Before Midnight in the Locked Locker Room

Story by ResistanceISFutileWeAreTheBorg on SoFurry

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New story, not well edited, just a bit of fun... for me and hopefully for you too.... (readers under 18 should not read this. They should find clean stories, those can be awesome too! (try my other story ^_^))

Exhaustion! It had taken over every inch of my body and every neuron in my mind. The deadly combination of an all-nighter, a full schedule day with two tests, and 2 hours of awesome badminton in the afternoon, had consequences which were rapidly catching up with me.

Catching up was probably not the right expression; bulldozing over me or swallowing me seemed more appropriate given the extent to which my body had turned into some sort of heavy gelatin substance.

But I forced myself to strip down, get out my towel and take a shower stall. The knob felt like a nuclear explosion wouldn't dislodge it, and given the weakness that my arms seemed to be made up of, I was very surprised when the knob actually turned. Wonderfully warm water poured down onto my head, soaking my burnt out muscles and relaxing me until.... yaaawwwwwnnnnnn.......

"Nice catch Smith," the coach shouted to me as I lay panting at the end of the field, "Okay boys, that's the last touchdown for tonight, don't forget to get some rest before out game tomorrow; the entire season hinges upon it!" he then shouted to rest of the team.

I received lots of pats on the back, and gestures/words of encouragement and congratulations. It felt good being appreciated, especially for something that didn't involve books, grades and parents. The team had been surprised when I tried out at the beginning of the semester, not expecting to fill their running back position with a straight A nerd (even if he did have long legs). But I was a sprinter, and I had a good eye (and brain) to help me catch with, so I did get the position. Now everyone counted on me though for the match, and that kind of pressure is a lot harder to deal with than the kind caused by papers or exams.

I decided to walk over to the good water fountain back at the end of the field. It didn't matter much, I had loads of time since the papers and tests were all finished as of today. I shrugged my shoulders and did some stretches to loosen up after getting a drink of the cold refreshing water. Turning, I noted that the coach was still giving some sort of pep talk to those that had stayed behind on the field to clean up the practice gear.

I gave my tail a few swipes. Being half panther certainly helped with the speed, though I would have to bind it up tomorrow so it couldn't be grabbed. I shuddered at the awkwardness and physical discomfort that would cause.

The others had all rushed to the locker room now, no doubt in a rush to get home and play video games or go out with a trophy cheerleader girlfriend. I took my time. There was nothing more awkward than the changing room. Not only did everyone stare (I was the only hybrid allowed on the team), but I was always so uncomfortable around so many nude male bodies, it always made me want to blush, or worse made me hot and gave me an erection. I shook my head to clear those thoughts, it was bad enough being a hybrid, if they found out I was gay too they would surely expel me from the school.

I locked my head into a math calculation, then when that was done I started on a research paper I needed to plan out for next week. I had learned that if I distracted my mind, and let my body do the showering routine on automatic, I wouldn't notice the attractive forms around me. This way I could minimize the probability of becoming aroused in front of others which would be terribly embarrassing.

I gave a little sigh of relief as I entered a shower stall, pulling the curtain across and unwrapping my towel from around my black grey body. I hadn't been completely successful in shutting out the bodies of my fellow team mates from my mind, though thankfully nothing had shown then. Now though, in the privacy of my own stall, my boisterous boyhood was swelling and I could see it already poking through its black sheath.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts as I turned on the water and let it run over my fur, soaking my tired muscles and clearing my thoughts. I loved water, it was so versatile and so pure, and right now I used it to turn my mind blank.

My body was good at doing things on automatic, and so I let it take over the cleaning process. It was probably better this way, for I would have noticed, were I paying attention to my hands and eyes, that my own lithe hybrid body was pretty sexy. Thankfully my mind stayed blank, dallying on thoughts of Rousseau and Voltaire.

I did make sure to listen when I turned off the water to soap up. If everyone else were done then I would hurry the rest since taking too long in the shower was generally interpreted as gayness since it meant jerking off or avoiding seeing other wet male bodies. There was at least one shower on, and I hadn't been going that slow, so I decided I was fine and continued to take my time.

Big mistake.

The door to the locker room was locked.

I looked at my watch, then swore under my breath. How had I let time slip by without noticing? It was already 9:30. I had been in the shower at least an hour then.

