Ricky vs Kisari [Standard semi-erotic match]

Story by tigerwriter93 on SoFurry

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A light grey tiger with green stripes leans on one of the corners in the ring, tapping his claws on the top ropes and looking around aimlessly while waiting for his opponent. He dons his now signature ring outfit: a black wrestling singlet with an orange chest-sweep pattern running from his left shoulder to his right thigh. He stands at 5 ft. 11 in. at 175 lbs. He has a lean build with slight muscles, but nothing too noticeable.

The lights dim till the arena's almost pitch black. A sudden flash of pink shines as a wolf of 5'4" and weighing 154 pounds cartwheels into the arena, wearing a loose sky-blue crop top that ambers to dark blue at the bottom. His bottoms are the same scheme but in reverse. He wears a pair of black fishnet gloves and black thigh high fluffy leg warmers. His hair sweeps over one eye and his right ear has a black bow tied around it. The wolf struts down the ramp to the ring and as he approaches the side canvas and slaps his ass. He then pulls himself up to his full height of 5'4" and jumps, only to land in a split on the side of the ring and then roll under the bottom rope as fireworks go off. He then heads to his corner and sits on the turnbuckle.

Ricky became confused when the lights dimmed, then jumped a bit at the flash of pink light. He stares quizzically at the wolf's acrobatics and outfit as he entered the ring, then looks around confused at all the fireworks. When the wolf sat on the turnbuckle in his corner, Ricky facepawed and chuckled after what he just witnessed. "Oh man. You must really be something after an entrance like that."

The small wolf blushes shyly as the attractive feline addressed him. He rubbed the back of his head slightly and nodded. "I hope to be anyway."

Ricky chuckled and crossed his arms, blushing slightly. "I almost thought I was going against a girl with your getup there." He casually points to your outfit. "Not that I don't mind either way, especially if they look kinda cute."

Kisari puffs up a bit at the comment. His cheeks darkening a bit. "I-I don't look like a girl!"

Ricky chuckles, still blushing slightly. "Hey, I'd be willing to fight a girl anytime. Not many guys can claim that now, can they?" He rolls his shoulders and gets in a loose wrestling stance. "But let's see what this cutie can do, hmm?"

Kisari blushes intensely at the sudden compliment. He hops down off the tunbuckle and hops on the balls of his feet, the leg warmers sway a bit as he bounces. "T-This cutie can kick your ass is what he can do!" The wolf says smirking as the auto-ref signals for the bell.

The auto-ref rings the bell. Ricky slowly approaches the wolf, sidestepping to circle him, due to his natural tendencies in a match and not wanting to charge someone who looked way too cute to get involved in something like this.

Kisari was used to a full-on charge from opponents, so when this stud side stepped him, it threw him off. If Kisari couldn't hit him with a quick kick to the side first, he'd be at Ricky's mercy.

Ricky noticed how defensive the wolf appeared. He slowly stepped a little closer and, while keeping low, attempted to go for a tight bearhug to get something going.

The wolf's leg went right past Ricky, leaving Kisari wide open as he was engulfed by those nicely toned arms. He blushed softly as he was squeezed by the stud. "L-Let me g-go," the small wolf demanded as he felt his crotch press onto Ricky's abs.

Ricky barely noticed the wolf throw a high kick at him, but managed to get the small cutie in a tight bearhug. He decided to shake the smaller wolf from side to side a little bit, giving a little more pain in his back, grunting as he did so. "Wow, you're the first I'm able to lift off the ground easily!" He blushed a little when he noticed the wolf's crotch rubbing up against his belly.

Kisari groaned, pushing on Ricky's chest and whining a bit as he's treated like a rag doll. He tries to think of a way out of the hold and decides to throw a few elbows to the temple. If successful, the wolf would then attempt a small package pin.

Ricky flinched at the first elbow to the temple, growling some. He tried putting more pressure on the wolf's back, but felt another elbow to his temple, gritting his teeth. "Gah! Dammit!" Not wanting to risk getting knocked out right away, he instantly dropped the wolf and massaged his head a bit, quickly trying to shake off the pain.

