Curing Daddy

Story by Smilecat on SoFurry

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Every good girl wants to help her Daddy, even (or especially) when he's a werewolf. For this pair of scientists, that last detail is going to prove incredibly difficult.

This story is a little different. I aimed to combine a few fetishes into something that I haven't really seen much of, creating a distinctly Daddy/girl story that takes place in a fantasy/sci-fi universe. As is I would consider this closer to 'erotic fantasy' than 'yiff.' Let me know if it rips your bodice.


When modern lycanthropy was discovered, my Daddy and I were on the cutting edge of research. We were the first scientists to suggest and implement new methods of discovery, taking risks and chances other scientists wouldn't - and discovering things about the disease no one else could. Within months we already had a temporary cure for testing. It wouldn't reverse the disease, but it could allow the victim to sleep through the full-moon night in wolf form, without the fear that they would lose control of themselves.

It wasn't perfect, but we were getting somewhere. However all our support from the science and medical community dropped when Daddy became infected. We were labeled a cautionary tale, and our research was completely disregarded.

But Daddy didn't see his lycanthropy as a curse - he saw it as an opportunity. A way to research much faster, without other institutions getting in the way. So what if we were on our own? We had everything we needed to move forward; A willing test subject, a well-equipped home lab, plenty of research, and, most importantly, each other.

I lay next to Daddy as he sips the temporary werewolf cure we made together. This is the first time I prepared it almost entirely alone - I'm not quite as experienced with delicate lab work as he is, so it's been a learning experience to use all the equipment and measure everything properly. But I think I did well.

The immediate dosage was enough to keep him calm and in control after his transformation. The second dose is to make sure he stays calm through the night. It still puts him to sleep, so I savor my cuddle time with him while I can. I love to see him in his wolf form. It feels so good to cuddle against his big furry body and hear the thumping of his wagging tail as he hugs me close.

Daddy murmurs in my ear, his wolfy voice even lower than usual. "You know, I think this dose you've made is much more effective than my method. It must be the teacup."

"Daddy!" I swat at his furry muzzle.

"No, no, I'm serious! You should patent it." He grins at me, showing off his perfectly sharp canine teeth. The sight is so alluring... I long to feel the pointed tips against my throat, my shoulder - if only we could risk it! I know we both would love to... But we can't, of course.

"Stop teasing me!" I giggle, shutting Daddy up with a kiss.

"You're so mean, Daddy..."

Daddy doesn't respond. He seems to have gone completely still.

I look up at him, and realize his eyes are different - wild, animal eyes. My lips are still tingling from... The kiss! God, how could I have been so stupid?

Past research runs through my mind and I can't help but kick myself for forgetting it.

Saliva transmits the disease, at least the first stages. Sharing saliva bonds wolves to their victims - it drives them crazy with lust, and makes them more vulnerable. A lust-addled victim has a harder time fighting back against the true act of transmission. That is passed through blood-to-blood contact, usually by way of rape - or, as the victim cases put it, rough, ass-tearing, but incredibly enjoyable sex.

"Snap out of it!" I yell, banging my fists against Daddy's chest.

The wild look in Daddy's eyes fades. "Oh, uh... Sorry babygirl."

"No," I murmur, looking away, "It's my fault."

We both agree it's best to stay the night in separate rooms- for safety.

Wracked by guilt and loneliness, I had a hard time getting to sleep. I couldn't even play with myself and have an orgasm to help relax - I couldn't risk Daddy's sensitive wolf nose picking up on my scent. According to our studies, werewolves were not only able to pick up on the scent of their saliva-infected victims, but intoxicated by them.

Frustrated and unable to sleep, I played idly with the leather restraints Daddy had set up on my special bed. Were things different, he might have put on on each of my limbs... I'd be spread out, maybe on my stomach - or maybe on all fours, so I couldn't do anything but wiggle my ass. Then he'd take his big wolf cock and...

I reach between my legs and touch my wet slit, desperately needing release. There's no way I'll be able to sleep like this! All I can do is groan into my pillow in frustration and wait.

But finally, sleep comes. And with it, lovely dreams; Wet, slurping wolf tongues...a big muscular furry chest, a long tail entwining with my legs as I take Daddy's tongue down my throat, warm and wet and pulsing... It's a delicious dream, and I want more. My throat stretches to accommodate him, - even as it stretches, and aches, I still want more. I feel my breath grow short, and my vision grows clearer as I pull back, gasping for air. I realize I'm still on my bed, in the dream, and I feel the weight of something pinning me down, and in the dim moonlight I can see....

Black fur.

"No, Daddy!"

