Potion Enchanting; Side Effects Include-

Story by Runa on SoFurry

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Art - potionmastercernun

Writing - Runa

Lethias+some Writing additions - Lethias

Ceylon - Runa

Minnigan - Minnigan

Part 1 - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/20846535/

Part 2 - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/21011109/

Part 3 - http://www.furaffinity.net/view/23557647/

In this story, we pick up after Lethias and Ceylon's last encounter, only it seems that the lingering side effects of the potion she gave him are wreaking havoc on his body and his sex life. Sure, being huge is fun, but being safe is as well.

He returns to Ceylon to see if she can fix his growth problem. She sure can, and insists she did so in the most sensual way (More data, for science!)

Lethias wrote some of this, putting in some of his own mannerisms and puns/humor where I may have missed the mark, so he gets an assist!

Story contains macro/micro for a brief moment

Potion Enchanting; Side Effects Include-

"Leera, are you just not coming out at all today?" Ceylon called out to her mate from the kitchen. She was cooking herself some soup and was cleaning the dishes when it came to her attention that she was still waiting for Leera to show up and help, but it seemed that the naga remained in her den, unwilling to come out. It was past noon already and Ceylon was getting tired of waiting.

No response came.

Ceylon could have just left it at that, but instead put down her knife and left the kitchen to return to her den, where Leera was likely still sleeping. The den itself was made of two layers, the top and main layer was Ceylon's personal nesting grounds with a tall domed or cone-tip ceiling that made the entire room the shape of a bullet with perches and places for her to rest in the sun. On the north wall, a tall window letting in all the light from the sun, also in the shape of an elongated dome. Beneath the main room, a small flat disc that served as Leera's bed chamber; no lights, no windows, no access except the one incline from the main room around the eastern wall.

"Oi, I thought you said you were going to join me in the kitchen. We've got some curry to make." Ceylon exclaimed, poking her head down over the incline to see the massive snake coiled up in the dark, accented by two slitted, glowing emerald eyes.

The faint hint of a flicking tongue could be seen as she shifted her whole body, gently easing her snout up to Ceylon. After the gentlest of boops, she shook her head. "Just not feeling it today, hun. It's nice and warm in my den here and the weather hasn't quite heated enough that I'm happy out in the sun. Don't worry, I'll make it up to you, tonight." She assured Ceylon.

"Well, alright." Cey sighed. "As long as you promise to make it up to me later. I was really hoping you'd come share the afternoon with me but I know how unpleasant that can be so I won't press the issue. Anyway, I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." She smiled and leaned in, pressing her cheek to Leera's before darting back up to the main level and back to the kitchen.

There, she got her blade out again and resumed the chopping of her ingredients. She had carrots, broccoli, Chilies, some coconut milk, chopped up mango, garlic, and some seasonings as well as thin-sliced ulokar and of course rice. She was making a sweet and spicy mango and meat curry, and for that reason she was in her female, wingless biped form. With no wings and no sheath or balls, she was able to cook the best without interference of any kind, and the female form remained the most reserved and petite of her forms.

She could, of course, be male or female, winged or not, biped or quadruped, and any combination in between but she preferred to keep it simple in most situations.

The pot she'd prepared for the slow-cooking of the curry was getting hot already and she knew she'd have to toss in the oils, seasonings, and veggies in all at once in order to extract the flavors. However, just as she was about to use the knife to scoop the ingredients in all at once, she heard a knocking at her door.

Her ears perked and she glanced around the corner, wondering what was going on. Her home was high in the tallest mountain in all the land, so high even aircraft couldn't fly there and only a select few had the fortitude to climb that high. It wasn't one of the other residents of the valley that wrapped around the mountain, either, because those would have announced themselves and would just walk right in. No, this was something else, and while she was tempted to use her telepathy to get a read on the visitor, she chose instead to not waste her energy.

With a flick of her wrist, she shut off the stove and turned to the dining room and lounge, where the door to the outside was being knocked on. When she stepped out, she was relieved to see it was her buddy Lethias, the well-built red dragon and one of her longest known friends. She rolled her eyes at herself, laughing that she didn't realize beforehand who it was that was coming to visit; only a handful of terrestrial folk were permitted or capable of reaching these heights.

He seemed a little larger than normal and she also noticed he seemed a little stressed so she opened the door and invited him in. "Well hello! How have things been, man?" Her voice remained chipper and positive as she was trying to mask the slight tinge of frustration she felt knowing that her cooking plans were almost certainly forgone.

He offered a toothy grin as he made a subtle wave towards her. "I am well, thank you."

"What brings you to my not-so-humble abode?" Asked Ceylon as she motioned for him to hurry and come in. "I'm just making some curry if you wanted to join me. Leera doesn't seem too interested and has opted to stay in her geothermal heated den today, so it's just me and my kitchen. And you, apparently. If you wish to join me."

"Can Leera even eat people food?" He asked, ear frills flickering a bit in curiosity.

Ceylon rolled her eyes. "Leera is people too, but no, not really. This is for me; she's really not much into eating normal stuff as she can barely taste it and her body can't really digest it. She just eats wild game or whole cows."

"Or she could just eat you after you had some. That way it's like she's eating curry by proxy, right?"

"Uh...what?" Ceylon paused for a moment, squinting at Lethias as she cocked head with one ear raised. "Since when are you into vore stuff?"

He smiled, a gentle crack in his lips that exposed his teeth. "I'm not, but I know you are. Just a little food humor." He grinned to himself and slipped in through the door, crouching to not hit his horns on the door frame.

Ceylon had noticed he was a bit bigger than he normally was; his muscles were a bit more defined and now she could he was a little taller than she had earlier assumed. She figured she might as well ask as she guided him into her kitchen. "So, I see the potion I gave you last time is working well." She complimented him as she clicked on the oven again. Within seconds the oil had heated to a proper boil and she was able to toss the first of the seasonings, the onion, and the mango into the pot.

