Text to speech program

Story by anzals on SoFurry

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A dropbox link to a text to speech program I wrote a while ago, if anyone's interested.https://www.dropbox.com/sh/2oxchqs18rfxuok/AADESSF5aNO3oTUGqgS7-mYUa?dl=0

To whom it may concern,

This is just a dropbox link I'm putting up for a text to speech program I made a while ago. It's pretty basic, it just reads a text file you load into it using the computers default voice on Windows 7 and 8. I haven't tried it on Windows 10, but I can't imagine any reason it wouldn't work. I have no idea about XP, if anyone's still using that.

It can save the audio track as a WMA so you can play it back later. This can take a while, so the program may freeze for a minute or two while it converts.

I wrote it a few years ago, as I like to listen to audio books while I work, but couldn't find a program that converted full books to audio. I know many people aren't going to want to download an unknown .exe file from the internet, but if anyone's interested, here it is. I included the source code, so if anyone wants to make a better version of it, feel free.

Edit : I've updated the program to include a voice select list, as well as a speaking speed and volume control. It should also allow right click for copy/paste/etc. It should also be a little more stable, but I haven't tested it thoroughly, so let me know if there are any major issues.

Edit Again: I've added a save as text file option. Another update has been the ability to start reading from the cursor position so you can click anywhere in the text box and start the narration from there. It will also highlight the words as it speaks them. The highlighting is a little flaky due to the way I originally set it up, but it should hopefully be good enough to spot where it's up to.

There is an error where sometimes the text file you load can't be altered in the program, but I can't for the life of me work out why. I'll fix it if I every figure it out, but otherwise it seems to work.

Thanks to Glycanthrope for the suggestions.

It can only open text files, and only saves audio as WMA and *.txt files, but I use Audacity to convert them to MP3, which works pretty well.I think the buttons are pretty self explanatory,

If you have any major problems, I can try to fix it, but it seems pretty stable when I've used it.

So, there you go.