A Perfect Experiment

Story by Wolfslut on SoFurry

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Sorry about the screw-up with formatting, I didn't know how the hell this new submission format worked. It's fixed now, so it should be legible.

To sum up the info about this setting like I did on FA, there isn't any religious or Biblical connotation to all the angel/demon or Heaven/Hell references, and Returners are just angels who take useful souls (generally of warriors) back to Heaven.

MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASSIVE scat warning here, don't read this if that squicks you, because there's only a single (and very brief) sex scene that doesn't have it. Also, mostly consentual sex between males, and some mind control, along with some muscle growth and cock growth.

Warnings aside; ENJOY, YOU SHIT-LOVERS!


Heaven's most immoral angel held up the bottle full of pills, as if to inspect it. "So it does everything?" he asked the scientist.

"Every single thing you asked," the scientist replied, a glint in his eye that the Returner didn't catch.

Jedrus grinned broadly. He hadn't thought that possible, since there was a pretty long list. "How well?"

The demon scientist smiled. "Quite a work of art, if I do say so myself. It lasts for about six hours. You'll be able to play all you want for that long."

"And how about the other part?"

"Oh, I did a bang-up job with that. It mostly will work only with mortals, though if you want to give yourself a challenge enough will certainly take down even another Returner. Muscle mass and genitalia will rapidly increase to grand proportions, and testosterone levels will rise quickly too. The drug implants a total will to obey, allowing you to completely override anything their memories tell them. They will be entirely under your control, with no way to escape until the effects wear off."

Jedrus gave a bit of a nervous start. He hadn't thought about the fact that eventually his fun would have to come to an end. "How long does that take?"

"It has to fully clear from both the digestive and the circulatory systems, so that will depend on how concentrated it is." The demon thought for a moment. "Not that they need to eat very much for it to take effect. Those pills had to be very, very potent to work on a Returner in the first place. I think maybe even a milligram would suffice, on just one pill. Even less for a larger dose."

The huge Returner got a lusty glint in his eye. "HAH! How long does the pill take to start working from my end?"

"Shouldn't take very long at all-maybe five or ten minutes. It's made to be absorbed very rapidly, and since it only needs to get into your stomach lining that makes it go even quicker."

"Perfect," Jedrus answered in his deep voice, rubbing at his half-hard monster of a cock.

The scientist watched eagerly, imagining the taste of the Returner's impressive spear, or the feel of it impaling him over and over and over again. "We should have some fun before you go..." he said, voice trailing off with a sexy overtone.

Instead of speaking, Jedrus simply started to do what he did best-beginning with undressing his partner. In moments, the demon was stripped of his lab coat, and Jedrus was stroking the scientist's thick, heavy shaft. While the rest of the demon wasn't comparable in mass to the Returner, the member most certainly was on par with Jedrus's. It was as long and big around as the angel's massive forearms, and he was quite taken with the idea of sucking it. Before he could get on his knees, though, the demon seemed to have beaten him to the punch. Jedrus moaned as the pointed demon tongue flicked teasingly over the tip of his member, taking with it a drop of pre. But even as more salty fluid replaced what was lost, the scientist threw caution to the wind and dove down on the huge cock, shoving it as far back in his throat as it would go-which, thanks to combined magic of both supernatural beings, was all of it. While Jedrus usually wouldn't have let that get him off so easily, and hated to cum so soon, the thoughts in his head of what he was going to do that night had him far too aroused to hold it in. The demon sputtered as the Returner cock exploded mightily, filling his throat with more cum than his mouth and throat had room for.

Semen dripped lewdly from the demon's lips. They were spread wide in a lusty grin, and he ran his tongue over them to get more of the delicious spooge. He got up, and ran a finger over Jedrus's hairy, chiseled chest. He lingered right in between the barrel pecs, leaning in to kiss the Returner and give back some of the sexy gift he'd been given. The taste of his own cum was just enough to distract Jedrus from the slight green glow emanating from his sternum, and by the time they were done wrapping their tongues around each other the light was gone.

The demon stepped away and smiled triumphantly-a gesture he was certain the angel would misinterpret. "You'll have to come back later if you want a taste of mine," he said.

"You bet I will," Jedrus answered huskily, grabbing the demon's throbbing rod and giving it a few hard strokes. He then clothed himself again, spread his wings, and took off.

All the while, the demon's smile never faded. The angel was falling right into the trap, just as planned. The best thing was that the hard part was over-the amulet was safely implanted in the subject.


Jedrus wasted no time in preparing for the evening once he arrived at the home in the Mortal Realm he was using for the night's festivities. He was hosting a grill-out for an all guys night, with some extra fun planned for afterward. He'd gotten most of the place ready, and just needed to make some of the snacks and the rest of the food.