Lethias gulped as he sat down, his massive weight coaxing a creak out of the wooden chair. "Yeah, that's actually what I'm here for. The potion seems to be working a bit too well... in a sense." He paused to lightly tap and squish at his chest muscles. "I admit I love the bulk, but at the same time being bigger is starting to get a bit cumbersome. Growth is fun in short spurts...." He waited for the joke to sink in before continuing, "But there has to be some semblance of control over it and I can't stay big forever or I'll stop fitting in my house."

"Well, the solution to that is to stop taking the potion for a while, let it get out of your system. It stays in you for a week or so and can occasionally be triggered by outside stimulation if you're casting spells or someone near you is." Ceylon explained as she got to chopping up more of the onions and other veggies. In the pot, the mango and spices had mixed up to become a sort of sludge, thus making an orange curry paste. She threw in the new ingredients, letting the flavor seep into the flesh of the vegetables while also caramelizing the onions at the same time; the scents were starting to fill the room and were already wonderful. "I gave you like, 24 potion vials, didn't I?"

"Yeah, something like that. Enough to last me half a year, you said, I think. Whatever the case, I only took three, one a week since we last spent time together, before I stopped. After that the effect seems to be triggering in me every time Minnigan and I get close." The dragon tapped his claws on the table, somewhat embarrassed that he couldn't control the growth magic that remained inside him.

After stirring the curry, Ceylon turned to look at him, trying to figure a few key things out so she could make an assessment. "What do you mean by get close? You mean, just to be in his vicinity, or when you get intimate?"

"Mostly only when intimate. Or if I'm just aroused. He does turn me on a lot." He smiled, exposing his upper fangs in a grin. "Which normally is a good thing, but it's been making things difficult, especially when we try to have sex. Every time I get frisky, it starts. At first it was wonderful, the way my body would swell and my cock getting pretty nicely sized, but over the past few months it's gotten out of control." He explained, eyes somewhat blank as he thought about the past few times he and Minnigan had been intimate.

Ceylon's eyes glowed a bit as she started to focus more on Lethias, her pot ladle stirring the curry on its own via telekinesis behind her, the remaining veggies and ingredients dancing their way to the pot one at a time. "Tell me more. I'm curious to hear everything that happened from the first time this triggered within you to whatever it was that made you come to see me. And don't leave out any details, anything you say could help me in my diagnosis."

Lethias nodded. "Okay... here goes."


I remember everything that happened in the first few weeks after the last time we visited. I went home to my lovely Minn-Minn, and I told him about our little misadventures; he was naturally worried at first, but I told him everything was fine. As I was told, I didn't use any of the new potions for the first week or so, because you said the trial doses might still be inside me and I didn't really need to worry about the dangers of destroying something.

So, we waited, we were patient, and a little over a week later when we were both in the kitchen together, I decided to down the potion right before we finished cooking. That way, when we were done with the preparation and eating of our meal, I could surprise him. Luckily, he was as in the mood as I was and didn't tell me to wait for another time. We had our fun, and it was pretty awesome.

While I was getting hard, all the muscles and bulges in my body were doing much the same. My arms got thick and firm, my legs inflated a bit, and I ended up about five meters tall; really big, really awesome, but still reasonably sized... relatively speaking. I got a little bigger than expected and had to go outside in order to not mess anything up in the house. It worked out for the best, though, because he loved how well I filled him up even though he had a bit of a hard time keeping me in once I was at full size. It was quite the intense session.

After the initial effects wore off it took a couple of days to shrink back to my normal size. Over the course of those days he and I had a lot of fun, so much so that we could barely keep our hands off each other. He said he 'wanted to get as much of me as he could before the effect wore off'; I would never say no to that so we kept at it, but I waited almost a full week before trying the potion out again. I wanted to be responsible, and you said wait at least seven to ten days, so I went as soon as I could, eager to have another taste of that mass.

This second time was just as wonderful and sensual as the first. My muscles bulged, my height increased, my cock grew to massive proportions well beyond what I thought Minn could handle, but he took it like a champ and didn't give up... he didn't want to give up. Boy was he walking funny the next day... we both took the day off work to be with each other because it was just too much to handle, but it was a good day.

The third time was similar to the first two, but I noticed that, for the entire duration of my arousal, I kept growing. I wasn't just five meters tall this time; I kept going until I was nearly nine or ten. After a point, I was unable to tell for sure, but it looked like I was taller than the house and almost as tall as the trees. I did manage to finish with his help, but at that point I was far too big for him and we both got a little worried. The first two times I grew nearly the exact same amount, bringing me to about five meters in total with a cock as long as my arm and as thick as my leg. Those were perfect, but that third time was a bit of a shock and it scared us into not wanting to use those potions for a while. My fear - and his as well - was that maybe I was going through the potions too quickly to the point where I wasn't giving my body enough time to metabolize them and get them out of my system. Maybe that was what was amplifying the effects. So, like I said, we stopped using the potions.

Problem was, the next time we got intimate, I still grew. A few days after I shrunk down to normal, we were cuddling after our date night and I felt myself growing again. This time it was a very slow and gradual expansion, so I wasn't worried about it going too far, but it was still happening. Rather than waste a good thing, he and I enjoyed ourselves again, and it was wonderful. I didn't grow too much, about four meters, and it was perfect for our needs, so we didn't spend too much time worrying about it.

We did, however, consider coming back to the mountains to get some details and maybe an explanation, but given your warnings that the potion could stay in the system and that my natural affinities could amplify the effect, we didn't think it was enough to warrant bothering you. The effect of the potion seemed to be waning, at least based of what data I could get from the situation, so I was happy to put it in the past and wait a few more weeks before trying another. To be honest, I was happy to go back to living my life, doing my job, and enjoying my Minnigan.

Things went well for a while, with every one of our intimate exchanges resulting in me growing just a bit and for a brief period it was quite nice. However in the weeks that followed, and I still hadn't taken any more potion, I noticed the effects were getting a bit grander, a bit stronger. The first few lovemaking sessions were tender and well controlled, but one time I did notice I was closer to five meters and almost too big for our room. Just in case, the next time we tried we moved it outside and that time was five and a half, then the few times after it was six before jumping up to seven and a half: A dozen instances of intimacy with me growing a bit more each time, but every time I reverted back to my natural size.

