Patreon Monthly (March): Big Shoes To Fill

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Zach sighed as he slid his feet into his sandals. His toes just barely inched past the front of the footwear, and his heels were dangerously close to slipping off the end. He lifted his leg up, and pulled the flip-flops off his massively oversized feet. He picked one of the nearly-too-small shoe up, examining the back. Size 20 men's.

The 13 year old sighed, and hanged his head. His long, thick blond curls danced around his face. He had heard about the birds and the bees. He had seen several birds and while no bees, his neighbor's dogs (both male, he had noted, this fact giving him a strange feeling he didn't quite understand). He had learned about puberty and the magic of maturity and all the other ways adults sugar-coated and watered-down the fact that his balls would drop, he'd get sweatier, grow hair all over, and (most importantly) get taller.

Well puberty had came. For many it creeps in: a hair there, a voice crack here, an inch or two taller. Zach's puberty announced itself with the dreaded airhorn-powered-vuvuzela combo: that is with a big old wet stain that sent 11 year old Zach crying to his parents that yep after 2 whole years of dry sheets, he'd failed. Then came, to say the least, an awkward conversation (which first involved Zach's father and the boy, during which no words were exchanged, and then Zach's mother and himself, during which many words that Zach did not want to hear from his mother were spoken). He learnt words like "nocturnal emission" and "wet dream".

Now, two years after The Wettening (his mother's coinage. She had no problem evidently with discussing her son's reproductive functions and their relatively recent emergence), almost nothing had changed. Zach still stood exactly 4?10?, had approximately zero hairs below the level of his nose, and while his voice cracked often into a screech, it never quite settled into a deeper tone. ALMOST nothing had changed, which is to say exactly one thing had changed.

His father had remarked that maybe gravity just sucked all his growing hormones right on down, because since age 11 the only thing that has grown or developed on the blonde boy's body were his feet.

He had always had bigger feet, his mom had said. He didn't remember the size of his feet growing up; it was his mother's worry. She'd choose the sneakers he'd try them on, and so on. By age 11 though, they had just graduated to 10.5 men's sneakers. This meant nothing to Zach himself, aside from that he would never again light up the night with every step (kid's shoes not being offered in such sizes). But when 5th grade started, and he got his mandatory "beginning of middle school" physical from the school nurse, Ms. Sloothull, she remarked that feet often grew faster or first and that it simply meant that he would soon grow to "fill in" his feet.

At first this news excited Zach. He left the nurse's office deep in thought, considering the implications. He had "above average" feet, the nurse mentioned. It was patently obvious given what she's told him, then, that he'd be above average in height very soon. And good thing too, even now he felt like he was below his classmates. In elementary school, height was not a factor that Zach noticed or considered, but as 5th grade started, waxed, and waned, Zach observed some of his classmates slowly inching up. He had always been on the top side of height (he knew because he was not often a primary choice in basketball teams, but he was never in the latter half of the chosen), but as he began to pay attention to the height of those around him, he realized he was falling towards "short."

The start of his 6th grade year was an optimistic time. His huge feet were just a sign he was gonna come out on top in the great game of puberty. But 6th grade waxed, and then waned, and while he saw classmates shoot up taller, he stayed stubbornly where he was. But one day while walking to school he became aware of a growing discomfort in his shoes. Over days and weeks past, his shoes had gotten much much snugger, and now it seemed they were too small to be comfortably worn. One trip with Mom to Buymore Shoes, and he got himself a brand new 11.5 sneakers. His dad teased Zach about how he himself only wore 12s, giving a laughing smile to his son and reassuring that Wow! You'll be taller than your old man any day now, which only made Zach blush.

The shoes lasted maybe 5 months. The next ones less than that. The height boost Zach so desperately wanted to catch up never came, and as he began 7th grade he realized he was a shrimp. A shrimp who wore size 15 shoes, reaching out in front of him like a really shitty clown who hated himself. A few friends of Zach's (and some others who simply wanted to see the spectacle, and whose presence Zach disliked) insisted one day in the locker room after gym class that they see how long his feet were. A measuring tape unfurled, and as Zach sheepishly read aloud that um it's about 12 inches. Conversation broke out, which Zach could hear many, many bits of, "That's a whole foot! A foot of foot" "Wow, that's really freaky" "They look insane on him. If his feet get big enough maybe he can lay down and be taller." Many insisted that they put Zach's huge extremities next to their own just to see the difference. All the guys who did this were considerably taller than Zach. Zach did not cry until he was far away from all of them.