I push at my Daddy - no, the wolf, for I know it's not really my Daddy doing this. But my hands are useless, becoming lost in his fur as I try to push him away. His weight pins me down against the bed. He forces his huge, wet tongue into my mouth, pushing my jaw open before I can close my mouth. I feel it pushing into my throat, my teeth and tongue useless to stop him.

I keep struggling, barely able to breathe as my throat is stretched. This is bad. Just a kiss can transmit the wolf's curse - and this was much more than a kiss!

I drive my palm upwards as hard as I can into the wolf's throat, hitting soft flesh. It works - finally the wolf lets up. His tongue stops it's plunge into me and begins to retract. I feel his wet muscle being pulled out of my throat as he reels back, until the two of us are gasping, separated. The wolf clutches his throat, choking from the unexpected impact. I must have hit him hard. But apologies will come later.

I reach along the bed, finding the leather restraints. Normally they would be used to keep my legs bound while Daddy played with me - now they were my only chance to keep him safe. I reach for the wolf's wrist and clasp it in a leg restraint. He doesn't notice at first, until the metal clasp clicks shut. His ears perk up. I brace myself, terrified but focused, waiting for the opening I need. He lunges towards me, claws outstretched.

I hear a tearing noise - had he set himself free? - and then feel my shirt pulled, tearing the fabric and exposing my breasts to the cold air. Far from trying to release himself, he'd chosen to shred my clothing. The wolf must be acting out of mindless lust. He barely notices the fact that his other arm is restrained - all he can think of is getting to me and filling my holes. I have to make sure that doesn't happen.

I dodge his claws and manage to get the second restraint on, effectively pinning the wolf to the bed. Now bound, the wolf realizes his predicament. I hear him barking and snarling with rage as I race out the door and into Daddy's lab.

Luckily, the lab is still mostly set up for work from earlier. Beakers and vials sit on the counter next to jars of ingredients, . I'll have to work quick before the effects of the wolf's saliva take hold. I can already feel my throat, the point of contact, tinging with heat. I've got to find Daddy's notes. I thumb through the closest notebook - since I used it just a few hours ago, the recipe can't have gone far. Swallowing feels strangely pleasurable and I feel myself beginning to drool as I flip the pages. I have to control myself. But I'm keenly aware of what's going on inside me, and with each contraction of my throat, another wave of warm tingly feeling spreads through my mouth, reminding me of my need- If only I could do something about it. I imagine a big, warm wolf cock slide past my tongue, stretching my throat as it plunges deep into me...

A little bit of drool escapes from my lips and falls down onto the page of notes.

Argh! I swallow hard, sending a spasm of pleasure through my throat. Tingling pleasure radiates up from my neck with the swallow, but I ignore it and try to read faster. My Daddy needs my help, I can't get distracted! The book I'm looking at seems to be nothing but mechanical diagrams- I toss it to the floor and reach for the next nearest notebook.

A loud scraping sound erupts from my room across the hall. Unable to escape, Daddy must be dragging my bed across the floor, frame and all. I know he wants to get to me, to fill my holes and make me feel good- And he will, if I don't fight off my aching desire for him. This curse was no joke. I knew my throat was done for, but I thought I had more time before the rest of my body...

As if on cue, I feel my holes tingling with pleasure, filling my mind with thoughts of being plugged and filled. My ass wants a wolf cock, and it will not stop wanting it until it's filled. I thumb through notebooks desperately, panting with arousal, feeling my knees weaken with each throbbing pulse of pleasure. Just as I'm turning to page of one that looks promising, a wave of pleasure hits me hard. I fall to my knees, taking the notebook and a few bottles of ingredients to the floor with me as my pussy gushes and soaks my panties with wet arousal. From his prison, I hear Daddy howl. I stifle my moans, knowing the scent is more than enough to drive him on.

I stare at the pages of the notebook blankly. My mind is hazy, clouded with pleasurable thoughts of canine cock and holes being filled. It would be so easy to give in. My hands wander to my pussy, and I wonder how incredible it would feel to cum- but my eyes catch a familiar looking script on the notebook page.

This is it! The cure recipe!

I shakily get to my knees, leaning my weight against the lab counter. I ignore the sound of Daddy's howls. I ignore the needy lust building in me. "Three grams of wolfsbane..." I read aloud, trying to distract myself. The round bottle of wolfsbane is just there on the counter. I grasp it in my palm. Daddy gives another loud, long howl, and for some reason I feel compelled to howl back - out of arousal, or frustration, or the curse. I grit my teeth in silence and refocus on the bottle of wolfsbane.