After that we avoided sex entirely for a month, worried that maybe something had gone wrong or my body had been fully infused with the potion in a way that was irreversible. Of course I thought about coming to see you, and I did at one point, but you weren't around to explain, so I went back home and tried to once again return to my life with Minnigan.

That's when the last straw happened.

I came home from work and he was in the kitchen, mixing up some delicious bear-itos for me. Hm? You say it's 'burr-itos'? Yeah, I guess, but only if they're cold. Anyway, he was making some delicious food when I sidled up behind him and wrapped my arms around him from behind, giving him a tight hug and the love he deserves. He leaned back into me, and rumbled his approval as he grabbed at my thigh, tracing the muscles of my quads from knee to groin.

"I love you, Minn-Minn." I said to him, lightly growling into his ear as I nuzzled into his chin.

"I know, hon, and I love you too but I have to finish making dinner; this meat isn't going to cook itself." He squeezed my crotch, rubbing his fingers down either side of my cock slit without actually touching my loins before grinning. "This meat could use a little warming up, though."

Now, you know me well, you know I can't say no to that, so I started to grind against his rump with his little stump tail lightly caressing my belly scales, hands on his hips as he continued to cook. He stirred the meat in the pan as I stirred against his loins with my eager, hardening cock. I remember the tip poking out and resting between his buns because I made a joke about it, then leaned in close and pressed my chest to his back, my cock poking out between his legs.

"Careful there hon, if I spill any oil it'll fall on it and that would be quite unpleasant." He cautioned me, but I had already thought of that and as such I wasn't pushing all the way forward, instead leaving my length resting comfortably between his lips, protected from any stray oil by his body. Trust me, I was very wary of such things.

Anyway, as he kept cooking I kept nibbling at his shoulders, giving him a very gentle rub and caress as my member rubbed back and forth against him, and that's when I noticed that I was growing again. After a bit of foreplay, I felt my cock bend down a bit, and the roof got a bit closer so I decided maybe I should get things over with fast. In retrospect, that may have been my arousal speaking as it seems rather foolish to me now, but that's what I was thinking at the time.

Luckily, Minnigan was okay with a quickie as long as he turned the stove off and didn't burn the food. He is a very thoughtful person, you know.

He smiled at me and bent over the counter, eager to feel me inside him, so I obliged him by grabbing myself and aiming into his pussy. I could have gone either way, really, but I know that he likes that part a bit more, plus he was so wet and slick by then that it was just too hard to pass up... it was the right thing to do. Don't look at me like that.

I had a feeling it might be the case, and as expected, the moment I felt his lips engulf me and swallow every inch of my cock right to the slit, I felt another lurching in my body as I grew another half meter within less than a minute. My muscles bulged, my cock throbbed to twice its girth, and I felt my body growing stronger. At that point it felt so good that I couldn't think beyond the pleasure; I just wanted to have my fun. I thought that if I finished quickly, I wouldn't run the risk of growing beyond my comfort zone. Plus I didn't want to be there all day, since I was hungry and he was so kindly making me a meal.

As such, I started to slowly pump in and out of him, growling as bits of smoke billowed up from my muzzle as I had my way with him. At the time, it was delightful to feel my muscles throb and grow a bit every time I pushed into him, and every time I hilted inside him I could feel myself getting deeper and deeper into him each time. He quickly saw what was happening and urged me to hold off for a moment, so I did. While we were waiting, though I could feel that my cock was growing ever larger, feel him starting to grip me tighter as I slowly spread him wider to the point where it felt like he was not able to contain me much longer. It felt amazing... but I also understood why he told me he needed some time to warm back up and maybe go to a roomier locale.

I never say no to my husband.

To be honest, my mind was a bit distracted by how good and tight he felt to me to the point where I hadn't noticed that my horns were already pressed against the roof, so when he insisted we go outside, I was shocked to notice I could barely make it through the door. As I made my way around the counter and to the mud room, I really had to twist and contort my body while keeping my wings folded tight to my back to ensure I didn't knock anything over or damage any windows, so just moving in the house was challenging. I had to get down on all fours and twist my shoulders with my cock dangling down between my legs, and of course by then I was so frisky that I was leaking a steady stream of precum on the tiles. Part of me wanted to stop to clean it up, but I had to follow Minnigan outside through the mudroom or fear breaking something. Priorities, right?

My bulging pectoral muscles, as nice as they were, proved to be a bit of an obstacle as I squeezed through the door frame. I was barely able to slip through, though I heard the light groaning and creaking of the wood, nothing broke, thankfully. I was able to slip through with my member pressing out against the door frame though I had to get it to bend down before it came bobbing into the room with me. It actually bounced up so vigorously that it slapped me just below my chest. Since I already knew how to wriggle and twist through the first door, the second one was a bit easier even if it was a little tighter due to my growth.

Once outside, I slipped out form under the canopy of the house to stand up tall, now towering twice the height of Minnigan. When he got a good look at me he gave me that devious but eager grin that he does, and I saw in his eyes that he wanted me. Can't say no to that so I scooped him up and carried him out to the yard, where I laid him down and then I covered him. I must have been a sight to him with my powerful arms holding me up while my thighs tensed up and my member oozed its copious arousal all over the grass.

I was able to easily push into him, I remember the moan he made as his loins stretched out and distended around me. I managed to fit in him without much resistance aside from the tightness. I was so big compared to him I was worried I'd hurt him, but he seemed to be enjoying himself nearly as much as I did!

My pace quickened, member sliding in and out of him and coaxing the cutest little growl-whimpers out of him. I realized I was still growing when I started to feel like he was getting a little too tight. As I glanced around I saw that my limbs had elongated even farther and my muscles were bulging in a strange pattern all over my body to match my new size, trying their best to keep up. When I looked down at him, I could actually see the ridges of my cock squeezing in their best attempt to stay inside him, but the pressure was practically forcing him to slide backwards and away from me. I was going to pull out but then I heard something:

"Finish inside me..." He whispered at me, idly clutching at my chest muscles and well-defined abs. "...please."

