Snapshot Porn Commission

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

Oh hi! Here's another collection of short porny stories of 1000-2000 words each or so. This time working from requests by a commissioner!

The scenes are...

Dairinn (shemale oryx) and Marya (shemale husky)

Victor (male GShep - commissioner's character) and Indira (female tiger)

Kijana (shemale hyena) and Allegra (shemale wolf)

Lilianna (shemale horse) and Nathanael (male deer)

These were a lot of fun to work on, and I was utterly spoiled getting commished to write my own cast doing things they'd actually do! If you'd like something similar, I offer a discount on all stories featuring one or more of my own characters in a main role.


Dairinn and Marya


What was one drink, anyway?

Apparently, it was enough to leave their clothes strewn like a trail of breadcrumbs towards the couch. A social visit, between two supposed rivals, was how it all began. And it had just been one drink. They couldn't have possibly blamed drunkenness.

Every sense remained sharp, attuned to the body of the other. The half-naked husky let herself be tugged close by the commanding embrace of the oryx. That elaborately-marked, long-horned creature simply appealed to her so much. Their lips were mashed tightly together, and they weren't averse to grinding cock to cock, balls to balls.

Dairinn was as thick and potent as a zebra, given her mixed heritage. That meant she had her massive equine girth rubbing against Marya's knotted bulge before long. Grinding, humping. Overwhelming the sturdy canine.

Another minute, and they were completely bare. Dairinn on top. Pinning Marya with fingers wrapped tightly around the husky's wrists. They kept kissing. Noisily. It was hard to tell whose tongue was in whose mouth. Peace between the two of them had been a long time coming, but... Marya didn't expect it to go like this.

Another moment, a shift of grinding bodies, and that damn oryx was on top of her. Just splayed across her back, seemingly with ease, put keeping plenty of force on the smaller husky. It made no sense. Dairinn must have had a decade on her, she had a leg that barely worked, and yet, she had such a forceful dominance to her touch that Marya wanted nothing but to go along with it.

The scent of arousal grew stronger as it got rubbed into her fur. Dai's ebon cock smeared pre over her as she crudely humped the dog. It had all been a blur. From meet to kiss to throbbing for each other. Only the boss' accented voice pulled Marya out of the haze.

"Just how long has it been, Marya? Since you were properly mounted like this?"

As she spoke she slowly slid her cock under that curled tail, grinding from the husky's balls right up to the base of her tail. She was leaking pre to the point of spurting it now and then. Everyone was going to know who she was with.

She didn't answer. Behind her, she heard Dairinn lightly chuckle.

"There's no shame in it. Myself, I have all new respect for you, seeing you let yourself express such a -need-."

The oryx leaned closer, licking at Marya's ear.

"There's no shame at all in being a needy... husky... bitch."

Marya's ears perked, then flattened. For a moment, she was angry. But she knew exactly why Dairinn said it. So she bucked her hips once and gave a brief, low growl.

"Do you fuck me, or no?"

Dairinn softly chuckled.

"Yes. Yes I do."

Three fingers pressed together caught enough pre for the oryx to slather it from her tip down the rest of her shaft. She was leaking it heavily, enough that her dark shaft was glistening with it before long.

Marya just pushed her face into the couch cushion. It lingered with Dairinn's sweetly perfumed scent, along with her wild musk. She wouldn't be the first person the thick-cocked herbivore fucked on here, for certain.

And then, with slick noise, she started spreading that husky out. Tight, but certainly not virginal. She hummed and moaned in pleasure as her flare popped in, followed by a smooth slide of lubricated equine cock.

"Not the first time you've lifted tail, Marya," she observed.

Marya remained silent and gave another insistent bump of her hips. She had no time for teasing. She needed to be fucked numb. Gritting her teeth, she found a pillow to pull over and bite at, to avoid making too much embarrassing noise. Dairinn's cock felt good.

From flare, to shaft, to that surging jolt of pleasure that came with the little pop of the medial ring, Marya was barely keeping it together as she got stuffed to bulging with the boss' cock. Her lips curled, but she held back on the urge to snarl, bark, whine, whimper. To show the oryx that she was getting to her.

The pace started slow, the momentum building in a gradual but tantalizing grind. Dairinn sunk to the very base in the husky's rump, bottoming out and tapping her bigger, heavier balls against the canine's own. She held herself there, just pushing down hard, as if to get even deeper than was possible. Marya could feel every detail, every ridge, every pulsing vein inside of her. The pleasure being driven into her prostate had her knotted cock forming a damp puddle on the expensive cushion beneath her.

Marya made a fist and thumped it on the couch. She had no patience for this teasing. If Dairinn wanted a rut, then she damn well ought to start rutting.

Not that the oryx immediately followed. She smirked again, leaning down and licking the back of Marya's neck from bottom to top, and then nipped it with her flat teeth. It got the dog tense all over, unable to help that little instinctual tingle.

