Long Live The King

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#13 of Disney

I decided to tackle a Lion King story. This is a story about Simba's uncle (not Scar he died). The uncle that even Simba didn't know about.

I hope you enjoy it because I sure as hell enjoyed writing it. I'm not so sure about the title though, I'm open to suggestions. I also don't know why the wording changes near the end, can I fix it while uploading my story to the site? I wrote it on google docs.

"Scar!" Scar looked over his shoulder and stared up into the eyes of his brother Mufasa. "Drop him!" "Impeccable timing your majesty." said a orange beak that suddenly shot out of Scar's mouth. Scar turned and hawked the hornbill onto the rocky ground. "Sarabi and I did not see you at Simba's birthing today." Scar cracked his neck as he headed toward a rock wall "That was today? Oh I just feel awful" he said as his claws shot out and he slashed them down the rock filling the cave with a horrible screeching noise that made Zazu cringe. "It must have slipped my mind." he said shaking the dust off. "As the king's brother you should have been first in line." snapped Zazu who all of sudden found a little bit of courage in the shadow of the king. "Oh I was first in line until that little hairball was born." "Scar that hairball is my son and your future king." Scar smirked at his brother "Oh I should practice my curtsy." He turned to walk out of the cave. "Don't turn your back on me Scar." Mufasa said with a sign of anger in his voice. "Oh no Mufasa maybe you shouldn't turn your back on me." Scar said and continued walking. All of sudden the cave was filled with a mighty roar as Mufasa ran ahead of Scar. "IS THAT A CHALLENGE!" he roared into his brother's face. Scar calmly stared into the angry eyes of his brother, "Temper, temper brother I wouldn't dream of challenging you. After all you got all the strength but I'm afraid as far brains. Well I got my fair share of that side of the gene pool." He walked past his now confused brother for words were the best weapon against him. Just as he was leaving he looked over his shoulder "Oh and one more thing Mufasa. I understand that you came and tracked me down but ask yourself did you see our brother Khari at all?"

He grunted as he thrusted himself into the tight slick passage of the trembling female under him. She yowled in discomfort as his barbs raked her virgin passage. She felt him increase his pace and knew from watching the king, that he was close to achieving orgasm. Then her body started acting in a strange way, one that she never felt before. When all of a sudden she felt a wave of pure orgasmic pleasure. Her eyes went wide as her and his seed mixed together to flood her now used passage. He pulled out of her with such force it left her hole gaping in the air. He stared at the gaping pink vagina of the lioness in front of him and grinned. He watched as she winked it a few times as her orgasm died down.

"That was amazing Khari." He didn't say anything but just kind of nodded at her. For he was a lion of few words. He knew that this bitch would be his first for he had big plans. Plans for becoming the king of Pride Rock. She just got herself under control when a huge mighty roar filled the cave. "Khari!" Khari turned to look at his brother "Hello brother" he said his voice dripped with contempt. "Why were you not at.,." Mufasa never got to finish for his eyes finally took in the scene that was laid out before him. He saw his brother and a lioness. He thought her name was Ashanti but he couldn't be sure for she was one of newer cubs that had recently come of age. What he saw made him stop but it was what he smelled that drove him into a rage. All thoughts of his son and who was there were forgotten as the smell of sex invaded his brain.

"Please tell me, my brother that you were not mating with a lioness." Mufasa calmly asked as he tried to keep his rage in check. Khari just glared at his brother, his king. Mufasa then took a long look at his brother's crotch. He could see the glistening fluid surrounding his cock. He shook his head for he refused to believe it. His brother knew the law and Mufasa liked to think that he was more level headed than Scar. Mufasa looked at Ashanti "Turn around and lift up your tail." Ashanti looked Mufasa and then at Khari. Khari gave a single nod and with a sigh Ashanti turned around and exposed herself to the king. Mufasa could see a slight glisten on her vaginal lips but he needed to be sure so he pushed his nose right into it and inhaled. Ashanti jumped as the king's cold nose touched her vagina. She could feel him inhaling the scent of her sex and she knew he would smell another. Mufasa did indeed smell another, in fact it was so fresh as he licked his lips he could taste the male seed. He hung his head for he knew now "Oh brother how could you. You knew the law, I trusted you and yet you broke it by mating. I'm sorry brother but you leave me know choice for the law says i have to banish you to the outlands." Khari cracked his neck and smiled at his brother "Don't worry I'll gladly go, after all it's not my place to challenge the king of the land." He walked out of the cave, with tears rolling down his face Mufasa turned his attention to Ashanti "As for you, I can either kill you here or you can leave with him." Ashanti smirked a lot like Khari and ran out to catch up with the new banished lion. Mufasa ran out of the cave and ran onto the top of Pride Rock. Through his tears he could see the two banished lions heading towards the outlands.