Before he got started, he grabbed a beer from the fridge and chugged it, taking one of the pills from the demon right before he was completely through. He got out all the stuff for the food, then undressed. If he was going to get all these people to eat his shit, he would have to disguise it well. Thankfully, the demon had gotten it to work in extremely small amounts, so hiding it wasn't going to be too much of a problem.

At least, so he thought, until he tried to shit into his hand. Much more came out than he wanted, so he ended up with a huge pile of warm, slimy shit instead of just a small turd. He brought it in front of him to look at his handiwork. It had to be the most delicious looking shit he'd ever seen, and it smelled even better. He distributed little amounts of it between all the dishes, but was left with a fist-sized pile of scat nonetheless. "Well, it would all go to waste anyway," he said, and shoved what was left right into his mouth. It tasted wonderful, like the shit had somehow become ambrosia. He chewed the huge mouthful of crap, savoring every nuance of the new taste and texture and getting incredibly aroused.

As his cock swelled to its titanic erect state, an eerie green light shone brighter and brighter from Jedrus's sternum. Before he knew it, he'd swallowed all of the delicious scat, and the only thought on his mind now was that he wanted more. But if he could shit that much taking just one of those pills, what would happen if he took the whole bottle? Just the idea was enough to stir up the urge to do it, and he just couldn't resist. He dumped the full bottle of pills straight down his throat, swallowing in one huge gulp. The amulet flashed, and drew itself out of its hiding place. A chain formed around his neck, from which the glowing green amulet hung.

Jedrus doubled over, suddenly unable to keep his balance. His head swam, and he thrust an arm to the ground for support. Veins popped out all over his body, and he began grunting like an animal, soft at first, but then much, much louder. Small nubs appeared at his temples, growing slowly and painfully into tiny, pointed horns. His huge muscles all grew taut, showing off bulging veins and unbelievable definition. Even there on the floor, every part of him showed in beautiful relief, a sculpted Greek god of epic proportions-especially in the nether regions, where his godlike cock jutted out above heavy balls the size of his fists. A strong red glow came from his eyes, and it seemed almost as if they were spitting out fire and smoke.

The new Jedrus stood, wearing a wicked, twisted grin. He pushed down on his bowels only slightly, and the result of so little effort would have been enough to make a full-sized elephant jealous. The shit he pushed out was as big around as his fist, and it was dense, too. He turned around, and knelt in the giant pile of crap, still wearing that wicked grin, and he scooped up huge handfuls of his shit and shoved them into his mouth, eagerly swallowing every ounce. The most amazing steak he'd ever eaten paled in comparison to this flavor, it was simply indescribable. He alternated between chewing slow and chewing fast, able to control himself for spans of just a few seconds, otherwise he was simply too aroused to do anything but swallow it up. Copious amounts of precum leaked from his giant dick as he ate, the huge throbbing rod pulsating with every bite.

Before he could finish his nasty meal, the doorbell rang. He growled in frustration, but then the fog around his mind cleared-just long enough for him to remember that he had visitors on their way. Then the twisted grin spread even wider, now stained a dirty brown to boot. He was going to start his fun early tonight, whether his guests liked the idea or not.

The new Jedrus scooped up some of the shit, as much as he could hold, and stood up. He made his way to the door, and put his other now-empty hand on the doorknob, getting crap all over it. He took a deep whiff of the powerful, extremely sexy stench that now pervaded the whole house, and then opened the door quickly. Two of his guests were standing outside, their mouths agape. They stared at Jedrus, eyes wandering over the giant dick, the brown smears around his lips, the scary glow coming from his eyes, and the small horns that were protruding from his temples. He towered over them and was easily twice their mass, leaving them both frozen in shock.

With a suddenness that would surprise anyone, the huge Returner was on the porch, his fist already slamming into the gut of the one who was farther away from the door. The man doubled over, then fell to his knees. The other man opened his mouth wide to shout, but a horrible taste in his mouth forced him to stop. He tried to spit out the disgusting filth, but his jaw was held tight. He tried to breathe through his nose, to keep from suffocating, and was met with the eye-watering stench of fresh shit. Jedrus was restraining his guest with one arm, and clamping his mouth shut with the other.

"Swallow it," the new Jedrus ordered, with a much deeper voice. He massaged the man's throat, coaxing him into the action that he desired, while at the same time constricting him with the massive arm around his chest. It didn't take long before the mortal did as he was told, though it was not without a great deal of effort. Tears ran down his cheeks, brought on by the terrible flavor of what he was being forced to swallow. He tried to take it in tiny bits, thinking it might not be so bad that way, and when he finally had gotten it all into his stomach, Jedrus let him go.

