Djinn Chronicles - Mischief Night - 8pm

Story by Dragon_in_the_Wind on SoFurry

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#1 of Djinn Chronicles

An illegal voyeur gets his wish, but not in the way he expected.

-- Author's note -- this is the first part of a multi-part series. Each story is written to stand on it's own or be read out of order. But reading them in order will show a larger story arc.

John was feeling good tonight. It was a little past 8pm on a Friday night, and it was Halloween night. He lived in a college town, so that meant there were a lot of college kids out right now. But he was more interested in the college girls. Though, many of them would probably call him a pervert, he preferred the term Voyeur. He was a decent looking guy in his mid-twenties, and he had no problems getting girls, he just had an obsession with watching girls changing. And knowing they don't know he's watching, made it that much more exciting for him.

This hobby of his had caused some problems with his previous girlfriends. He had installed hidden cameras in his bathroom, and bedroom to record his girlfriend's changing and doing other things. At some point during their relationship they would either find a camera or video, or he would let it slip that he had them, and then he would get dumped. He didn't care too much because he only had girlfriends to get them over to his house so he could video record them. Now he had a better plan. Rather than go through the trouble of getting girls back to his place, he would try to get them in public.

Currently he was browsing around the local costume shop looking for targets. He picked this shop because it had a small temporary co-ed changing room, with walls that were not very high. He recently purchased a small battery operated pinhole camera and view screen. His plan was to follow girls into the changing room, pick a stall next to theirs, and then have the camera hidden inside some clothes that he would drape over the top of the wall into the other stall. Then on his side, he would watch on his screen to see what the girls would do in the other stall.

It was an ingenious plan he thought, he just needed girls. And right now he was thinking he had hit a jackpot. He had been following a group of 3 girls who were looking at "sexy" costumes that any other time of year would be considered underwear. He had followed the girls to the back of the store. They were at one end of an aisle and he was down at the other, pretending to look at masks with his back to them, trying not to look suspicious. But when he looked back over his shoulder to check on the girls, they were not there. He had gotten lost in thought too long that he never noticed them walking off. Darting off as fast as he could down the store aisles, he made his way to the front where the cash register was. He got there just in time to see them leaving the store, bags in hand.

"Damn it!" he thought to himself. He was hoping one of them would want to try something on. However, he didn't need to wait long for another target. There was another girl at the register buying a witch costume. And he was close enough that he could hear her ask where the changing rooms were. This girl was pretty plain looking, and somewhat flat chested, but he figured she was better than nothing. Besides, he had got himself excited enough already just waiting for the other girls.

Before he could enter the changing rooms, he needed to quickly buy a costume to use. Trying not to look too suspicious, he quickly made his way back to the costume section. Grabbing the first full length costume within reach, he then speed walked back to the register to buy it. Stopping only for a moment by the changing rooms to see which stall the witch girl walked into.

Darren felt like time was slowing down just to torture him. He got off work at 10pm, but this last hour from 8pm was really dragging. He was working the register at a costume shop on Halloween night. And the last bunch of college girls that came by only further reminded him of what he was missing out on right now. His frat house, Delta Delta, was holding a Halloween party. It was Hawaiian themed, and secretly they had been advertising free booze for any girls that came wearing bikini bathing suits... or less.

As soon as he got off work, he would be heading straight for the party. He just had to last till 10pm. The 3 girls that had come through his line recently didn't make the wait any easier. They were all giggling at each other's purchases. One had bought a sexy devil outfit, another bought a sexy mouse costume, and the last one bought a bunch of odd accessories. They were talking about what bras they would be wearing with their outfits. He thought for sure they must be going to his frat house party, but he didn't have the courage to ask for sure. He cursed himself for not asking, but figured he could say something if he saw them at the party.

"Hey girls, I'm the guy you bought those horns from. So I guess that makes me the guy you got horny from." No he couldn't say that, it was lame. He reasoned he probably shouldn't mention he works at the costume shop. Least they think he is some perverted creeper who was spying on them. To which he was sure the guy he just rang up was doing.

He had noticed the guy stalking the group of girls, and then get pretty angry when they had left the store. Then the guy was watching the next girl at the register while licking his lips like a real creep. The girl had asked where the changing room was, while pointing to the sign behind the register.