As his tears started to hit the ground, he heard the soft approach of another lion behind him. "So our brother decided to mate after all?" asked Scar as he joined his older brother. "He knew the law, I just can't understand why he would do it?" Mufasa questioned as the figure of his youngest brother receded into the distance. Scar turned to look at his brother "Well since you banished him I guess we will never know." Mufasa watched his brother head back to cave and turned and saw the figure of his brother had reached beyond his sight. He then heard another lion approach him. "I'm sorry my king, that you had to banish your own flesh and blood." He turned around and looked into the loving face of his wife. "Oh, Sarabi I wish there was something else that could be done but the law is clear." Mufasa said as he nuzzled his face into his mate's neck. "I know my king." She said nuzzling him back. "I have to go check on Simba, after all he shouldn't be left alone for very long." As she turned around to go back into the cave "I think the best thing to do would be to pretend it never happened." he told her retreating form. She looked back at him "I think that would be for the best my king." she said as she continued her walk to the cave. Mufasa turned around and gazed out at his kingdom, he then inhaled a mighty breath and let loose a roar across pride rock announcing his frustrating to the rest of the land.

Ashanti's ears picked up as she heard the roar. "Your brother sounds upset at something." "I don't care what my brother thinks. Why do you think I took your virginity, knowing that I was breaking the law?" Khari asked turning to study her face. Ashanti looked into the eyes of the lion that got her banned and all she saw was a deep dark coldness. "You said that you loved me." she said quietly the words barely leaving her lips. "I said that only so you would lift your tail." His voice dripping with a sudden coldness of one who didn't feel at all. Ashanti felt a coldness settle in her bowels that made her want to piss herself as she felt him approach. Khari put his head into her neck and whispered "In some ways I did love you but I need you to look at the bigger picture. I have a plan but I needed a strong female to bear my children. I also needed a strong queen who can see the bigger picture and stand by my side." She felt him inhale her scent as he pulled away and she felt proud that he chose her all feelings of fear were cast aside. "How do you plan on becoming a king?" "All good things come to those who wait my love. Now come on we have to get a move on for we are still in the boundaries of the pride lands." Ashanti watched Khari turn and continued towards the desolate wasteland that could be see in the distance. Maybe she should have chose death as she looked back at Pride Rock. She then looked back at Khari as she weighed her options. Khari stopped and looked back at her. It was then she made up her mind for she saw the love and the strength of a true king in those eyes. She met his gaze and smiled at him running to catch up. She now knew that her life as a king's bitch was over and her life as a queen was about to begin.

It was about 15 weeks later when the outlands where filled with roars of pain and discomfort. Ashanti was giving birth under the only tree that budded in the area, so it at least offered a little bit of shade. She did take comfort in this but she took more comfort under the watchful gaze of Khari. As her vagina started to tear as their first lion came into this world. She knew that her king would always be there to protect her. Khari reached down and gently took the first cub between his teeth. He pulled it out slowly and placed it near Ashanti nipples, where it began nuzzling quickly against her stomach looking for them. He watched with pride as it latched on one and then he turned his gaze back to her vagina as another one began to come into the world. Ashanti pushed and she felt her second child slide past her lips as Khari took this one his mouth and gently placed it next to other one. While Ashanti was giving birth to their third child, Khari took this time to gently place his finger under each of their tails. He lifted each tail and confirmed that he now had two beautiful daughters. He watched as the third lion came into the world. He was just about to pick it up when his vision was blocked by a powerful bunch of feathers. It was a crowned eagle, which was known to be one of the most efficient killers of the African lands.