The man fell forward, unable to do anything else. His head swam, and he felt his grip on consciousness slip away. Then his body convulsed, and he woke up instantly. He shouted in pain and terror as his muscles quivered, sending intense vibrations through his whole body. But the shout ended very quickly. It was replaced by a moan of pleasure, as his muscles rapidly grew in mass and power. His cock hardened, then gained almost double its length and its girth, changing just as quickly as his muscles had. The taste in his mouth, the taste of shit, slowly went from disgusting, to bad, to bland, to good, to delightful. The only thought on his mind now was how much he wanted more of Jedrus's shit to eat, to smear all over himself, to smell, to taste, to feel. He felt incredible, better than he ever had before in his life-in fact, he felt so good now that his life before this was all a blur to him, meaningless and forgettable. He couldn't remember a single detail, not even his name. This was pure bliss...and he wanted everyone to know this feeling.

"Will you not share this with him?" the changed man asked, gesturing to the partner he'd arrived with, who was unconscious on the ground.

"Of course I will," Jedrus answered in his deep bass with his twisted grin. "First, though, I want to give you a new name, since you are the first of my new slaves." He was silent for a moment, as if in thought. "You will be called Kot, my new shit slave. And you will call me 'Master' from now on."

Kot bowed. "Understood, my master."

"Good." Jedrus picked up the other man by his shirt, and took him inside, closing the door behind him. "I will leave you with a gift, Kot. See to it that every mortal man who comes through that door is properly suited to my presence." He pushed down hard on his bowels, leaving more shit piled up in his front hallway than a barn full of horses could make in a day.

Kot's mouth watered at the sight, and his cock ached for attention. "May I have some too, Master?"

"So long as you perform your duty well." Jedrus took the other man down the hallway, to another part of the house.

The first slave wasted no time in partaking of the great meal his master had left for him and the coming guests. He savored every bit of it, in love with the stink, the disgusting flavor, and the thick, creamy texture. It was an orgy, it was heaven, it was everything he could ever want in every way. Before he could take a second handful though, the doorbell rang again. Kot smiled. He would make his master proud tonight.


Hours later, only one scent wafted through the entire house: the horrible stench of fresh feces. All the guests had arrived, and Kot had performed his task as expected. Every man that made it to the living room-which the new Jedrus had rechristened the "throne room"-was ready and willing for a mouthful of shit. The hardwood floor was now covered in piles of scat, some small, some large, others from Jedrus himself that looked like an entire farm's stock of manure for a week. Urine pooled around a few of these piles, seeping into the floorboards. The furniture suffered from much the same fate, as well as splatters of viscous, white semen.

The new Jedrus reclined in his favorite chair, pushing shit out on every side. Almost every inch of visible flesh was smeared with brown filth, especially around his lips and his arm-sized erection. Kot was attending to his every need, as a good slave should. "This won't do," Jedrus said, grabbing Kot's thick cock and seeing only a very thin layer of brown coating the rod. "Give me some of your shit." He put his hand under Kot's ass, and the slave obligingly bore down on his bowels. The changed Returner took the handful of steaming crap and rubbed it all over the slave's dick, eliciting moans of pleasure. "Much better," Jedrus said, and took a firm grip on the pulsing rod. As he guided it toward his mouth, it started twitching. "Let it go," Jedrus ordered, his own cock twitching with anticipation. A warm stream of golden piss splashed over his face, and he licked his lips. He opened his mouth wider, drinking the acrid urine thirstily. Kot grinned broader as the stream slowly fell to a trickle, then leaned over his master.

The slave licked in between his master's mighty pecs, teasingly moving down to the large Returner meat that stuck straight into the air. Again he grinned, his teeth and tongue stained just as brown as his master's. Jedrus arched his back as Kot's wonderful tongue ran over the top of his shit-covered erection, making the huge member throb and its owner grunt. Every muscle on his body tensed at the same time as he tried to hold it back, but he hadn't released himself the entire night. He came as only a Returner could, making a shower of cum rain down as if a geyser had erupted. Kot's face was splattered with white, the seed running down slowly and giving him a messy beard where it mixed with the shit smeared around his mouth. Only a moment later, his entire front was as covered with his master's semen as much as it was with his shit.


The scientist who'd given the pills to Jedrus was not unaware of the events taking place within the Returner's home. He had been watching, and waiting, wanting to see if his experiment was going well. Now that he had his first set of data, the demon could begin the next phase. It would require a more personal touch than viewing the occurrences from his lab, however, so he put on his labcoat, ignoring the erection jutting out from under it.

He showed up outside Jedrus's house, expecting (and, honestly, wanting) the same treatment that everyone else had gotten that day-a very rough greeting followed by being forced to swallow a mouthful of steaming shit. Thus, he was in bliss when the door was opened and he was quickly greeted by a hand rubbing shit all over his mouth and chin. The fingers of the hand coaxed his lips open, getting more shit inside them, and then another hand pushed a full, stiff turd right in between the demon's teeth. The slave did not take any note of the different appearance of this male, which impressed the scientist. The test subject already had knowledge of what orders would prove most effective with the mindless slaves. That would help with Phase 2.