"You're wonderfully snug around me, Marya," the boss teased, knowing she had a moment before the grumpy husky could respond. "It must feel so good to finally give in like this..."

As she spoke she started moving her hips. There was much more power behind them than the oryx's aging frame ought to have been capable of using. Even in those slow strokes Marya could feel herself being repeatedly shoved back down onto the couch if she tried to move. Dairinn was bigger, certainly, but it hardly seemed fair that she should also be stronger than the well-toned husky.

After a withdrawing tug that felt like it took ages, every last inch of that heaving spire of dark, hard cock slipping free of that tight ring but for the flared head, Dairinn began to actually fuck that dog. And she wasn't gentle, nor did Marya want her to be. She breathed hotly between Marya's ears as she leaned over her, shoving herself all the way back in until her balls gave a resounding thud against Marya's own, grinding back and forth while she was fully hilted just to be sure the shockwave impact of that thrust rolled through the husky's whole body.

Marya held back the urge to moan. She never liked how slutty she sounded when she moaned. Even when she was enjoying herself. But she couldn't keep completely silent, settling for a simple "rrrr" instead.

Just that one thrust already had her feel a tightness tugging deep at the base of her cock, at her thickening knot and right down to her taint. There was no need to tug at herself, nor to grind on the silky cushion beneath her. She knew already she was going to cum from that cock alone. But she was going to make sure Dairinn earned it.

Stroking thrusting, pounding. The impact of hips to butt would have hurt most people. Marya didn't care. She clenched down some, slowing Dairinn's progress, her build of thumping, huffing momentum, growing tighter. A whimper finally escaped as she closed her eyes and tried not to blow her load early. Darinn didn't even make a sound, but Marya could just feel that smile on her lips, even if she couldn't see it.

She meant to buck again, to show her impatience. But she was getting more and more overwhelmed, feeling the pleasure of that deeply-rutting cock pounding into her. It ran like a shock of electricity all the way down to her curling toes. It made her lift her tail higher, until it was pressed snug against her spine. She flattened her ears, and fell into a content expression, her eyes half-lidded.

"That's it, Marya." Dairinn was quick to spot the wordless submission. "Enjoy every... last... inch."

The nip that followed was much firmer than before. This time to one of Marya's flattened ears, biting into it just a little painfully. She didn't flinch.

It started as just fucking, but the husky was satisfied to find it finally turned into a proper rutting after that. No longer a steady, controlled thumping of her ass. Once that older oryx got going, it became like a blur of pleasure. It wasn't that she was going all that fast. But when she had that much cock, and that much power to drive it home, the drumbeat of her slamming it in to that quietly eager canine was enough to drown out Marya's coherent thoughts.

She let her tongue hang over her bottom lip, indulging in her doggish ways, panting as she was properly fucked. She writhed as she bulged with the excessive size of that oryx's meat. She huffed, she lightly growled, she whined a bit. The curve of her ass was getting a bit numb from those repeated spanks of hips, but inside, she was all squeezing and contracting as the pleasure made her outright drool.

Her muscles, normally so tense, always on guard, finally relaxed. She let herself just sprawl out, like a fluffy rug beneath Dairinn's dominance. She let herself rock back and forth, nearly tossed about by those bestial pounds thumping right in under her lifted tail.

And most of all, she let herself grow tight from balls to the very tip of her knotted cock. She let those little twitches come to a head, and she didn't shy away from the shocking pleasure that seemed to melt her mind. Her eyes slightly rolled as she climaxed panting and drooling, her expression an undignified doggish mess the likes of which she never took.

The tightness that came with her cumming sent the oryx over too. She felt one more massive thrust that seemed primed to drive her through the furniture they were fucking on. Then a few more drilling, noisy humps and the two hung women finished together.

With such timing, it felt as if Marya was simply shooting out what was being poured into her. The oryx came hard, the pressure like a thud deep inside, shooting what felt like straight up into her belly. The noise of impact, even with that cock buried, was a lewd squish of messy sex as those heavy black nuts unloaded. Marya made a mess of herself, cumming pure husky cream all over her belly and the underside of her breasts mashed against the couch.

When the first few pressurized splats emptied out of them both, the oryx twitched and started anew. Soon the excessive load start to make Marya feel heavy, stretched, bloated as she slumped further into complete comfort. Her own orgasm began to trickle off, leaving a hot puddle that slowly dripped down the side of the couch.

But Dairinn wasn't done, cumming in her ass with great flexes of that flared, veiny shaft until finally it began to thin out. Even then, a few last watery shots topped off the sloshing load that wobbled around in the husky's slightly softened belly. She sealed the deal with a final, satisfied moan, stroking through Marya's unfurled hair.