Of course, I can never say no to my husband, so I grabbed him around the waist to keep him from slipping away from me as I kept up my pace, sensually forcing myself into him as deep as I could go without hurting him. I kept getting bigger though... I kept looking down to make sure he wasn't in pain because I just kept growing in him more and more... I couldn't help but be worried as I could feel his pussy flesh struggling to keep me inside him, but deep down he knew he could do it: he kept that eager yet somewhat deviant smile on his face so I kept going even as I kept growing.

My thrusting became erratic quite quickly as his tight hole squeezed and caressed my cock so nicely; I knew that I wouldn't last long but that was also sort of a good thing since I hadn't stopped growing and had to be at least ten meters by then. This was bigger than I'd grown since coming back home, and I knew if I kept going then I would keep growing. I wanted to finish in the warmth of his depth and he wanted to feel me inside him, so I kept going until I hit that climax.

As my final thrusts jerked my hips in ragged motions, I felt my loins clench and my cock throb, sending a torrent of my seed pumping deep into him. However, as he was already struggling to keep me inside him, the extra pressure coming from my ejaculation popped my cock out of him and another massive shot of seed smothering him from head to pussy. Again and again, more of my essence covered him, coating his bear belly with cum as pools formed around him and a torrent flooded out from his tender depths. It was amazing.

I grunted and bared my teeth a bit, too caught up in the pleasure to notice that he was a little disappointed that it didn't all go inside him (he told me after) but I like to think that he was still pretty happy with how much he got before the pressure became too much and I did what I think is called a money shot all over his body. Yeah, money shot. I rolled over onto my back and spread out, cock still at full mast as spurts of my seed still drooling out over my belly. Minn came over to cuddle with me a bit, but then stepped away and tried to size me up a bit, curious.

While still half-attentive and my lucidity still only partially restored, I noticed him disappear back into the house and come back out a minute with a measuring tape which he placed next to me. Turns out I was just a hair over twelve meters by that point, well beyond what I would consider safe to be around. It's fine for us to do stuff like that in the yard since we live in the woods just outside of town and nobody could see our little fun time unless they drove in or flew over the property.

After I finally cooled down and the post sex glow had faded from me, I came to realize how close I'd come to doing real damage, that was just as he got the hose to wash me down. I felt sort of foolish, especially when he got me crouched down on all fours as he sprayed me in the grumpy face, but he was right when he said that I definitely needed to come and see you. That was yesterday, and while I did shrink back once he was done cleaning me, I still haven't gone back to my natural size. As you can see, I'm about a half meter taller than usual and this time the effect doesn't seem to be subsiding.

I was lucky that time, I grew nice and slow so that I had plenty of time to get out of the house and ensure I didn't hurt anyone or anything, but what if I have a wet dream and break part of my house? What if next time I'm in public? What if I see something sexy and it turns me on and I start growing uncontrollably? I don't want to hurt anyone, ever.

Tell me, Cey, What's going on? Can you help me?

-=Lethias End=-

Aside from a few idle nods, acknowledgments and agreements, Ceylon remained completely silent through Lethias's telling of his tale. She listened intently, taking in every detail and thinking about what she heard in an attempt to put together some sort of theory in her mind. When he was finally finished, she gave the pot one last stir and clicked her beak at him. "I think I can, I just need to check some of my resources to see if I can whip you up a counter-potion. When I made you that brew, I knew it would have a particularly strong effect given your propensity for growth so I specifically made it a bit tamer than usual... and yet it still seemed to have quite the effect."

Lethias nodded. "I also didn't much like how I felt like I wasn't in complete control of myself. Looking back at it, I really don't feel I had full lucidity; it was like when you're horny and you get some pretty stupid ideas in your head but at the time they don't seem so stupid. I really could have hurt my Husband and you know I would never be able to live with myself if that happened."

During Lethias' tale, Ceylon had been prepping and cooking the curry, so she had sauteed the meat in a wok, dumped the meat in the curry, boiled the rice, and prepared the whole meal to the point where it was complete ready to eat. As such, she scooped out two sets of bowls - two of rice and two of curry, one set for her and one for him - and guided him out of the kitchen and into the dining room. "Here, have something to eat. I get the impression you're pretty hungry."

"A little, yeah." He agreed, taking the wood platter with the two bowls on it. The smell was actually quite nice as a fruity yet spicy blend.

She set up her spot opposite him at the dining room table, but didn't sit down. "I think I have a theory or two, but I'd really need to do a few experiments before I can properly mix up a brew just for you. Given that the potion itself has somehow rooted itself in your system and is reproducing itself in you, I can't mess this up. If I overdo the dose you might shrink to the size of a mouse." She chuckled a bit as Lethias cringed in shock. "Or, if I pick the wrong blend of enchantments, you could just keep growing until your mass is too much and you can no longer walk. All I know for certain is that I can definitely help you, it's just a matter of getting the right data."

After taking a bite of her curry, she turned away and slipped into her lab, which was adjacent to the dining room. Lethias remembered the last time she and he had been in that room together, and it made him smile a bit to reminisce. Last time they were in there together things had gotten a little out of hand. He also noticed that, almost as a testament to that visit, the door frame had been rebuilt with what looked like reinforced wood and metal, probably as a precaution. Offering only a chuckle, he took a bit of his own meal, finding it to be quite spicy, which was quite pleasant to him as he liked a kick in his meals.

While Ceylon was rooting around in her lab, Lethias got a good look at her backside, noticing a slight but alluring glisten in the dark black flesh of her loins when she bent over to pick out a book or vial from a low shelf. His story must have turned her on a little... oh boy was that hot. His ear frills perked up as a grin curled at his lips, that bit of knowledge swelling his ego and pride. He then shook his head; it wouldn't do for him to get all frisky now with everything that was happening but man was that a wonderful image.