And it just don't stop. Another year passed and another set after set of shoes were given to charity because they were outgrown. Zach's mother quickly began buying shoes half a size larger than necessary, and when even that was too small too quickly for her tastes, the next time she insisted on leaving a size of space for Zach to grow. Well, that was fine, since he filled them comfortably in only 2 months or so, though the extra space didn't help with his coordination that had been in an inescapable nosedive for awhile. Legs like his just shouldn't have to deal with ridiculous big feet.

So now. 13 years old. Shoe size 20 US. 14? long. And still a pathetic frame that belonged still to 9 year old Zach. Same small baby dick that let out a little spray of jizz two years ago, and same little balls that could put out a whole half-a-milliliter of watery semen. He lay on his bed, legs dangling off the side, toes just scraping the ground. He stare up at the white spattered ceiling, as blank and boring as he felt at the moment. He pouted, thick pink lips curling in an expression of angry dissatisfaction. He wanted to be taller. It was all he had ever wanted (well, had wanted for the past 2 years, which for a teenager is as long as they can be expected to remember). It was frustrating and humiliating every day at school. Just being around kids his age, who before he had played with and grown up with all eye-to-eye, and now barely reaching eye-to-chin. He had friends whose baby siblings stood taller than him (some by more than several inches, as many were proud to point out). Having to dress down for PE, and knowing that people could notice how small, and weak, and childlike his body was. He never showered there afterwards. That wasn't anything he needed to experience.

It was only really humiliating when someone pointed it out. Sometimes it was intentional; kids he disliked, or had fought with who would mock his height, or more to his chagrin and embarrassment, his feet. Others simply didn't think about what they were saying, lots made friendly jokes about it that made him seethe beneath his surface while his muscles cranked his face into a grin and chuckled good-naturedly (venom on his breath).

Well, fuck them. It was so frustrating having everyone you know look down on you, literally. He was weak and underdeveloped; he had no athletic ability, and if he was honest, his grades were nothing impressive either. But he'd show them. Some part of him, desperate and clinging and now very, very passionately angry, still believed in what good old Ms. Sluthole (resigned very quickly after one, and then several soon after, boys coming forward about supposed hernia exams not sanctioned by the school) had said. Zack sat up in bed, and looked at his own two personal pontoons.

"Well fuck you two." He said finally, nodding in judgement at his feet, "You grow and grow and grow and grow, and what? I haven't "filled into" a single thing in years except my niche as the clumsy talentless kid with a grand future in some dirty carnival sideshow." He let himself think for a moment what he still hoped would, despite his cynicism. Someday he'd wake up, and his head would be on his pillow, and his feet would be on the ground. Someday he'd grow into his big honking feet like no one could imagine, and then he'd never get picked for basketball last ever again (not that he had played in almost a year. wasn't fun, wasn't worth it). HE'D be the one towering over those around him (hey! Ms. Slutroulette said so: bigger feet, bigger guy). That'd be the day. He'd hit his growth spurt, he'd put on weight and start looking like a man. He wanted to grow hair all over (even though he wondered what blond body hair would look like). He wanted to smell bad.

His baby cock throbbed in his shorts. Zach stood and went to close the door to his room, locking it after. He pulled down his shorts and underwear, delicately stepping one at a time out of the pant legs (often, while in a rush, his long toes would catch on the fabric and he'd topple one way or another). His 2 inch pecker stood at rock hard attention. He sat back down on his bed, sighing wistfully: that's the good of a lil, lil dick, no trouble getting hard.

Zach leaned forward, lifting up one leg and then with both hands grasping and hefting the huge foot. Just grabbing it was strange. Even after having them every day for years, the size of his feet was impossibly strange to the teen. He pulled the giant foot up to his face. Without even inhaling, he could smell it: the heavy musk that permanently sticks to the skin. He sniffed, the heady scent filling his nostrils. The sole was calloused and expansive; Zach took his hands and ran them over it, massaging and squeezing the foot.

