Your loving embrace : Frist Sight

Story by damienwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Your loving embrace.

Your love embrace

This story and characters are copy written to damien wolf 2003 . This story contains sexual acts between two males if you are offended by this type of thing or your not of legal age to view this material please find something else to do. Please send any constructive criticism or complaints to [email protected] please enjoy the story.

I woke up a bit angry at myself for sleeping in instead of waking up at my usual 6:30 looking at my clock I could see it was already 12:20 and I remembered that my friend vince had ask me to play basket ball with everyone to day. So siting up I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, at that point I started to think about what my life had amounted to in the last three years. Throwing the thought from my mind I stood up and decided that I should take a shower because I hate smelling bad so I padded of in the direction of my bathroom. When I got to the small broken bathed room I turned on the water and slipped of my boxers and decide that a nice cold shock will wake me up fully. So I jumped in before the water could heat up, the surge of cold water made my hair stand up but as the water warmed and soaked my fur I started to think about how I got this far again. I was about four when in was told that my parents had died in a car accident I didn't know better but my older sister maya told me that we were orphans now and that my parents weren't coming back. For a week we stayed with some close friends until our aunt and uncle came and took custody of us. For awhile I denied my parents death but eventually came to terms with it and soon maya and I grew to love our new life with our aunt and uncle. Ten years went by and maya finally decide to go to collage and four years later she married her fiancee robert. Not to long after I decided to go and start my own life I was eighteen and didn't understand the harshness of the real world but my aunt and uncle said it was my decision, so with there support I went to start my life. I got a job across town at a mechanics shop I was always

Good at building and fixing things so I got the job easy and soon I had my apartment to and I was doing good for my first year on my own. But it soon began to get difficult to say the least to live alone and when maya and robert noticed this they started to pay half my rent thinking I wouldn't know she knew I was to stubborn to ask for help so she tried to be sneaky and do it behind my back but I noticed and I knew I couldn't stop her she's always looked out for me and I could tell robert was starting to think of me as sort of a little brother to, two years have past and I've kept track of every cent they lent me and I also started saving up so I could pay them back.

I came out of my daydream and realized I was still in the shower I quickly washed up and got out to look at the clock " DAMN! Its one already vince is gonna be pissed" so I quickly got dressed and went to vince's place.when I got the door and knocked I noticed that everyone was already at the court waiting and looking really pissed so knowing I was gonna hear it any I ran to the court.

"yo vince wuss up"

vince turned and waged his fluffy husky tail at me'

" Hey ray you're late!"

"I know let me go to the locker room and change"

"all right hurry up"

I ran to the locker feeling good that I left my stuff in my locker. When I got in I quickly got undressed and opened my locker to grab my shorts and tanktop and while I did this I glimpsed my self in the mirror. I was a wolf a white wolf about 5'11 well built but not to muscular I kept my head fur short mostly becausei worked alot and it got in the way, and I had golden yellow eye's that ran in the family and I thought I was pretty attractive. As I look in the mirror I realized that everyone was waiting for me so I threw on my cloths and ran for the court.

By the time I got to the court everyone was standing there then vince stepped forward and spoke in an irrated tone.

"Man your so slow that todd had to leave, now were short one"

My ears sagged a little as he spoke

"Sorry guys I'll find some one to fill in"

I looked out at the street trying to find a good person to play with us when out the corner of my eye I saw the most handsome wolf I ever saw in my life. He had short head fur and stood about 6'3 from my veiw and he was very well built and his black suit beautifully accented his gray fur. (I thought to myself good catch maybe he can play for a while) so I called out to him.

"Hey suit" he turned his head

"Want to shoot some hoops?" he smiled with a toothy grin

"Sure why not"

With that he walk toward the locker room swinging his briefcase and a few minuets later he emerged from the locker room minus the briefcase and his jacket and tie I stepped toward him and shook his hand.

"Hi the names Reynard but my friends call me ray thanks for deciding to play"

"No problem the names ferral pleasure to meet you" he released my hand and stepped back.

"So what are the teams "

"Well you'll be on my team an were against my friends Vince and darien"

"Hey" "how you doin"

"Pleasure to meet you, all right lets get started," he said with his toothy grin.

