Don't Do Drugs, Kid's.

Story by Horrific_Panda on SoFurry

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ive made the decision to upload this one before anything else. sorry its a little late for here but i hope you enjoy it anyways!

Clash heard a bell ringing from the door of her dorm. With tired eyes and a mug of terrible coffee in her hand, she opened the door, and sighed. "Lando it's 6 in the morning." She groaned. Lando smiled and rung his bell again, making Clash squeeze her eyes in in annoyance. "Just here to pick you up on my new bike when you're ready." Clash rubbed her face and closed her door, knowing well that she wasn't up for his shit today. She brushed her curly mohawk and slipped on a band tee before gathering her bag and hopping on the back of Lando's bike. "So how are we gonna get downstairs, Lando?" Clash asked with a smile. Lando paused and was silent for a moment. "We'll figure it out." Lando said quietly, and Clash gripped her hands onto the bear's shoulders. "And how large of a joint did you smoke this morning?" She said and snickered. "I'm not high, I swear." Lando said. "Yeah, ok, those eyes are convincing." Clash rolled her eyes and got off his bike. "I'll help you downstairs."

The professor wasn't in, apparently. "I don't check my fucking email." She sighed in frustration. "I guess I'll make up for the lack of sleep." Lando placed his hand on her shoulder, attempting to flip the shaggy brown hair from his eyes, but wouldn't budge. "How about you, me, and Grimm pick up some pipes, and go pig out at every fast food place." He smiled excitedly. Clash sighed through her nose and dug her hands in her pockets. "I'd rather vape and drink shitty beer" Clash said. "But it's not the same without you." Lando pouted. "I'll vape and drink shitty beer with you guys, then." Clash bargained. Landon ruffled her curly hair and smiled. "You got it, Rattie."

The shop already had those to-go vapes and pipes for Lando and Grimm to grab their feisty little hands on. Clash crossed the street and bought a pack of beer and quite a few snacks for her friends that were already lighting their pipes. "Hey, there's a pizza place nearby, don't eat your snacks too fast." Clash said, handing them a bag full of goodies. The three of them sat by the side of the shop and Clash had to grossly watch her intoxicated friends sloppily and indulging ever so intensely into their snacks. "So how's the semester going for you, Grimm?" Clash asked and took a huff at her vape. Grim snickered as he shoved a handful of potato chips in his mouth and licked them off his sticky fingers. "My professor hates me for good." Grimm said. "Why? What did you do?" Clash asked with a devious smile. "He's always criticizing my bong's, dude." Grimm said. Clash and Lando snickered as she drank her beer. "You don't just bring bongs into class, Grimm." Clash said. "Yeah, besides, what if he wants to steal it and rip one for himself." Lando commented, making the other two laugh. "Yeah, you don't want your bike stolen in the halls, Lando." Clash said and recoiled when he playfully punched her arm. "Shut up it was cool." Lando giggled. "He said it's weird looking though." Grimm said. "Maybe he's the one stealing your weed in class." Lando snickered, making Clash giggle.

Clash had gotten a couple boxes of pizzas and placed them on Lando's bike as they started walking. "Wait, we gotta go to my place." Grimm said. "I need my bong, dude." Clash groaned and tilted her head back in frustration. "Bro you just bought a pipe." Lando smiled lazily. "Yeah but my bong is cool." Grimm argued. "Alright, your dorm isn't far from here." Clash said and sighed. They managed their way back to the dorm rooms as Grimm came back out with his bag and, to no surprise a couple more bags of weed. They walked to Lando's apartment, having to listen to him talk about his nerdy collection of Star Wars figures and Doctor Who posters, and watched Lando struggle with opening his own door for a couple minutes due to his intoxication. They all got comfortable and the two boys were chowing down before they could even sit down. "Hey save some for me, assholes." Clash smiled and took a slice for herself. She went over to the raggedy and burnt orange couch that was obviously taken from a grandmother's home and started eating. Grimm's bag was right next to her but she didn't pay any mind to it until it rumbled. Clash looked over at the bag and paused. "Grimm," She spoke. "You sure you didn't bring your pet cat with you?" Grimm snickered. "She wouldn't be able to fit in there, Clash." The boys went back to eating and Clash sighed in reassurance.

"I have Chef we can watch," Lando said. "Or we can watch Ratatouille." Clash took a huf of her vape and combed her fingers through her hair. "All of your movies are food movies dude, it doesn't matter." She said. "I like to eat and watch things." Lando said. "Yes, I know, your highness of the Gluttony." Clash said. Grimm went and got his bag but ended up confusingly looking into it. "What's wrong?" Lando asked, taking notice. "My bong isn't in here." Grimm said. "What? That's fucked." Clash commented as she got up to observe it with him, and surely enough, it wasn't in there. "Well it couldn't have walked out. We're not tripping on acid too, are we?" Grimm said. "Maybe you forgot it, it's ok." Clash said. "No I totally grabbed it and put it in here." Grimm argued. They all stopped talking when there was a noise coming from Lando's bathroom. Lando signaled them to keep quiet as he slowly approached the bathroom door. He opened it up, peaking inside, and relaxing his body as he sighed in relief. "Your bong is in here, Grimm." Lando said from afar. "How'd it get in there?" Grimm asked as he went into the bathroom and saw his bong sitting on the counter. "Dunno, but there it is." Lando said.