Zack licked his lips. Then bent down and took his big toe in his mouth. If the smell was a stiff slap to the ass then this was getting pounded by a paddle for hours. Primarily, it was sweat; the BIG big toe was salty and full of musk, the deep stench of manliness. Zach loved that, he loved that he could make such a fucking hot smell and taste. He released his toe, then spreading it and the second apart, he took a long lick between them. He shivered, the sensation wonderful and wet. Despite everything he hated about them; his own feet turned him on so much.

Zach released his foot and grabbed his dick. It fit comfortably between two fingers, with which he jerked and tugged frantically. It was only a second before he gasped, and his pebbles in their tiny sack tightened, and a spiderweb thing shot of liquid burst out of Zach's baby cock as he moaned softly. His hand jerked viciously for several seconds, during which Zach panted and moaned. No streamers followed the first, though his balls tightened and pushed.

After a few seconds his hand movements slowed and then stopped, and Zach lay there lying on his bed, panting and grasping his tiny, prepubescent junk, already soft and even smaller.

Zach lay there basking, or more appropriately dazed and unable to move, in his afterglow. It was a good orgasm. He was prepared to lay there and relax for longer, but Zach felt something kind of strange. He opened his eyes, and then reluctantly sat up. His feet felt hot, and with a sensation like pins and needles.

He examined them, confused. They looked, different, to him.

He looked a bit more at his pair. Then he saw it. His feet were expanding across the floor. Visibly. His heels were firmly planted into the carpet, and yet without a doubt Zach could see the front of his toes creeping forward, and could feel the scratch of carpet shifting under his soles.

He later wondered why he didn't take any action at this point. Maybe he knew it wasn't something that he could stop or that anyone else could do something about. So instead of standing and screaming or driving to the hospital because there simply must be a tumor rapidly expanding in Zach's feet, he simply sat, and watched, and stared.

The growth was accelerating, he realized, after only a moment. The movement of his toes, before just barely noticeable, was now more than clear. His feet were expanding in front of him. This was horrible, this was everything awful about his body. His feet, already ridiculous, bigger than anyone he'd ever met, were growing, and faster each second.

He was harder and hornier than he'd ever felt before.

The growth, thankfully(?), stopped suddenly just as Zach's terror at his monstrous appendages and his deep lust for his monstrous appendages each reached critical levels. His feet, only moments ago size 20, 14? long were now size who the fuck knows but at least 20? from heel to toe.

If they were cartoonish, borderline impossible before, than without a doubt his feet now were a hallucination brought out by years of stress and self-hatred. Or at least that's what Zach desperately hoped. Because if this were real, his feet just grew in a few impossible moments basically 3 times what they'd grown over 2 years.

Zach, stomach turning in anxiety (and/or, well.... possibly, excitement?), he lifted his left big toe. On the floor, the monstrous foot flexed and the inches-long big toe raised up into the air. It was real. These were his feet.

His breathing was ragged and he could feel his heart beating in his chest, Zach realized, his eyes' intense gaze at the wide, sprawling feet unbroken. He wiggled his toes, feeling the new, strange weight and size of them as he flexed all the old muscles. Zach stood, feeling his weight sink into the ground. He felt lighter almost; the stronger, bigger muscles of his feet working less to support his weight over the (very considerably) larger surface area of his soles.

Zach lifted his leg and took a step. His feet, far beyond clumsily big, nearly tripped him as he seriously misjudged the length of his forefoot and felt his toe catch the ground as he stumbled forward. He had a sudden, sardonic thought of the SCUBA classes at the local pool; the silly flopping gait they adopted on land while wearing their flippers. It was a useful comparison, ultimately, as the next attempt at walking went off without a hitch (although it looked as tho Zach were preparing for a Monty Python sketch).

Zach slid on one of his sandals once more. His toes overhung the end, and his heel reached beyond the bottom and made contact with the floor. He lifted his leg up, and pulled the pathetically undersized flip-flop off his massively oversized feet.

