The Tunnel

Story by Bruno Schafer on SoFurry

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The inspiration for this piece came from an artist on furaffinity called Hynik.

Link to the picture:

This was done for the Thursday prompt this last week (April 27th-May 4th) and is the first one I have done in quite a while do to work for college. The prompt was for us to write either a poem or a 365 word short story, of which I chose the latter.

The Tunnel

Bruno Schafer

Darkness. The cold stab of wind could barely be felt coming from the only sources of light, a few circular openings in the ceiling of gloom. The light illuminated the tunnel just enough for the contours of the wall to be visible. The walls had a numbers of cocoon like shapes that ran the length of the tunnel, the pattern only being broken every now and then by curved pillars that reached up towards the gaping skylights.

Andrew couldn't remember how he got into the darkened chamber. He could remember hearing that same horrid whirring noise that had caused him much pain in the past, seeing a bright flash of pale light, and then finally waking up here. The back of his head throbbed so much that he was certain his skull was about to explode.

"Is this where the others were taken?" Andrew muttered to himself before squinting his eyes in pain. "If it is, where are all the others, shouldn't they still be here."

'Or, perhaps they aren't." A voice said in the back of the young husky's head, 'perhaps, they have been killed by those creatures and you were helpless to stop them.' Andrew shook his head to rid himself of these terrible thoughts, he knew that his friends must still be alive. He refused to believe anything different.

Suddenly, Andrew's ears picked up what sounded like the quiet pouring of running water. The sound seemed to emanate from the direction of the walls. However, something about the sound seemed strange, he couldn't hear it hitting the floor. The sound seemed to trigger something for the husky, as he began to feel dehydrated, and every instinct seemed to push him toward the sound. He longer seemed to have control over his leg muscles as he began to walk over to the sound.

Upon stepping beneath the origin of the sound, he came to realize that the liquid wasn't water but instead some kind of slime-like liquid. He nearly gagged upon it touching his muzzle. "Definitely not water," he said as he turned to walk down the dark tunnel, to look for his friends. Behind him, in the dark shadows, a creature watched.