Still, the door shouldn't have been locked till 10:00 when the coach normally left. I banged on the door: no response. I turned off the lights and looked under the door: no light, that meant the coach had left early and I was screwed. I got out my cell phone, and called home.

My dad answered, I pretended I was sleeping over at the quarterback's in order to create and review strategies for the game tomorrow. He lapped it up, he was so proud I wasn't a complete nerd after all. I would tell him, but then he would think me such a looser, and there would be such awkward questions. I really didn't feel like telling him I wasn't paying attention because I was trying to avoid thinking about all the sexy guys showering naked around me. I giggled, he would sure flip out at that.

I sat down on one of the benches, in front of the lockers. Gross! It was wet, I sat up again in disgust, suddenly quite angry.

It was this stupid damn place, so hot and humid. With no proper ventilation system, since it had to be at least 50 years old. I growled under my breath. I was angry at myself, angry at the coach for leaving early without checking the shower room. I was angry at whoever had been stupid enough to leave their shower on, fooling me into a false sense of security.

Speaking of leaving the shower on, I could just hear it still running in the other room. Well no sense leaving that on, it would just make the climate worse in here. I took off my socks and shoes and went over to the stall. Indeed there couldn't be anyone inside, there was no towel and no noise, the water was making a constant regular sound. I rolled up my sleeve, reached in from behind the curtain and turned the water off.

Damn. I had still gotten my sleeve wet, and I liked this shirt too! Bah it was too hot in here anyway. I took off the shirt and hanged it over one of the curtain rods in a hopeless attempt at getting it to dry, with any luck the shower room might actually have proper ventilation.

I went back into the locker room, closing the door behind me.

I set my towel down on a bench, lying on top of it, trying to go to sleep. But I couldn't, it was too hot, I was sweating in just an undershirt and pants. I cursed my fur, knowing that animals with fur like mine weren't meant to wear clothes as well in the humid jungle. I tried to fan myself, it helped, but no way was I going to sleep like that. I took off my pants and shirt. That felt a lot better.

I lay down again, bunching up a sweatshirt as a pillow. I set myself a cell phone alarm to make sure I woke up before the locker room opened, it would be good to put some clothes on and hide before people starting arriving.

Sleep came quickly, it was warm but not sweltering, and his tired body welcomed the early rest.

It was cold.

No it wasn't really cold his brain answered.

It feels cold.

Exactly it feels, cold, but it is just water evaporating from your body and making you feel cold. You are not really cold.

Wait! Water evaporating?

I opened my eyes. "Fiddlesticks" I cursed out load, and groaned. I had fallen asleep in a shower stall. I recognized the porcelain tiles and the blue shower curtain. My memory fought to explain my surroundings. That was when I remembered falling asleep in the shower, the warm hot water had been the perfect blanket and lullaby for my exhausted body.

Well at least I felt well rested now. That had to be a 4 or 5 hour nap at least. I wondered whether some jock had turned off the water on him or whether the water was set to go off at a certain time in the evening. The latter was more likely, but I wasn't about to find out by turning the water on, I was almost dry already.

I got up and reached for my towel hanging on the curtain rod.

Except there was no towel: I cursed again. I looked around, but there was no towel. I guess it didn't matter much since I was basically dry, I just hope everyone was gone or it could get mighty embarrassing.

I slowly pulled the shower curtain, and listened with my ears. There was no one in the shower room, that much was pretty clear. Although as I looked around I noted a shirt hanging from a rod a couple stalls down. I shuddered; I hope that didn't mean there was someone waiting to come take it back.

I went back into my stall, thankful that the shower room was heated and that the lights were left on in the evening.

I waited about 10 minutes before deciding the coast had to be clear, if someone was planning on taking that shirt back, they would have surely have done it by now. I went out towards the door to the locker room, then paused with fear. What if there was some footballer still in there? What if their coach or a cleaning personnel suddenly walked in on him. My fears returned to the possibility of a late leaving football player and to my utter horror my dick decided to become aroused. Evidently the prospect of running into a semi-naked football player, while naked, was super sexy fantasy material for it. It didn't care about embarrassment, it was just horny. Suddenly I regretted not having taken the time to give it some release in the past week, I had been too tired or too busy to notice how long it had been. 5 days now, no wonder it was horny at the drop of a hat.

Hopefully the place would be empty and I could hurry over to my locker to change. But I had to take things slowly, listening to make sure there wasn't someone still lingering in the locker room.