Marya panted, drooled, and hardly thought. There was a voice in the back of her mind that wagged a figurative finger at her, scolding her for giving in so deeply, for being such a bitch. But that sweet, sexual scent invading her senses, and the warmth of orgasm spreading right to the very tip of her tail and down to her toes kept her from listening to it.

For a time it looked as if she had already been fucked utterly stupid. Certainly she was drooling enough. Her eyes didn't seem to even be seeing. She wasn't moving, nor saying anything, but she was faintly murmuring and giving some characteristic husky groans.

But the moment she felt Dairinn relax, felt her sigh out and just stretch out over top of her, so that those pillowy breasts squished onto the back of her head, she huffed. She bucked her hips back, and felt a pulse of that slightly-softened cock inside of her. If that wasn't clear enough, she made a fist and thumped the couch again.

Mildly winded, but all too happy to oblige, Dairinn throbbed once more just to see the husky's need. She raised herself up a little more, stroked her fingers down Marya's spine, and arched her hips. If that's what this needy bitch wanted, then she was more than happy to give it to her, even if it meant fucking her until she was utterly broken, just a whimpering, begging bitch drooling for her new owner. There were still so many hours of that dark winter night remaining.


Victor and Indira


Victor caught the scent the moment he walked in. The young German shepherd looked around at the other students in the tigress' class. They just kept practising their kicks as the stern, older feline instructed. Not even noticing how deeply the azure-furred cat was in heat.

It was hard to place just how old Indira was. The blue tigress had streaks of white through her jet black hair. She had an air of experience and maturity. But she remained as fit as her students, maintaining a tight, disciplined figure. One rounded out by her impressively thick, motherly curves. Even though she tended to dress in loose clothing during her lessons, Victor could tell just how perfectly plump she was in all the right places.

So when he stepped in that day, and could immediately tell how horny his stoic instructor was, he was having a hard time focusing. And an even harder maintaining proper form, with his shorts starting to bulge a little, his sheath filling out as he breathed in the aroma of sweet, needy tigress.

She knew, of course. Striding closer as others began to file out for the evening, leaving the gym all to the two of them, she maintained her stoic demeanour. That arousing scent even warmer as she was closer, he couldn't keep himself from getting hard. The bulge of it was pretty much clear to see given his exercise wear.

The moment the door closed behind the last to leave, the lock clicking in place on its own, she was upon him. From standing before him, to on top of his prone form, she moved faster than he could blink. She pressed her breasts to his chest, those ample, heavy mounds. And she reached to his bulge, and squeezed.

"I have a need. You can help, I think." Her voice was calm but there was intensity beneath the surface. A spark in her eyes as she glared down at his pinned form.

He squirmed a bit, but she had him firmly in place. He was unable to help a smirk. "Bet I can. You'll have to let me up if I'm gonna show you though."

The tigress gave an intrigued quirk of her head, and then returned a subtle smile.

"Is that so?" She sat up, resting her ample rump on his crotch, pressing the thick curve down over his bulge. "And you are prepared to earn it?"

The tigress let him up, sitting across from him. Her lust was so thick he could feel it in the air. He wanted to mount, fuck, and breed her. Desperate to free his pounding cock, he lowered his shorts hastily, letting it throb and drip for her.

"Of course. Just turn around."

She slowly swayed her tail as she did, looking curious, a bit amused. But a pang of arousal hit her, and she snarled some. Her elegantly striped back was clear to him soon as she stripped down, making it fast, not at all a show. Just getting her bare fur on display as fast as she could. Pants came too, giving him a good look at her fine, thick ass.

That was when he pounced on her. He reached for a handful of her hair, he grabbed her by the tail. Both those grips in place, and he yanked, hard. It got her growling as he bent her over, mounted up on those luxurious hips. Horny dog that he was, he jabbed and thrust his hips at the air a few times. Then up between those juicy cheeks, sliding down wetly to meet her soaked, dripping sex.

There wasn't a moment to waste. Not when she was so viciously snarling at him to keep going. She liked the rough treatment, she liked his eagerness. He carefully lined up, and just stuffed himself into her with a lewd noise of wet pussy slipping over his shaft. Buried to the knot, he pulled hard, and threw his hips forward in a hard slam, watching the impact rolling through her matronly curves, from butt to tits.

She was his instructor, his elder, and she could incapacitate him on a whim. But he was going to fuck her like a whore. His motions were rough, wild, lusty. He didn't bother to be precise. It was all about slamming his knot in against her resisting pussy harder and harder. The way she arched her back, the way she growled every time he tugged on her tail, he knew she wanted him to keep going.

Finally after pounding her for longer than he could even keep track of, when his knot started getting sore, his balls a bit numb from the repeated impact to her butt, he plunged that fat bulb forth. It caught inside of her almost immediately, and her heated yowl came right as she clenched down on it massively.