"Changing rooms are only available for customers who buy costumes over $20!" read the sign. It was kind of a silly policy, but the owner said it kept costs down by keeping people from going in there to steal stuff. The owner himself was actually sitting at the entrance to the dressing rooms, checking receipts to enforce the policy.

Once Darren told the girl were the changing rooms were, the creepy guy vanished and reappeared at the register trying to buy a pink fairy costume. The guy nervously claimed he was going to a party in drag. He seemed really anxious to complete the sale as fast as possible. So just to screw with the guy, Darren said the fairy costume was eligible for the guy to pick a prize from their Halloween prize box.

The prize box was a promotional thing the store was doing on Halloween night to try and drum up last minute sales. Normally you had to make a purchase of $100 or more. But there was an addendum that said "or select purchases" that the employees had added to allow them more time to talk to pretty girls. Or in this case, for Darren to mess with this creepy dude.

The guy got really impatient and kept glancing towards the dressing rooms. But Darren insisted, making up some story about how there were gift cards and rolls of cash in the box too. Which made Darren smile more as he knew what was actually in it. The truth being that it was a collection of all the parts of costumes they had found in the dressing rooms, and parts left behind from incomplete costumes on the shelves of the store. All stuffed into a cardboard box, spray painted black, with a hole cut in the lid to allow someone to put their hand in.

The guy relented and reached into the box Darren had put on the counter. He pulled out a plastic gold pirate coin and stared at it with disbelief.

"Rolls of cash eh? I'm sure this cost a fortune" the creepy guy said angrily before tossing the coin in his bag and stomping off towards the changing rooms.

John's mood had soured greatly after dealing with the obnoxious guy at the register. But the thoughts of what he was about to do made him feel better. He went into the changing room stall right next to the girl with the witch costume. There was no door on the stalls, just a curtain, the walls went all the way to the floor. But the top of the walls were only a foot above his head. On the left there was a flimsy full length mirror, on the opposite wall were hooks to hang up stuff, and there was a small stool to sit on. He put the bag with the fairy costume he just bought on the stool, not noticing the plastic pirate coin that fell out onto the floor.

Hanging his coat on the wall hook, he got to work pulling out the camera and view screen from his coat pockets to get set up. He had sewn loops into one of the selves of his jacket so he could snake the camera wire down it. Then at the end of the sleeve, he had sewn a pocket to conceal the lens, with a small hole just big enough for it to see through, but still hide the camera. He wanted to make sure it was all working before he began recording. Turning it on, he picked up the sleeve and watched the view screen as he moved it around to confirm the camera was showing live video.

Confident everything was ready, he casually tossed his coat over the top of the wall, and watched the view screen with renewed excitement. There, on his screen, he could see the girl bent over in the next stall. Even better, it looked like she was still pulling things out of her bag and hadn't changed yet. He was overjoyed that his plan worked!

"YES!" he was so excited he didn't realize he said that out loud until he saw the girl look up at his camera.

"Oh shit, oh shit!" he thought, panicking as he wondered if she could see the camera. She reached up to the lens and then pushed the coat back over to his side. Causing it to fall on to the floor on his side of the stall.

"Excuse me, your coat is blocking my mirror."

John sighed with relief that she did not see the camera in his coat. He slumped on to the back wall and slid down to sit on the floor. Pondering his next move.

"You could at least acknowledge what you did!" the girl next door said angrily.

"oh yeah, I'm sorry, my bad." he responded sheepishly.

What could he do now? He couldn't do that again without being a complete asshole, or the girl figuring it out. And no one was in the changing room on the other side of his stall for him to try there. So would he just wait for someone else to come in to one of the stalls? How long could he wait before the guy at the entrance got suspicious? His mind was racing with questions he wasn't sure the answers to. And that presented problems as the last thing he wanted to do was get caught and possibly go to jail.

Looking down on the floor, he noticed the pirate coin he had pulled out of the prize box earlier. He picked it up and looked at it more closely. It had the same thing on both sides, and there was writing on it too. Looking closer, he realized it wasn't a pirate coin, but something else. In the center of the coin was a head shot of some bro wearing blankets on his head. Around the head it said "What do you wish for?" Upon reading the words, John looked up and around at his surroundings and pondered what it was he would wish for right now.