So I opened the door just a crack, going very carefully and slowly, making sure that no sound was made. I peered through the gap, I could see a slice of the room: the half opposite to mine. There was no one, I listened very carefully, but all I could hear was the sound of the ventilator whirring away. That was one useless ventilator, there was a current of air moving from the locker room's humid and warm reservoir to the ironically dryer and cooler shower room.

I opened the door completely, it felt safe, and I was pretty sure if someone were still in there they would have made a sound by now.

Oh how wrong I was!

I whimpered softly. It was like something straight out of a fantasy, I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

There in front of me, lying on the bench was a sleeping panther. Well a human/panther hybrid to be sure.

My first thought was: "oh my god, he is one sexy beast," for he was lean and athletic, a lithe body that was well proportioned: not too many muscles, not any fat. He had ebony black fur from his neck down, and short flat ebony hair on his human head. His chest was hard, but his fur looked so soft and my hands screamed with desire to pet it. But the pièce de resistance was his package! He was wearing white briefs that contrasted perfectly with his black fur, drawing my eyes to it and over it again and again. He had a sizeable bulge and the relatively tight underwear revealed the shape of his sheath and his two heavy balls. He had long legs, his well toned muscles shaping them perfectly. But my eyes couldn't leave that bulge. Needless to say my erection was back and running full tilt ahead with excitement.

My second thought was: "oh my god, I am screwed," for he was lying right in front of my locker, and there was no way I could open it with him lying there blocking the door.

I whimpered again, but swallowed it and practically screamed when his eyes opened, focused on me and widened in surprise and horror.

My ears woke me, having registered the soft sound of a light whimper directly behind me, right where the door to the shower room was. What could have made that sound?

There it was again, so I opened my eyes, looking towards where the sound seemed to be coming from.

A boy.

A naked boy.

A naked boy with an erection.

I leapt off the bench, landing about 6 feet further into the locker room. Out of the corner of my eye I noted that the boy had ran back into the shower room. I could hear him panting just behind the door.

The sight was catching up with my body now, and I could feel the familiar heat stir in my manhood, pressing my bulge against my underwear.

I reached for the towel lying on the bench and wrapped it around my waist.

I peeked around the door: before he reached for the towel I saw his package swell, the outline of his thingy's head now pressing against the cloth of his underwear. It did nothing to help calm my state of arousal.

I stole myself to say something, realizing how awkward and bad my recent fiasco must have to the hybrid, my erection being the first thing he probably noticed.

"Erm... uhhh... someone stole my towel and you were sort of sleeping in front on my locker... I uhh... could I open my locker and put some clothes on." I was sweating and trembling like crazy, my heart beating about 3 times too fast.

His face flushed briefly: "Oh... of course," he stammered and then turned around before continuing: "I umm... didn't think anyone was left in here..."

There was an awkward pause, both of us had obviously made that assumption, he was sleeping in his underwear and I was walking around with my own personal blind man's can waving in front of me. I gritted my teeth and walked over to my locker, taking far too long to fumble out the code, my face heating up with every second.

I had my body turned away from him as inconspicuously as possible so that he wouldn't see that my erection, to my horror only gotten larger. It was now about as hard and long as I had ever seen it.

The kid, probably one or two grades below me, was having a tough time; obviously this whole situation must be insanely awkward for him. He must have been asleep in that stall that I turned off, but he must have been asleep for hours then since he certainly wasn't on the football team.

I hated awkward situations, but talking seemed like the only thing to do, hopefully it would releave some of the tension and maybe if they were both lucky, distract eachother's dicks from the other one's dick. For to be honest, though the kid wasn't an athlete (that much was obvious) he was pretty cute. He had medium length straight blonde hair, and he wasn't too skinny or large. He had a tapered waist and nice legs. And a beautiful boyhood, my face flushed, I shouldn't think about such things. But it was true, his erect penis was long, straight and pinkish, throbbing with signs of intense arousal.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts: "So what do you plan on doing once you get some clothes on." That sounded so bad, he could have smacked himself.

The kid froze as soon as I started talking. "Ermmm..." he obviously didn't know about the locked door that prevented my, our, departure.

So I hastily added: "the door is locked, I got out of my shower too late, that's why I was sleeping there"

His face blanched: "so you mean I can't leave?" he turned towards me in surprise when he asked the question, obviously oblivious to the fact that he was still holding his underwear, not wearing it. I had been looking at him, and I turned now nodding in answer, my face blushing, but not before I caught a glimpse of that sublime staff, not to mention the dangling balls beneath it, or the golden forest that surrounded all of it. Human men and boys were so sexy.