That drew the cum out of him instantly. Just pounded his hips forward, buried the whole thing, and let himself loose. He shot his seed into her aching cunt, filled up her heat with his pure, virile cum. It sloshed and tried to overflow, but it was locked in there by his knot. Even as she made a mess out of his crotchfur and his nuts, squirting on him with a sharp shriek of tigress noise. Just a moment, and then it settled down into her fierce growling and rumbling, the bass resonating to his very toes.

After those initial hot jets of spunk shot into her, he started pounding her again, yanking his knot back and forth, stirring around that thick load with every thrust. He milked out more and more into her hot pussy, filled her womb to the brim with dog cum, until finally they thudded down to the mat beneath together. Still tied, still sloshing, while she deeply rumbled away beneath him.

It had felt like mere seconds, but it had been long enough sunset to give way to pure darkness outside. He could feel his load inside her, flowing all around his cock and against his knot. He might have just knocked up the busty milf, cumming in her during her heat like that. But he didn't care. Now that he knew what she felt like around his cock, he was going to keep fucking her, over and over, whenever he could, as hard as he could, until she couldn't even stand.


Kijana and Allegra


Even as the clanking and grunting began to quiet down, the scent of exertion didn't leave the gym in the evening. Alli wasn't done yet, and she knew the owners well enough that they were cool with her staying after-hours as long as she tidied up after herself. All six-and-a-half feet of thick, bulky brown wolf was a bit big for some of the machines, but she was going to need a spotter if she was going to hit the bench.

She was panting all but steam, even though it was only spring. A few last remnants of dirty snow piles remained outside, but within the gym walls, it was kept warm. Which meant her copper coat glistened as she sat scanning. She slurped her dangling tongue back into her mouth and sealed her lips a moment, to breathe just through her nose. A much better way of seeing if anyone was around than getting up to wander.

Mixed in with all the other scents, she hadn't especially noticed it at first, but now, sniffing, isolating it, she was given a sensory fill of strong, dominant hyena. Alli could just tell from the scent of her sweat. The wolf could simply feel the alpha nature radiating off the unseen beast before even laying eyes on her. It was kinda hot.

Alli felt a stirring in her shorts that she silently chastised, wagging a finger at her awakened sheath as she rose to go bother the hyena. Another tight-lipped sniff and she was pretty sure who it was. Around the corner, and correct, there she was.

As far as she knew, the bulky hyena was a professor nearby, though she certainly didn't look like one now. Towering even taller than Alli, she was rippled with spectacular, perfected musclature. A walking tank who managed with just enough feminine touches to her curves to keep her from just looking male. Hair tightly braided. Sweat just rivers down her chocolate chip fur. Musk so pleasing it was making Alli's tail wag in a low, submissive position without her even knowing. It was just instinct.

Kijana turned slowly, apparently sensing Alli's looming. She was just staring at her back, after all. Such a muscular back! The way it flexed when she turned around, those spots decorating the muscles. Hrrf.

Despite the imposing appearance, Kijana's eyes were purely precious, all shimmering and sweet. She offered an amused smile.

"Looking at my back?"

"Yep." Alli gave another wag. "S'nice."

A look of recognition came over the hyena, and she made and then halted a gesture halfway. "Allegra, right? Need something?"

"Alli. And yeah. Wanna be my spotter, spotty?"

The hyena glanced down briefly, and then snickered. Her laughter had a much higher pitch than her speaking voice. Hyena thing.

"And what about the hard-on?"

Still gently swishing, unconsciously showing just how interested she was in this big strong 'yena, Alli shrugged. Yep, she was obviously bulging, though she took issue with one thing.

"Oh, this? This isn't even hard, it's just... stirring. Serious though. Help me finish up my routine and we can go fuck our minds dumb. Might take you a while, smart-ass."

That got a proper cackle out of Kijana. What a ludicrous noise, totally uncontrollable. It was contageous, sending Alli into a broad grin.

"Yeah. I think I can handle that."

The hyena set down the two dumbbells she was curling, giving a few stretches to make sure she didn't seize. Alli glanced to them as they clinked to the floor. The two of them together added up to more than she weighed. So yeah, impressive.

They strolled together over to the bench, Alli feeling a bit strange actually having to look up to talk to someone for once.

"Okay so I know you're basically a lifting machine but let's try to not actually kill me," she said, gathering a couple weights and sliding them onto the bar.

Fifty on each, then again. And again. Nothing she couldn't handle alone, but, safety first and all that. Plus, sweaty hyena crotch inches from her nose. She stretched out on the bench, looking up at Kijana's underboob.



Kijana kept her grip loose but ready as Alli hefted the bar from the rack, the bench beneath creaking slightly with the weight coming down on it. The bulk of her arms flexed out, but she kept from shaking as she took the 300 pounds down to her bust, and then up again. Once more, and a third time, keeping it in place.

