A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:9

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#56 of Zootopia

Making use of the protective solitude of the basement of the Hunter Ranch, Dawn and Vernon whittle away the hours writing Vernon's side of the story from when he first re-united with Dawn. But while the ewe types away she is turning over the horrible debacle that was the family dinner and how best to turn it all around.

Wrapping up some commissions this week but then I'm going to be focusing on writing again. I've got some edits to make before pressing on with the next few chapters. In the meantime consider tipping me if you like what I do (shill, shill), stories or art. Every little bit helps.https://www.patreon.com/wastedtimeee

Chapter Nine: Basement Dwellers

"So honestly, what exactly were you thinking when I was going to turn myself in?" Dawn asked, her hooves hovering over her keyboard readily. "I mean that plan you came up with, it was absolutely irresponsible and crazy."

The wolf laying on the other side of the couch from her leaned his head back on the arm, letting out a sigh.

"Thinking? You think I was thinking?" Vernon chuckled as he shook his head. "I was thinking I had to save your fluffy butt, that's what I was thinking."

"So stealing Val's bike-"

Vernon stabbed a paw at the ewe. "Ah! Ah! Ah!" He wagged his finger. "She let me have it, I didn't steal a thing!"

Dawn had always found it odd that Val had readily volunteered her prized motorcycle to Vernon knowing full well he was going to use it in a police chase. Then again the rare times she had met the vixen since then had done little more to help her better understand of how the teen vixen's mind worked.

"But you did steal me." Dawn smirked.

"You asking if I regret it?" Vernon raised an eyebrow at the ewe as she typed.

"Do you?" Dawn asked.

Vernon sighed. "I don't regret saving you. I knew you were innocent...and well...I wanted to protect you." Vernon sat back up. "I mean I told you as much when we were in the Rainforest District."

Dawn simply nodded as she continued to type away. Typing down Vernon's side of the story was not as easy as writing her own. The wolf wasn't quite as wordy as she was, and she had to take the extra time to make his retelling of events more palatable to perspective readers.

"But...I regret putting you in that situation we ended up in." Vernon flopped back into the arm rest. "I mean...well...you could have...I" Vernon whined.

Dawn placed her laptop on the cheap wooden coffee table near the couch, before crawling over to the forlorn wolf. Shimmying her way up his body, she wrapped her hooves tightly around his torso before planting a soft kiss on his muzzle.

"You didn't know Puppy Love, you were just..." Dawn nuzzled her head against his chest.

"I wasn't thinking straight." The wolf chuckled. "I had no plan, I just made things up on the fly!" The wolf held his arms out toward the ceiling. "I could have gotten us killed so many times!" Dawn watched as the wolf placed a paw over his face...

"But...?" Dawn cooed.

"You want me to say I was 'blinded by love' right?" Vernon eyed the ewe through his fingers, giving her a smirk. Dawn gave a simple nod before nuzzling the wolf's chest again.

Vernon sighed. "Well, I was, it's true." The wolf chuckled. "But don't you think any mammal reading that's gonna find it all schmaltzy and stuff?"

Dawn giggled. "Please, if you think that's bad wait to you read the chapter about our first time from my perspective."

Vernon suddenly sat up, startling Dawn in the process. The wolf's ears sagged as he stared at the little ewe in what she could only describe as sheer terror.

"W-wait, you're putting 'THAT' in?" Vernon whined.

Dawn chuckled as she gave the wolf's nose a playful 'boop' with her finger.

"Of course Puppy Love." Dawn cooed. "I have to, it's kind of a pivotal moment in our relationship." She gave the wolf a playful pat on the chest, but it didn't seem to put Vernon at ease. The wolf was visibly cringing now.

"B-but Lamb Chop, don't ya think that's a bit...ya know..." Vernon scratched the back of his head. "Too personal?" The wolf fell back onto the armrest again, staring blankly up at the ceiling. "I mean, I don't want our parents reading about...well...I mean..."

"Oh they'll probably never even read it." Dawn waived a hoof dismissively as she laid herself back down against the wolf's chest. Dawn twiddled her hooves through the tufts of fur sticking out of his shirt collar.