"Well I wish this was a real gold coin for one." he mumbled quietly to himself while still looking around the room.

"... I wish... I had some other way to get my camera into the stall with the girl in it?" he continued. And then he noticed some light appear, as if by magic, under the wall to the stall with the girl in it. And he could make out faint shadows of the girl moving too. Dropping the coin into his fists, he crouched down to get a better look at the space between the floor and wall.

Sure enough there was just enough room between the wall and floor to covertly slide his jacket sleeve, with attached camera, under the wall. Grabbing the view screen and jacket, he did just that. Looking at the view screen, he slowly inched his coat into the next stall. With a flash of light, a view into the next stall came into focus. And there, with her back to the wall, he now saw the witch girl wearing just a white bra and matching panties.

He instantly got hard at the sight before his eyes. She was pulling the witch costume out of the packaging and trying to figure out how to put it on. Then she accidentally dropped it on the floor and crouched down till it looked like she was sitting on the camera. He couldn't see what she was doing, as all he could see on the view screen was a close-up of her panties and crotch. But that was all he wanted to see. He knew she must be moving around as he could see the panties pull and twist, and move this way and that. But he was also twisting and rubbing his own pants.

"Mmmm I wish I had a pussy to rub...," he moaned softly as he leaned his head back against the wall closing his eyes. He slowly dropped the camera view screen as he began to rub the bulge in his pants more vigorously.

"...and to lick. Mmm I would lick it like a dog." he continued, not realizing he still had the coin in his other hand as it shimmered briefly.

His rubbing was getting harder and faster, while his moans were steadily getting louder. Had his eyes been open, he may have noticed that the girl in the next stall was also starting to notice his noises too. Though he didn't care at the moment as all he wanted was to release the building pressure in his groin.

However, as the pressure was building, he felt himself getting smaller. He was still hard, and not going soft, just the bulge was feeling not as big as before. And then it was not there at all, but replaced by a weird pressing feeling in his groin. Curiosity and fear crept over him. Dropping the coin, he quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled down his boxers and pants to see what was happening.

He blinked twice, unsure if what he was seeing was real or a dream. With his legs spread while sitting on the floor, he watched as his penis, now the size of pen cap, quickly receded till it was just a small red nub above his already shrinking ball sack. Then with a squishy pop, he felt his balls pull inside himself leaving an open vertical slit in his skin. They pushed further inside him creating a vaginal cavity he could now feel. And continued moving further into his belly becoming what he could only guess was a womb and ovaries.

Blinking he just sat there for a few moments unsure if what he saw and felt was real. Between his legs he no longer had his usual male genitalia, but what appeared to be a vagina instead. Cautiously he touched the top of it and ran his fingers down the edges to the bottom. Immediately he felt new sensations shoot through his body that he had never felt before. His hips bucked and he squeezed his legs together in response. He even started to feel "wet" down there.

Panicking, he quickly tried to stand up, only to trip over his pants around his ankles and fall back down with thud. John's hips started to ache and felt like the bones were moving, rearranging themselves. And his spine felt like it was pushing out of his bottom. Eyes squinted shut, he rolled on his left side in a fetal position. Winching in pain, and trying not to make any noise, he felt his hips snap his legs into a new position as the pain moved to his legs. Slowly he opened his eyes to look at what was happening. Muscles were twisting under his skin, and bones where stretching and changing shape. His thighs were getting bigger while his lower legs were getting thinner.

With a new found strength, he kicked his legs, testing out their new movement, and inadvertently sent his shoes and socks flying off his now smaller feet. Looking at his feet, it finally became clear to him what was happening. The balls of his heels were smoothing out, while the pad of his feet were stretching and shrinking. His toes were moving with his big toe getting smaller and moving back on his foot. The nails started to turn black and grow out in the shape of a hook. As he felt the skin under them pad up he started to recognize the shape his feet were becoming.

As if to confirm what he feared, a tail moved between his legs, his tail. From the waist down his body looked like a hairless dog. And from what he knew was between his legs, he was becoming a female dog. Mixed emotions flooded through him; fear, panic, as well as lust and joy swirled around his mind. New sensations of his new body were sending foreign feelings through him, which was also making him a bit excited at the thought of exploring them. But he didn't want to be a dog to do it!