"Good?" Kijana asked.

"Uh huh."

"How about now?" The hyena leaned over, placing her bulge within huffing distance of Alli's nose. She put a little pressure on the bar, bringing it to the wolf's chest, but she was careful not to do any harm. Alli pushed up, but nope, that hyena had it solidly in place. And thus, had her trapped on the bench.

Well, now she was actually hard. That little bit of dominance was something she didn't even know she needed so badly. All the recent nights fucking cute girly guys in their tight little asses and she hadn't had time to swap things around. Her shorts, already questionably decent, tented obviously.

A little more pressure, and she was pinned hard. Not just by the bar across her chest. But by the warm fabric holding the hyena's great big nuts, laying out that bulge right across Alli's muzzle to envelop her in the heat and the scent.


"Hmmmf," was Alli's only reply, but her approval couldn't have been more obvious. Damn, it wasn't like she just wanted anyone to do anything anytime... but this, this pushiness, this surprise? This she liked.

She loved the power on display. Knowing how helpless she was. And also the care being taken not to actually hurt her, that was nice too. Even more when Kijana actually removed a hand from the bar, without making it feel any heavier for Alli. Fucking beast. Holding that much weight perfectly steady with one arm.

The free hand was, of course, so she could lower those shorts of hers. Alli was disappointed her vision was limited. She would have liked to see that fine muscular ass along with the rest. But the sweaty bulge was soon replaced with bare 'yena balls right on her face, pretty much just completely covering it as she sniffed her way into the depths of that richly enticing scent.

Goddamit, she was going to need -more- of this as soon as they were done. She could tell already, as it eroded the higher functions of her brain. Where even was she anymore? Did it matter? She was so taken already that she was licking Kijana's balls in no time, giving them the great big doggy slurps they deserved while the hyena slowly, firmly humped her face with a slick, repeating thud.

And then, a hard shove down, and Alli was -smothered- in hyena nuts. Stuffed right between them, her muzzle immersed, air becoming less of a thing while musk invaded her senses and sweat ran down her cheeks. The hyena held herself there, hard, dripping pre in thick gobs on Alli's chest. Only once the lack of air was actually starting to burn a little did she let up.

She lifted that bar upwards, effortlessly, and moved it aside. But Alli didn't get a chance at freedom, gasping as she was, soon replaced with the hyena's big hands grabbing hold of her and holding her down. Her own cock had knotted and was gushing onto her belly as the tip poked out of her waistband. But Kijana didn't pay it any mind.

Instead, she slathered her own bigger dick over the wolf's face, knowing just how much all those pheromones were going to drive a keen canine nose wild. Alli was practically numb with it on the one hand, and not missing a single detail on the other. A shuffle forward, and a change of angle, and her head was clenched right between broad hyena thighs, while that cock started pressing right up against her lips, smearing them with enough pre to fill a shot glass with each glob that shot out.

She hardly even needed the force. Nope, she wanted to such that tasty fucking dick. She opened up, slurped away the mess, and just let it slide in over her tongue and along the roof of her mouth. Such a position, head tilted back, nose smothered in hyena taint, ensured it was about as intense as posisble. She couldn't really suck, just swallow heavily and try not to choke. Especially when that fat shaft slipped past the threshold and into her throat.

Alli was proud of herself for not gagging. Her throat was outright bulging with it before long. She just glurked and sucked and sniffed and let herself be used like a bitch in heat all the while. Strong fingers held her jaw ever so precisely in place, and the hyena started to properly facefuck her once she was balls deep in wolf muzzle. Slowly, getting those hips working, letting Alli feel all the weight and the strength behind them.

It was after just a few of these throat-swapping squat-thrusts that Alli felt that cock go even thicker, felt the skin on it go taut as it bulged and rippled with pleasure. She heard a huffing grunt above her, and in moments she felt the intensely hot impact of hyena cum pouring down her throat. She gurgled and swallowed hard, but it overflowed, leaving her drooling it out, a fountain of potent musky cream pinned there on the bench. She could even hear it hitting the floor as it streamed down her face. It was running down her body too, soaking into her top, getting between her tits. But all that after just a few seconds in her throat? Was that it?

Of course it wasn't. She should have know that a set of nuts that big would treat cumming like a hello. A moment's pause, and not even a slight softening of her great fat dick, and Kijana started fucking the slathered, gushing, overflowing wolf muzzle still wrapped tight around her every inch. Really fucking now, treating Alli's throat like any other hole, pounding her cock into it. The excess cum gushed out of her in sprays from the impact, making an absolute mess of them both. Splatters reached right up to Kijana's chest as she got going, not letting it slow her.