Eventually, she found what she was looking for and came back out of the laboratory with two books, three vials, and a glowing gem. She placed each of the items down on the table next to her platter with the two bowls and sat down to eat, chopsticks in one hand while her other hand rifled through the pages on the book. "Alright, so I've been doing some research about ademane and its effects on the body as well as the potions I've been making for myself. I also tried to factor in your peculiar biology, but clearly something went wrong."

"Well, not all wrong, I don't think. Just a little more powerful than expected."

Ceylon glanced across the table at him as she took a bite. "Actually, I'd say that the potion itself worked perfectly. The growth was exactly what you wanted the first few times you used it, and you reverted back to your normal size after your fun session was over. The potion worked, but your body seems to have retained it within you - likely within your testicles - to be reactivated upon arousal. Since the potion itself was used only when aroused the first few times, the concoction adapted."

Lethias gulped as he contemplated taking another bite. A small waft of her scent had reached him, though it was fairly normal, after what he'd seen earlier it made his mind wander to what they'd done in her lab the last time he was in it. He held his curry closer to his nose to try and block out the scent "Are... you saying this potion is like a virus? You said it was multiplying within me and now it's adapting to my body? That doesn't sound like a potion, that sounds more like a fungus or bacteria or...is it a symbiont?"

"No, no. It's not like that. The potion isn't living in any traditional way, but it is made up of fluids taken from my body, and as such has biological as well as chemical and magical properties that mix and blend to form something else. Something special. By mixing my gryphon ademane with your dragon ademane, it seems to be creating a self-sustaining source of energy that is fueled by your arousal. Basically, as long as you have that ademane in your body, you'll continue to grow every time and it'll be a bit stronger with each successive instance of arousal." She paused and cocked her head to the side, noticing that he had started getting a little broader while sitting in his chair.

He tried to keep his golden yellow eyes on her as he fumbled with his chopsticks, the new bulk in his arms proving to be a bit of an obstacle as he tried to take another bite. The look on his face was that of faux nonchalance; he was trying very hard to wipe from his thoughts the memory of Ceylon's raised tail and her glistening ebony flesh.

"Lethias, are you serious? Why are you getting aroused? I'm trying to help you." She sighed with a sullen look.

"I'm not! I'm enjoying this delicious meal you've prepared and listening to what's happening to me and how you're going to help, uh, regulate my growth... yeah." He nodded with an attempt at innocence, his eyes wide and trained on Ceylon as he scooped up some curry and rice.

She offered only a blank stare. "Dude, you're like three meters high hunched over the table, and I'm pretty sure I can smell the musk from your junk billowing up from under it."

He blushed a little bit and let out a tiny squeak of response "I can't help it?"

She frowned and shook her head a little "Do you want to maybe return to this after we eat and you take care of yourself?"

Again, he meekly nodded as he enthusiastically grabbed each of the bowls - now like tiny teacups in his hand - and threw back both the curry and rice back into his gullet in one bite. "I would greatly like that, yes."

"Sigh. Yeah, that's right, I'm actually saying the word 'sigh' to express how exhausting you can be... Alright, man, I'll go get ready, but then we're coming back to fix this." She closed her book and grabbed up all her food before turning back to the Lab where she could put it all away on one of the lower shelves, once again with tail high and curled up over her lower back. It was pretty clear she was purposely enticing him, this time.

When he got a good look at her plot - the conformation from the underside of her tail right to her clitoris as well as the back of her thighs and everything in between - he felt a sudden shift followed by a deep guttural groan as his muscles elongated and his muscles inflated. The dragon was quickly growing much too big for the chair, so he pushed out far from the table and stood up with the chair still clinging to him, finding the arms of it to be wrapped tight around his haunches. He grabbed at each of them and pulled it down before quickly getting up and heading for the door.

He remembered what happened the last time he and Ceylon had been stuck in this room and his growth was triggered and it was making his arousal even worse. In an attempt to emulate his cunning escape from his home with Minnigan, he dove towards the large double doors and squirmed his way out, feeling the frame of it tightening around his waist even as he tried his best to slip out. His member was already throbbing to attention, pressed tight between Ceylon's deck and his belly. The pressure of it felt so good that his length gave a throb and he ended up squirting some of his precum into the nearby hot spring hot tub.

Somehow, Ceylon was still turned around in her lab, waving her hips back and forth in an alluring display as a gooey strand of her arousal trickled down between her legs; she hadn't turned to look at Lethias despite him struggling to leave. It wasn't until an extended groaning creek was heard that she spun and stood up straight, glaring at him.

His growth was increasing in pace until he felt his hips shatter the wood of her double door frame and the glass panels on either side. Panicked and a little ashamed for the sudden damage to Ceylon's property, Lethias quickly crawled out from the awning to end up on the end of her deck, the long extended part that served as a landing strip when anyone flew to her location. Unfortunately, his weight was already far too vast and the support beams under the section he was on gave a worrying creak before they snapped like twigs beneath him. His massive bulk fell through the structure and he landed on his chest, face down the mountainside with a thump she could feel through the floorboards of her house.

When he turned and stood back up, he noticed he was absolutely massive, larger than he had been even during the fated encounter with his husband that coaxed him to come back up to see Ceylon about reversing it. He didn't have an exact measurement, but he must have been fifteen meters or more. While part of Ceylon's deck had collapsed, some of it was still there and he was able to stand up straight and when he did he noticed that his penis rested on the remaining boards. In other more positive news, his cock in all its glory looked like it was at least two meters on its own. With that thought in his mind, the shame from earlier melted away from the tide of pride that welled up he stood up tall with bulging chest out, hands on his hips as the ground gradually pulled away from him.

Ceylon hopped out of her living room to stand on the deck, straddling his massive member, feeling it throbbing against her legs as she called up to him. "I get the impression you're growing far faster than you had before, any truth to this?"

He only nodded in response, his motions slowing in equal measure to his growth.