The game lasted two hours and he played better than I thought he could we probably won because of him and during the entire game I couldn't take my eyes of him I was sad when the game ended because I thought I would never see him again. After the game vince and darein said there good byes and left said they had stuff to do, I was getting ready when ferrals voice came for out side the locker room.

"Hey ray want to get some lunch" since I had nothing else to do I figured why not I get to stay with him a bit longer.

"Sure ferral were do you want to go"

"I know a place I think you'll like well drive there when you're ready"

Not wanting to make that handsome wolf wait I quickly showered and got dressed and went to meet him out side when I saw him next to a very nice Honda s 2000 it was an old car but it looked brand new my jaw nearly drooped out my mouth.

"Nice car ferral a classic 2000"

"This its just something I like "

" Still for being thirty years old you took good care of it"

"Well when bought it was a junker but I've always had a knack for fixing things" he turned and smiled.

"Ready to go"


So we hoped in the car and drove down the street. A little ways down I started to think about the cute wolf next to me and decided to give him a once over. As I looked at him my eyes came to his pant were I noticed a sizable bulge as I looked I started to feel a stirring I my sheath so I moved my gaze back to his face,his beautiful hazel eye's catching my attention. Soon with out noticing I started to stare into his beautiful green eyes not even noticing we stopped at a light he looked at me and snapped his fingers.

"ray...hey ray you OK"

"Oh....ummmmm sorry ferral it was rude of me to stare"

"That's OK" he smiled back at me

"I like the attention when it's for some one cute"

His comment made me blush a deep red, which was very obvious. The rest of the ride was pretty quite till we got to the restaurant. It had to be one of the fanciest restaurants in town and I didn't look the part to be in such a place wearing blue jeans and an equally blue shirt.

"ferral I don't think we should go here I not dressed right"

"nonsense you look damn good" he got out and helped me out the car.

If I weren't so nervous I would have noticed he was hitting on me but despite that we went in. when we entered the tiger at the desk welcomed us.

"ah mister Strife how are you this evening"

"Fine jake thanks for asking"

"Are there any tables open"

"Yes of course right this way"

As we walked to the table I thought to myself (strife, ferral strife were have I heard that name before) and when we got to the table it came to me.

" ferral are you the ferral strife owner of Omega Mechanica Corporation"

"haha.... guilty"

I stood up as fast as possible to shake his had.

"It's an honor to meet you sorry about calling you a suit earlier"

"It's nothing please sit down and don't be so formal I still the same normal person I was before I started this company"

"Oh sorry"

" Not to be rude but how old are you ferral"

"Twenty five and you" he said as he ordered so drinks

"Twenty one, so you're only twenty five but omega only started six years ago and your still real young"

"Well I started collage when I was sixteen because I was good with mechanics but everyone else thought I was a genius" (which you are) I thought to myself.

"And after three years at collage I had degrees in engineering, robotics and business, that's when I decided to use my knowledge to help the colonies and earth so my parents law firm put up the money and I got started the rest is history.

"Wow you really are amazing"

"It's nothing, so tell me about your self ray how long have you lived on this colony"

" Well to start with my full name is reynard heartly and I was born here"

"Me too"

During my boring life story we ordered our food and at and around the part were I told him I've never been to collage and were I work I noticed he was starring at me.

" You ok ferral "

"Hmm... oh sorry while I was listening I couldn't help but stare at your perfect golden eyes"

His comment made me blush again and when I went to continue the conversation I looked at the clock.

"Oh shit! It's past nine the buses have stopped and I'm miles away from home"

"Don't worry ray you can stay at my place"

"Oh no it's to much trouble"

"Don't worry its no trouble we'll leave as soon as you're ready"

So felling more comfortable about the situation we continued the conversation, after about a half hour of talking ferral asked a question which made me feel a little strange.

"So ray way have you never been to collage?" feeling a little ashamed I anserwed

"Well I could never really afford it"

"Well if moneys an issue way don't I pay for it" he ask the question like it was nothing and it put me in a state of shock that he would actually ask something like that.

