MidNight Ride

Story by Aggressive Filth on SoFurry

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WARNING: This story contains masses of gore, rape, etc. If you're weak stomached and such, dont read further. If that isnt the case... enjoy yourself.

"Please don't hurt him!" screamed the dirt covered form of a female snowshoe hare. She and her friend Alex, also a hare, had been strolling through the countryside when they both were tackled by a huge, muscular mass of flesh. Their lantern flew several feet away, landing on its side but still burning.

The sun had faded long ago, the moon now taking its place. At first, Hanwi thought it was a sheepdog, and then the creature rose, the shadow-covered form outlined as it stood before the moon.

The creature was the most muscular being she'd ever laid her blue eyes upon. Atop its broad shoulders sat piles of fur that blew in the light breeze. The only other movement aside from this was a long, tufted tail swishing to and fro in an agitated manner.

A groan met the female's ears and she remembered. "Alex? Are you ok?" She was silenced. "Be quiet, bitch. He isn't ok and you wont be soon enough. "The creatures voice was deep and reminded little Hanwi of a bear, but bears lacked the long swaying tail.

Another groan and Hanwi watched as her companion, fought to stand. It happened in slow motion. One powerful leg drew back, muscles rippling in the flickering lantern light, then flew forward towards the face of the stunned male hare. It connected, the hares head flying back, neck snapping loudly.

Hanwi shook her head, screaming as loud as her rabbit lungs would allow before a fist connected with her cheek. The little white form spun and landed on the ground, sobbing uncontrollably.

Her attacker moved to stand before her. Finally she could see him clearly. Hanwis jaw dropped and she spoke through her sobs. "My gods...You're a lion!" The lion dropped one hip and crossed his arms, an evil smirk settled upon his scarred face. His mane was huge and was black as the night itself. Casting her gaze a bit lower, she noticed his feline cock had protruded from its sheath and hung semi-rigid.

Placing her head in her paws, Hanwi continued to sob. "Please let this be a dream!" He was going to rape her, she knew it. Whether he would rape her alive or dead, she didn't know. Hopefully he would kill her first. "I assure you, its not a dream you silly fuck. Stop cowering and put up a fight." The lion growled and took a step towards her. She merely cringed and shook. "You killed Alex..." She was noticeably going into shock. A large foot connected with her ribs, causing her to emit a loud squeal as at least one rib snapped in half. Pain filled her and she curled into a ball. She would beg. "Please don't kill me! I'll give you anything you want, just don't kill me!" The lion threw back his head, mane flying, and laughed in pure joy. "Anything I want I'll take!" His cock now throbbed, veins pulsing as it shot up straight. He loved it when they begged. Moving slowly to the hare, he grabbed her ears and jerked her to her feet. "You're going to be a good bunny and do everything the mighty carnivore says, aren't you?" He gave her head a slow pet. "Please..." She was choking out sobs. "Mmm...I love the smell of your fear." One paw moved down to stroke his immense length, the other moved to push Hanwi to her knees. The lion got to his behind her and grasped her sides while she struggled frantically, trying to get away.

"You aren't going to live through this, hare." His mouth was right beside one of Hanwis long, white ears, his voice whispered to her. "I'm going to fuck you to death." Still Hanwi tried to escape, clawing at the ground, even vomiting in fear. The helmet of the lions penis stroked the area between Hanwi's tailhole and vagina. She contracted her muscles, trying to pull her flesh away from his. He would not be denied. Grasping the fur of his victim, he pulled her body back while thrusting forward, impaling her upon his cock. White hot pain tore through the hares body and she screamed, a shriek that only a rabbit can produce.

Blood instantly greeted the lion. Afterall... he was four inches around and one foot long. The average male rabbit was ½ inch around and four inches long. The phrase "Ripped her a new one" was put to justice. Adjusting to the hares constricting insides, the feline began to roll his hips, pumping inch after inch into her guts. Each pump produced a scream and each scream made him pump more. She was doing exactly what he wanted.

Again Hanwi was slipping into shock. Growling, the lion gripped her sides harder, piercing her flesh with his sharp black claws. Again and again she screamed, making the lions blood run hot. Jerking his bloody cock from her pussy, he shoved it into that tight tailhole of hers. Gripping her sides and pulling her back against his frenzied thrusts, he broke completely broke through her inner walls, making one orifice rather than two.

When Hanwi slipped into unconsciousness, the lion bent over her and grasped the back of her neck in his teeth, those sharp barbs on his shaft tearing into her lower portions. Very soon he would cum, but not he applied pressure to her abdomen with his paws, pushing her insides tighter around him. He groaned and bit down, teeth popping through Hanwis throat. Each thrust brought on a growl as his balls were filled with heat. His claws in the hares sides sunk in deeper, raking towards him as he pulled her body back to meet his. Each pull ripped larger strips of flesh from her sides, ribs now exposed. With her innards slowly becoming outards each time he filled her insides with his length it was visible from the outside. His length shook within her intestines, causing them to pulse and pour out of her body.

It was a bloodbath. The lion moaned, his nostrils flaring with exhaustion. One last squeeze to his victims sides and he erupted, his thick steamy cum filling her insides like a cannon. The moment his orgasm hit, he'd jerked his head back, removing the hares head and roaring twice as long as his victims screams had been His cock still throbbed within the dead body, sending out his last spurt of seed. Opening his eyes, he looked around him, grinning even while he panted. There was blood everywhere. The hares head now rested against the body of her dead companion, soiling his white fur with her blood.

Cum seeped from the numerous splits in the hares intestines. As his cock grew flaccid, he hooked his claws through the hares ribs. Pulling, he grunted and tore her body in two, leaving his shaft free of her confines. Leaning down, he lapped the mix of rabbit blood and cum from his quickly retreating cock, then he stood. Once more his eyes ran over the gore spread around him. Sauntering to his toys head, he picked it up by the ears, licking her bloody lips with a grin.

"You were a good ride, you whining cunt, but I'm afraid I have to go. Your only company now will be the crows." Snickering to himself, he strolled slowly away, his hunger sated...for at least a little while.

I'd like a bit of feedback, so please tell me what you think. Also, feel free to request a story. I'm always looking for new ideas. [email protected] Thanks.