mliatbhrpg ch13

Story by okmaster on SoFurry

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I am not sure how many more of these I will post

Chapter thirteen: sentry drone Cezar

It has been about twenty days sense James left the shop behind and nothing extraordinary has happened after the werewolf attack. It would be another nine days to the trade city if the weather holds. Summer has turned to fall. It started to rain on occasion and people were out on their farms and fields preparing for the harvest. On this day however the weather was more severe. Raging rain and thunder forced the group to take shelter at a road side inn. If it was not for the fact that James was putting his best salesman pitches on the inn keeper and had to give up one of his heaters they might not have even got a room for the four of them. Two days passed and as they feared the weather washed out the bridge ahead of them. During the time James learned the heros were nowhere to be found. That was not unusual. It would not surprise him they were scouting a new route over the river or hunting the unique monsters that come with such storms. They just got done eating and James got out a deck of cards to play solitary with as the others found their own things to do. That is when a small group of soldiers came into the inn. Obviously they have been threw a fight by how bandaged they were. They start sitting around anywhere that was free as their captain talked to the inn owner. Obviously looking for boarding and supplies. James decides to head up to the others as another soldier comes into the inn breathing hard. The captain turned to him not looking any less intimidating with a bandage on his own head as the soldier gave the report. James overheard something about his wagon as he went upstairs. There was already a couple soldiers talking to Howard about some potions as James goes to Kira and Diana beside the heater. Kira lazily letting the heat on her back and Diana doing sword maintenance. He thought about asking Kira to help but she hated the rain. She would be more of a hindrance this time than help. " Diana I am worried about those heros. Care to come with me to look for them." Diana looked at him mildly surprised. " I did not think you cared about them?" James looks at the door. " Honestly I am not, but they have made the journey much easier for us so far. It would be a shame to have to go any further without them. Plus they are good for business." Diana laughed a little figuring that was the real reason and James was glad she took it like that as she got her cloak. Kira looked at James sad she was not asked as thunder struck close and her fur stood on end a moment before she put her head under her arm. James kneels down to rub her back before raising up again to hurry off.

The moment James starts coming down the stairs the captain of the soldiers finishes off his mug of liquid courage and moves to James with purpose. James hoped he could have got out before being confronted. " Hey you the one with the wagon?" James looks back at Diana taking defensive stance to his tone. James shows him the crest that was also on the wagon. " Good, me and my men will escort you up to the front line base. We need your supplies." James thinks on that a moment. " Did your men so happen to meet up with four heros. A swordsman, a burly berserker, a sorceress and a cleric?" The soldier paused surprised. " That makes this easier if you know them. I will explain on the way."

James listened to the captain's story as the two of them rode in the back of the wagon. Half the belongings James had had been packed into his room to make room for extra food and arms. What sounded like they were fighting was a monster a hundred feet tall. Taking out dozens of men a movement. Somehow it also sounded strangely familiar as well. It was a bumpy hour ride in the washed out back road but there was no incident. The soldiers must have kept it clear just for them. When they got to the camp it was clear the weather had done it no favors. A soldier came to the captain as soon as he got off the wagon to give an update and James moves to Diana. " They paid for everything in the bags. The stuff in my boxes are still for sale. There are potions, revives and mana restores. Do not buy anything. Say that I will be taking a look at that monster." Diana only gave a nod and got into the wagon to be sure none touch anything not suppose to be touched and James got off by the front. He hurries to where several were coming back hurt and it was not a far run to see something James did not believe. He did not know how it happened but it did. He heads back toward the wagon with all the speed he could. " How is that here?" He kept saying as he went. He was not on the second one of saying that as he passed the heros and he continued on even more eager to get to where he was going. He jumped onto the wagon, ignoring Diana completely and got into the metal lockbox. This one was special. Bolted down to the very wagon and one of the few pieces of technology that came with him from his world that still worked; he got inside it with ease and got a plastic card and started heading back.

It was not long before he passed the guards into the battle between the heros and the monster. James could see one of them was already on their back and the other three were barely standing. James hoped what he plans works as he holds up the card in his hand and uses his native language. " Engineer N356D-09G-33C-C." The monster raises it's bladed arm to strike James but stops to look at the card in his hand. " License recognized. Input further information." James sighs relieved as it returns to a neutral stance. " Inquiry, time assessment by best estimate of how long have you been on this world?" The monster's face flashes green. " This unit has been on this world for two days, six hours, twelve minutes and thirty seconds and counting." James' heart stops a moment before playing a scenario in his head. " Before coming to this world were you to be transported via a teleport pad? From any location to any location. You do not have to state the locations." The added comment was to ensure it's classified protection programs do not activate. " Correct!" James sighs both relieved and worried. " Here is the current situation as I understand it. You have come to a previously unknown world. It's location in space, time and reality is unknown. The very laws of physics are different on some levels. That is why your munitions will not work." James goes into his pocket and brings out one of the slugs. " However merger of our technology and their reality is possible. I have foregone attempts at contacting or bridging this world and the HSRC together as there is the possibility of hostile forces attempting to conquer HRSC. Compute?" The monster processes the information and it's face turned green. " Compute!" James continued. " Make and model number?" The monster seemed to straiten up. " I am a sentry bot, series EZ, model number 4 setup R serial number 5,234. Commonly referred to as a Cezar." James smiled humored thinking of old Rome history for a minute. One thing they knew was their military. " Do you agree primitive world initiative protocol?" Again the green face. " Agreed." James relaxes relieved the hard part was over. " Assessment, locals taken fact of outside force invading their claimed land. Have you killed any?" Cezar looked up to the base camp. " Negative, life form count had not decreased. Unknown condition. Situation calls for retreat. Action fail. Unable to activate mobility track." James moves to the tracks on Cezar and finds the oil is gone. It a miracle it was even working. " I am James Hues. I will attempt to make repairs and perform further aid. Can you have your monitor flash green for yes and red for no upon negotiation with locals?"