Of course, the Returner's scat, even with such a concentration of the medicine, did nothing to the scientist, and he simply savored the musky bitterness of the flavor, catching hints of the Returner's almost carnivorous diet as he chewed and swallowed. He proceeded into the front hallway, now approved for entry since he'd clearly ingested a fair amount of shit.

The inside of the house was appalling, piles of horrible-smelling feces everywhere. There was so much that the demon couldn't take even a single step without stepping in it, which meant his cock was growing harder by the second. By the time he found Jedrus, the front of his labcoat was stained from where his member was copiously dripping precum.

"Are you enjoying your pills, angel?" the scientist asked, perfectly playing the part of a researcher checking on a subject. He made a mental note of the transformation of the angel into a partial demon-it had been much more effective than tests indicated, and it was much more apparent in person.

The new Jedrus looked up slowly, his mind still fogged from the bliss of his powerful orgasm. Then the wicked, twisted grin spread across his face, smeared with rank brown filth. Bits of shit were stuck in his teeth and his beard and all his body hair, some big and some small. "I love it," he said in his deeper voice. The amulet on his chest was glowing so brightly its light was easily seen even through such a thick layer of crap, and his red eyes shone with just as much fire.

"I can make it even better," the scientist said temptingly, taking a teasing step closer.

"I'm listening." Jedrus would have wanted nothing more at that moment.

"The effects can be stronger, and if you want, they'll never wear off."

Droplets of pre ran down the length of Jedrus's erection, turning brown as they made channels through the manure. He'd never thought that it would be possible to make this last forever. "Oh?" he was nothing less than enthralled with the idea.

"Then join me, Jedrus. We will perform the ritual with haste." The seedy scientist grinned along with the excited Returner. He had his catch; now there was only one thing left to do, and this phase would be complete. "Your slaves can come with us-you'll be able to transform them into something even more once you have your new...abilities."

"Take us," Jedrus said lustily, stroking his magnificently dirty erection.


Before Jedrus could blink, they were all taken to a much different scene. Gone was the sexy smell of fresh feces, his skin was totally free of filth. The stench was replaced by a scent that vaguely suggested something burning, while the cloudy, dark red sky cast a crimson pall over the ground of craggy rocks. The Returner stood in front of a pit, a few feet wide and a couple feet deep. An unfamiliar symbol was scrawled on the bottom of it, and different symbols were all over the walls, and in a circle around it at ground level. His blurred thoughts came to a realization of what was going to happen, and for an instant he had a moment of doubt. But his mind was too far gone for that doubt to remain. He wanted everything that would transpire here, and he would be forever grateful for it.

"I'm ready," he said in his deep voice, using an air of finality to tell the scientist he already knew why'd he'd been brought here. "I want this."

The demon grinned at Jedrus, showing off very sharp, pointed fangs. He was standing in the center of a bigger symbol than the others around the pit. "You will be the first of your kind, Returner. The very first scat demon. In fact, you're already partway there. Give yourself a once-over."

For the first time, Jedrus looked down at himself. His muscles were now gorgeously cut. His entire body seemed more powerfully sculpted, stronger, ready for action. Most of his veins were visible against the thick sinews, pushed out by the extra blood coursing through them. He flexed a bicep, then his pectorals, admiring the newer physique and its vascularity. He also finally noticed the amulet around his neck. Its glow wasn't nearly as strong now as it was in his living room, but the eerie green light hadn't disappeared completely.

The scientist joined Jedrus in the admiration, but cleared his throat after a moment. "Come here, angel, so we may begin." Jedrus obeyed and took a few steps toward the demon. "Step into the pit." Again, the Returner did as he was told, the amulet glowing a little brighter. The demon reached over to tap the green beacon twice, making its light far more intense. "Kneel." The angel was now in the center, his waist level with the edge. His slaves all came forward, each stepping onto another of the symbols, until he was surrounded.

All at once, the amulet and each of the runes flashed. The slaves moaned, their cocks almost instantly standing to attention. Then the sounds of pleasure stopped, and every slave looked forward in unison, their eyes replaced by vibrant red lights. With perfect synchronization, they all faced away from their master.

The scientist spoke a single word in a language Jedrus didn't know, causing ditches to form that travelled from under the slaves into the pit. The demon turned around himself, and spoke once more. "Feed, former Returner." Then, in a moment that left Jedrus more aroused than he'd ever been before, all of them began to void their bowels. Hell's newest recruit wanted the demon's first, and put his hands under the flow of the soft matter, letting it form a small mountain. He brought it to his face, sniffing deeply. The putrid stench of the demon's shit was stronger than any Jedrus had ever dreamed of. The amulet flashed again, and so did the symbol beneath his feet. Mindlessly, he shoved the entire handful of filth into his mouth, chewing as much as necessary, then swallowing. Mechanically, he repeated the action, and then once more. After that, he leaned forward, looking straight up at the source of his dirty feast, and opened his mouth wide. The demon's horrible shit fell into Jedrus's mouth, and the falling angel swallowed when necessary to make sure it all went into his stomach.