"No I could never ask you to do something like that for me"

"First you didn't ask I afford and its nothing I'd love to see you get the education you want and it would make me happy to see you happy " after he said that he smiled a loving smile that made me blush a deep red. Did he really care that much about me after just meeting only a few hours couldn't be?

"Well ill sleep on it"

"All right then were agreed then you'll decided in the morning, you ready to go"


With that ferral paid the check and we left got in the car a started to drive to his house. On the way I started to think about the entire kind thing ferral had said to me and how caring and concerned he was about my well being. No one had ever cared about me that much or said such nice things to me and I started to have feelings toward him that I didn't understand. We got to his house at about 11:30 and when I saw it my eyes lit up with amazement it was at least three stories and had to had seven bed room. Soon we parked and walked up the stairs to the front door were ferral pulled out a key card slid it threw the scanner and put in a code.

" Welcome to my humble home" he said with a big cheesy smile

" Oh really" I couldn't help but laugh at him trying to help me relax

We walk in an the place was big than I thought there was lots of space even though there was a lot of furniture. A few seconds after we stepped in a small screened robot with arms and legs walked up to us for the other room.

" Hello ferral how was your day"

"Fine delta I'd like you to meet my friend ray"

"Hello mister ray"

"Hi.... delta was it"


"Nice to meet you"

"Like wise"

"Well now that your home ferral I'm shutting down for the evening good night ferral and ray"

I had seen mechs like that in magazines but nit up close.

" That's delta the first robot I ever built, he's also my personal security next to Marlene"

I sighed a bit in disappointment "Marlene huh is that your girlfriend?"

ferral then laughed out loud " Marlene haha no no she's my work secretary"

"Oh!" I sighed a bit in relief then giggled soon the laughter subsided and he walk me to the living room and we sat on the couch " but seriously ferral your house is beautiful"

"Yeah it's home but its so big sometimes I get kind of lonely"

"So ferral is they're someone special in your life right now?"

"No but I think there might be someone I might be falling for, how about you someone waiting at home?"

"No I haven't date in a while"

"To bad I would think someone as cute as you would be dating"

"Same goes for you ferral" laughter escaped both our muzzles"

" so ray you must be tired its already 12:45"

"Not really I'm enjoying your company"

"Well while we talk let me show you your room"


With that we stood up and walk down the hall. A little ways down we came to a bathroom it was absolutely huge it had a big shower in the corner a hot tub bathtub to the left and a large counter with a sink and a big mirror and it was conpletey done in Italian marble.

"This is the main bath room there's another one on the second floor"

"It's amazing it must have cost a fortune"

"Not as much as you would think"he spoke as we walk pass it

We came to a room with the door closed " what's this room"

"Oh this its just my room, your room is right across from mine"he opened the door and I was in ha , there was a big king size with a canopy all done in silk on the far wall a complete computer system to the right and a gigantic walk in closet with a vanity next to it.

"This is the guest room?"

"Yeah.... Is it all right?"

"All right its more than I deserve" he looked at me with love in his eyes

" You deserve more than you think ray"

Right then as we stared into each other's eyes I wanted to tell how I felt about him but I couldn't bring my self to. I didn't deserve someone as loving and caring as him and he didn't deserve to be stuck with a failure going now where fur like me but still...

"So ferral mind if I take a shower?"

"Sure ray you know were the bathroom is"

With that I went toward the bathroom but before I left I licked his muzzle and whispered thank you in his big fuzzy ears and continued walking. But before I got there he cut me off and kissed me deeply holding me as close as physically possible. Our tongues darting In and out of each others mouths as we each explored the others muzzle we slowly made are way back to his room where he opened the door an we reluctantly broke the kiss. His room was completely done in an Asian décor decorated with beautiful Japanese paintings and fans on the walls and a bed that was covered in silk and in the corner a set of traditional Japanese katana's.

"So do you like it?" his voice in a low seductive growl

"Its beautiful"

I leaned in for another kiss this time we undressed each other and fell on the bed

"You sure you want to do this?" his eyes filled with concern

"Of course" I spoke in only a whisper

I rolled us over so his back was against the bed and began to lick at his nipples while

My hand massaged his sheath and his big lupine balls exciting a low growl form him.

