
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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Do you remember, I wonder, as myheavy eyes rest easy among unsure dreams never ending

Collisions of visions leave past decisions in an eternal state, forever pending...

Soon the night takes my worry, & twists & turns it in a hurry, before I wake again, tired still

Aiding in my restlessness, I take the strongest of any pill

To keep closed the guilt & fears I've held close for years

Waking, many a time shaking, without reasons remembered, my face still with a fresh trace of tears

Slow to get up, fast to fall, I hear among my days, your voice...that familiar call...

Life's left me more so with no option to turn back times hand

Instead, it holds down my heavy head, to look away from chances that buckle me while I stand

A friend, a foe, whatever fits my broken heart...

By my own choice, I let go,that sweet voice, tearing our possible happy life apart...

It still sendsme a chill, to recall all those words we would share

Hurting more now since, you've made it clear, you jus don't care

I wonder if I cross your mind, in a good way

If it isn't obvious yet, you cross mine, many a time, every day...

I won't ever be over the point where we split our journey, going our separate paths, determined to set fire to the plans we had made

Mostly among the sunsets filled with regrets, your angry tear-filled face....cuts deeper than any imaginable blade...

"I'll move on, like I've needed to all along..."

"But, there's a feeling, always persistent, that reminds me, somehow, it just feels...wrong..."

---Thanks for reading---