The wolf wasted no time in his attempt on the small package pin. If he could get the stud down and rolled up, he'd make sure to tease his package a bit to get into his head.

Ricky stood his ground, despite his sudden, pulsing headache. Seeing the smaller wolf charge at him, he would try to grab at one of the wolf's wrists and get behind him to put him in a hammer lock.

The wolf smirked as he thought he had the tiger; that was until he was back in an uncomfortable position. A slight yip escaped his lips as the stud locked him in the hammer lock.

Ricky breathed softly on the wolf's neck while he held him there, just to tease him a bit. He would then try to get his free arm under and around the back of the wolf's head, and follow up with the other arm to get him in a full nelson.

The wolf growls as he's transitioned into a full nelson. He whined a bit as he tried to fight the hold. The wolf tried shooting a leg onto a rope desperately.

Ricky pulls the wolf back, away from the ropes, and quickly wraps his arms around the wolf's waist. He'll then try to go for a German suplex, but will try to roll himself on top of the wolf while still hanging on, if he succeeds the throw.

The wolf yips as he's forced away from the ropes, suddenly hoisted into the air, and slammed on his shoulders. He pants a bit and tries to get up, but is suddenly laid on by the tiger.

Ricky moved his arms up to grab at the wolf's wrists, though not before playfully caressing the wolf's form. He then wrapped his legs around the wolf's. He playfully and gently nibbled one of the wolf's ears and began slowly dry-humping the wolf's booty. "Mmmmmm, I wanna see what this ass of yours can do girly girl."

The wolf arched his back softly as the stud changed the direction of this match. The wolf smirked as he rubbed his rather large bottom along with the tigers thrust trying to distract him.

The tiger growled softly and murred, already feeling himself get hard under his singlet. He practically felt like he was hotdogging the wolf with how big his butt was. "Mmmm, let's have a closer look at the front." He gave one last hard rub to the wolf's butt before turning himself around to grab the wolf's ankles. He then got up and pulled back on the wolf's legs into a Boston crab.

Kisari suddenly kicked trying to make Ricky lose hold of his legs. If he was successful, he'd attempt to roll the tiger onto his back into his own Boston crab. If Ricky managed to hang on, Kisari was in trouble and his own hard on would be on display.

Ricky felt the wolf kick at him, briefly forcing him to let go of one of his legs to block it, but the wolf managed to graze his cheek with a heel. "Hold still!" Growling and slightly pissed off, he quickly grabbed the ankle again, harder this time, and pulled the wolf back into a Boston crab, exposing the wolf's cute bulge under his tight, cute, blue shorts.

Kisari screams as pain shoots up his back. He pushes on Ricky's lower back, reaching for the ropes. His bulge showed how hard he was as Ricky bends the wolf. The auto-ref asks Kisari if he gives and he screams "No!"

Ricky looks behind and notices the wolf reaching for the ropes again. He then pulls the wolf closer to the center of the ring as he hears the auto-ref asking the wolf if he gives and the wolf's response. "Guess we're doing an 'I give' match, huh?" He then grabs one of the wolf's ankles with both paws and rotates to put the wolf in an ankle lock.

Kisari screams as his ankle is torqued by the stud. He shakes his head and uses his free leg to try and kick him in the abs, desperately trying to escape.

Ricky kept the hold as best he could, despite the wolf kicking at his abs. He knew his weren't the strongest, but they could take some abuse. He kept his abs tight as he allowed the wolf to kick him a few times, occasionally moaning and growling, while still locking onto the wolf's ankle.

Kisari screamed as Ricky held tight. The wolf's paw shook as he almost tapped, but he shook his head and suddenly mule kicked at the stud, crying out in pain. "L-L-Let me go!" The wolf screamed loudly as he kept kicking with full force.

Ricky's abs couldn't hold up against the abuse for long, letting out a mix of grunts, hisses, and moans. They started to ache and he tried to dodge as many of the wolf's kicks as he could while still keeping him held. Figuring the wolf had enough, he let go of his ankle, but not before giving the bottom of the wolf's foot one, long lick with his slightly rough cat tongue.