"Yeah, figured so. Looks like I've gotta be a bit more careful with what I offer you when you're indoors. Also, could you please stop wrecking my home? I may have telekinetic magic and a blueprint for my deck in my head but it still takes a while to rebuild after your visits." She sighed and waved up at him with a dismissive look on her face. "Just, dammit okay, I guess I have to join you, don't I?" A teal mist emanated from her eyes, blanketing her and getting absorbed into her fur and feathers, the magic quickly inciting her own growth while standing on her deck. At about five meters or so, she leapt off the wood to wrap her arms around his neck, he reached out and wrapped his arms around her, too, holding her in place.

"Welcome to my world!" He said with a deep, powerful voice, looking her in the eye with a grin as he grabbed his member and aimed it up under her tail, rubbing the tapered tip up and down her lips to moisten himself. He moved a paw down her back and cradled her hips with one of his hands - the fingers so long each one of them was as long as her torso - and gently eased her down on his girth. "Feel good?" He asked as her lips stretched and distended to swallow him up.

In response, she grunted and relaxed her muscles, still straddling his neck with her arms and using his hips for leverage. "Of course it feels fine, Lethias. But, I do think that maybe being around me is amplifying your natural growth and the potion within you." As she spoke, she wiggled her hips and gently eased herself down onto him, feeling that familiar lurch and pop as his member forced its way into her; quite the feat given that his cock was almost as long as her entire leg and thicker than her thigh. As she settled onto him she could feel the heat from his body increase with his arousal.

"Shhhh, don't worry too much about that, just enjoy the moment." He hushed her, using his other paw to press a single finger to her beak. "We can come back to the science later, okay?" When he was done trying to shift the focus from magic and potions to his cock, he moved his other paw down to wrap around Ceylon's waist to connect thumb to thumb and forefinger to forefinger, holding her as he pushed her down, forcing her pussy to slowly slide over his length. Had she been anyone else, he would have been gentler and more patient, but he knew she had the magic and natural malleability to handle him even when he was four times her height, the twenty meter tall dragon handling her like a fleshlight. It made a hell of a bulge in her belly, but he knew she was alright.

Though the difference in size was quite pleasant to both of them, Ceylon still felt like maybe she should get to be a bit closer to him in size, or the bulges in her body would be too comical and the magic needed to keep her healing yet malleable would be quite taxing. As such, she used the same spell she used to enchant the potion on herself, allowing her muscles to elongate, her flesh to stretch, and her bones to grow in order to keep up to him. As she grew taller she could feel the pressure of his cock begin to slowly dwindle as she grew to manage it.

He noticed this and started to step down the mountain, careful to avoid any trees or large boulders, trying to minimize damage beyond the trail of growing footprint deep depressions he was leaving in his wake. The gryphoness remained cradled in his arms, knees on his chest and calves on his abs while she hung from his neck, the motions of him walking making her slowly bounce on his cock.

"Where are ya heading?" She asked, grinning at him with beak agape. "Something wrong with the summit?"

"No problem, but I don't know how much I'll grow and I really don't want to risk wrecking something of yours again; already did enough damage on your door frame and landing deck." He assured, stepping down over the side of a cliff to land in the valley below. By now, he was a solid fifty meters tall or more, and she was something about half that; still massive, but not nearly as large as he.

She waved her hand over his face, showing him the tendrils of mist emanating from her fingertips and soaking into the heavy plate scales of his shoulder as she wiggled, feeling that cock slide a little further up into her. "Don't worry, I can stop you from growing any time if I really want to. But I can tell from the look in your eyes and your body language that you don't really want that..." she said before she leaned in closer so he could hear her whisper, "and I am okay with that... So, for now, may my monster grow!" She winked at him and then leaned in towards him before he felt her beak nip provocatively down on the nape of his neck, another burst of teal mist erupting from her body to envelop him.

Suddenly, he felt a slight ache in his bones followed by the heat and tension of pleasure that filled his body. Each and every one of his muscles twitched and inflated one at a time, his form growing exponentially while Ceylon remained her size. He groaned softly as he felt his cock swelling faster with the rest of him, pushing deeper and deeper into the gryphoness without a single push of his hips. Unlike Minnigan, the swelling pressure wasn't forcing his cock out of her, in fact the more he swelled the more he could feel her stretching to accommodate him. Lust rose up within him as his cock rose up his body, pulling her along with it as she seemed to cover less and less of his swelling mass. Guided by lust, he wrapped his hand around her shrinking body and pulled her down her stretchy, malleable body stretching to cover him. At this point his fist was nearly as big as her torso, and his member just seemed to prod at her depths as her flesh stretched and distended to fit him. She was, at least for a few moments, a living masturbator that accompanied her full bodied thrusts with faint ripples of muscle contractions up and down his length, her entire torso comically shaped exactly like his cock with her head and arms and legs sticking out.

She grunted and whimpered, the extreme sensation of his gargantuan cock stretching and distending her in ways she had never felt before proving to be a bit too much to handle all at once. She wiggled and tried to undulate her spine to grind down on him, but her body had been hopelessly distended and stretched to fit him despite his cock being twice the length and girth of her torso. As a bit of a joke, she did rub her belly up and down, forcing her flesh to caress him even as each ridge made a distinct body-wide bulge in her. Luckily, her spells ensured that she was completely alright, the skin and muscle able to stretch to dozens of times their typical malleability without threat of pain or injury.

This extreme difference in size didn't last long, for she stopped using her magic on Lethias and turned the spell back onto herself. While it was fun for a moment she wasn't as keen on having been used in such a way, so her body bulked up and expanded in his hand. As he pumped her along his length he could feel her swelling, pushing apart his fingers slowly as she grew to the size of his forearm, then torso, then finally back to about two thirds his total size. She smiled at him and reached out to grab his neck again as she had before as she expanded to a height that almost allowed her to stand up, if not for the angle of his penetration kept her from doing so.