And then it hit him, he had just wished for this on that weird coin. First, he had wished for a space for his camera, and then he wished to lick a pussy like a dog. The idea of changing into a female didn't bother him so much, as he could enjoy that, but being a dog too! He didn't mean to wish for that.

"Why did I say that? Stupid, stupid, stupid." He thought to himself. He needed to find that coin again, maybe he could fix this. Pushing up with his hands, he tried to stand up. Though with his new lower half, he found it a bit more difficult. Fumbling a bit he finally settled on plopping his butt and legs on the ground with his hands in front... sitting like a dog. Looking around, he was sitting in the center of the small changing room. He last remembered having the coin in his hand when he was also holding the camera view screen.

"Oh shit!" he had forgotten about the camera! Scooting over the low pile carpet towards the wall with the camera, he was immediately reminded of his gender change. The carpet rubbed up against his new female parts in such a way that the folds of his labial lips caressed his new clit. Shivers of pleasure shot through his body, weakening his arms causing him to collapse belly first onto the floor. There he felt a new change. His nipples were way more sensitive then they should be, and he felt a similar feeling running in a line down his chest. Eyes squeezed shut, he didn't want to get up off the floor. He squirmed a bit and rubbed his belly, through his shirt, on the floor, basking in the pleasure caused by his new dog nipples.

"I suppose I'm now a girl" he idly thought to himself as his, no her, mind began to drift off in blissful feelings. She hardly noticed as her neck straightened out to make it easier for her to rest her head on the floor. Her shoulders shifted the position of her arms to allow them to change into her forelegs. In the back of her mind she knew the changes had reached her hands and head, but this thought was pushed further back by the thought of what she could now do with these changes.

Her nose perked up as new scents started flooding her mind. A tugging sensation in her ears signaled the changes were near completion. She opened her eyes and glanced at her hands to watch her fingers shrink and nails get bigger. But something else started to block her vision. Her jaw ached and pushed out her nose on her face. Nostrils flared and got larger to allow even more scents to invade her thoughts. Teeth sharpened and more grew in, but a single scent was pushing itself to the front of her mind, demanding attention.

She knew she was wet and dripping, as she could feel that, but now she could smell it too. This was new and unexpected, and it only excited her more. She was also feeling hot and her skin started crawling as golden hairs started growing all over her body. She tugged at the shirt she was still wearing and backed out of it. Then sat upright, mouth open, tongue hanging out panting like the dog she now was, and proud of what she had just done. She was happy because as she looked down between her legs, she could now do what she really wanted to do.

Darren looked up to see a girl stomping up to the register counter with a steaming red glare on her face. She stopped in front of him in a huff and stared at him with daggers in her eyes. He was almost off work and he did not want to deal with any problems before he left.

"You need to check that guy in the changing room stall that was next to mine. I'm pretty sure he was ... pleasuring himself... in there" the girl practically screamed at him.

"Ok, ok, calm down. Did you talk to the guy at the entrance to the changing rooms?" he asked wondering why she was here yelling at him instead of the owner back at the changing rooms.

"No, that old guy was asleep in the chair... and he seems creepy too!"

"Ok well that old guy is the owner..." he said hoping maybe she would go back to him. She only glared at him even harder and huffed.

"Alright I'll go back there and check things out." He said with a sigh. That seemed to calm her down a bit, but she stared him down as he walked to the changing rooms.

Sure enough, the owner was asleep in the chair at the entrance to the changing rooms. And he had his left hand tucked into his pants with his thumb hanging out over the top. Darren now understood why the girl didn't want to wake him, and he also questioned why the owner liked to guard the changing rooms. But he could deal with that later. Right now he had to figure out what he was going to do if he really did catch a guy masturbating in the changing rooms. This wasn't exactly something that was covered in orientation.

There were only 3 stalls, with curtains for doors. The curtains dragged on the floor so you couldn't see under them, but with only one of them closed, it was obvious which stall the guy was in. Which also meant he was still in there and Darren would have to deal with it. With a heavy sigh, Darren cautiously walked closer to the closed curtain and pressed his ear close to it to listen for any sounds of what might be happening on the other side. Much to his dismay, he heard slurping wet sounds mixed with the occasional whine and whimper. Darren was sure something not right, and possibly illegal, was happening inside the stall. Which meant now he had to figure out what to do about it. He looked back to the entrance where the owner was still sleeping and wished the old guy was awake to deal with this.