"Besides, it's about as descriptive as a romance novel. It's very tame." Dawn bit her lip as she thought about that last part. She knew she was stretching the truth just a bit as she reviewed some key phrases in her head. She knew passages such as 'Pounded me into the mattress' and _'Rode him like an old western ostrich rider'_were edging on tasteless, but it was true to form. Even so the story was meant to be a raw one, and would probably only ever reach a small audience of Pred/Prey couples and sympathizers. She did however make a mental note of showing a heavily edited copy to Vernon rather than the real one.

"Speaking of parents..." Dawn decided it was time to change the subject, lest her mate begin to ask to many questions. "Are we going to discuss what happened up there?" Dawn gestured toward the ceiling.

"Ugh..." Vernon groaned, slapping a paw back to his face. "No, c'mon lets go back to the book Darlin'."

"Vern." Dawn said plainly. "We've been down here for three hours now writing my book in an effort to avoid discussing this."

"And we can wait a little longer can't we?" The wolf moaned. Vernon flashed the ewe pleading eyes, but the ewe remained resilient in the face of her mate's usual charm. Dawn simply sat back up, crossing her arms as she stared the wolf down. Eventually the wolf faltered, letting out another groan.

"Look I don't exactly want to talk about it either." Dawn sighed. She could easily recall how shaken up she was when the had first come down to the basement three hours before. She felt absolutely miserable knowing that Vernon's Father held a clear disdain for her, but at the same time she couldn't fault him for it despite Vernon's assertion that Dorian was far off base. It was Vernon who had come up with the idea of putting her mind off it by doing more of his side of the book. He had even rushed upstairs to get her laptop to make it all the more an appealing option, which she had begrudgingly accepted.

But despite being around each other for six months Vernon had yet to learn that Dawn could never fully get something that was bothering her out of her head. A distraction simply stole focus from the more worrying thoughts, making them quieter but still present as more of a background noise. Outside Dawn pressed Vernon for his take on when they first recognized each other, to the emotional turmoil he went through living with her, to being trapped in the freezer together, to the eventual topic at hoof, his lamb-napping chase through the Rainforest.

But on the inside Dawn was working through the disastrous turn of events at the dinner. Was there anything that could have been done to keep the conversation from going back to Dawn's past? Could she had somehow managed to impart Dorian with a good first impression? The answer didn't take long, she knew it was a resounding 'no'. And it had been utterly preposterous to expect every member of the family, even any of them for that matter to be willing to simply brush aside her past deeds despite her recent act of heroism. She thought in hindsight that perhaps it would have been better to just bring it up all at once. To have a civil and open discussion about everything despite the disgust she felt reliving that part of her life. It was the only fair thing to do for the sake of the Hunters, for the sake of Dorian. And that had been the conclusion she had come to as she finally managed to calm down and focus on the writing. The next time she and Vernon's Father had a chance to talk, she resolved to be earnest and open about her history.

"But we are going to be here for three more days, and we can't spend the whole time in this basement." Dawn concluded.

"Well, what do you think we should do?" Vernon groaned. " Cause If my Dad gets like that again I'm gonna have to h-"

Dawn quickly brought her hoof to his muzzle, cutting him off.

"Your Dad is right to feel the way he feels." Dawn said sadly.

"WHAT!?" Vernon sputtered.

Dawn gave a meek nod. "What I did was terrible, I can't just expect everyone to just accept me." The ewe sighed. "I mean he hasn't even had a chance to get to know me, lamb sakes none of them really have."

The ewe adjusted her glasses. "Actually I should be more grateful that so far everyone else here has been willing to accept me with open paws."

Vernon scoffed. "What about 'Zootopia's Last Night?' I told them what you did!" Vernon huffed. "It was all over the news, he couldn't have miss-"

"That doesn't just erase what I did before Vernon." Dawn shook her head. "Nor should it. I-I'm sure your Father has his reasons for holding a grudge."

"FEH!" Vernon threw his arms out. " 'Hunters can smell bullshit!' Those were his words." His arms flopped back to his sides. "He should have been able to tell you were sincere the moment he looked at you."

Dawn curled back up against Vernon's chest, tenderly petting the fur tuft still sticking out of his shirt neck.

