Ryu Skunk's experience with a crazy girl (Ryu's POV)

Story by FoxDragonAnthro on SoFurry


I was dating this girl in high school. Her name was Lisa. She was a pretty nice, intelligent girl and we had some things in common. We've had tons of great times together until one day...and let's just say after that day I don't think I ever want a girlfriend again. Me and my bro S. DA had to move away because my parents were going to move to their dream job, so we had to move closer. It's what we always do. And it was okay too especially since where we were going had me and bro's dream college. The only problem was my girlfriend. It would mean long distance relationships and well I don't think I would handle it that well. So I had to break up with her. I called her and told her to meet me at the park and she said yes and I told her to be prepared because it's very serious and personal. There was a long pause before she said okay.

I waited for her at the park watching all the lovely children play around on the slides and swing sets. I always loved kids. I then saw her walking towards me as I patted on the park bench for her to sit. I told her everything leading to the reason of me having to break up with her. Then the weirdest thing happened. She said "No." I was a bit confused on what she meant so I asked her but she just said, "No." She then grabbed my arm tightly smiling at me with a creep smile. I felt really uncomfortable and so I pulled her off and walked away from her never looking back.

That night me and my bro got our stuffed packed for tomorrow. We were gonna be leaving at 4:00 am so we can try to go to our destination at least around the afternoon. After we finished we decided to watch a movie and my bro wanted to watch a scary movie. I've been advising against that cause I know he'll get scared easily but he insisted so I put on one of those Friday the 13th movies. As expected my bro got scared easily but we kept watching. While watching, the doorbell rang, which confused us both. Who could that be at this time of night? I walked over to the door and looked through the peephole. There was no one. Ding dong ditchers. I hated those. I was about to walk back to the living room when banging on the door happened. I looked back into the peephole but once again there was no one. I opened the door and looked around. Nothing. I then heard screaming and closed the door running back to my bro. He was pointing to the screen door. I looked but there was nothing. I opened it looking outside. It was insanely creepy. I yelled out to whoever was doing this sick joke to stop and leave us alone or else there's gonna be trouble. I closed the screen door and took my bro to bed having him sleep with me for I knew he'd be scared sleeping by himself.

It was about 2:00 am when I woke up to a strange sound. It was coming from the living room. I walked to the room and looked to see my screen door opened. I was surprised when I saw it because I remembered to lock the screen door. I looked to see that the lock was broken. I looked around the house to see if someone was here. I then saw something move. It was my suitcase. I slowly walked to it. It was unzipped. I slowly opened it and what I saw made my heart stop. It was Lisa. My now ex-girlfriend. She was in there sleeping. I ran back to my room closing the door and locked it. My bro woke up and asked what was wrong. I ignored him and called the cops trying to tell them there's someone who broke into my house. Then banging on my door happened as I heard, "Honey...I know you're in there..." I was freaked out and so I hung up the phone and opened my window. Then the banging got louder as she started screaming, "HONEY!!! OPEN THE DOOR SKUNKY!!!" I grabbed my bro and carried him out the window as we ran out. I looked back and saw her...standing there...with that same creep smile and her eyes were widened. I still remember that look to this day. The cops arrived and found her hiding in my closet and they took her away. While they did I could've sworn I saw her mouth "I'll be back...and you will be mine skunky..." I looked away from her not wanting her face ever again.

Me and bro got our things ready and loaded them into the moving truck. We looked everywhere around the house to make sure we didn't forget anything and that no one else was here. We got into my SUV and started driving. As I was driving I kept thinking about everything that happened last night even as I was trying to forget it and I could tell my bro wanted to as well. As I said before after what happened I don't think I ever want to have a girlfriend again...