He attacked faster than he ever had before but it was too late. He could see that the crowned eagle attacked with deadly aim and proficiency. He could see the severed spine of his child but he could also glimpse a male member. His anger subsided somewhat but as he turned back to the eagle he growled all the same "I should rip off your head for what you did but I understand the ways of nature. Especially in this place where only the tough survive, so I want to make a deal. Nod if you understand me." The eagle looked up at him with cunning in his eyes "I understand you, what kind of deal are you proposing?" "You got lucky and killed my son, who I was going to kill anyway. So here is the deal, I want you to work for me and in exchange you'll get to have all of my sons until the time I need a heir." Khari stared into the eyes of the eagle as he thought it over. "I don't see a downside at all, I accept."

Khari stepped off and released the bird "My name is Khari." The eagle looked at him and said "I'm Zane." "Are there any others of your kind around here?" Khari asked with interest. A look of sadness came of Zane's face "There was a time when we ruled the skies but that time has been long gone. My clan has moved onto better hunting grounds. I was just about to head out myself when I saw you and your female giving birth. So I decided to stick around and grab a quick bite to eat." A cold smile crept over his features as he focused his gaze on dying cub that was still positioned next to the female's vagina. Khari followed his gaze and nodded to Zane. He watched Zane spread his wings and snatch the cub to lift it into the tree. Khari then focused his gaze onto Ashanti who had a look of horror on her face. "Why did you make a deal with that bastard of eagle who killed our first born son?" "It didn't matter because I was planning on killing him anyways. I can't have anyone challenge my right to rule." She heard the tone in his voice and knew he was serious. "Can you help me take our daughters back to the cave then? I don't want to leave one alone even for a minute." She asked while staring into the black pits of his eyes. "I can help you do that my love." he told her as he gazed back. He looked up into the tree where Zane was busy feasting on his cub. "Zane" the eagle looked up with an eye in his beak. Khari watched with no emotion as he swallowed it. "Yes?" asked the eagle, who was wondering what part to eat next. "I need you to fly to the Pride Lands and give me an update on what is going on in my bastard of a brother's kingdom." The eagle looked down at his meal with a sense of sadness but he knew it would keep until he came back. "Sure, no problem I can do that." He spreaded his wings and Khari watched him take off towards Pride Rock.

When the eagle was gone he bent down and gently lifted up the mewling body of his daughter. He watched Ashanti do the same and together they headed towards their new home. He followed her to a crack in a rock wall that was just big enough for them to slip into. Then the ground sloped down into a wonderful sight. As they walked down the slope Ashanti was still taken aback at the beauty of this place. With the light from the crack and their sharp eyes they could make out the shallow pool, that brought them fresh water. They could also see the rock that formed their bed. Ashanti knew this wasn't much as she laid down on the rock with her daughter but as she watched Khari place their other child next to the first she knew this was home. With her daughters nuzzling for her nipples, she looked around at all the space this cavern offered. As she laid her head back to sleep, she knew that they could indeed fit a large pride down here. "And I will be queen over them all." she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Khari was watching his lioness sleep when he felt a draft of wind. He knew that Zane had returned "Let's take this conversation to the entrance, I don't want to wake her." he whispered.