Kisari's ears perked at that lick. As soon as his foot was released, he rolled out of the ring to rest his ankle as he panted. The stud was giving him a run for his money, and the wolf wasn't liking it one bit. The auto-ref started the count for the wolf to return to the ring. "one!"

Ricky took a moment to catch his breath from the beating his abs took. "Damn that wolf has got strong legs." Panting, he watched the wolf intently from inside the ring and hearing the auto-ref continuing the count. "Two!"

Kisari was in the fetal position holding that ankle panting heavily. He unrolled at the third count and slowly rose; his left ankle being favored slightly. The wolf rolls into the ring holding a rope so that he would get a rope break if Ricky attacked the wolf.

Ricky got back into a loose wrestling stance near the center of the ring, breathing heavily now. But he stood upright once he saw the wolf favoring his good ankle and the ropes. He motioned at the wolf with a paw. "Hey! I can't get a good look at your cute face from way over there!"

Kisari blushed softly as the stud complemented him. the wolf couldn't help but almost fall for it, but he shook his head. "Then why don't you come to me!" The wolf replied to the tiger with a risky plan up his sleeve.

Ricky noticed his hesitation. He crossed his arms and smirked. "Gonna make me work for it, huh?"

Kisari smirked playfully and nodded. "If you want it bad enough you will."

Ricky lowered his paws to his hips and absently looked around. "Oooh I don't know, you know? Maybe I'll just--" He then charged at the wolf, ducking low to try and spear him through the ropes and back outside the ring.

Kisari smiled as this is just what he wanted. He twirled out of Ricky's way as he charged him, hopefully sending him through the ropes. If that didn't happen, then Kisari would do a spring board leg drop to his head and land on the side apron. If the stud did manage to fly through the ropes, Kisari would then run to the turnbuckle and go for a flying cross body down to the floor outside straight onto Ricky!"

Ricky tried to stop himself once he saw the wolf dart out of the way, but his forward momentum kept him going through the ropes and out of the ring. "Aw Shi--" was all he could say before having to ball up and brace for impact. He landed hard on the floor, really hoping he didn't just break something trying to stop himself. He rolled himself on his back when he noticed the wolf about to jump him. Despite his legs feeling jittery from his fall, he would lift his knees up as a last-minute defense against the wolf's flying cross body.

Kisari smiled as he thought he was about to land on Ricky, that was until those knees slammed into his gut and made him cry out as he rolled off him and held his midsection in the fetal position.

Ricky held his legs for a moment at the wolf's force on them, gritting his teeth and crying out. The wolf was lighter, but he had gravity working for him with that maneuver. Slowly, the tiger rolled himself over and rolled the wolf on his back, spreading him open and flopping on top towards his shoulders and lifting up the wolf's good leg for a pin attempt. The auto-ref started counting. "one!"

Kisari panted heavily as he felt Ricky push him over. The wolf groaned as he found himself in a pin, and that his good leg was hooked. He started kicking weakly as the small wolf refused to lose here.

Ricky put more weight on the wolf and tightened his grip on that squirming leg, pulling harder. The auto-ref continued. "two!"

Kisari groaned a little louder as Ricky made it harder to kick out. The wolf kicked harder and managed to kick out right before the third count, breathing heavily.

Ricky growled as the wolf managed to kick out. He put a paw on the wolf's stomach to help himself up to his knees, despite them aching badly. "Mother fucker." He slowly stood up and grabbed the wolf's head, lifting him up as well, and then slammed the wolf's head along the edge of the ring.

Kisari had his face slammed into the mat and growled. He then shoots an elbow to Ricky's abs, hoping to gain some advantage.

Ricky grunted and gave a short scream at the wolf's elbow attack to his abs, jerking him back some and knocking a bit of wind out of him. But he stood his ground. Gritting his teeth, he placed one paw over his abs and the other gripped on the wolf's head again. He would attempt to slam the wolf's face on the ring edge again as hard as he could.

