Pokemon's gift chapter one: A painful start

Story by Vitross on SoFurry

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Ark woke up to the sound of his alarm, got out of bed, dressed, and hurried outside ignoring breakfast. Ark was in a hurry today since one of the miltanks was due to have an egg hatch. Since it was his job as a farm hand to make sure everything flowed as smoothly as possible he made sure he would be there to help the little newborn get some milk from its mother if it couldn't get there on its own.

Ark smiled as the familiar smell of hay and pokemon touched his nose. He got the water running into the trough, fetched a bale of hay and head inside the barn. The Miltanks greeted Ark warmly as they noticed the fresh hay. He placed the hay in the feeder and went to check on the expecting mother.

"Hey Alexis." Ark smiled at the miltank. His uncle Draven who owned the farm had never gave any of the pokemon names so he wouldn't feel connected to them since at any point a wealthy Lord or Lady could come by and buy one of his Miltanks off. Ark could not help but name them; Ark believed that every pokemon no matter what kind should have at least a name to call themselves.

"Mil." Alexis called quietly looking at Ark as if expecting something.

"You know me to well Alexis, I did bring something for you." Alexis stood up at that "It took me a while but I gathered enough berries for a batch of the sweet and sour pokeblocks that you like so much." Ark knew he was spoiling Alexis but it was her first child so it was justified.

The sound of the water overflowing snapped Ark back into his "Farm Hand" personality as he hurried to shut it off. It was strange though he'd never had a time in his life where he had left the water on that long. Ark went back inside to check on Alexis' egg hoping that he didn't miss the hatch. The egg was just beginning to crack, and of course, the pokeblocks were gone.

"Well this is it Alexis." Ark said watching the egg closely.

Soon enough the egg finally hatched and out popped a little baby Tauros. The Tauros adjusted quickly to its surroundings and found its mothers teat and began feeding.

"Well everything seems to be in order I'll catch up with you later Alexis." Ark said cheerfully heading towards the door.

"Mil-tank mil." Alexis replied.

Ark finished up the rest of the morning chores without any trouble and head inside to tell uncle Draven about the newborn. Even though Ark was extremely nervous about telling him it wasn't a Miltank newborn, he was hoping for.

"Sir I have news about the newborn for you." Ark said in a false calm tone.

"Its okay everything is fine." His uncle's response startled him. "Yes I'm aware that it's a Tauros, I can tell by your tone that you were worried about it."

"Sorry its just I know you were hoping for another Miltank."

"It doesn't really matter at this point Ark. Sit down please." Ark did as he was told.

"Ark I know how much you like the Miltank that you call Alexis you seem to be closer to her than any others even when they had there own newborns. I'm telling you this so you at least have a chance to say goodbye to her."

Arks false calm broke into a deep sadness that took over him as he both dreaded and knew what was going to come next. "Alexis as you call her has been sold to Lady Willow's ranch. I'm sorry but you know as well as I do that I can't really refuse her. I wish she was interested in another Miltank but she isn't interested in any other one. I-I'm truly sorry Ark."

It took a minute for Ark to find his voice again "I shouldn't have gotten close to her. I should've known better, what can I do though . If there's anyone to blame its me, for getting to close to her." Draven stopped Ark with a meaningful hug. Ark felt tears streaming down on his face soaking his uncle's shoulder but didn't care right now, He just stood there crying silently as another one of the things that made him happy was took away from him.

After about five minutes, Ark broke the embrace and started to leave, as Ark started to close the door, he noticed tears in his uncle's eyes. Tears not for the Miltank being sold, but for the effects he had inflicted on his nephew.

"I'm sorry." Said a voice behind Ark. "Is this a bad time?"

Ark turned around and saw Lady Willow in all her high-class glory. Ark despised her. "Not at all ma'am." Ark replied with an obvious tone of disgust. "Infact your timing couldn't be better. I was just going out to say my goodbyes to Alexis."

"Alexis?" Lady Willow pondered for a moment. "Oh yes the Miltank your uncle said you were so fond of. Honestly you can't go around naming every pokemon it's so childish."

"If that is so then I'm glad to be childish, at least I can care for something other than myself." Retorted Ark "Ma'am."

"You uncle would do well to teach you a lesson in proper manners as far as addressing you superiors." Lady Willow replied calmly.

Ark said nothing else and just walked away, the more time he wasted here the less time he would have to say goodbye.

When Ark was out of earshot, Lady Willow made a phone call to one of her servants.

"Load the Miltank immediately don't bother waiting for the farm hand."

"Yes Ma'am!"

"That will teach him."

Ark was just outside the barn when he heard the livestock truck start to pull away. Ark looked and saw Alexis wearing a bloody nose out of one of the holes on the truck. Something snapped inside of Ark what it was he couldn't tell but it was a feeling unlike any other he had felt in his life.

"You will pay for this Lady Willow, for as long as I still breathe I will return this act three-fold." Suddenly the odd feeling dissipated when he said that. He realized what it was now some of the older books in the library called it a "True Oath" unlike regular oaths which held no more power than a regular promise, A "True Oath" would happen no matter what even if Ark tried to prevent it. It was one of the few instances of so called "Magic" that still occurred now and then.

Lady Willow shuddered for a moment and felt a prickle on the back of her neck.

"Are you alright Lady Willow?" Draven asked politely

"Just fine must have been a stray breeze that caught me." Lady Willow replied warmly. "Now about this nephew of yours."

"Hmm? Something wrong with him?"

"Yes as a matter of fact, there is. He is much too childish and needs to learn that life isn't all fun and games."

"I suppose so."

"You should send him to a finishing school so he can learn to respect his superiors, or at least the equilivant."

"I already have something planned for him that will teach him quite a few lessons of life."

"Wonderful I shall be back in about a year and a half give or take to see how well he has turned out."

"You have my word he will be a changed man." Draven said with a indifferent tone -Not in the way your thinking of however.-