This was puberty's great gift to him. Not a huge cock (like Justin was rumored to have, gossip which Zach paid close attention to for reasons he didn't want to examine), not growth spurts upon growth spurts (as had visited Mark more times than was possibly fair: first he shot up to 5?0? before 6th grade was half over, and then every other month he seemed to brag about a growth spurt. he was already 5?8? and not done yet he was sure), or even the unfortunate consequences like awkward hair or acne (found in one impressive package in Justin, who could grow a full beard and whose chest was barely visible beneath a layer of black fuzz, and whose back looked like a red splotched star map). Nope, the special gift he had gotten were magical feet that wouldn't stop growing.

Hm. Zach thought about it. Maybe it didn't have to be so terrible. It was certainly unique, and it did involve a lot of "growing up". Or maybe, growing out? He looked down at his massive feet, toes reaching more than a foot and half in front of his body. He probably had a record, if he hadn't already before. His father had once joked about it, saying he had the sphinx bet by a... NILE, but the resulting angry comment and look of burning indignation from his son had reminded him to NOT poke fun at his child's insecurities.

Now Zach chuckled at the joke. He pictured the Sphinx for a second. He had no real sense of scale of how big it was but it was somewhere around Pretty Fucking Big, making its feet Pretty Fucking Big Feet. He imagined himself, for a moment, with clodhoppers like that. Good old tiny, scrawny Zach atop feet that stretched out... 100 feet say? He'd finally be significantly taller, if only due to multiple feet of growth (2 feet that grew, to be exact). Zach laughed a bit more, maybe he'd had the wrong idea before. He wasn't destined to grow taller than his classmates and peers, just grow feet that would eventually eclipse them all in size.

That thought was interesting. Weird, and sort of crazy, but interesting. Would Zach want his feet to get that big? Only minutes ago he had cursed his endlessly growing feet, but now he wanted it. Not only wanted it, wanted extreme fucking growth. Deep inside, he felt something. Not pain, or nausea, but something like a feeling in the back of his throat down to his core of.... stretching, almost.

Then it stopped. Zach swallowed, spit lubricating his suddenly dry throat. He felt a chill run over his feet, and then up his body, followed quickly by the feeling of pinpricks all over his skin. He was sweating, and his heart beat harder and louder, rocking around in his chest. He didn't articulate any thought towards the idea, but he knew somehow exactly what would happen.

There was no fucking around this time. Rather than a slow crescendo to the sudden halt, the growth simply exploded. His feet swelled, outpacing even the fastest rate of the earlier spurt. Heat poured from his sweating feet as they grew. The heat spread upwards, legs achingly suddenly. Then a feeling in his chest, his arms, his face. Every part of him felt flushed and red and hot as an oven.

Then he started to grow. Just like his feet, there was no warning, no preparation. Just burning, and then suddenly his expanding toes (now reaching past 2 feet across the carpet, and spanning wider and wider each moment) were getting further from his face. He shot up inches in seconds, blasting past 5 feet in a manner of moments. Years of hoping and waiting and praying and crying tears of anger and frustration quietly was finally all gonna be worth it. He was finally gonna fill in the shoes that had been waiting for him.

Zach's body grew in all directions, not just up. His torso, skinny and pale, visible ribcage, no musculature and no strength, suddenly seems to inflate. It grew wider as he grew taller. His pectoral muscles, totally invisible and nonexistant as far as Zach knew, suddenly began to take shape. His pink round nipples perked up too atop the growing muscles. Below, his stomach, always fairly flat, but with a palpable layer of fat under which Zach had never managed to locate the bump of an ab, suddenly began to change. As he grew rapidly, the fat seemed to shrink away until the lean muscle was unveiled underneath. His abs began to define themselves, flat stomach developing into rows and columns of rock hard muscle with deepening valleys between.