The wolf places his hands on the mat, barely stopping the slam. He then slams his shoulder into Ricky's abs, hoping to double-over his opponent. If he can successfully do that, he would then go for his finisher, the "Half Moon Split." The move would require him to turn Ricky so his back was to him, bend him backwards, and then perform a split over his chest.

Ricky took the wolf's shoulder to the gut and loosened his grip as he was knocked back some, panting heavily. He felt the wolf grab his shoulder and pulled, but he wasn't wanting to find out what he had in mind. At the very least, the tiger planted his feet and firmly grabbed the wolf's wrist with both paws to try and keep him still a moment.

Kisari blushed softly as Ricky showed his power, but the small wolf wasn't falling for it again. He suddenly started assaulting the stud with multiple kicks to the sides.

Ricky made sure to tighten his middle this time to take the blows easier. He let out a woosh of air with each kick, but he didn't want to lose to the femmy wolf. Still gripping the wolf's wrist with one paw, he decided he would try to give back to the wolf by slugging him several times in the gut with his free fist.

Kisari gasped and bent over the stud's fist, only to take several more. Kisari growled on the last one, and attempted to tackle Ricky down onto the concrete.

Feeling the satisfaction of beating down the wolf, Ricky was about to go for another punch when the wolf made a charge at him for a tackle. He gasped as the wolf hit his midsection yet again, but tried to keep himself planted, only sliding back a bit on the concreate. He then pushed the wolf downward so he could lock his head between his thighs. He would then try to lift the wolf as best he could by the waist to set up for a powerslam on the ring edge, but would taunt him first before completing the throw.

Kisari growled as he felt the tiger stop him dead in his tracks. He then feels his package on his neck and blushes. As Ricky tries to lift him though the wolf goes for a hurricanrana into the side apron, hoping to damage Ricky as much as possible.

Ricky growled as he felt the wolf's legs pull at his neck. He tightened his grip on the wolf's waist and kept himself planted, but not before feeling his neck pop some. "Gaaaah! I was gonna be nice but now you're gettin' it!" He then locked his wrists around the wolf's waist for a tighter grip, shaking the wolf some. He gave the wolf a small lick between his legs before taunting him. "I can slam that cute head of yours into the ground right here, or you give and I let you go!"

Kisari flails as he's locked in place. He squeaks as he's shaken around. He brings his legs together, trying to clap the tiger's temples, hoping to hell he won't be dropped by the stud.

Ricky ignored the wolf's legs clapping his temples, trying to shake off the pulsing headache he's getting from them. He tightened his grip around the wolf's waist. "One last chance! Give up!?"

Kisari whines shaking his head. "N-Never!" He looks up at Ricky and gives one hard clap with his knees.

Ricky screams at the hard knees to both his temples. Just as he was about to feel his vision fade, he put any and all remaining focus and energy into slamming the wolf into a hard piledriver right on the concrete! Roaring as he did so.

Kisari screamed as his head smacked down on the floor, a trickle of blood coated his fur as he lays on his stomach unconscious.

On his knees, Ricky could barely see what was right in front of him. He quickly massaged his temples, but that only helped a little. He winced upon seeing the wolf bleed, but didn't care too much. He took a moment to breath before rolling the wolf on his back. Noticing he wasn't getting up anytime soon, he flopped on the wolf for a pin attempt and let the auto-ref count away. "One! Two! Three!"

Kisari laid sprawled on the concrete, his breathing heavy as the blood reached his temple.

The bell rang, concluding the match. Ricky slowly got off the wolf and began to stand up, though felt dizzy as he did so. He took a moment to not pass out and allow some oxygen to get back to his brain. He looked down at the wolf, breathing heavily. "You...asked...for it."

Kisari laid there unconscious as the stud addressed him.

Ricky looked around and remembered this was a private match. "Oh...right...shit..." He looked down at the wolf. Grunting and feeling his head was a bit clearer, he gently lifted the wolf with both his arms and cradled him. His instincts kicked in and he started to lick the wolf clean of the blood, ruffling his fur and hair. He then carried the wolf back to the locker rooms and would lay him down on one of the benches to gain consciousness again.