As Jedrus ate, and his slaves filled the pit around him with feces, his muscles contracted. Then they flexed as hard as they could, and stayed tense. They released suddenly, only to tighten again. They worked while his stomach filled, strengthening and expanding, giving him even more bulk and power than before. The rapid changes in his muscles made him grunt as he swallowed the dark waste from his demon escort. His skin darkened, taking on the same red taint as the sky, and the small nubs at his temples forced their way out into huge horns, sharp and terrifying. His teeth grew into sharp, pointed fangs, while his hair all took on a very similar color to the waste that he was eagerly ingesting. His nails lengenthed into claws on both his hands and his feet, the bones and sinews reforming to accommodate the new, hardened talons. His veins pumped his tainted blood through his growing body, forcing his heart to work more and more. And the extra blood had a wondrous effect for his erection, which was already harder than it had ever been before. With each beat of his heart, Jedrus's cock grew thicker and longer, and the veins stood more pronounced. His muscles continued to grow all the while, even when it seemed his skin would be stretched beyond its limits. But suddenly the flow of shit stopped.

The slaves all faced inward toward their master again, whose drastically increased muscle mass was quite evident. The scientist turned around himself, gazing upon the fully transformed demon that knelt below him. "You may rise, Demon."

Jedrus stood, his breath forming brown clouds in front of his mouth that rose into the air. His filthy erection, now almost intimidating even to the scientist, was dripping a thick brown slime, the scat demon's shit-tainted precum. He put a hand on the unbelievable girth, and gripped it hard. He stroked up and down, slowly masturbating himself. Gradually, he worked faster and faster, until with a final roar he reached his climax. But no longer was Jedrus limited to ejecting semen in an orgasm. His cumslit widened as an incredible pressure built up, and clods of dense scat erupted from the huge member, splattering across the scientist's chest. The new demon's eyes flashed red as he spoke, his powerful voice booming and echoing. "Clean him up, slaves." The slaves' eyes glowed the same red for an instant, and each one obeyed immediately. Within moments, they were lapping at their master's shit from the scientist's chest, and his skin was again left without any waste, while their own skin was now the same deep crimson color as their master's.

The slaves had no idea what a scat demon's shit would do to them. Their stomachs churned, and one by one they each fell to their knees, gasping for air in the stink-ridden place. Their muscles tensed and relaxed so quickly that they vibrated, forcing their heart rates to drastically rise as each slave roared in pain. The strength and power in their muscles doubled, tripled, quadrupled with the vibrations, each of them growing into a sculpted masterpiece cut of dark red sinew. They grew horns, claws and teeth. Feces from Hell itself filled their mouths, turning their saliva brown while they drooled from the never-receding taste. Small currents of less solid waste constantly flowed down the backs of their legs; they were unable to keep in all the shit that their bowels now produced. The lesser scat demons were nothing but filth factories, existing only to eat feces and expel it-and to do their master's bidding.

The greater scat demon watched his slaves transform with pride. They would make good, loyal servants for him. As they were now, they would be able to turn a mortal into one of them, and if Jedrus felt he needed more aid, he knew he had the power to elevate one of them to his level. In fact, he had a particular target in mind for his new abilities already, a Returner whom he had known very well in his former life.

The new demon's lips twisted into a wicked, shit-eating grin, fangs and tongue stained forever brown with Hell's filth. "I shall return soon," he said, his voice echoing with an otherworldly baritone, before disappearing into a cloud of noxious brown fumes.


Jedrus basked in his new power for a time once he arrived in Heaven, but quickly doused everything for fear of being caught. He assumed the same form he did while he was in the mortal realm, which masked everything he needed to conceal; the glowing amulet, the horns, the crimson skin, and the stench of shit were all but undetectable.

In the demon's former life, he'd always found another Returner by the name of Godric to be a decent fuck buddy. Unfortunately, Godric had always been a prude, so anything more than thrusting and cumming was usually out of the question, though at least the hole or location could be changed for some variety. Today though, Jedrus was going to get Godric to try something much more...kinky. He grinned his twisted grin, though his teeth were white and his fangs were gone.

The Returner came to answer his door quickly, and just as quickly was shoved into the wall, Jedrus's massive cock pressing up against his tight ass and starting to push in. The sudden roughness wasn't anything new for Godric, as Jedrus pulled such lusty tricks often. The concealed demon shoved the door closed with a foot, less than interested in anyone finding out what he was up to.

Godric was smaller than Jedrus, and hadn't really ever been in such great shape as his bigger partner, but he made up for it by looking much more handsome. Jedrus's features were grotesquely masculine in comparison to Godric's, a fact that the newly-changed demon had always taken pride in. Godric gasped for air as Jedrus bucked his hips, shoving his thick member into the Returner's pucker with enough force to break a concrete slab. "A bit impatient today, Jedrus?" the angel asked once he could take a breath. Their faces were right next to each other.