Simultaneously, his arms and legs swelled as they stretched longer and longer. He had always hated his arms; they had less muscle to them than chicken legs. He could wrap the fingers of one hand around the middle of his other bicep (even while trying to flex). But now, those bare-bones (almost literally) arms burst with muscle. It was like some insane balloon inflating; first simply size, arms seeming to just widen and grow more massive, and then definition as the muscles developed and flexed and grew hard. His biceps took only seconds to approach more than respectable, even more than just buff. His triceps bulged out just as impressively, and even his meaty forearms had thick veins throb bring over their surface. His legs too widened dramatically. His thighs, half as wide as an average kid's, lacking muscle or even fat to give it some heft, suddenly had pounds of mass piling on endlessly. His calves rounded out at the top, the divide between the gastroc and soleus deepening and the sister muscles taking on dramatic teardrop shapes.

And maybe best of all, was the change that occurred in his groin. His tiny dicklet, still the same microscopic size it had been since he was 8, suddenly began to stretch and expand, reeling out from his groin and sprouting up like a mushroom. His balls too, practically invisible in his sack, began to inflate; his scrotum expanded allowing his growing testes to hang lower and lower from his crotch. His cock went from baby-sized, to merely small, to downright average, and still kept growing. It flopped soft between his legs at least 6 inches long, with huge, heavy pendulous balls behind, nearing the size of lemons.

In only seconds, Zach had gone from the tiniest loser without any hope of gaining size or mass to a 6'6" teenage muscle monster. The growth was so intensely fast he barely had time to even understand what was going on or appreciate his size. All he knew was he was getting Big, and he loved being Big.

His height kept stretching up and up, his body growing to match his monstrous feet. Zach's fat heavy dick began to pump full of blood as the deeply pleasurable growth continued. It passed 9 inches, semi-erect, arcing out from his groin. His muscles too continued to expand, pecs now the size of melons, jammed up against one another. His biceps must have been nearly 20" by now, bodybuilder sized. He flexed one arm, watching hungrily how the mass swelled up with blood, still growing.

He was over 7' now. The ceilings in his house were 8 feet tall; his head was already coming dangerously close to touching them. Zach's cock was now fully erect, the sheer excitement of the situation having pumped it full of blood in only seconds; it was a foot long, and still swelling, balls the size of oranges hanging in a heavy sack halfway to his knees. His legs, meanwhile, were getting massive; each head of his quads fighting for space on his legs, bulging outwards with incredible definition.

Zach began to hunch over as the tips of his hair brushed the ceiling. He passed 8', now unable to stand naturally in most normal American homes. The thought turned him on incredibly. He sat down on his gigantic, muscular ass, legs stretched out in front of him, each 4 feet long. He wiggled his long, thick toes, and laughed. To think he had been cursing his feet only moments ago.

Like he had done only minutes ago, though it seemed like eons in his daze of orgasmic growth, he bent one leg and brought his foot up to his face. It was longer than his head was tall, even despite the growth, and he began to lick it, lashing his fat, long tongue against it, tasting his own musky footsweat.

He was filling much of the available room in his bedroom as he continued to grow and jerk his massive dick frantically. Zach stuck his big toe in his mouth, sucking on the oversized digit; the toe was so large it was almost akin to fellating a good-sized dick. He could feel himself drawing close to orgasm once more; the feeling of growth and his massive foot on his face.

Zach's head was dangerously close to touching the ceiling once more, the young teen now easily 12 feet tall. He let out a floor-quaking moan, his melon-sized balls drawing up in their ponderous sack. His monster shaft thickened visibly, the giant head darkening as the pissslit opened wide and Zach began to shoot.

The thick, heavy jet of cum blasted out like a rocket, followed by a second's pause and an equally huge wad a second later.. Zach's orgasm lasted like this for tens of seconds; a several second long burst of total pleasure as his cum shot before the second's reprieve after. And still he kept growing, his hair once more beginning to brush against the ceiling at 15 feet, forcing him to hunch as his titanic orgasm continued.

Finally the last burst of cum blasted from the end of Zach's dick, and he slumped back against his wall, massive body taking up nearly the whole room. He breathed heavily, muscled chest rising and falling with each breath. But his expansion didn't stop. Even as he sat panting, recovering from his second huge orgasm, his monstrous feet keep stretching across the floor, the ceiling kept pressing harder against his head.

Zach smiled as he felt the plaster began to crack on the over-stressed ceiling. He still had a lot of growing to do. After all, he had some big shoes to fill