That is when it hit me, there was only one reason why this kid would have such an extreme arousal: he had to be gay.

I couldn't leave, wow that was going to be a problem. A more pressing one however was the fact that I was holding my underwear and not wearing it. I blushed crimson and tried to jam my stiffy into the briefs. It hurt, but I got it in, although the tight cloth pressed around his penis highlighting its shape. It was hardly any help at all. After I got my pants on you could only tell I was deeply aroused if you knew. Which of course the panther did.

I decided a shirt was silly given the heat and the fact he had already seen all of me nude. I pulled out my cell phone and dialed my mom, spinning a quick story, asking if I could stay for a sleep over with a friend since our tests and final project were done. It was almost working, but then she wanted to talk to the friend's dad. I said sure, put my hand over the microphone part and motioned to the panther.

To my surprise he understood completely, he just asked for my last name, the name of the friend and took the phone. He must have had good ears. I looked him over again as he talked with me mom, noticing that he did indeed have big ears, but that that wasn't the only big thing he had. I could see despite the towel that his bulge was straining against his underwear, softly pulsing with arousal.

The only explanation for that, was that this sexy hybrid football player, was gay.

The phone call was over, that had been an obvious thing to do, and the look of thanks in the kid's eye when I handed him back the phone was the proof of that fact. He also saw something else in the kid's eye: he knew I was gay, and then he knew I knew he knew.

He hung up the phone, then said: "So I guess we will be stuck here together for a while then..." I just nodded and sat down, looking the other way. "Umm... so what is it like being a gay hybrid on the football team."

I stared at him. He was grinning, but he was blushing a deep red. I also noticed as he sat down that his erection must be paining him, squeezed into his briefs and pants. He was horny, he must be around m 15, and he was stuck in a locker room with the only gay hybrid football player he would probably ever meet. If I were him I would think I had died and gone to heaven.

I was not about to be outdone in horny boldness. I let my towel drop: "depends, it's a hard nock life, but the nights spent with cute blondes like you sure make it better." I gave him a sexy growl.

He shed his clothes like an eel, going further that I expected, evidently intoxicated by his hormones. His eyes were fixed on my underwear, and I grinned wider at the sight I must have made, my manhood coming out of my sheath, straining against the white, not-quite-opaque-enough cloth. I could feel my heart pounding, and I stole myself to do what I had only dreamed of: "Hey gay boy, keep that cum in. Do you want to go jack off with me. I promise it'll be hot." I sealed his answer by unclipping the tail strap and sliding the underwear down my legs slowly. Once my manhood was revealed and the pressure released, it shot out of its sheath, precum making the pink tip glisten.

It was a fantasy come true, the hybrids' member growing quickly to become a throbbing pink masterpiece. I had eyes only for this handsome beast, my head spinning while my imagination constructed the image his question provoked.

"Yes" I practically shouted, and threw myself on the older teen. I felt our bodies and member collide, wet precum making them slide over skin and fur. I wrapped my arms around his strong shoulders and neck and kissed his mouth. I didn't know how to kiss, and neither did he, but it didn't matter to either of us now.

He broke off: "not so fast blondie, we jack off first!" with that he grabbed my erection and his soft paw fur slid over my heat filled flesh, a pleasure my own hand had never provided. He leaned over to kiss me, grabbed my hand and set it on his huge manhood. As we kissed, lying on the floor, hands pulling, pressing and rubbing, my mind went into extasy, and soon, all too soon lightning filled my mind and I shot more sperm than I knew I had all over his chest fur. I moaned and gasped and thrust my body onto his my hand letting go of his dick but covered in precum I ran it over his fur his body, matting it with my own sperm.

After he came the boy went wild, spilling, spreading and smearing his cum and my pre all over me. The wetness, the kisses, the petting, the smells, the sight of this boy writhing in ecstatic orgasm sent me over the edge. I came and came, my throbbing member squirting cum from my heated balls all over the two of us as I rolled us around the floor. It was my turn to go wild with passion and heat, and as we rolled and kissed we continued to cum, making the most beautifully sexy sights and sounds I had ever experienced.

It was midnight in the locked locker room that night. A new day was starting, in more ways than one...