With Clash finally giving in, the trio passed the bong around, and were getting high together. "This is a weird looking bong." Clash commented. The bong was designed like any normal bong, but there was a painted face on the side, and it looked rather terrifying than goofy or trippy. "Where did you get this thing anyways?" Clash asked. "Well, there was this random shop that popped up down the street, and the dude sold some crazy stuff." Grimm said. "He sold some stuff that were said to be cursed, but I don't believe in that mumbo jumbo, but he sold this bong and it was super cheap so I took it." Lando chuckled and scratched his fuzzy face. "So the bong is cursed or something?" He asked. "I doubt it." Clash replied. They stayed quiet as they heard a growl throughout the room. They all looked at each other in confusion. "You all heard that, right?" Lando asked. They both nodded. Grimm looked down at the bong's disfigured face and yelped, pushing back the bong, and letting the bong water spill out. "Hey, woah, I just got these carpets clean!" Lando shouted. "The face, it was moving!" Grimm said in hysteria. "Grimm calm down." Clash said to him as she tilted the bong back up and Lando went to grab a towel. She turned to see the face normal as it was and sighed. "Look, it's just fine." Clash said and turned the bong towards him.

"Something weird is happening, man." Grimm said fearfully. "Maybe you're a little too high today." Lando said. "No dude, I swear, the face snarled at me." Grimm said. "Lay down Grimm. It'll be ok." Clash said to him gently and made sure he got on the couch and laid down. The salamander hid his face in the couch cushions and Clash sat back down with Lando. They were sobering up but didn't want to stay bored forever. "Maybe one more bong hit and we'll take him home, how's that?" Lando asked quietly. "I'm good, you go right ahead." Clash said. Lando shrugged and grabbed the bong. With what was left with the water he started to take a hit but something rather odd happened. There was smoke, but it stayed in one spot. "What the hell." Clash said as she observed it. Lando pulled back as he looked down further into it. He shot back when the smoke hit his eyes and Clash gasped in surprise. "Fuck, that burned!" Lando hissed. He rubbed his eyes before showing how red they were in the whites. "Woah, I am seeing' some shit." The room was tinted red from his eyes and he saw something dark approaching behind Clash. "Look out!" He shouted as he grabbed her and pulled her away. "What, what was it?" Clash asked. "I saw something dark behind you." Lando said as he panicked. Grimm perked up and looked over at Lando embracing Clash in his arms. "The hell you two doing?" He asked. "Look, I don't know what's going on," Clash said seriously as she stood up. "But you need to get rid of this bong, Grimm." Grimm looked over at Lando and his beaten red eyes and something in his memory came back to him. "The eye curse..." He said under his breath. "The guy at the shop said that your eyes will get super red if you obtain the curse." Grimm sat up and shuffled over to Lando as he observed his eyes up close. "Then let's fix it!" Clash's voice raised in frustration. "Everything is so red." Lando mumbled as he felt paralyzed. "I know where the shop is c'mon." Grimm said, grabbing his bag and the bong.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me!" Grimm shouted. The shop was empty and up for sale. "What the hell are we gonna do now? Lando is practically a fucking vegetable!" Clash shouted. Grimm rubbed his face in distress but popped his head up as he rummaged through his bag. He pulled out a small card and his phone as he started dialing a number. He walked away slightly from them as he started talking. After a few minutes he came back with a confident smile on his face. "So I know how to fix it." Grimm said. "Great!" Clash spoke. "What the plan?" Grimm pressed his hands together and pointed his fingertips towards her as he spoke. "We have to kill Lando." They were all silent and Clash had no idea how to respond to that statement. "That's the only real true way? No other ways, like, doing a ritual?" She said, and Grimm shook his head. Clash pressed her hands to her face in disbelief. "Fuck." She sighed in her hands. "I'm really sorry, Clash." Grimm said with gratitude. "Don't apologize to me, shitstick, apologize to your best friend!" She nearly screamed. Grimm looked over at his paralyzed friend and sighed as he patted his shoulder. "We had a great run, buddy." Grimm said quietly to him. "How the hell are we gonna get away with this, Grimm? We can, you know, go to jail, and I wouldn't be able to finish college." Clash started to grow distressed as tears filled her eyes. "Let's get back to Lando's apartment. We can deal with it there." Grimm said. He wrapped his arm around Clash to comfort her and Clash had her arm interlocked with Lando's.

Lando laid upon the floor and his friends looked down at him, not knowing if they were doing the right thing. "There's a large knife in the drawer by the fridge." Clash mumbled. Grimm wasted no time as he went over, grabbing the big knife, and gripping it in his hand tightly. He went back over and stood above Lando and the anxiety had finally set in him. "This is it, I guess." Grimm said. "Just do it." Clash said as she turned her head away. Grimm looked down at Lando as he raised his knife. Lando raised his paw and Grimm stopped. "Clash he moved." Grimm said and Clash turned her head. Lando pointed his paw to the side, presumably at the counter, where one last slice of pizza laid. Clash looked over at Lando, back at Grimm, and grabbed the last slice. She knelt down to Lando and slid the slice in the bear's mouth. He started to chew and his eyes started fading back to white. "It worked." Grimm said in disbelief. Lando sat up as he continued eating his pizza slice. "Thanks dude I was so hungry." Lando said. Clash sighed deeply in relief as she sat back against the couch. Grimm loosened his grip on the knife in disbelief. "Huh." He said interestingly.

There was the sound of glass being smashed outside and Clash heard it. She got up and checked outside to see Grimm standing over smashed glass. "You finally smash that bong?" Clash said from afar. Grimm looked over at her, then back at the ground, and then the bong that remained in his hand. He looked down and realized he had just smashed the pipe he had just smoked out of. "Shit." Grimm said and giggled. Clash rolled her eyes as she stepped outside and grabbed the bong out of his hand to smash it herself. "Don't buy things while you're high anymore." She said. "You got it, Rattie." Grimm said. "Don't call me that." Clash said irritatedly. "Okay, sexy." Grimm smirked, but was met with Clash stomping on his foot.