A heavy glass sphere, stemmed by a vial. It's a perfect round glass butt plug. I feel it warming in my hand and desperately want to feel it's weight in my ass, stretching me. It would make the perfect toy to prepare me for Daddy's big, knotted, wolf cock...

I gasp as pleasure radiates through my entire body, my legs shaking. Daddy howls again, this time louder and I feel my mouth distend as a moan escapes my lips, joining him in his desperate howl for release. Wracked with arousal, my knees buckle beneath me, and I fall to the floor.

I can think about is getting off. I can't move. I extend my arms, try to push myself up - but find myself reaching for my pussy instead. My fingers spread my pussy lips, then slide inside my hole, my cum more than enough lubricant. But one finger isn't enough. I need three, four... Only when all of my fingers are pushing into me, only when my cunt is stretched around my entire fist, do I feel close to release.

My free hand dips towards my ass, another hole that needs to be filled and stretched. The tight, puckered entrance is slippery with cum. I press two fingers against my entrance, feeling the tight hole contract around them. I push them in further as my ass relaxes, a willing hole to be filled.

I know I shouldn't be doing this. But if I can get myself off with my hands, maybe I can get my mind back. Just long enough to finish the cure. I grind my hips back and forth, pushing my hands in and out of my dripping wet holes. I push more fingers into my ass, but it's not enough - I need something bigger, thicker. I just need to cum again, just one more time, and then...

No! I have to concentrate! I groan and rise to my feet, slipping my hands out of myself and limping to the counter with my bottle of wolfsbane. It takes all my concentration just to walk

Something cold and wet nudges between my legs. My body stiffens in shock, then I'm sent stumbling against the lab counter as the wolf muzzle behind me pushes me forward. I barely have time to register what's happening before the wolf's thick, warm tongue runs across my ass, dripping canine drool onto my sensitive hole. When did Daddy wake up? How did I not notice?

Trapped before the wolf, his tongue probes deeper, filling my ass with sloppy heat. I can only clutch the lab table in pleasure, gripping the counter to stay upright as my knees buckle beneath me. Daddy is savoring the taste of me and it's all I can do to keep from bucking back against his mouth.

I have to run - kick him away, something. But it feels-so-good! My chest meets the table as I slide down, knocking bottles and vials askew in my slow, orgasmic descent. One of them catches my eye- it's labeled. I can make out Daddy's blocky handwriting

"Premade Cure 3/18 - Requires Wolfsbane."

I'm saved! I grasp the bottle in one hand, clutching the wolfsbane in the other. Daddy continues to lap at my ass. He finds the taste so delicious that, maybe if I just pour the cure on myself, he'll lap it up as well. It's as good of an idea I can think of while getting reamed.

I shakily uncork the two bottles, wiggling my hips to try and keep Daddy distracted. He responds by pushing deeper, his thick, long tongue slipping in deeper than any toy has before. I groan and clench around him involuntarily. Even with shaky hands, I can do this. I can save us both. I delicately tip the bottle of wolfsbane to pour it into the cure.

Suddenly, Daddy pulls his tongue out of me, leaving a space that needs filling. Suddenly no longer supported by a big wolf muzzle between my legs, I stumble and almost fall against the counter. My focus is split between the aching hole that needs to be filled and licked and the immediate task in front of me, the cure I need to make.

But my hips won't move. My hands quiver. Every part of me aches to be filled again, and then-

Daddy pushes his thick wolf cock into my slippery, saliva coated princess hole. Mentally, I scream, but my body takes the almost forearm-sized length without protest. He buries himself up to his knot on the first thrust. It's bigger than anything I've ever felt before, and warmer, and thicker.

Daddy starts to move. I'm pinned to the counter as his fist-sized knot bounces against me with each thrust. He's giving me a hard, animal fucking, and it's exactly what I need. The bottles of cure sit in my hands- so close, but I can barely concentrate through the pleasure. My ass is stretched to its limit, but I need more- I need Daddy's knot inside me. I pant and drool onto the counter and push back as hard as I can. Daddy growls and fucks me, his willing bitch, pushing his knot into me. Finally I hear the satisfying 'pop' as Daddy locks with me.

Daddy throws back his muzzle and howls and I join him, howling and moaning in pleasure as his cock starts to pulse and twitch within me. With each short thrust I feel his knot pull within me, pulling me back against his strong hips, against fur wet with arousal and sweat. My skin tingles with anticipation of our building orgasm. Soon it will be too late - Soon, but I can't stop. I look down at my arms and see drops of wolfy drool shining among thin strands of silvery white fur. The cure and wolfsbane slip out of my hands, out of my paws. My tongue lolls from my mouth, flopping over lengthening teeth. I pant below my Daddy, a willing bitch, and soon a happy wolf.