Searching for a new Home

Story by RiyuuJinsei on SoFurry


#3 of Razor Fang

Part 2 : searching for a new home

The time that I lived with my parents ... it seemed so short, like I have only been with them for a week. I tried to stay in our house for as long as I could, gathering all my belongings and important stuff. By the time I had gathered everything I already had to sell everything else. My life with my parents is over already and it feels like they left me behind. I have to move on, sadly but true. It's been a week now since they died and I wonder whether I will find a new home or not, after all ... I'm half wolf. Who would want a guy like me who's neither human nor wolf. I will try nonetheless, I need a new home where people accept me and want to take care of me. So my best bet to go to is to a childcare that searches a place for homeless people.

I went to the counter and asked for help. "Welcome to Child Planet, where we find homes for homeless children, how can I help you? A rather nice woman said.

She was rather nice in the way that she asked how she could help, so I explained my story.

"Hm so your parents died and now you are all alone, correct?"

"Yes that's right, I have nowhere to go." I said rather sad.

"Well don't worry, we'll find a home that will take you for who and what you are." she assured me, I was glad that she was actually going to help me.

"But first, I'll have to ask you a few questions." she told me, so I had no other choice but to say "sure".

"First, what's your name?"

"It's Razor Fang."

"Ok second, how old are you?"

"I'm 18 years old." I don't like long conversations so I pretty much always answered in short.

"uhu, do you have a job or do you still study?"

"to be honest, I don't exactly know what I have to say now. I was still studying with my real parents, but it depends if the other people are wanting me to work."

she said to me again "well if you're still studying they have no choice but to send you to school again."

So my answer was "yes I still study."

My mind wandered off for just a second and noticed all those children in this building playing all together pretty happily. And for some reason, I wished I was as happy as them.

"ok then" the woman said and drew my attention "we will find you a home as fast as we can, now I have one more question." she said.

Wondering what the question was I asked "what is it?"

she responded by saying "where are you going to stay until we find you a home?"

not knowing what to respond, I said "I don't know."

She looked at me with sad eyes and said "I finish work here at 5:00 pm, if you want you can stay with me until we find a nice place for you to stay." That sounded too nice to be true, but I accepted anyway, as long as I could live someplace it didn't matter if it sounded like heaven or not.

"By the way, my name's Elena." she said, "If you want you can stay here until I finish work or you can just come back at 5:00 pm and I'll take you with me." she added. I wasn't paying attention anymore at all but I stayed there until she finished work. My attention was drawn to the background music and the walls, the walls were all of light colors mostly sky blue and bright yellow. As the for the background music, it were all nice, yet sad songs playing. It must be to remind the children that even though things go bad, it can be mended and good things will also happen in life.

As I was sitting on a bench in the waiting room, I was reading a newspaper saying something about a car crash. "Again?" I thought, "why are there so many accidents happening?" that was a question I knew I'd never get an answer on.

"Ok Razor, my work's done, ready to go?" I nodded and we left the building. We got to her car and left for her home. As we drove I tried to remember which way we were heading and where exactly her home was. "you never know when it might be handy when you need to find someone again." I thought. My mind wandered again and I was just staring out of the window now, looking at the trees, cars and more. I was surprised to see so many cars racing past us. It was like they really had to go, "heh looks like everyone wants to get home for some reason" I thought, and I was one of those that wanted to go to a home, a home where I was welcome.

"Well" Elena started to draw my attention, "this is my home, and as far as I'm concerned, it will be yours as well until you find a new home."

Almost never have I received such kind words, it really sounded like heaven.

"I'm going to go take a shower, there is an empty bedroom on the second floor to the right. Just make yourself at home." she said smiling.

"Thank you ... for everything." I silently said. I went upstairs and saw many frames with pictures of a man and a woman together. I looked closer and noticed that the woman was Elena herself. I was wondering who that man was, "Is that ... her husband?" I thought taking in consideration that I did not see any rings on her hands. I dropped the subject and walked on to the empty room she mentioned. Sure enough it was empty, a little too empty ... but at least it was a home. I unpacked my stuff and put it in the closet shelves tidily as to make sure that she wouldn't say I was sloppy. Along my stuff I had a frame of my family together, my mom, dad, my little brother that died after only having lived for 3 years and me. "I'll live on, knowing you're all with me." I said to myself, still looking at the picture. A knock came on the door "The door's open." I said, and looked behind me to see Elena walk in. "Sorry it's a little dusty, but I'll clean it when you're at school." she said slightly smiling. "I don't mind." I said, "at least, I have a home for now." I said to assure her.

"Well you can take a shower, it's to the right along the hall if you turn left from your room." she continued "I put a clean towel there for you to use as well." she said while walking downstairs. She came back upstairs and said "Oh there is one main rule here though." I looked confused and asked "which is?"

"You wash yourself before dinner, or you won't get dinner until you are showered." she said

I smiled "ok, I'll make sure I won't forget."

A few weeks later

"So nobody wants to take me in?" I asked sadly.

"No, we tried all available families that have asked for a child, but none would take you."

"Why not?!" I almost yelled to her.

"I don't know for sure, but I think it's because they are either afraid because you're half wolf or that it's because you are half wolf and not human."

"It's ... not fair." I cried. "I'm just like anyone else! I live the same way, I eat the same way, I do the same way, I'm not different!" I yelled while crying. Elena came up to me and hugged me tight.

"I know." she silently said. "I know you're not different, the only difference is you're half wolf. And that's why, I have decided that you can stay here with me." slightly smiling yet with sad eyes. I looked up pretty surprised, "I ... can stay?" I asked in a tiny voice.

"Yes you can, I need some company as well." she explained.

"My search for a home ... is finally over." I thought. Slightly smiling while embracing my new mom.