"We just have to take it slow Puppy Love." Dawn cooed, trying to calm the wolf down. "We'll give it some time, let him see how we get along." She sighed. "Then when the right time comes we'll all sit down and have a calm discussion about everything."

Vernon frowned, his ears sagging as he wrapped a paw around the ewe. The wolf let out a long sigh as he leaned over and buried his snout in the wooly puff on top of her head. She could feel a gentle kiss just barely touch her scalp through the wool.

"How'd you manage to get so calm about all this Honey Lamb?" Vernon mumbled through the wool. "I've been seeing red for hours now."

Dawn giggled. "I spent a lot of time thinking it over."

Vernon grumbled. "So much for getting your mind off it."

Dawn pulled away sharply, giving Vernon a playful slap.

"YOU DIDN'T EITHER!" She laughed. "You just said you've been 'seeing red for hours now!'"

The wolf sat up slightly, scratching the back of his head. "W-Well yeah, but I was trying to help you!" He grimaced. "I want you to have a good time here. I want it to feel like home."

"Aw, Puppy Love." Dawn cooed, wrapping her hooves around the wolf again as they eased back into a laying position on the shabby couch. "As long as I'm with you anywhere feels like home."

The wolf gingerly pet her head as he stared at the ceiling. Vernon let out a deep sigh. "Still though..."

"Oh hush!" Dawn tutted, walking her fingers up the wolf's chest daintily before resting her palm against his heart. "We'll just give your Father some time and then talk it out. For now we'll just focus on the fair tomorrow, and trying to have a good time."

Vernon eyed the ewe curiously. "Says you." He smirked. "How am I gonna believe you won't still be fretting over it? You lied to me before." Vernon chuckled. "I know it's still gonna be bothering me."

Dawn flashed the wolf a mischievous smirk. "Well...I do have a habit of thinking about too many thing at once. I rarely can ever fully clear my head..." The ewe slid on top of Vernon's chest, sliding her muzzle close to his. "But there is one thing that usually does the trick."

The wolf blushed furiously as Dawn kissed him on the tip of his nose.

"D-Dawn." Vernon stammered. "W-we can't be doing th-that here. They'll all hear us, I mean they'll definitely hear me...I-"

"Vernon I didn't mean that!" Dawn giggled, giving the wolf a playful swat. "Although admittedly that does work pretty well." She mused, rolling her eyes as she thought about the lurid act.

"But I mean just being with you." She said, snuggling back up to his chest. "Like this, right now. It makes me feel so much better." She gave a soft, comfortable bleat.

She felt the wolf tighten the wrap his paws had around her, squeezing her gently to his chest.

"Me too Honey Lamb." Vernon sighed. "Me too."

"And just what are ya'll up to down here?"

The familiar voice caused the pair to jump. Dawn barely had time to register what was happening as she found herself suddenly flying through the air before coming down on the other side of the sofa. She came down hard enough to feel the old wooden frame of the couch through the worn old cushions, causing her to wince as she landed.

Now on solid ground again, the ewe sat herself back up. By now Vernon was completely off the couch, standing up with his ears pointed in alarm. Dawn quickly figured out why as she spied Mrs. Hunter peeking at the couple through the slats on the stairwell.

"NOTHIN"!" Vernon barked awkwardly. "WE WAS N-NOTHIN'!" The wolf shook his head briskly. "I mean, we we're just resting!" He sputtered.

"Uh-huh." Audrey said in an accusing tone. As the wolfess made her way down the remaining stairs she cocked an eyebrow at the couple.

"Honestly! We were writing!" Vernon quickly turned to Dawn, his ears sagging as he finally seemed to notice the stunned ewe.

"We- oh Honey lamb!" Vernon rushed over, crouching down to the ewe still somewhat dazed on the couch. "I'm so sorry, are you alright!?" Vernon cooed, finally realizing he had thrown the lamb across the sofa. Dawn held her head and cringed slightly before patting Vernon's head.

"I-I'm fine...a little dizzy is all." She murmured.

"Oh Vernon!" Audrey chuckled. "Ya didn't have to throw the poor girl off ya. I know you two wouldn't do anything inappropriate in our house."