His dick quickly grew to its full size from his sheath it stood at least 12' inches and I slowly moved down to lick the tip letting my hands feel his body as I moved down. After licking the tip to tease I took his whole cock into my muzzle and began to boob and suck on it. Starting slow then going fast I moved up and down his shaft while still massaging his balls. As I sucked he began to fuck my muzzle slowly holding my head in place as he picked up the pace his cock going in my mouth as I went down his member. He slowed his pace and I began to deep throat him his head touching the back of my throat as I went deeper until my nose touched his knot I felt his climax close at hand but before I could finish he pulled me of his member I licked it as it came out my mouth.

"That was wonderful"he said with his cute toothy grin as he pulled me up and put me on the bed

"But now it's your turn"

Slowly he drug his claws threw my fur as he move to lick my inner thigh and his tongue jetted my crack and my balls, then he slowly moved up and licked the under side of my already erect member standing a proud 10' inch's. "umm you taste good ray" I groaned I pleasure as he took my meat into his muzzle and bobbed his head in a slow rhythm the warmth of his mouth feeling great as ha speed up. I didn't want it to end so I removed him form my cock and sat up to kiss him. "ferral please.... Will you mate me?" he smiled and kissed me again " of course if that what you want?" "Yes" then he laid me on the bed still facing me then he moved back down and licked my tail hole and began to explore my ass then he stuck a finger in and began to probe me. Soon he had three fingers to let me get use to the size but I knew it didn't compare to the size of his endowment. He removed his fingers and moved up to put my legs on his shoulders

And I felt his tip at my tail hole. " Ready": yes" with that he began to push in to me inch after inch went into me then he stopped to let me adjust and we panted a little. Then he began to push the rest into me and soon I felt his knot at me entrance. He slowly withdrew his wolf cock until only his tip was in then he began to push in again soon had a steady pace going. He leaned in to kiss me then whispered "your so tight ray ...I love it" As we rocked back and fourth faster and faster at one point lust took over and he bit my shoulder in a mating bite. He began ramming his cock in and out of me hard and fast his not hitting my hole until it was forced in tying us together. Our climax's were close at hand as pushed farther into me then with one last push he pulled his his cock out to the tip making a pop sound when his knot came out then he slammed it back in causing his cock to shoot wave after wave of wolf seed into me this made my own cock shoot my cum all over our stomachs. It felt like our orgasms lasted forever and I didn't want it to end but it passed. We then collapsed to the bed and began to pant heavily moving into another kiss holding each other close still tied together as we slowly fell asleep. I woke up a few hours later when he had shrank enough for me to slip free so I then stood up and went to gather my clothes when I was dressed I went to the door when I got there I looked back toward the room

"Its better this way" then I opened the door and walked out.

I was walking for about an half an hour feeling like I just lost a part of my self when a firmiliar Honda drove up to me and parked making me stop then ferral got out

"Way did you leave ray?" he said as he walked up to me and we both sat on a near by bench

"What's wrong?" a look of great concern on his face

"ferral I love you" this made him smile a bit

" And I want you to be happy and you can't be with some one like me so...."

"So what?"

"I half to go you deserve someone better then me some one who can take care of you" a tear rolled down my face

"Oh ray... its ok" he wrapped his arms around me in a strong embrace forcing the cold night air away

"I love you to ray I fell in love with you the moment I met you" he wiped the tears from my eyes

"And I can't let you go because I'll only be happy with you"

"I could never let my love leave my side"

" Your love?" "Yes"

" So don't worry let me take care of you an tomorrow we'll enroll you in the best collage so please come home"

"Home?" he nodded and I squeezed tighter

" I love you ferral and I don't want to leave your side " I cried more openly

" Then stay with me you don't ever haft to leave my side or home again"

Then we got up and went to the car and drove home. When we got to the house he parked the car and then looked at me

"ray welcome home" I looked over an then we kissed deeply

"Happy to be home" I smiled back at him

"Come on let's go inside we got a big day tomorrow"

"Ok" with that we got out and went in and went to sleep in each other's arms ready to face the day ahead and the future we would share together.

To be continued

Hope you liked the story.