"No more than always, Godric," Jedrus answered with a lusty glint in his eye. He pulled half his length out, then flipped Godric over. "Support yourself," he said, to make sure that the idiot wouldn't fall. The angel did as Jedrus told him just in time to keep his face from hitting the ground. Within a few more thrusts, Godric was humping back onto the cock that speared him, and Jedrus's hand was stroking up and down the Returner's own impressive member.

The situation was perfect. Godric couldn't see anything of Jedrus in this position, and the last thing the angel would notice in this state of bliss was the size of Jedrus's cock changing. The demon continued thrusting rhythmically, hips bucking and hand stroking in perfect timing. The Returner panted as his insides were stimulated in just the right ways by the massive dick that penetrated him, cursing the fact that this male was the only one who ever gave him so much pleasure. Jedrus grunted and Godric moaned as they neared their climax, both now shaking with the need for release. As always, Godric was the first to cum. In true Returner fashion, the eruption of the angel's tremendous cock rivaled the climaxes of even the biggest of mammals, despite incredible differences in physical size. The floor and wall in front of Godric were painted spotlessly white by the viscous fluid, and so were the smaller male's hair, face, beard, and chest. On and on the orgasm went, until finally Godric just collapsed from the exertion, licking cum off his lips and lost in a blissful haze.

Jedrus didn't waste any time while his partner came. It was the best possible moment to reassume his demon form, as Godric was distracted by the force of such a powerful climax. Jedrus's muscles thickened, his skin darkened, his fingers became claws and his teeth became fangs, and his cock gained a great deal of length and girth in only a few brief moments. The stink of shit quickly filled the room, but it was far too late for Godric to notice and do anything about it. The scat demon was too close to his own orgasm to stop, and just a few thrusts later, his terrific member exploded with his climax. Godric's insides were painted with thick brown shit, filled by it and then pushing out everything that didn't fit around the demon's cock.

The Returner wasn't so stupid, though, that he didn't notice that something was different. He yelled out, but was quickly stopped. Jedrus's hand was pressed against his mouth forcefully, and if Godric were to use a hand to push him away he'd fall, and be at his partner's mercy all the more. Unable to breathe normally now, the angel took a breath through his nostrils, only to be greeted by the most pungent and terrible stink of shit that he'd ever encountered. He tried to cough, but the hand over his mouth prevented it. Then Jedrus forcefully flipped Godric over, while the huge demon cock was still inside him. A muffled scream came from the Returner, but the demon gave only a twisted grin, showing off bits of filthy brown between his sharp fangs. Another scream was held in by Jedrus's hand when Godric saw what had just taken him.

"I have plans for you, Returner," Jedrus said, his intensely deep voice coming with a strange, otherworldly echo. "You're going to be my new partner." A throaty laugh punctuated the statement. The scat demon brought his head closer and closer to Godric's face, tainted breath leaving brown clouds in the air around his mouth. The angel tried to struggle, but Jedrus was too strong now; Godric simply couldn't break free. He could only watch in terror as the demon's face drew ever nearer, and try to turn away when it seemed he'd be forced to swap saliva with this...creature. It was revolting in every way, and every single bit of the Returner screamed for it to stop.

Except for his cock. Godric's member was harder than he remembered it ever being in his entire existence-which was no small thing, especially so soon after ejaculating so powerfully. He didn't understand. He'd never liked any of this stuff, and never let Jedrus do any of it to him. So why was he so aroused this time? The demon's lips were mere inches away now, and the horrible stink of feces was quickly filling Godric's thoughts. His head was roughly brought back toward the demon's by a hand yanking his long hair, and he got a lungful of that dirty breath right in his face. He tried not to inhale at first, but couldn't hold out for more than a few moments. The smell took over all his senses, disgusting, filthy, terrible, repulsive...kinky. Godric took another breath, intentionally through his nose, just as Jedrus exhaled again. The demon's shitty sigh made the angel's dick throb hard, and Godric felt his heart start racing. His body began to shake with an unwanted desire, and he found himself unable to scream as he submitted to his captor. Their lips locked, and Jedrus's tongue twisted around the submissive angel's. The demon's mouth had a musky taste, bitter and strong. It had the faintest hints of spiciness and meatiness, and Godric was losing himself in the flavor before he knew what was going on. He had never tasted scat before...it wasn't...so bad...


Godric stood on a craggy plain, his smile warped and decidedly inhuman. His thick muscles bulged under tough crimson skin, veins stood out in statuesque relief against the powerful sinews. A tremendous pair of horns stood atop his head, thrusting out at his temples from a head of deep brown hair, a color that could only remind one of freshly excreted fecal matter. His beard was the same; if one didn't know better they'd think he'd simply smeared his jaw with manure. A green glow came from an amulet that hung over his barrel chest. His torso heaved with each dirty lungful of breath he expelled, beautifully cut abdomen clenching rhythmically as he worked his diaphragm.