Vernon scratched the back of his head awkwardly, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"I'm so sorry Mutton Chop, I-"

"Vernon, please." Dawn caressed the side of Vernon's muzzle as she let out a chuckle of her own. "It's okay. I'm okay." Dawn eyed the wolf with concern. "Okay?"

Vernon nodded meekly before turning his attention back to his Mother.

"What are you doin' down here Ma?" Vernon asked nervously.

"Well I don't want to be too much of a Mom here..." The she-wolf trailed off. "But I thought I should remind you two that we leave for the Harvest Festival at seven tomorrow." The wolfess crossed her arms. "And if you two don't want to end up dead tired at the fair, you might want to get up to bed."

Vernon shook his head, letting out a chuckle.

"So, basically you're telling us we have a bedtime." Vernon grinned.

Audrey sneered. "Ya'll don't have to listen to me, but..." The she-wolf rolled her eyes as she smirked. " you'll be the ones too tired to do anything tomorrow if ya don't."

Now Dawn was giggling. Audrey was starting to remind the little ewe a lot of her own Mother during the more pleasant moments of her childhood.

"Well, I am starting to get a little tired." Dawn muttered, rubbing one of her eyes. "I have been writing for a while, and the trip took quite a bit out of me."

"Among other things." Vernon grumbled as he crossed his arms.

"Oh hush." Audrey sassed. "I will talk to your Father about his behavior, don't you worry. And you can bet he's sleeping in his office tonight."

The she wolf made her way around Vernon, crouching near the ewe.

"So did Wade bring your bag up to your room?" Audrey asked.

Dawn scrunched her muzzle up in confusion. "M-my room?"

"Yes dear, The room you and the other girls will be sharing." Audrey replied.

Dawn's eyes went wide. The ewe had spent the last three hours calming herself down and easing her fear about Dorian only to have sheer terror come rushing back into her system. There must have been some mistake, Dawn couldn't have heard her right.

"I-I'm sorry?" Dawn sputtered.

"Ma are you serious!?" Vernon had crouched next to the couple, staring at the she-wolf in disbelief.

"What?" Audrey replied, clearly nonplussed.

Vernon blinked at her a few times.

"W-we're taking the guest room. We hav-"

"Oh no,no,no." Audrey chided as she stood back up. "I don't trust you that much Puppy!" The she-wolf laughed.

"Ma!" Vernon's voice was grave as he stared at his Mother in horror. " You can't stick Dawn in a room with-with..." Vernon stammered.

"With who?" Audrey smirked. "Vanna?"

"And the others!" Vernon protested.

"What do you think Vanna, Ada and Qali are going to do?" Audrey crossed her arms. "Please, I'd be more worried about you not killing your brothers than Dawn's safety with those girls."

"Besides, Dawn isn't worried. Are you Darlin'?" Audrey turned to face the still petrified ewe. Dawn wanted to speak, to say something. But she was drawing a blank, her mouth continued to hang open dumbly as she stared at Mrs. Hunter.

"Oh Hon, you'll be fine." The she-wolf smiled warmly, patting Dawn on the leg.

"MA! We are taking th-" The wolf's voice was firm, but Audrey still managed to cut him off.

"You know the rules of the house Vernon!" The she-wolf chided. "If I didn't think Dawn would be fine I would allow it, but she will be." Audrey poked Vernon's nose, causing the wolf to recoil slightly. "You need to stop being so over protective!"

"I am not over protective!" Vernon huffed, crossing his arms.

"She's an adult Vernon, she doesn't need coddling." Audrey gave her son a half lidded stare. "And if I hear anyone gave her a hard time I'll take care of it."

"But Ma-"

"It's okay Vernon." Dawn interjected, drawing both of the wolves attention to her. Audrey's pat had drawn her back from her brain freeze, and she had managed to take in enough of the pairs back and forth to make a decision. Dawn was certain if she asked the she-wolf, even begged to share the guest room with Vernon, Audrey would allow it. Audrey had been willing to overlook her past, and was doing everything she could to make the ewe feel welcome in the Hunter household. But if Dawn caved to her own fearful emotions, she would essentially be spending the whole weekend in the Hunter basement. The ewe would be admitting defeat.