"Hold still for a moment, big guy." She purred as, she lifted one leg up and around his body, pushing against his hip to twist in place on his member. He let out a soft moan as her body twisted around his length, leaving her with her belly facing down. From there her tiptoes tentatively touched at the incline of the nearby cliff and she pushed herself up it slightly, feeling the angle of his cock shift inside her until it was angled perfectly within her depths.

"Aww, don't like being a living cocksleeve?" He asked with a bit of a chuckle, hands resting heavily on her hips as he looked down into the Valley below. It wasn't clear how much he'd grown, but the tallest trees barely came to his ankles now, and the homes he did see - the ones that Ceylon and Leera lived in as well as the castle across the valley - looked like tiny replicas he could hold between his thumb and finger. Still, he didn't want to do any damage to the land around him, so he stayed in that narrow strip of rocky cliff and mountainous slopes that no trees grew on, ensuring he was the gentle giant he always imagined himself as.

The thought made him grin and bite his lip, easing himself into her until, finally, he felt her haunches press tight to his hips. The warmth of her flesh smothered him from cock tip to slit scales, and it was exactly what he was hoping for after all this; the tightness and softness of her stretched out, tender flesh was pleasant to him, but that all-encompassing feeling of his cock disappearing into the hot depths of a gryphon was almost as pleasant as the time he spent with Minnigan. A deep rumbling growl escaped his lips as some smoke billowed out from his nostrils, his claws digging into her hips as he began to rhythmically thrust amidst a series of wet slaps, her pussy lips smacking against his scales.

She grinned and looked back at him, beak agape as she panted and whimpered every time his body slammed into hers. "For science!" She shouted to the sky as she pushed back and clenched down, muscles tensing and clit winking on his massive cock. As she was part equine as well as avian and feline, her bits were thick and meaty with an engorged clit that could peel out and push amidst a gush of her arousal fluid.

Lethias wasn't usually that into such things, but having a partner he could share such passion with was far more engaging and enticing than he initially expected, so much so that he could get over the mess she was gushing down his legs. He knew that this meant she was as pleasured and excited as she could be, so he took advantage of this by really pushing into her with enough force to eject bits of her fluids from her depths and down his inner thighs.

"Glad to see you're having fun!" Ceylon mused, clenching down her walls as a sort of accentuation; her tightness and muscle control were both well beyond what he would have expected from someone he'd literally just stretched onto his cock so much so that her entire body took the shape of his member. "I really hope you finish inside me, would be a true shame to waste it on the lake, don't you think?" She winked at him as a billowing teal mist emanated from her every feather and strand of fur to swirl around him, once again triggering another lurching growth.

Given his immense size and the deep rumblings of his own voice paired with the throbbing of his own heart he could feel in his bulging muscles, Lethias could actually hear and feel the groaning of the growth-induced expansion throughout his body. It was a surreal situation, but he was now well over a full kilometer tall with Ceylon nearly matching him at what looked to be about three quarters his total size, though she lacked his girth and bulging mass where it mattered.

The sudden inflation of his muscles and body urged him to carry on, growing ever larger and hornier, his member throbbing to a size that even he felt was a little ludicrous but entirely too fun to waste. His somewhat dominant and strength-based urges took over and he grabbed the base of Ceylon's tail, thrusting and bucking his hips like a stallion to pump his length in and out of her with a vigor only a macro-sized dragon could muster. To anyone else, such aggression would hurt, but Ceylon just kept squawking and chirping at him, her feathers poofing up in delight as she squeezed and matched his rhythm by clenching and pushing back.

Deep, guttural squelches of arousal emanated from between them, a sound that only served to farther excite Lethias. He leaned down close and grabbed at her shoulder for extra leverage, slamming his hips to hers with such vitality that an echo of it could be heard reverberating back from the opposing mountains on the other side of the valley. His deep chuckle joined the sounds as Ceylon turned and twisted her spine to look back at him with a devious grin.

"Go on, you might as well ravage me and finish up, too much longer and you'll run out of energy!" She cautioned, spinning and twisting her one leg to rise up and rest on his shoulder between his neck and the upwards-facing plate scales on his deltoids. In this splits-position, she remained for a brisk moment to grind her rump and flesh of her loins tight against him, but then she released the grip of her other hindpaw and brought it up to his opposite shoulder, urging him to hold her in a cradle position as she grabbed at the edge of the cliff for balance, hand digging into the bedrock of a nearby stream and back cradled on the curve of the mountain and cushioned by some trees.

Her eyes went googly a bit as she relished in the sensation of his gargantuan cock slamming into her time and time again, the pounding of her meat more pleasure than pain and more sensual than submissive. She was loving every second, even if her mind was constantly thinking about how she was going to help him finish. Again, her loins clenched in a rhythmic pulsation, waving contractions clenching her lips and winking clit to undulate inward, sucking his member and begging for his torrential seed.

Lethias looked her in the eyes and slipped his tongue out a bit, teeth bared as he picked up the pace. He got a strong grip on her hips and dug his claws in for good measure as he picked up the pace to the level of jackhammer. Her supple loins massaged him ever so well and he only had a split second to notice he was no longer growing before his climactic pleasure crept up behind him and shot off an eruption of cum into her depths. He reared his head back and roared loudly enough that people three nations over must have heard him, his hips pushed up to hers and gyrating to keep a steady bit of pressure and friction stimulating his sensitive length.

The sloshing and squelching of their interlocked genitals helped to coax a series of throbbing ejaculations deep inside her, the ridged and tapered length expanding and pressing out tight against her walls as he slowly curled up and lowered his head nearly to her belly.

In response, she cradled his cheeks and clenched down as hard as she could, clitoris winking and tender flesh squeezing him in an intense series of inward peristaltic contractions. She wanted all of his cum and she wasn't going to be having him making a mess of her valley. Problem was, as each of his body-jerking ejaculations came from his loins, she was finding he wasn't running out and her belly was inflating with his seed. Her womb, deep within her body, was now bloated with the essence of dragon, yet she seemed not panicked or worried but content and satisfied.