As he stepped outside he felt the eagle fly above his head to land on the ground in front of him. "What news do you bring from the Pride Lands?" Khari asked for he was anxious for the news. The eagle glanced at him and then began his tale. "I was flying around the Pride Lands like you asked, when I saw Simba and Nala I believe heading towards the watering hole. They had that damn kiss ass hornbill Zazu with them also. I almost fell out of the sky with laughter when they gave that damn hornbill the slip and ran off towards the elephant graveyard. I followed them and watched as they were cornered by three hyenas. I would say it was luck that allowed them to run from the hyenas but they are easily distracted creatures. It wasn't soon after though that there luck ran out and they were again cornered, this time with no way out. As they closed in a huge mighty roar filled the cave and the hyenas were sent running away, as they normally do when a challenge is too great." Zane flew up into the tree and collected the rest of the cub and brought it back down to the ground. Khari watched as Zane ate the flesh of his son, while he digested this information. "Are you saying that Simba had a run in with three hyenas?" Khari asked as the eagle tore into the hunk of flesh. He looked up "Yeah, that's what I said three hyenas." "It has to be Scar's goons." Khari said more to himself but Zane looked up all the same. "You mean Scar employs hyenas to do his dirty work?" "I wouldn't put it past my brother, I know he is behind this. Zane I want you to fly back for I feel something very important is about to happen in the Pride Lands." Zane looked up and fixed Khari with glare that was so cold, even Khari readied himself for an attack. He swallowed his beakfull and looked at the remains. Khari sighed "I'll hold it in the cave for you. It'll keep longer in there." Zane nodded and flew off once again towards the Pride Lands.

Ashanti watched as Khari paced the cave back and forth, back and forth she followed him with her eyes. She hated seeing him like this and she looked down at her sleeping cubs. That's when she got an idea. She slowly got up without disturbing her daughters and raised her tail. "Perhaps you can help me with a problem." she purred at him. Khari looked at his queen and saw that she was showing it all with no shame. A small smile came over his face as he padded towards her. Without wasting any time he mounted her quickly. She felt his cock force its way into her and she stifled a moan. He started pounding her with his cock and he wanted to growl his dominance but he didn't want to wake his children. He felt his cock start to pulsate with an orgasm as he felt a gust of wind over his head. He smiled as he yanked himself out with such force that Ashanti actually growled her displeasure. "Ashanti stay here with the kids." he said as he walked towards the exit with the eagle flying over his head.

He sent the remains of his son soaring out of the entrance with a mighty swing of his paw. The eagle soared out of the crack and snatched them from the air and settled onto the ground to feed. Khari waited while Zane finished off the remains of his son. As the eagle swallowed the last bite he asked "So what news do bring me?" Zane looked at him and smiled before he told his tale "I flew back like you said and it took me a while but I finally found Simba. He was lying on a rock in the gorge but what really caught my attention was that Scar approached him. They seemed to share a few words and Scar walked away. Then I noticed the three hyenas hiding under a rock. It seemed like they were waiting for something. I thought they were just checking out the herd but then Scar appeared. It seemed like he was a signal because then the hyenas all of a sudden ran into the herd sending them into a stampede right into the gorge. I lost track of Scar for a while but then I saw him bolting towards Pride Rock. I saw him run up to his brother, then Mufasa was jumping over Scar and both lions were running towards the gorge. I flew on ahead and saw Simba clinging to a tree, he was barely hanging on. Zazu saw the same thing and told Mufasa when all of a sudden Simba went flying into the air. Through some stroke of luck Mufasa caught him and ran for the wall. He lept up and just set him down when he was taken away by the herd. I lost track of Scar but then I saw him walking along the edge of the canyon. Simba seemed to be searching the herd as well, looking for his father. Then his father leaped out from the herd and managed to start climbing up the wall. The wall must have been weak or something because he couldn't get his back claws into the rock surface. He was looking up into his brother's face and he seemed to be asking for help. Then I saw Scar smile as he lashed out his claws into his brother's. Then he leaned down to speak to him and without warning he threw him from the wall. Simba saw his father fall and ran down into the gorge. As he was weeping over the body of his father, Scar came out the dust and spoke to him. The last thing I saw was Simba running through the gorge with the hyenas hot on his tail. He lost them though when he went through the wild thorn bushes. I then flew back here as I lost Simba in the setting sun."

Khari digested this latest news with great interest and was surprised to feel a smile spread over his face "So he sent the hyenas to finish of Simba and they failed. They will most likely lie to save their own skins." "What should I do now my king?" "For now we will do nothing. I will stay here for I have a pride to build and a revenge to plot."