Finding Home

Story by legoiceking on SoFurry

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#2 of An Alegeharian Novel

Chapter 2 of the medieval era! At this point i would like to make a correction that wereshep has been exchange for Tescorosso in future chapters

An Alegeharian Novel

Medieval Era Chp. 2 Finding Home.

Lego was peeved but took Alecia's advice after hearing the crack of several canons sounding in unison off in the distance. Meanwhile on the frontlines, Alecia and the remaining soldiers were dug in forced to take cover from the bombardment. The lioness cursed under her breath ordering her troops to shovel back to where she left the weird shepherd.

"Back so soon?" Lego smirked and eyed the defeated looking lioness. "If I was there maybe things would have been different."

"Oh hush you weird, shepherd like creature..." Alecia paused staring at the cubs flashing gold eyes. "What are you anyway...?"

"Hmmm? Oh! I am a Wereshep. I seem to be the only one of my kind. But that doesn't matter I'm here to help!"

"Fine; fine help then. Just how do you suppose we get pass their canons mr kid?"

Lego shrugged walking past Alecia going to a nearby shadow waving at the lioness melting completely into the shadow disappearing from the army.

"What?! Where did h..." Alecia was surprised and grabbed a telescope looking around for her new short friend, at the enemy battlement Lego was half way melded on the ground sinking deeper into the shadow as if the ground was water moving up to the cannons like a flash taking out the two guards with blades that appeared from his wrist sinking into the flesh of the enemies' necks before disappearing again. The cub then slowly, being young but still strong for his age pushed the canon around, loaded then fired it onto the other encampment before having to jump away due to another cannon firing onto him.

Lego cursed having gotten proud of himself then refocused himself heading onto the next canon dealing with the guards and sabotaging the fuse hole and moving on. In front of him was the ruins that were once known as Zigra. The enemy was dug deep into the ruins having had time to build wooden fortifications on the more damaged sections creating more a less a fortress in the ruins. The cub turned back to see the lioness a lot closer than before.

"Oh hello there again, they are pretty dug in your old place, looks like though there could be a side entrance."

Alecia keeps staring down the cub unsure what to think. "hmm perhaps if we try this at night we could get in better." Alecia pulled out an old map and placed it in the dirt starting to draw on the map plans and tactical info. Lego chuckled as his gauntlet pipped up showing the same map with the data transcribing.

Later that night when the sun had fully set, the group of furs moved on taking to the east of fortification moving silently and quickly trying to avoid detection. Lego was on the west side climbing the towers taking out a guard stabbing him in the chest and pulling him up and over the edge throwing him down. Entering the now vacant tower Lego pulls out Pembunuh from his back taking aim at the guard on the other tower firing the bolt piercing the guards' chest piece. The assassin looks down seeing another guard jumping off the tower hidden blade extended pointing downwards as he falls onto the guard blade sinking into the guards back. Then hops down off the wall hugging the walls to each building darting closer and closer to the rally point.

Alecia looks around her group not as silent as Lego begins battering the entrance with a wooden tipped log axes and sword as the Zigran archers start shooting hell fire into the fortifications and towers taking out approaching guards. Razing the other side aiming for the more flammable wooden battlements. The lioness takes to the side with a grapple hook throwing it up to the parapet on the less destroyed wall starting to climb up with two of her knights. Alecia had to cover nose as the stench of burning fur and flesh was filling the air, while moving deeper into her own kingdom hacking and slashing away with her 3 knights to get to the courtyard.

Lego looked around trying to gain intel and figure out why his gauntlet was chirping out Zigra and the word Alegeharia, he wondered if that was a hint from the future tapping the dim button on the holo pad before moving on towards the courtyard spotting the familiar lioness and waving catching up with her and the 3 knights. "There ya guys are I was waiting on you."

"We have to get into the courtyard of Zigra, I need to get to the throne room." Alecia was speaking rather generally as she guided the knights around telling them where to go and what do.

Lego watched the knights move on head trying the door then trying to break into the court. "... You know I can lock pick that door right? Ah..." Lego had to think for a sec having lost his train of thought. "Oh! What do you need in the throne room?"

Alecia had to stop and turn staring at the 12-year-old. "It doesn't matter we just have to get through there first you puppy. Now hurry up we don't have all day!" Alecia heads over to a window picking up a rock and chucking it with a sounding shattering impact as the object made its way through the window like paper. "No need to lock pick now is there pup?

Lego smiled before bashing in the rest of the glass hopping over to the other side removing what barricaded the door, unlocking it and opening it for the group. "After you my lady." Lego walked behind the group looking around amazed and a bit surprised at how the enemy left the castle so pristine compared to its outer destroyed appearance.

The main hall was empty as the group moved deeper into the castle greens blues and golds in various patterns on tapestries and banners surrounded them on either side, a green and blue with a gold middle runner was under their boots going from the entrance all the way they could walk the walls as charred and blacked they were still in some spots presented white shining blocks of marble. The actual floor and ceiling a white cobble stone sanded down and buffed for a smooth shine.

"Alecia... This all looks too clean; I think there's a trap up ahead be careful I am going to head up." Lego runs off in his weird on all fours run then clambers up a pillar onto the rafters before the lioness could respond.

Alecia sighs and shakes her head walking on guard a bit higher not fully taking the pups words with salt but with caution moving further into hall entering the throne room. In the throne room was a fallen over golden turquoise engraved and emerald etched chair. Laying on top was a light blue with green lining and gold running through the middle like all the other banners but this one had a symbol in the middle; the symbol had a golden and silver shield. on top forming an "x" was a silver sword crossing a wooden haft that formed the pole weapon known as the pole axe. Behind the shield was a face partially covered with a paw of a lion gripping the top of the shield. This banner was also hanging on the left and right side of where the throne was. Behind the throne was a fire pit now cold and dead, on the left and right was empty space. In front of the throne where they came from was rows of chairs some turned over or utterly destroyed. The lighting what little it had was getting lower, going darker making the group turn in all directions their backs pressed on each other the light produced from the flames suddenly snuffing out with an echoing cackle.