Children of the Damned (work in progress errors being fixed)

Story by kimmithefox on SoFurry

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#1 of Children of the Damned

Berlin, Germany

August 13, 1961

The Search for Survival

A frightening year in Germany took it's tole on Berlin. The announcement for construction of the Berlin wall wall was issued. In an effort to stem the tide of refugees attempting to leave East Berlin, the communist government of East Germany begins building the Berlin Wall to divide East and West Berlin. Construction of the wall caused a short-term crisis in U.S.-Soviet bloc relations, and the wall itself came to symbolize the Cold War. During that time though we go through the story of one young boy names Kyle and his struggles in his life.

Berlin, Germany

August 13, 1961

The Search for Survival

A frightening year in Germany took it's tole on Berlin. The announcement for construction of the Berlin wall was issued. In an effort to stem the tide of refugees attempting to leave East Berlin, the communist government of East Germany begins building the Berlin Wall to divide East and West Berlin. Construction of the wall caused a short-term crisis in U.S.-Soviet bloc relations, and the wall itself came to symbolize the Cold War. During that time though we go through the story of one young boy names Kyle and his struggles.

Kyle was only about thirteen years old. The division of the wall made it really hard for a young boy like him to survive on the streets, especially alone. When winter comes around Kyle had more then hard time finding food or even supplies, the mere fact that most people in the area he lived either kept to themselves.

Guess it was easier that way, It was night time by the time Kyle found shelter to even sleep. Kyle had found a nice yet decent alleyway and some torn down boxes he could use to cover himself,just the thought of trying to get warm made Kyle happy. Ever since Kyle ended up on the street, it was nothing but unpleasant Kyle couldn't even ask someone for a mere dime before getting yelled at.

When morning came Kyle was rudely awaken by some German soldiers they're rough handling and pushing making things painful, One of the soldiers urged Kyle to get up yelling at him profusely, wanting nothing more then to go on with his day and not have to deal with someone such as Kyle The soldier slammed into him again grabbing onto Kyle dirty and torn brown shirt, "Get up, already I don't need you laying about, Hurry up!" The soldier yelled pushing him Kyle being the rebellious type he is, tried to tell the soldier he was just sleeping, but the soldier didn't want to hear it "but I was just sleeping, I wasn't doing anything wrong please!" Kyle pleaded.

The soldier was getting annoyed by the boy's antics to be refuse to leave the only home and area he knew, grabbed Kyle by the shoulder and slammed him into the dirt covered ground. Kyle surprised by this tried to struggle but couldn't escape the soldiers grip, the soldier held him down for only a few seconds but to Kyle it felt like minutes and when the soldier handcuffed him he knew he had screwed up. Now realizing his mistake, Kyle unable to fightback or plea for help was forced to leave the alleyway, only this time leaving in handcuffs; Kyle was taken by the soldier to a very large truck, being taken to the back he was forced to climb into the back multiple other soldiers around him about at least six others there holding they're guns the tent type green cover on the truck waving around due to the wind, Kyle heard the truck start up and as the truck began to move the fear of what might happen struck him.

As Kyle looked around in the back of the truck where he was sitting. There were three other people like him in the truck with him, one was a man he was dressed in a suit the suit now all scruffed up and dirty, there was also a woman sitting across from him who wore a dirty tan dress. The dress reached down to her ankles, she had beautiful brown hair and hazel eyes, her hair was messy and all over the place, she also seemed to be missing a shoe and from the look on her face she looked just as scared as he was. What felt like hours later, the truck had come to a complete stop. At this point the woman was crying, the only words leaving her mouth were " What are they going to do to us?" her voice shaky as she spoke, her tone was that of pure fear.

Kyle was just hoping this ended quickly, whatever they were going to do to them. He was just hoping they did it fast and left it at that. Nearly seconds later did 6 men approach the vehicle. Two men each grabbed one of them and guiding them out of the truck, Kyle was the first to exit the massive vehicle the engine to the truck was still running and the soldiers were yelling at them to hurry up, once they were all out of the vehicle they were led to the entrance of what appeared to be a stone made prison from the looks of it. When they got to the entrance, they were met up with a German military officer. The officer was standing there just staring them down as if he was looking each one of them over. " Hallo my children I hope zeh stay is good ja?, Hope whatever zeh troubles ja got in was worth itz." The officer greeted following a very creepy laugh before saying " bring zem in will you? " Before walking off in to the building whistling a folk tune leading them to who knows where. Kyle didn't know what this place was but he didn't like it one bit.

To Be Continued

Part 1 of Children of the damned I hope you guys enjoyed it if you want to see more please comment. Any constructive criticism is great it helps me improve.!