Dawn was scared yes. Scared of being hated by the members of her mates pack. There was a part of her that was deathly afraid Dorian would never at the very least accept her as part of the family. But while trying to figure out how best to deal with Vernon's Father, she realized that her final decision really applied to all her interactions with the family. If Dawn was going to make it through this weekend, and have a real shot at showing the Hunter pack who she really was, she was going to have to be prepared to discuss her past. The ewe was going to have to be brave, no matter how much she feared the judgment being open about her history may be. Dawn was going to do her best to suppress her worries and fears as much as possible, and soldier on.

"I can bunk with Vanna." Dawn muttered, twiddling her hooves nervously.

"Dawn, you can't b-"

"It's settled then!" Audrey chirped, clapping her paws together. Turning to her son, the she-wolf put her paws on her hips. "If Wade hasn't brought her bag up, you might want to do it for her Puppy." Audrey grinned. "It would be the gentlemamly thing to do."

Vernon traded glances with Dawn and Audrey. The wolf was aghast, muzzle twisted in horror and confusion.

"B-b-b..." Vernon's lip trembled.

"V-Vernon." Dawn mumbled. "I'll be okay..." Dawn reached out to the wolf, taking his paw in her hoof.

"Trust me." Dawn cooed. "I want to be a part of your family." Vernon's ears drooped as he let out a fearful whine. "And if I'm going to do that, I want to respect the house rules."

"B-But Honey Lamb." Vernon's eyes shimmered.

"You do trust me, don't you?" Dawn asked.

Vernon swallowed audibly before briskly shaking his head.

"O' course I do Mutton Chop, but-"

"Then trust that I will be okay on my own for the night." Dawn gingerly pet Vernon's paw with her other hoof.

The worried wolf glanced at his Mother briefly. The she wolf gave a chuckle before Vernon turned back to the ewe.

"A-Alright." Vernon muttered weakly. "If you're sure about this Dawn."

"I am." Dawn replied, giving the wolf a quick kiss on the muzzle.

With that, Vernon rose to his feet and began a slow trudge to the basement stairwell. The large grey wolf looked back at Audrey and Dawn with every few steps, occasionally letting out a nervous whine as he crossed the room. Finally reaching the stairs, the wolf took one last look back at the pair.

"You sure?" Vernon's ears sagged as he cringed.

"Yes Vernon." Dawn said, smiling warmly back at the forlorn wolf.

With a final sigh, the wolf made his way up the stairs, each step slow and deliberate as he disappeared from sight. As silence returned to the basement, Audrey let out a barking laugh.

"That has to be the most adorable thing I've ever seen!" The she-wolf laughed loudly. " It reminds me so much of when he was little, I could just see my little two year old Puppy standing there!" Audrey's laugh petered away into a contented sigh as she turned back to Dawn.

"Poor boys a wreck." Audrey snickered. "You've got him wrapped around your hooves Darlin'." The she-wolf shook her head slowly.

"Well, he's got me wrapped around his paws. So I guess were even." Dawn sighed warmly.

"Dawn." Audrey's tone had shifted to a more serious one. " If you really would prefer a guest room for the two of you I-"

The ewe briskly shook her head in dismissal. "Absolutely not Mrs.-" Dawn paused to correct herself. "Audrey. I want to be a part of this family, traditions included." The ewe crossed her hooves. "I won't feel like I belong if I get any sort of special treatment."

Audrey grinned widely, giving Dawn a gentle pat on the back.

"That'a future daughter in-law." Audrey laughed. "I can already tell you are going to fit in just fine with the rest of the family."

Dawn blushed at the prospect of being Audrey's future daughter in-law. For the she-wolf to go so far as to imply she was certain Dawn and Vernon would wed was enough of a compliment on it's own.

The she-wolf suddenly grimaced. " Just gotta get Dori to stop being a stubborn dummy like he always is." The wolfess turned her attention to Dawn in alarm, before shifting her demeanor back into a warm and friendly one. " But don't you worry yourself none about him, I'll make him come around, you'll see!" Audrey chirped.

Dawn smiled back enthusiastically. She hoped the she-wolf would prove right in the end. But even with Audrey's assurances, and Dawn's own plans, the ewe could still feel that familiar knot tightening in her stomach.