As she basked in the treatment, Alli felt a little faint. And not just because it was pretty hard to breathe with over a foot of hyena dick down her throat. She got the occassional pause to gasp and gurgle for air just to make sure she didn't pass out. But with nose buried right to the very base of Kijana's balls, sandwiched into her taint, with her body soaked in the bigger beast's sweat, cum, and musk, she was losing it.

She let her eyes roll and then just closed them. She held onto Kijana's hips but she didn't push or resist in anyway. Most of all she just let herself get used like the good little condom she needed to feel like for a while. And she was loving the taste of that dick so much that a little writhe of her hips, a little grind at the air, and she was cumming on herself too.

Didn't even need a rub. Just getting facefucked by this giant fucking hyena was making her dick shoot hot ropes over her belly. Once again soaking that poor top of hers, until it looked like it had been simply dunked outright. She whimpered and whined into hyena crotch where she was smothered, and then briefly gagged as she got a slam to the very base in response. Every last inch, even bigger than Alli's own cock, stuffed in her throat with hardly a care. And held there. Hard. Tight. Not letting the wolfess breathe.

And then, with a great rush of noise and mess, Kijana yanked out, all at once. It left Alli gasping hard, choking, coughing. And all of it was so strangely exhilerating. It felt -good- to choke on hyena cum. She was still tingling from cumming, too. So when the torrent smacked into her, the blanket of seed began washing over her from chin to thighs, she just relaxed and let it pour over her.

Kijana came hard. Not just in volume, but in the impact of that cum hitting Alli's form. She opened her eyes and watched it shooting off in all directions as it splattered her. She felt it start rolling down her sides, outlining her hips in hot cream. It welled up between her legs and soaked into her bulge until her shorts were perfectly outlining it. And even as grunting, growling orgasm tapered off, the last few shots kept her in place, adoring the marking she was getting as she felt that dominant scent soaking right into her skin.

The hyena huffed a few times, then briefly cackled That weird noise again. Alli tucked her arms behind her head and just relaxed a bit, bathing in the mess. Finally, she looked up and grinned.


Kijana nodded. "Sure. I'll fuck you in the shower."

Alli laughed. "Monster. Won't be happy until I can't walk out of here, will you?"

"Of course not." The hyena took Alli by the wrist and yanked her to her feet roughly. "Now walk your ass over there before I just bend you over a rack."

Swishing tail excitedly, Alli felt herself getting hard all over again. Damn hard. Yeah, this wasn't what she was expecting to make of her night, but she was more than happy to go until she dropped. And then keep going, probably.


Lilianna and Nathanael


".... two, one, annnnnnd you're legal. Happy birthday, little buddy."

Lily looked away from her watch to lean over on the couch and give Nate a hearty slap on the back. The much smaller deer lurched forward, feeling her equine strength behind even a casual smack. He smiled modestly at her.

"You realize now that I'll never get that moment back," he said. "When people ask, I'll have to say I turned eighteen being told I was now legally violatable."

Lily easily wrapped an arm around him and pulled him over to her side.

"And what better story could you possibly need?" she chuckled, and gave him a light kiss on the ear.

Nate was admittedly a little tense. It wasn't the first time he'd cuddled up to the thickly-built horse before. He trusted her plenty. But she was three years his senior, about twice his weight, and infinitely more experienced with what they'd planned for the evening. He stretched out his legs and tried to relax.

"Oh, you know. How I continued my journey of purity and restraint, ignoring all the fleshy pleasures along the way."

Lily snorted. "I think that's 'pleasures of the flesh.'"

"I know what I said."

To no complaint on his part, she pulled him closer, so that his muzzle was resting atop one of her generous breasts. Which was more or less the size of his head. Given her low-cut top, he could feel the smooth brush of her red-brown coat against his skin.

"So, you're set on the whole priest thing, aye?" She ran her fingers through his long brown hair. "You're sure this won't condemn you forever in the eyes of God, or whatever?"

Nate was a bit lost in how nice it felt to be rubbing up on her, raising his head eventually. "It'll be fine. Pretty sure we're allowed to harmlessly enjoy ourselves."

She grinned dragged him into her lap, facing her bosom, his knees pressed in on either side of her broad hips.

Arms at his sides, he was struck with the startling realization that he was perfectly allowed to touch back. So he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and squeezed himself up against her, feeling her muscle, her slight chub, and the ample rise of her two huge breasts all squishing up against him at once. That made him sigh softly, closing his eyes a moment.

"So, this is really your first time? Not even a smooch?"

"I mean ... on the cheek. One time I accidentally grabbed a butt and apologized. I'm a regular stallion, really."

That made Lily laugh. She gave his butt a squeeze, nodding her head.

"Yeah, so." She kept squeezing, her strong fingers digging in deeply. "I used to think the whole 'virgins are sexy' thing was stupid, but you're making me right proper fucking horny with that innocent look in your eyes."

Nate gave her his most precious of gleaming gazes. "That's just deer. They call it doe-eyed for a reason."

