Nothing else compares

Story by Wolf_Starwalker on SoFurry

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just a little thing i wrote in honor of the love i have. i will do everythign within my power to make sure that this mate of mine works. i cant lose another

I wish I knew why people hated me so much, nothing else compares to the feeling of knowing that even your own parents telling you that you shouldn't be alive. The main reason why I lived until I met my fiancee is out of spite. People would always tell me that I should die, that im worthless, that im the worst person imaginable, to which I would tell myself that they are not creative enough because im far from the worst person. But when my own parents said that Im nothing but a freeloader who doesnt contribute to anything. That I am just a burden without a job... that stings more.. I walked the edge of the knife, ive walked that tightrope of life and death, ive fallen and only just barely managed to catch the rope with one hand. All while people kept coming and trying to remove my hand with fire and cuts. Trying to crush my fingers with their feet... until I met the love of my life. The first person in a long time to make me feel like I mattered. She saw right through my fake smile and cared for me. I almost flet go of the rope and plunged to my death, but... something she saw in me sparked her interest, she helped me stand back on that rope and now we both stand there, dancing the dangerous dance of death upon this rope, holding each other tight, if one of us falls the other will too, however we make sure that the other has their footing that they wont fall. Not for ourselves but because if the other fell we would jump right after the other so as to be with each other for the remainder of the universe. So we could stay with each other and love each other in our weird way that we do. Sitting in a quiet room with only music playing while on our seperate electronics, or cuddling on a bed, couch or loveseat and whispering sweet nothings into each others ears. We sing to each other despite not knowing the key but we still sing to each other with the saddest of smiles, those are our lows. But when we reach our highs we hold each other and sing songs that mean things to us and spin around in our rooms with each other in a half dance, one that we both know because its to the beat of our hearts. My fiancee is my little one, I am their caregiver. But sometimes I find myself in need of help and my little one comes up to me and just hugs me tight, making everything better. When I feel like just letting go and falling because I feel like no one cares anymore my fiancee just looks me in the eyes and tells me just how much I mean to her. Nothing else in that moment matters to me, just the feeling and knowlange that I truly mean something to someone, and to me, she is my everything. The reason why I get up every morning and why I can keep breathing, nothing else even seems to matter just as much as she does to me, even when she feels masculine I find myself falling deeper and deeper in love with him. Nothing matters when (s)he smiles at me, nothing else matters when I know that everything will be better when I get to hold my lovely little in my arms again. Nothing in this world compares to the feeling of knowing that you matter