With his head in her hands, she leaned in to beak nuzzle him a bit, wrapping her legs around his waist to keep him as deep and well-buried in her as she could, at least until he suddenly started to shrink. Mere seconds passed before he'd lost at least a hundred meters, then two and a half - matching her height - before he kept retreating from the comfort of his massive size. She released her leg hold and clenched her loins to keep even a single drop of seed from escaping him as she landed on the ground above his shrinking form, standing over him with a bloated belly while his height receded from her shoulders to her belly to her hips to her thighs and down to her knees.

Part of him was panicking at just how rapidly he was losing size, and the powerless sensation made him whimper in disdain, at least until the trees started to grow around him and he returned to his usual two and a half meter height. Despite having rescinded from such a massive size, his shrinking actually made him remarkably exhausted, causing him to fall on his back as he looked up at his buddy Ceylon. Now, he wasn't even the size of her toe, and he felt more than a little powerless next to him, but his post-coital bliss was keeping him from being truly upset about it.

Content, he spread his arms, legs, tail, and wings out in a star as he happily sighed at the sky, which was partially blotted out by gryphon body. While he watched, he noticed she was slowly shrinking as well, clearly eager to match him and meet him at ground level. Time passed slowly - or so it seemed - before Ceylon was a reasonable size to communicate with. However, rather than start some lengthy conversation or explain in great detail what had happened, she transmogrified part of her dissipating mass into wings and remained a solid ten meters tall as she scooped Lethias up and cradled him in her arms.

He smiled up at her, thankful beyond words that she was able and willing to protect him and make him feel safe the same way he wished to care for others when he was the larger of the group. He barely even noticed when she spread her wings and took flight, carrying him back up to her mountain home.

A small part of him really wanted to sleep now that all of his energy had been expended, but instead he tried his best to struggle and stay awake, eager to thank Ceylon for her help in ensuring he didn't grow too much out of control and the comfort she'd offered him in his weakened state. When she laid him down on an oversized bed, he reached out to say something but couldn't find the words, eventually falling into a light nap-like sleep as his body adjusted.

It was truly time to rest for him. No point in holding back at this point. He was in good wings.

Later that day, Lethias was awoken by the tangy and pleasant scent of curry filling his room. His maw was watering and he licked his lips, eager to get some food that would rejuvenate him. While he got up, he felt an odd sensation of true rest and relaxation in his body; not one sore muscle or stiff bone. To him, it felt like he was waking after a nice long sleep, not the few hours of nap he'd actually been out.

Once he'd blinked the sleep-gunk out of his eyes, he was greeted with the sight of Ceylon leaning against the reinforced door frame of his guest room, arms crossed as she looked down at him with a smile.

"Welcome back." She mused as Leera's massive snake body slithered up behind her. "How are you feeling, man?"

Lethias rubbed his head, expecting there to be some throbbing headache or hangover-like migraine, but there was nothing, he just felt perfectly fine. "Surprisingly well, actually. Like, really well. I haven't felt this good since my wedding night! What did you do?"

Ceylon extended a hand to Leera's cheek as the massive snake coiled up behind her; Leera's head alone was as big as Ceylon's torso! "Well, I did a lot over the last few hours. Most notably, I've managed to completely and wholly extract the potion-affected ademane from your body."

His eyes went narrow as he started lightly patting at my body. "And how did you do that? I hope you weren't mucking around with my body or poking needles into me when I was asleep. You know I don't appreciate undocumented and consent free medical acts performed on me!"

"Relax big stuff, no. I took it out of you when you came into me. I theorized that it was your gonads - testicles - that had the permanently affected ademane, and your arousal was triggering and fertilizing the spell that was held within you. Every time you got horny, you grew. Fun, sure, but I needed to completely remove the potion from within you, and in this case that meant completely draining you balls." She lightly patted at her belly and a very faint gurgling sound could be heard within her torso. "So I did what I had to do."

"And you extracted it in the most intimate and enjoyable way possible. Does this mean I'll never grow again?" He had sad eyes, lower jaw quivering as he held back a whimper.

Ceylon shook her head with a smile. "Not uncontrollably, no. Your body still has the innate ability to grow and expand, but it will only happen at will now. As in, only if you take a potion that makes it happen. After this little incident I've tweaked and altered the potion a bit to ensure that it doesn't root itself in your body anywhere - not even the most pleasant places - and now you will be able to enjoy your mass expansion in a controlled environment."

His eyes twinkled in delight. "So...so I can grow whenever I want?"

She nodded. "As long as you drink responsibly. I had to extract Leera's ademane since it's more compatible with your body, but the potion set is ready with enough to last you another few months. And, uh, Lethias?"

The dragon cocked his head to the side, apprehensive of the way Ceylon had segued into her inquiry. "Yyyes?" He asked, eyes narrowing a bit.

"I brought someone to help celebrate this breakthrough and help you try out the new potion brew." She stepped to the side and Minnigan slid into the door frame with a wide grin on his face.

"Hey hun!" He said with a light wave and a soft tone in his voice.

Lethias immediately lunged off the bed in a pounce, tackling Minnigan and showering him with a dozen eager kisses. "Husmin!" He called out repeatedly in between pecks. "Husmin, husmin, husmin!"

Ceylon looked down. "I decided to pick him up when I went to destroy the last batch of potion I left you with. You having some of that again would lead to the same problems you had last time, and since you had the spell effects amplified by being around me this time, that might be terribly bad. Anyway, you two have your fun." She stepped over Leera and past the table, where a vial stand held no less than twenty-four glowing samples of potion. "Here's the new batch. You two can't do any real harm here in the Cradle, so fool around to your heart's content."

"Noted!" Minnigan struggled to acknowledge under the thousand kisses he was getting.

"Yes, thanks so much for this!" Lethias added in between pecks and nibbles.

Ceylon offered one final bow as she turned and walked out onto the now-repaired deck that Lethias's weight had crushed earlier that day. She certainly wasn't lying when she said she was efficient at fixing her home, even broken panes of glass and shattered deck wood. Now, all she needed to do was get out of the way as the lovers had their fun.

It was going to be a very, very messy night.