"You'll feel like a doe by the time I'm done with you," she snorted, and gave his ass a swat.

Nate jolted. And then he just pressed closer, even when he could feel her considerable bulge rubbing against him. He felt a twitch when he rubbed against it, and he couldn't help keep going.

"Oof, hold on. Let me unzipped before you go making me hard," Lily grunted, shifting and rocking Nate around in her lap in the process. He could already feel the fabric of her dark jeans straining against the pressure as her cock pushed from its sheath. He always had wondered how horses dealt with that.

Nate had sort of thought a moment like this would be filled with awe and ceremony, but really it was just a matter of watching Lily squirm and unfasten her button before it went sailing across the room. When she was properly unzipped, her equine shaft flopped into his vision with a great, intimidating thud and a relieved sigh from the equine above.

He hesitated, his hands awkwardly poised and frozen, until she nodded to him. Damning his own shyness, he took the base of her firming shaft in one hand. And then two, when he realized how heavy it was. His motions were curious, almost comically so as he inspected every last detail of the dark skin stretched out over equine shaft.

He rubbed with his fingertips in slow circles, massaging as he got to know her meat, admired the big ridge at the middle, the growing flare at the tip. He was wide-eyed with wonder and he knew how silly he must have looked. But he was feeling a whole lot like he had forgotten to study for the exam.

Lily, for her part, just laid her head back, letting her red-streaked locks stream down her shoulders, her breasts. Her cock just kept growing, until Nate was struggling to support the slightly-soft foot and a half of horse dick in his dual grip. Looking it from top to bottom, from great big black balls, up every inch to her gently-flared tip and her broad slit showing a silky gleam of precum, he breathed out heavily.

"Starting with a horse wasn't the brightest idea, was it?" he asked.

"It was a terrible fucking idea and I have no idea how we're going to make it fit." Lily gently chuckled while she groaned in delight at his delicate touches over her dick. "But right about now, I have never wanted to fuck someone more."

That froze Nate for a moment, a happy little shiver running down his spine, making his short tail lift up as he felt a flex spasm through his body. It wasn't like it was the first time he'd ever been horny. But he'd never felt such desire pulsing its way all through him. From the base of his tail to the tips of his antlers, or so he'd say that was how it felt. Tingling, tickling. And making him so hard he would swear he gained an inch.

It was difficult to get out of that frozen pose. In all his excitement, all his arousal, he was as virginal as they came. Playing with a cock roughly the size of his forearm, getting his fingers all slick in a potent glaze of hot-scented horse pre, did not help matters.

Lily took the initiative with an air of experience and confidence that made Nate just want to melt into her shapely form. First off, it was time for his first kiss. A mere prelude to the debauchery to come, but for now, he leaned into her lips as she pulled him close, and did his best not to mess it up too much. It was a wet exchange of sloppy smooches, Nate mostly passive while Lily had her way with his face, but he was left satisfied that it was one milestone down.

Though she carried a good bit of heft to her overall sturdy shape, the muscle beneath the soft curves couldn't have been more obvious when she lifted him up with a tight squeeze of his hips and just turned him right around in her lap. To feel that little bit of dominance in her touch gave a tingle Nate thought he could even feel in his hooves.

After that, he was hardly sure what happened. A blur of motions and yet so slow, lavishing in every detail of his body as her fingers worked over him. The cool air met his fur only to be replaced by the heat of her naked form pressed up against his back. She had a slight sheen of sweat on her, soon on him as she squeezed his every detail, appraising him like he was meat, until her digits were deftly, insistently wrapped around the base of his cock.

He came into this with a little bit of confidence. Or at least the hope that he would keep his cool. So when he heard the little squeal he made, totally unintentionally, he couldn't help but blush. Not that it stopped him from making it again when he felt her flat teeth snugly pressed against the side of his throat, where it met his shoulder. She nipped him, just a little. Really, she was being gentle all around given what he knew she was capable of.

By now, he was no longer in control of anything that happened. His body responded, muscles flexing as primal instinct directed them, but he was a prisoner to the pleasure of being groped and massaged by somebody who wanted him. To press their bodies together and get intimate in the ways they were built to do.

Well, sort of. He was pretty sure his body wasn't designed for taking horsecock under the tail. A wiggling doubt prodded away in his mind, logic trying him to bring him back to earth while he floated away in a state of heavenly bliss, getting all that attention. It was going to take some getting used to, but wouldn't be the -first- thing he had inside of him. Just the first he hadn't discretely ordered on the internet with a prepaid credit card.

When he heard the laughably lewd sound of her lubing up her many inches, he knew it was far too late to stop and think about it. It took a while. Just Lily with her one arm around his chest, hugging him to her tits like pillows, her heartbeat heavy behind them, slicking up her stallion cock over and over. Yeah, she was gonna need plenty.

