurred, some of which are for the better, as other things bring me a feeling of concern.

I believe the Professor sent you a letter informing of Daniel and his mental attitude, as to how he keeps his personal hygiene. Although I have kept in contact with him on a biweekly basis, taunting him with questions with the hope such would help him keep his memory of you alive.

The reason he is the way he is, being and standing as a prime stud breeder animal causes the memories to fade. His general demeanor is fading, losing touch with what he was born as, and worse, giving in to what he has become now.

His gallant and kindly manner when covering has changed to that equal to any brute male animal seeking to find some relief from their lagging sensation and urges to procreate. Now he acts as would any stallion, and when his servicing is completed, he saunters away acting as if as mindless, disconcerted, and having not a care.

Since this change in mental prowess I have given orders for Daniel to be housed separate of the pastured ponies. It is with his separation for the herd aspect that might shock him back to remember, and be his nice ole' self once more.

I have learned via the grape vine here of the Sunrise Research foundation and a new element of diverse immoral impropriety has purchased a large farm in Scotland for breeding cattle. The ramifications of this would not normally warrant much concern, but my contact made mention of a bull Angus by the name of Chuck, along with an Angus cow bearing the name of Cindy were the first two shipped to that new farm.

As from other supporting information and sources favorable to your and my concern about the sanity of the Professor, I believe your missing relatives, are now these two cattle.

The farm I was told of is more than thousand kilometers square, offering also its generally rural location, it would offer the Professor a camping for his continued new experiments. It is with this in mind that I write; suggesting that from his own devious writings tells of his hatred for you and your family.

The Professor, I know carries a grudge for some people, and now with his working serums, he can strike his vengeance upon those he feels were against him in some various ways.

Chuck and Cindy might be his first of many more as he does as his heritage did in decades past. He like his predecessors become incensed with rage over something and then began as what in Europe is called, a family vendetta. Such vendettas are as the blight upon our civilization, foolish and stupid; it erases both young and the elderly, making no sense for anything good, but is done only to the evil delight of those that would begin the carnage.

That chink professor was educated in Italy, and maybe from there picked up on this idea of vendettas, and hatred of those that would dare to disagree with his great plans.

You and your family are not the only ones needing to be on the lookout for his treachery. My Gerald was sucked into his feelings of a vendetta toward me; making my son as the same fodder for his goals as are those of your family.

As I might have mentioned I enjoy my hobbies, one of which was doing cross-stitch with a Lady friend. During the busy times of these past three months, I have needed to pay particular attention to Daniel and some of the others here, as they like him are showing signs of mental degrading.

Although that crises is far from past and behind me, I heard at church this past Sunday of my friend being missing from her house. They at church told how the local police were searching, but it seemed she fell to foul play. The authorities suggest she was maybe murdered, and thusly her body, the whereabouts might never be discovered.

I was approached by a young lad, we have working here to keep the stables clean. He is a brash and foolhardy young fellow, having attended some local carnival and seeing the sideshow thought to tell me of something he thought was sad and strange.

I believe this young fellow saw my friend in her new form, which is the prime cause for her disappearance and a drastic change in lifestyle.

Our damned Professor is going out of his way to be challenging toward me, taking his vendetta to the limits of encompassing even my friends.

Alicia, my friend, lives now in horrible filth and terrible conditions. The sad creature the young lad talked of was a blend of elderly looking woman and the beastly physical attributes of a horse. The worst was that she by his accounting acted as if pregnant, and the man in the sideshow volunteered to milk her teats in front of the crowd.

He reported the strange creature resembled a human female, having long draping hair hanging down from her head, but with skin tone, and a light coating of facial hair, she having broad nostrils and lips similar a horse.

The sideshow had her trussed standing upright, as to display her underside, teats, and when turned properly, allowing a direct view of her staggered legs and rump.

A covering of her entire body with skin and the winter coat of thick hair made the creature look scruffy. It having just the stub beginning of a mane, and seemingly a docked tail like those you see on draft animals. As what were maybe human arms were hairy, but the hands replaced with each a horse hoof of draft animal size.

He told in detail how the thing had the torso and rump of a horse, standing on normal equine hind legs but no hoofs, instead standing on enlarged looking human toes with talon claws replacing the toenails.

When milked, the creature whined and strained as if wishing to speak out and or plead. If this truly were the horrible end for my good friend Alicia, it would seem likely she would be pleading for her own death.

If it is her, I am assured the Professor will forward me some concerned letter posing his thoughts in some devious manner of semantics, and being diverse in suggesting she is this bestial prodigy.

As from the news of this cattle farm in Scotland I am privy of more information about the Sunrise Research Foundation purchasing farms in Norway, France, Brazil, Paraguay, Honduras, and Arizona, so do be on the alert for his continuing vendetta.

With Sincere Concern,

Miss Jane Pennyford