"There's just one thing left to do, Jedrus," he said, the otherworldly echo accompanying a voice that was octaves lower than before.

"We have yet to explore the full potential of these new bodies," Jedrus answered with his twisted grin. He stretched toward the dark sky, toward the eerie crimson light concealed behind the clouds. A red glow traveled down his hand and swept over his whole body, pulsating with each beat of his heart. The demon form responded to the infusion, taking power from the ruby radiance. Each pulse made the bones expand, and the muscles with them. Jedrus's head hunched forward as his shoulders twisted and cracked, until his neck caught up. His nose stretched out of his face and became broader and flatter, forming the sharp-fanged muzzle of a powerful predator. The hair on his head and his beard thickened and lengthened into a deep brown mane, the mark of a strong and virile male. Fur, just a little lighter than his mane, spread across his muscles as he continued to gain mass. The bones in his feet elongated and elevated his ankles, and thick pads formed on the bottom surface that still touched the ground. From his shoulder blades sprouted four boneless appendages, each one ending in a tight pucker. As the glow subsided, the tentacles retreated as well, leaving a powerful lion standing in front of Godric.

The newly turned scat demon maintained his warped smile as he watched Jedrus transform, and had been stroking his much larger demon cock with a handful of shit as he enjoyed the sight. But now it was his turn. He reached toward the sky, and gained the same ruby glow as Jedrus. His muscles vibrated with the energy, his whole body shook. He screamed as he grew; taller, bigger, tougher...there was nothing he wanted more than to stand strong no matter what. His ankles were forced into the air almost vertically as his toes joined together and hardened, leaving him with hooves durable as diamonds. His beard disappeared, and so did the hair on either side of his head, as his skull expanded outward. The hair was replaced by deep mahogany fur, over the long, broad muzzle of a stallion.

Godric now towered over Jedrus as the light left him, though his frame was no bigger. They were both far more massive than before, and flexed their upper bodies for each other. The giant horse stepped toward the lion lustily. "Jedrus...I'm starving," he said, rubbing the lion's amazing sixpack.

"I'll gladly feed you...for a price," Jedrus answered, grinning with his fanged muzzle. He'd been anticipating this moment. "Get down there, what are you waiting for?"

The horse eagerly got on his knees behind Jedrus and shoved his muzzle between the muscular glutes. He grabbed the lion's hips with either hand, pulling himself in even further, before Jedrus began to push. He stretched his mouth wide open, ready to take in all that his partner was willing to give.

And of course, Jedrus was a scat demon. He could give forever, if he wanted to, and Godric could eat for just as long. But this was a special occasion, to commemorate their new status as greater scat demons, and to celebrate their upper demon forms. "I'm going to do more than just feed you, you sexy stud!" He bore down hard, anus stretching impossibly wide. The horse's head was buried in a pile of dark, creamy shit, and he started scooping it into his mouth hungrily while more of it pushed out and fell onto his beefy pecs. Jedrus's scat, to Godric, was the best taste in the world, and any of it that wasn't making it into his stomach was going to waste. It took no time at all before almost all the lion's feces was gone, save for what was impossibly lost in the horse's fur. Godric grinned, his entire torso covered in thick, dirty demon shit.

The big lion turned around, admiring his handiwork for just a moment before releasing his bladder all over the demon horse's head. He made sure the piss was harsh and concentrated, the acrid aroma burning his nostrils as it mixed with the horrible stink of lion dung that coated the horse. Godric opened his mouth wide, enjoying the taste of his partner's urine just as much as the taste of his crap. The horse drank with abandon, and every drop he couldn't swallow ran down his neck and over his massive pecs, picking up shit as it went down his abs, around his cock, and finally to the ground from his thighs. He was left in a pool of dark brown liquid, the stink from it as arousing as anything ever could be.

"You like my piss, stallion?" the lion asked huskily.

"Delicious...but mine's better. You ever been pissed on by a horse?"

"Plenty of times." The feline murred. He knew just what was coming, and his lion cock was stiff with anticipation.

"What about a demon horse?" Godric grinned, and stood up. The stallion was so much larger than his partner that his massive cock came almost up to Jedrus's abs-the perfect height. He grabbed his dick with one hand and pointed it upward, then let himself relax. A jet of hot urine splashed across the lion's muzzle, running down into his mane and over the torso that would make a god jealous. Then Godric let the jet increase in power, showering the lion in hot yellow piss. Jedrus sputtered at the force of the liquid hitting his mouth. He tried to drink, but it was coming too fast and too hard for him to get much down. In only a moment, the lion was already soaked head to toe, and there was no sign that Godric planned to stop there. Jedrus's mane hung over his head in clumps, unable to stand proudly in the rain of amber waste. But he savored what he could of it, opening his maw wide and sticking out his tongue so the piss would fall on it before being lost to the matted fur all over his body. The horse lost track of how long he'd been releasing his bladder, so decided to let the stream die down. "Now drink, beast." Godric put a hand on either of the lion's shoulders to take him to his knees, and then the massive, rock hard horsecock was stuffed into Jedrus's muzzle. The lion enjoyed the salty, acidic flavor, and was ecstatic when he got a chance to drink straight from the tap, instead of being assaulted by a firehose. His neck muscles flexed as he gulped, each swallow tensing the thick cords. The equine kept pissing until it seemed Jedrus had his fill, then removed his giant member.