Again with the silly noises when she extended that generous lube coverage to his rump. One finger, then two, soaked in the stuff and sliding sweetly around his rim, giving him the donut glaze he'd need. Then inside, pushing, teasing, working him open and loose to fill him with slippery digits, pushing in and out.

His hips bobbed and thrust into the air in time to her inaudible beat, like he knew what he was doing, just following the rhythm while she played him like a master musician. The lube was icy-cold in contrast to her furnace of a body, but the shock of it was so strangely enjoyable. When she was satisfied he was as ready as he could be, she held onto his hips, hard.

He wasn't sure how many attempts it took to actually pop her fat, flared head inside of him. He tried to keep count for later teasing but his head was a mess of emotions and sensations with no room for numbers. There were so many feelings swirling through him as she fumbled to claim his virginity. The slight flop to even a fully erect horsecock didn't help. Were those tears in his eyes? Maybe it was from the excitement, or maybe the not-insignificant stretch that came with making room for her size.

And then, schlurk, she was in. Thicker than anything that had ever been inside him, but her excessive lubing proved a good plan. She lingered on the feeling of entering him, the first to ever do so, before beginning to plunge deeper. When she sensed resistance, she paused to let him adjust, but no matter how pathetically cute his little whimpers were, she wasn't stopping.

When she was snugly inside down to that intimidating bulge of medial ring, she shifted her grip from his hips to up under his arms, pressing her hands to the back of his head and digging her fingers into his hair. He was half expecting her to just suplex him through the couch with such a hold on him, but it bent him forth just right to keep her belly-bulging insertion going. His eyes went wide as he watched the visible outline of her cock inside of him, working its way up his middle.

He came. There wasn't even a hint of buildup. Just looking down at her balls slipping closer and closer to his, at how she was ravaging him, and long, slow drag over his prostate sent him from primed to firing in seconds. His voice came as a rasp of huffed air while he made a mess all over himself. Lily pulled him back as she lay herself down, just letting him empty his nuts all over everything in range. One messy shot, then three more coming fast, and then he just kept cumming until he couldn't tell if it was one orgasm or two.

His tongue was hanging freely down the side of his muzzle, and he just sprawled over her, spreading his legs wide. That was when he finally felt the final touch of her balls to his, her entire cock inside of him. The mix of shock and perhaps a little pride for being such a good sheath, such a good condom for the horse, inspired him to reach into the reserves of his stamina for, if nothing else, two words.

"Keep going," he managed.

Though he couldn't see her expression, or much of anything really, he knew she was grinning. So she maintained that dominant hold on him, left him stretched over her naked body like a rug and started to actually fuck him. Dragging that bulge back and forth, stretching him to his limit and then beyond. She was careful. But she was a horse.

The initial discomfort melted away nicely in the numbness of orgasm. He was maybe a little too overwhelmed to properly enjoy all of it. But it felt so good to just be used. To bring the snorts of pleasure from her nostrils while she bounced her nuts against him. It wasn't a passionate, face-to-face lovemaking. It was being grappled and fucked by a sweaty horse, until he could feel her flare bulging inside of him.

"Sure you want it all?" she asked, voice oddly cool and collected for how hotly she was huffing into his hair.

"Mmhmmmmm," he moaned out, feeling himself tensing up again. He was passive, helpless, just watching the way she bulged him with cock as she put those powerful hips to work making him her toy. It was a good thing she was beneath him - he was pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to handle being pinned beneath all of her horsepower.

Feeling him tighten up again was enough to send Lily over the edge. She neighed, she grunted, she snorted and huffed. All those endearing horse sounds. Then she just bit his ear and started cumming inside of him right as she forced another spurt out of him. His was a bit watery this time, but hers wasn't.

The heat was what he noticed first. All at once his insides went from pleasantly warm to blazing hot, the initial shock making him yelp. Then there was the bloating, his belly feeling taut and pressed tight with the full load of horse cum being shot up inside of him. Then his second afterglow hitting him like a punch, knocking him flatter than he was before.

Lily pumped and fucked and filled him with her seed. Friends and maybe cuddle partners one week, messily, noisily cumming inside him the next. The sweet, eternally innocent little buck, ever the saint, ruined just a little bit by her sheer force of lust. She kept fucking him until she was done, until her entire load was inside his rounded out belly as if she'd knocked him up, a steady stream running down her balls and thighs, getting into the couch cushions.

Wouldn't be the first mess she'd made on that couch. But none had ever quite felt like taking that precious virgin rump, like spanking her balls on his girly ass until she made him a man - or a woman, maybe. She stroked his hair and kissed his cheek, not getting much of a response. He was actually drooling. Chuckling, she just wrapped her arms around him and kept him close, cock slowly softening inside of him, allowing more and more cum to slop out of his stretched hole. She'd give him as long as he needed.