The Beginning

Story by Rhys Foxx on SoFurry

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#1 of Mikal's Life

I'm considering making this into a series depending upon how this one is received by the public. If it goes well there will be sex in the next chapter. Hope you enjoy the story ad that you guys want more.


My name is Mikal, a black panther who is three quarters fairie as well. I am the best assassin that the Unseelie court of Fairie has seen in the past three hundred years, and last night I had joined some friends for an early Yule celebration that had involve heavy drinking, and had passed out the moment I had gotten home. I awoke suddenly upon my couch, where I had ended up the night before. For a moment I was unsure what had woken me from what should be the equivalent of a drug induced coma. Nothing save someone breaching the wards I had placed around my house to let me know if someone had entered without my knowledge should have even caused me to stir. Suddenly a loud crash came from the direction of my bedroom, someone was in the house! Quickly and quietly I leapt up off the couch with no more than a whisper of fur rubbing on cloth as my tail's fur and couch touched. I reached under the small coffee table and pulled out one of the smaller blades I own, a black dagger with a foot long blade. This makes it the largest blade I had under the table at the time. With a quick prayer to the Morrigu, I silently stalked down the hall towards my room. Upon reaching the door, I sniffed the air to see if I could tell who or what the intruder was. The usual scent of panther managed to mask my first attempt, but after using some of my aura's energy to shift through the smells I detected the odor of a dragon. There was also another scent, a faint hint of jasmine. I was used to smelling with only one dragon's scent. Sheathing my blade, I pushed open the door and stood looking at the intruding dragon. His scales were black and white, but unlike the others of his species, they were divided on either side of his body evenly. This gave him one side that was black as midnight and another that was white as fresh fallen snow. His name was Manawydden, and he was one of the few fairies whom I see on a regular basis.

"So is there a purpose to invading my house without my knowledge Mana?"

"Mikal, the balance of power has shifted," came the reply from Mana who didn't even bother to turn around. I was surprised by the face that Mana had spoken in one of the ancient Celtic dialects, and as because of this it took me a moment to translate the dragon/fey's words into a more modern tongue.

"Mana, please remember that I am nowhere near as old as the youngest of the fey you have contact with and that I prefer modern English," I asked politely. "What power balance are you referring to?"

"The cosmic balance has shifted in favor of the Unseelie, wee must shift it back or risk a war," he told me, switching to English for the my benefit.

"As much as I would like to Mana, this is a good thing. Our court has usually been the one's under fire, so doesn't my aunt want this shift?"

"The shift means a war with the normal furs if it isn't reversed. You know the laws as well as I do, a war like that forfeits our right to dwell in this land. Your skills are required to 'remove' the source of the shift," the dragon explained. "I was searching for your blade."

"You mean that you were going to search for Mortal Coil on your own? Just how stupid can you be Mana, I'm the best assassin in the court. Do you really think the only blade I have which can kill fey would be able to just be grabbed randomly?"

"Just hand it over or kill Balor yourself," he snapped. "This isn't the time for jokes Mikal. Balor must be killed or his power will lead us to war, I have seen it."

"Balor," I said with a smile. "I've wanted to kill my half-brother's son for some time now, ever since that time he used his eye to kill my hound."

"So, you'll kill him? Fine I'll leave you to it then," Manawydden said as he turned to leave.

"Wait," I said. "Does my aunt sanction this act? I have a feeling that you haven't told her and I want assurance that there will be no repercussions upon me for my deed."

"No," he replied smoothly. "I have not spoken to the queen about this yet. I'm sure though that once I do you will be fine."

"I am not killing him till we talk to Macha about this Mana, I have a feeling that it isn't just Balor's power you fear will lead to war, but mine as well."

"Mikal you are as cunning as you are deadly," Mana said. "Yes, it is true that yours is a power that I fear will lead to war, but not a war with the humans. I fear that you will be the cause of the next great war of Fairie, for each court wants you to play some role in it's existence. Your desire to live among the humans will only protect you for a while, you need to choose a side."

"Mana, I am Unseelie to the core," I told him calmly. "If the time has come to choose a court then I side with my aunt. However, I will live in the home of the Sluagh and not in the palace. I am more at home with Arawn and his court that the main one"

"At lest you chose our side Mikal," Mana said while walking out. "As for Arawn and the Sluagh, I can't help but shudder at the thought that you are more at home with nightmares than us."

"Arawn has always been kindest to me out of any of the nobles," I told him. "I respect that fact. Now if you don't mind, I'm going to gather my possessions and move into the Sluagh lands as soon as you leave, I was planning on doing it anyway."

"Don't let me impede you then," said Mana. With that he walked to the window, leapt out, and flew off into the distance. After I couldn't make out his form in the distance I pulled out my cell and dialed Arawn's number. After three rings the wolf fey picked up with a joyful greeting.

"Mikal, sweetie! So good of you to call, now what can I do for you?"

"How about giving me a place to live for starters my lord? I've decided to move into fairie lands," I told him sweetly.

"What changed your mind my dear? This comes as a shock to me," Arawn asked me suspiciously.

"Let's just say that things have gotten... complicated out here. Would you mind me moving in as soon as possible?"

"Just a sec," he said and hung up the phone. Arawn had an annoying ability to travel between shadows from place to place. While it was helpful at times, he had a tendency to flaunt his power which made him seem like a prick. Thinking of Arawn being a prick naturally got me thinking of Arawn's prick. Immediately I began to get hard as I thought of that wonderful member of his. About four seconds after I had a raging erection, Arawn walked around the corner.

"Ok Mikal," he began. "I'm here to get your... happy to see me are you?"

"Arawn I swear that if anyone but you said that to me I'd kill them," I told him sternly. "now get over here and take care of this, it's your fault after all."

"How is your discomfort my fault? All I did was decide to come over here and help you move."

"You know that I can't help but want you, you sexy wolf. Now what are you going to do about this?"

"Well Mikal, sadly what I want to do and what I have to do are two different things," he said ominously. Suddenly he rushed me and I felt a sharp pain in my arm where a hypodermic needle was thrust in. "I'm sorry my love, Queens orders are to bring you to here immediately. This isn't what I wanted to do, but you know that your aunt's word is law."

"Arawn you bas..." was all I could get out before the sedatives took effect and I blacked out.