"Mmmm," the lion murred, licking his chops for the last few rivulets of amber fluid. "Best I've ever had." He grinned, showing off his yellowed fangs. His stiff cock drooled slimy brown precum as he looked the filthy horse up and down, coated in waste from head to toe except for those big, sexy arms. Jedrus rubbed the shitty pre all over his firm, throbbing member and tackled the stallion, shoving his tongue into the horse's toilet mouth. He licked up every bit of crap he found, and started grinding against Godric. The lioncock found its way in between the the horse's thick pecs, thrusting in and out and getting covered in shit and piss, leaving sticky precum behind. The equine put his hands on Jedrus's clenching ass muscles as the smaller demon bucked his hips, making titanic muscles ripple sexily along his back and his front. Godric squeezed the cheeks hard, then shoved a finger from each hand into the lion's asscrack, stretching it wide. The stallion coaxed out a tremendous, elephantine log from the dirty lion's ass. It was dense and steamy, a perfect sample of demon scat. Godric mashed it into his fur, then grabbed a handful of what was left to smear all over Jedrus's terrific manhood, still getting shoved in between the horse's pecs. Godric then quickly leaned back, making the lion unexpectedly thrust into a waiting horse muzzle. The stallion closed his lips, sucking hard on the rigid shitpole for his disgusting treat.

"You know Godric, eventually I'll have to eat too," Jedrus said as his cock was serviced. In response, the equine's tongue wrapped around the tip of Jedrus's member, and the sucking became stronger. Godric shoved his fingers back into Jedrus's ass, and stuck a few more in for good measure. He pushed them in and out, spreading the pucker and stimulating Jedrus's most favorite parts. The stallion's titanic rod was now expelling pre just as much as the lion's was, though his was free of the shitty slime that Jedrus chose to keep all the time. Godric liked his seed white and creamy, and usually chose not to ejaculate shit like the lion loved to do.

As if on cue, Jedrus came into Godric's mouth, shooting thick, dense turds straight into the stallion's throat. It took only a second before there was too much, and Godric opened his mouth to let some of the crap fall onto his chest. The clods of demon excrement stunk worse than anything Jedrus'd released from his bowels, a result of mixing the scat demon feces with his seed as he came. His cock continued to release, and Godric tried catching some of the flying shit in his muzzle as it came down on top of his head. He chewed each one fully before swallowing, and then whinnied softly to show his approval. When the lion's member finally stopped erupted, Godric gave him a lusty grin, moved his hands onto Jedrus's hips, and then slammed him powerfully down onto a very ready horsecock.

The lion roared, momentarily out of pain and then even louder when it turned into pleasure an instant later. The horse's hands yanked him up and then smashed him down, making sure that the pulsing tower of flesh made it as far in as possible, then repeated the action over and over again, giving Jedrus less breathing room each time.

Godric looked up at his partner, admiring the powerful muscles. Each one stood out in relief from the lion's exertions of a moment before, and the veins were visible even under all the fur. Jedrus's godlike body was a sight to behold as the lion's face scrunched tight each time he crashed back down on the horse's cock, dripping with sweat, urine, and feces. Godric's pace quickened as the sight aroused him further, sending the disgusting lion into a state of pure bliss, until finally the equine's climax arrived. He came so hard that Jedrus was forced upward on the huge rod. The horse kept going relentlessly, cum splattering all over his cock, abs, and thighs as the lion's ass was filled to bursting with hot white demon seed. The lion roared again as he was brought to a second orgasm by the horse, and his dick shot crap all over Godric's face.

They sat there for a moment once both their climaxes had subsided, and then Jedrus pulled himself off Godric's manhood. "You'd better have an industrial farm's worth of good shit in that stomach of yours after that, horseboy," the lion said, eyeing the stallion's asshole hungrily.

"I've got a few fresh truckloads of manure ready for your nasty sewer my little kitty-cat," Godric answered with a brown-stained grin. His big muscles rippled beautifully as he stood and turned around, offering his sexy glutes to the lion's eager muzzle. He didn't wait for Jedrus to get under him, though. He pushed out hard, steamy shit, turd after turd, as thick as his powerful arms, and didn't worry if the lion was back there eating or not. The lion jumped into it happily, maw open wide for his incredible dessert.