"Well might as well make this quick." he thought to himself. In one motion he grabbed the edge of the curtain and flung it open. He didn't want to see another guys dick, so he moved with the curtain out of view of the now open stall. He waited another beat for any reaction sounds. But when another loud slurping sound came out, he poked his head in to see. There on the floor, instead of some creepy guy doing unspeakable things, sat a golden retriever dog 'cleaning' their nether regions.

Darren took a step into the stall confused by the scene in front of him. There were some clothes on the floor, but a dog instead of a person was occupying the stall. He scratched his head wondering how the dog got in here, and what happened to the owner of the clothes. The dog however, didn't seem to notice or mind that they had been discovered. In fact, the dog seemed to be really enjoying themselves. As Darren looked closer, he noticed that the dog was female. It got him slightly aroused to think that this female was possibly licking herself for sexual satisfaction. But then he felt weird for getting a hard on about a dog.

Ashamed of his bestiality thoughts, Darren stomped a foot and loudly cleared his throat to get the dog's attention. The dog however, only stopped a moment to glance at him, and then went back to her business. Now a little annoyed by being ignored by a dog, Darren moved forward towards the dog, and bent over to try and shoo her out.

"Shoo, shoo, get out of here!" he shouted at the dog while trying to scoot her out. As soon as he touched her, the dog yelped and freaked out. Jumping to her feet, the dog whimpered, looked around the room, and then quickly ran out past Darren. Knocking him over onto the floor where the dog had just been.

Laying on the ground, Darren felt something hard stabbing him in his side. As he sat up, he reached for the object causing him pain, and came across a gold coin. It looked too small to be what he felt, but it was the only object on the floor where he had been. Picking the coin up, it had some weight to it, felt solid, and he wondered if it was real gold. His mind got a little cloudy while looking at the coin, that he forgot about the dog and clothes on the floor in the stall, and began walking back to the front counter.

The girl, who sent him to the changing rooms, was still waiting impatiently for his return by the counter. Darren however, was in a trance, mesmerized by the coin in his hand.

"Well...what did you do?" she said in an almost shrill, practically yelling voice.

"Huh.. wha, oh ... oh yeah right, the dog." Darren stammered out.

"Dog? I don't care about any dogs! What did you do about the guy in the changing rooms?"

"Oh there was no guy, only a dog."

The girl seemed really confused by this as she opened her mouth like she was going to say something, but nothing came out. Not sure what to do or say next, Darren started to fidget with the coin in his hands. While rubbing the coin, Darren thought he heard someone whispering in his ear. But as soon as he tried to focus on it, his mind was filled with an idea, and he felt compelled to hand the girl the coin.

"Here you should take this."

She looked at the coin, and instantly her eyes seemed to go into a trance locked on the coin. Slowly she took the coin out of Darren's hand and continued to stare at it.

"HEY Mary! Come on, we gotta go now if we want to get to the party tonight!" yelled a girl from the store entrance. She was with two other girls that looked like the same trio of girls from earlier.

"Wha... oh yeah, I'm coming" said Mary as she seemed to snap out of her trance. She pocketed the coin, turned away from Darren and headed out to catch up with her friends. Darren watched them leave and then his world went dark as the girls went out of sight.

"Hey Darren you ok?" said a familiar voice out of nowhere. Darren blinked again and the world and his mind returned to him in flood of sensations that knocked him off balance. Someone else's hands caught him and kept him upright.

"Woah there boy. You don't look so good. Why don't you go home now and I'll close up for the night?" said a scraggly old voice.

Darren looked towards the direction of the voice, and saw his boss's concerned face staring back at him.

"Uh yeah, I think I'll do that. I'm suddenly not feeling very well." responded Darren. Still feeling a bit woozy, he grabbed his things from behind the counter, said goodbye to the owner, and made his way out of the store. As he walked back to the campus, a bad feeling started nagging him that something big was going to happen tonight, but he didn't know what.